Casey may or may not be guilty - that's for a judge and jury to decide. However she went a good length of time before reporting her daughter missing, partying and having a good time with friends while her baby was missing.
The latest news brings us certain jailhouse letters. Over 5,000 pages of new evidence has been revealed, including fan letters and letters from her father.
The letters include a variety of sentiments. Some people send the mother money and pledge their support to the alleged killer. Others talk about how much they hate seeing her on TV. Her father? He misses her.
Nothing brings the country together such as a missing child or murdered child. The innocent should be protected, and that's one part of the justice system that pretty much everyone agrees on. The murder trial for Casey Anthony begins in May, 2011 and it will be a very big deal.
It's not certain why people write those they have never met letters. It's peculiar the connection that some people feel to those they only know from TV or the news. Casey Anthony will have a variety of fans and foes as being accused of murdering your toddler daughter is a very touchy subject in the press.
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