However, once February 28th rolls around, many unemployed are going to be on the edge of their seats trying to find out what will happen. Why? Because the GOP is taking control of the House.
The GOP has been resistant to passing the extensions, as they don't want to add to the nation's deficit. However, failing to pass any unemployment extension would prove to be fatal to many campaigns.
What are your thoughts on the unemployment extension? Do you think that the current measure will pass - and what do you think will happen on February 28th.
Keep in mind - this doesn't add an additional tier, it only extends the unemployment extensions currently in place.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat would be extending tiers 1 through 4. Not a tier 5, thank God. No more raping your neighbors wallet. I would go for a tier 5 if the people collecting had to do 6 hours community service a day. If not, flush it down the toilet.
ReplyDeleteMy unemployment ran out. I can assure you I wasn't in anyone's wallet. I worked & paid taxes for 29 years before this happened.Gave to Charities etc. Until you've had to live through it you shouldn't be so quick to put down others.
ReplyDeleteWait till its your turn to lose your job. You won't be so quick to judge others with such a lack of compassion. And as for community service there are people that are already DOING community service - for the following reasons: 1.) to keep from losing their minds from being off work 2.) hoping that they can get their foot in the door for a possible job 3.)hoping they can meet someone that knows where they can obtain employment. You are an ass - there is a special place in hell for people like you.
ReplyDeleteanonymous karma get you...you say thank God, that the 99ers wont get help, well your neighborhood was raped by the government,the rich,wallstreet, and watch for another round of foreclosures hit your hood and drive down your home value even more in the next few months. Thank God i found a job and i will share that with all the unemployed because the employed are clueless and do not care about you. i on the otherhand do, i have been there, i understand. MY FELLOW 99ERS THIS IS HOW YOU GET A JOB, IT HAS WORKED FOR ME AND MY NEIGHBOR AND ITS SPREADING AMONG 99ERS. ON THE TOP OF YOUR RESUME, iN A SMALL PARAGRAPH put down you will work for 25% less then the current employee makes, and work for free for the 1st 2 weeks to prove yourself, this idea does work even for companies not hiring, in their eyes they can replace their weakest link for 25% less pay. NOw GO OUT AND TAKE SOMEONES JOB AND REVERSE YOUR SITUATION, good luck.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they just pass all extensions including Tier 5???? And come February 28th, how many more people between now and then will be in the food lines? Homeless, foreclosure, and on and on. Just cannot understand how the government can be soooo cruel right now. I just heard that NY will be having significant layoffs because of budget issues....doesn't seem as it's getting better, does it!
ReplyDeleteI would do community service in exchange for unemployment. I think that's fair. I would do it gladly actually, if it meant I would be taken care of until I could find a full-time job.
ReplyDelete~ Abbey
**** Anonymous @ 10:23
ReplyDeleteWhat you need is for someone like me to stomp your scummy ass.
Mark your a LOSER !
ReplyDeleteOh Mark please, I really think the extension should be granted if these people agree to 6 hours of community service. I agree with the person that commented before. We can't keep giving out free money to the lazy.
ReplyDeleteThat's great Abbey, It would not only benefit the community, but also the unemployed. Take care Abbey. You are a true American
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they pass an extension that would benefit everyone including those who have exhausted their benefits????? Why isn't that being addressed??????
ReplyDeleteHey people, Please keep it civil. There is no need to attack each other. Respect others opinions without bashing each other. Thanks
ReplyDeleteyou ******* piece of *hit article writer,here you go again with this **** article i told you yesterday to change the fuc*** title ,99ers will not get help just drop the tier 5 off your title and quit giving people false hope you ****** liar
ReplyDeletethe last 3 post are from we know who
ReplyDeleteso BIG DADDY why don't you just ram your
"Pleasure Dildo" up your ass you Faggot
If these UE extensions continue, our nation will turn into a socialist country like the ones in Europe. When benefits get cut off, these lazy people riot and destroy property. Any benefit beyond 26 weeks is socialism, plain and simple. There are many studies that show extending UE benefits is a disincentive for people to find a job.
ReplyDeleteraping the neighbors wallet..thank god?
ReplyDeleteIs this idiot for real?
real people need real friggin help
No tier 5 ever. especially for that Marky guy
ReplyDeletenothing will ever get better until we tax the crap out of every country and business who imports product to our country and every company that outsources jobs. any thing else they try is just to keep us in check and the government knows this. the repukes want to extend tax cuts to the rich, they say it will create jobs, another lie. its all about the lobbiest funding campaigns or our polititions. the last time we didnt have a deficit is when clinton was president, guess what, there were no taxcuts for the rich. Until Americans get some nads and remove all reps and dems from office, we will go down. TRUMP 2012 FOR PRESIDENT, HE CANT BE CORRUPTED, HE DOESNT NEED ANY MONEY. PLEASE CHECK OUT HIS FACE BOOK PAGE TO SEE HIS IDEAS
ReplyDeletehell, the writer of this article may be BIG DADDY for all we know
ReplyDeletearticle says: "The GOP has been resistant to passing the extensions, as they don't want to add to the nation's deficit. However, failing to pass any unemployment extension would prove to be fatal to many campaigns." what makes them think that w/o pass #5, isn't fatal to those in need of that?????
ReplyDeletebig daddy you are a fuckin loser here bashing poor people for your own pleasure what the fuck is our problem ? so when god shut this shit country down i hope you burn in hell
ReplyDeletebig daddy you are a fuckin loser here bashing poor people for your own pleasure what the fuck is your problem ? so when god shut this shit country down i hope you burn in hell
ReplyDeleteI tell you what, Karma is something else. For those on here that do not support extending unemployment for anybody and especially the 99ers, you might lose your job next and benefits. Then you will see how hard it is just to survive and look for work. By the way, people need money to drive to look for work, need money to put applications in, and the list goes on and on. Also, unemployment IS TAXABLE it is not welfare. The american public is so uneducated they have no clue and they do not try to find out the facts before posting. But be careful NEVER STEP ON SOMEBODY WHEN THEY ARE DOWN BECAUSE YOU WILL BE NEXT and that person will be going up while you are going down.
ReplyDeleteMY FELLOW 99ERS THIS IS HOW YOU GET A JOB, IT HAS WORKED FOR ME AND MY NEIGHBOR AND ITS SPREADING AMONG 99ERS. ON THE TOP OF YOUR RESUME, iN A SMALL PARAGRAPH put down you will work for 25% less then the current employee makes, and work for free for the 1st 2 weeks to prove yourself, this idea does work even for companies not hiring, in their eyes they can replace their weakest link for 25% less pay. NOw GO OUT AND TAKE SOMEONES JOB AND REVERSE YOUR SITUATION, good luck.
ReplyDeleteCorrect, unemployment is TAXABLE. Thanks to Regan and his administration, they made it taxable. Unemployement is money people have WORKED for and they are trying to find new employment. I agree NEVER step on the ones that are down because YOU will be next. God does not like ugly and what goes around comes around. His word tells us vengence is mine.
ReplyDeleteObviously Anonymous was born in to money and has never had to work. Those of us who have worked all of our lives just to lose everything to a government full of thieves. It's called Genocide people. They are starving a nation. United we can bring them to justice. Pass Tier 5 or stand trial for Genocide.
ReplyDeleteIf they don't pass the tier 5, we are going to lose our home. We've put in over 40 years of hard work and paid taxes, gave to charities, etc. Now we need help and the government is shunning us. We've been trying to get a job for over a year to no avail. They gave all that money to the banks, and the banks won't help us through this crisis, all they want is our home. This is more like a dictator ship and socialism. What about the 40 years of hard work and taxes that we paid over the years, why can't we get some help????????????????
ReplyDeleteAll 99ers on here keep protesting to your congressman, representatives, white house, etc., let our voices be heard.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sweet Politicans for respecting the urgency of presenting the Dream Act Bill. Our people really need this and appreciate your kindness very much. We have struggled for many years with these low paying jobs and now our children will be able to attend college through Goverment assistance programs.
ReplyDeleteThe American people understand that we want our future generations to have the same opportunitys to better themselves, make more money, and enjoy their slice of the great American pie.
@ Anonymous 11:00 AM...that doesn't work!!!! Go out and take someone's job...talk about cut throat!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are all the same...unemployed and wish we wouldn't be seperated by tiers!!! Everyone of us needs the help!!!!
@ The writer...please don't get our hopes up or maybe trying to get more readers by using the 99er's in your titles!!!
I tried to do my part by taking a job through a temp service and was let go without any explanation of why. This eliminated my eligibility for tier 2 ($4000.) I own a home and a decent car and was living the good life as some of these people that accuse us of getting free money. I worked my job to perfection for 12 yrs a new company came in a didn't even consider me for my position, my boss is doing my old job. I find it very dissapointing to hear fellow Americans stabbing the unfortunate in the back or kicking us while were are down. I agree there are people that are taking advantage of the system, no doubt! you'll have them. If I sell my decent car I would probably lose any job that I could get because of the stringent rules on being late or missing work because I couldn't get there. You're dammed if you do and if you don't. Things are looking up in some places. Don't give up hope.
this writer is just like the sorry ass goverment,
ReplyDeleteby using mis-leading titles to lure more traffic to his/her site in order to make a few dollars by fleecing the unemployed people.
Community Service in exchange for UE Benefits & Tier 5? YOU BET!
ReplyDeleteNot only would it expand our networking possibilities and someone might notice and actually hire some of us. And, anything beats reading these misleading and meaningless headlines!
In fact, I will be the first one to volunteer to haul this fake blog to the dumpster.
The fact that 99ers have not been able to even hold a succesful rally to fight for their cause proves that they are so unmotivated so darn lazy that nobody wants to hire them to begin with. By bitching in blogs and not getting out of their couches they have hurt their own case. Nobody listens to people who do nothing but compalining in blogs. When was the last tme anyone saw a 99er on TV? When was the last time a 99er posted comments online to CNN???!!!
ReplyDelete99ers deserve what they get.
To the idiot who suggested community service in exchange for a tier 5...Forcing 6 hours a day of community service is basically equating the unemployed to criminals. And it is also taking 6 hours a day out of my day that I would be looking for a job. Get over yourself you f'n jerk.
ReplyDeleteall i can say at this point is to pray and turn to god because its gonna get worst,dems dont care repubs dont care its only gonna get worst, they all know that most of the 99ers havent had a single quarter since april ,they dont care and obama should be ashamed he is on tour while spending 200 mill a day while the 99ers are being starved,americans we gotta do something before its to late
ReplyDeletewhy cant we get all the 99ers out and riot im talking all 4 million of us ,then we will be heard but until then i dont see any help coming
ReplyDeleteStart calling your representatives right now before they vote... Tell them that they must discuss both bills - Tier 1-4 and Tier 5 UI benefits extensions. Remind them that this time around we let the DemocRats keep the majority in the Senate. Next time around we will not be as forgiving to either the DemocRats or the Republicans who block Tier 5. And that includes our President who either starts speaking about Tier 5 immediately or he can start packing his own bags NOW. 2012 IS COMING FASTER THAT YOU THINK MR. PRESIDENT. STOP GIVING LIP SERVICE AND URGE CONGRESS TO PASS TIER 5. AT HTE TIME THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO STRIKE A DEAL WITH THE REPUBLICANS TO EXTEND THE BUSH TAX CUTS EVEN TO THE TOP 2% OF WEALTHIEST AMERICANS YOU HAD BETTER MAKE SURE THAT 99ERS GET TIER 5 YI BENEFITS UNTIL YOU ALL FIX THE ECONOMY AND START CREATING NEW JOBS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. YOU HAVE ABANDONED US FOR THE LONGEST TIME. HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY, MR. PRESIDENT.
ReplyDeleteTo the critics, maybe you should concentrate more on your job, which you are probably at right now? and maybe this would increase efficiency and extend your business which might open up more jobs? or join the service and go and fight the real enemies, not your unfortunate "Fellow Americans"
ReplyDeleteTo those who like to call up unemployed lazy, I am a 32 year union member, been in the same trade since Jimmy Carter was in office.If you think I am enjoying collecting 385 dollars a week instead of my normal wage, your brains have shifted position from your head to somewhere that they dont function properly!
ReplyDeleteWhine Whine Whine,, go look at your whinning self in the mirror. It is sickening to hear that you people are mad and think you should just sit on your asses like a bunch of fat slobs and live off the Goverment and working peoples money forever. Get up off your lazy asses and go to work.
I would gladly work for the benefits. Until then i am going to enjoy my holiday even tho i cant afford much food. Im sure ill have plenty of time to be unhappy later. Besides, Jesus was poor and slept where the cattle ate in the manger. Its not about money. Its about the birth of our lord. We will get an extension for the 99ers. Theres more of us every day. Be happy! Fear is a lack of faith. Have a safe and happy life!
ReplyDeletewhen are these niggers going to get a clue that they are not gettingg another handout? there is NOT going to be a tier 5. pound the pavement and find a job. get on the boat and ill drop you off at mcdonalds. wooooot woooot. listen to the boats horn.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThat would be extending tiers 1 through 4. Not a tier 5, thank God. No more raping your neighbors wallet. I would go for a tier 5 if the people collecting had to do 6 hours community service a day. If not, flush it down the toilet
I want to reply to this:
You need to get a life. You don't know what it's like to be unemployed and trying to find a job in your mid 40's- my wife and I are both past 40 and trying to find jobs. You ought to try living on less than $140.00 a week- keep food in your house and paying your bills.
I try to be positive in my life...but you are an IDIOT---why don't you go straight to hell....seriously....
From the union tradesman again, besides the huge lack of income, my cobra insurance runs out in 3 months,and my wife has had 3 hospital stays in the last 15 months,bills totaling 117,000 dollars, and is uninsurable due to prexisting conditions.and you think im sitting home enjoying collecting unemployment? Please, get real!
ReplyDeleteI am 60 years old and worked hard all my life because i am an old timer and with good business ethics. I am sure you are a young person and that's my problem getting a job, competing with the younger generations.
Everyone needs to start ignoring people like Big Daddy, responding to them only fuels thier fire, and makes you good people angry!
ReplyDeleteyou guys need to get over big daddy, cant you see this is a cry for help. i feel sorry for him, he must really be a lonely person living a miserible life, if he gets off on his posts. the only thing he gets pleasure from is making other people miserable, and you continue to give him and others like him fuel. its best to ignore them, they need our prayers. I pray for you big daddy. May God forgive you and all others who dont understand what its like to lose your livelyhood and everything else. I think diva is a prostitute.may God forgive you.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous 60 years old, I couldnt agree more! I just turned 52, I outwork 90 percent of the men half my age when on the job, have an outstanding work ethic, am NEVER late,NEVER call in sick, but alas, none of that matters because Im over 50. Hell,I may as well crawl in a hole and die!
ReplyDeleteI have a suggestion, if you live near California you can get a picker/packer job in the lettuce and cabbage fields. It does not pay very much but at least it is work. Gringo and I have been working in the fields for years now. But thank goodness for the Dream Act so our kids can attend college with the help of Goverment Assistance. They can get better paying jobs and not have to work in the fields like we have for generations now.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the free money.You get to work,rich elitist.National debt is $150,000.per citizen.Get to work.You got to pay my part too.Oh,yeah, just waiting on my FREE DISABILITY MONEY.YOU got to pay for that one too.Get off the blogs,back to work.
ReplyDeleteI worked for 18 years as Electronic engineer and have Master degree then the recession hit and nobody wants to hire somebody with long experience since they have to pay more but i told them I am willing to get whatever they are willing to pay and still no jobs ..hiring younger workers....just interviews. I worked hard and in the past 18 years and put 10 times in taxes than I collected in all 4 tiers combined. I need a full time job and not part time since a big portion of the expenses is health care insurance 1500$ a month for the family ... All the minimum wage jobs are part time and no benefits ...thanks to the republicans ... We are the only country without health insurance guarantee and the republicans want to repeal it !!!!!! We need tier 5 and cobra extension or maybe stop sending the jobs overseas since 90% of the openings in the companies are overseas ... How can we find a living wage job that way !!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when there was discussion about a guaranteed annual income. If this had become law, I believe there would be far fewer forclosures than we have been seeing, since people with mortgages would have a steady source of income. Housing prices would be higher, Fewer would be bankrupt, money would be spent on consumer goods. It would be a fuel to the economy. Instead, we have chosen to spend taxpayer dollars that only benefit millionairres and militarists.We are reaping what has been sown.
ReplyDeleteto the person that would be happy with communityservice ! then you should volunteer suck ass ! you can lick my nuts.....
ReplyDeletefake topic watching the house right now they gotta wait for the seante first no worries tier 5 not going to happen in 4 days g/l on the hoildays people sad sad Congress don't care about us
ReplyDeleteFake topic overall you people fall for anything
ReplyDeletewhat its so amazing to me is tht atleast 40% of the unemployed are republicians these dum ass fukers voted these assholes back in power now ur crying about a 5th tier i hope all you stupid ass mother fuckers who voted for these bastards bac in poower loose every fuckin thing you have the repubilcian party got to be the stupidest fuckers alive dumb fucks just shot them self in the foot
ReplyDeleteDoes this measure also extend the EB benefits not just the four tiers of EUC?
ReplyDeletethe neglect of the tier 5 urgency is making my stomach turn, and my life fall apart. i've never had so much anger toward the government in my life. if anyone thinks being a 99er means being a lazy freeloader then you're sick and numb. this is an emergency! give the population the basics to survive and quit giving huge bonuses to people who are already overly wealthy!
ReplyDeleteEveryone is talking about the deficet.You want to save the tax payer money.You do not want to stop the run the deficet.Tell government to take a 50% cut in pay.Do you really think that they earn their pay.And also to down size government.
ReplyDeleteyes it also extends the EB if your state allows EB
ReplyDeleteTo all the Trolls that are here bashing us folks who have lost their jobs... wonder if your Employer would like to know you are wasting company time.... gee I would love to have your job... and I wouldn't steal from it!
ReplyDeletewell we are all going to work at Mickey d's or some meaningless job soner or later. that's what the rich want anyway. the only good thing is that we will get rid of all the mexicans
ReplyDeleteeat shit i'm mexican
ReplyDeletegood go home thief
ReplyDeletelet these scummy politicians start paying for their own health coverage and the saved dollars go to the needy. SAME THING OVER AND OVER. they look in the mirror and just laugh at us trust me
ReplyDeleteI am sick of hearing how the 99ers are lazy..give me your job and then you can have my title....I would love to give you my 99er title...so you can see how lazy we are....you need to give me your job...i wanta work....THEY DON'T RESPOND TO YOUR APPLICATION AND TO EVERY POSITION THERE ARE 100 APPLICATES....STUPID...YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ASS LAID OFF...WHAT EVER YOUR NAME IS....ASSHOLE....
ReplyDeletei'm a heavy equipment operator been out of work for 13 months, my wife retires in december and i've got no money. so this bill will help us keep our house. so all you m@#$%# f###er's who call me lazy, can go to hell
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I would like for any one of the employed bashing the "lazy" 99ers to take a walk in their shoes. I have been unemployed since February of 09 due to a layoff in the RV industry. I have submitted applications and my resume to over 100 companies, several of them more than once. Out of all the companies that I have applied, I have had 1 call back. We are not lazy, most are probably as frustrated as I am wondering what we are going to do to pay our bills. keep a roof over our heads and keep enough food on the table for our families.
ReplyDeleteI am so disappointed in what I've been reading with so many people who make judgements on others, without really thinking about those less fortunate than themselves. I'm praying that extended benefits pass for all Tiers and adding another Tier V to help many more who might lose their jobs. For those who don't agree, just remember "what goes around comes around", there is a God out there!
ReplyDeleteThank your lucky stars you have a job and get a heart!
Why don't some of you that live near California go back and read Jose Baez's comment @ 12:09 if you truely want to work. He has given great information about a possible job for some of you that live near there. I know him and he and his family are nice people. The best agency that recruits workers represents for over half of the state has a toll free number for information such as work duration, locations and hourly pay.
TO Mark's scrummy ass comment"What you need is for someone like me to stomp your scummy ass."
ReplyDeleteI would more than welcome you to try to stomp my scrummy ass. To contact me my email is drdug77@aol.com. We'll set something up you ass.
Contact me and we'll see who ends up scrummy.
To Big Daddy, you are just scum. You are lower than dirt. You are probably a child molester, rapist, etc., We can see you are a racist and probably a animal killer. Remember KARMA is real and it comes back quicker.
ReplyDeletePeople do not pay any attention to BiG Daddy and his other supporters because they want attention and feel insecure.
To the pompous ass who said that we unemployed people are raping our neighbors wallets...I hope you never lose your job...have no money to put food on your table for your family or a roof over their heads...I've busted my ass working for 45 years...paid my taxes...and then to have some low life like you accuse honest hard working people of stealing...get a life moron
ReplyDeleteTo the Poster @ 2:42pm.
ReplyDeleteWow, you sound big and bad. You are probably some Faggot getting his jollies off threatening people. Why don't you just get up off your lazy ass and get a job you fat ass slob.
Why do people vote republican??? They just blocked the extension again. Thanks to all of the morons that voted republican now no chance of anything. REMEMBER ITS THE REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete****** HEY DRDUG77 ******
ReplyDeleteHey, I take back my earlier comment for you are probably some kid punk not worth me going to jail over.
What you really need is Big Daddy to pound you in the ass.
Your government created this mess! Why should'nt it help!
ReplyDeleteThis is NOT welfare. Everyone who works pays into unemployment so god-forbid something happens, there will be benefits to help tide you through. People receiving unemployment insurance have been deemed FAULTLESS by the state issuing the insurance. They did not lose their jobs through misconduct. It is absolutely WRONG to lay the blame at the feet of those people who have been SLAMMED in this economy. When your job is gone, and you are left with a loaf of bread and a 3/4 empty gallon milk container in the refrigerator and the children are hungry and crying - what are you going to say then? If you THINK it can't happen to you, wake up. It can happen to you. When you walk out onto the street, or get into your car and go to look for jobs that do not exist anymore because the buildings are all empty, what are you going to do? THANK Congress for slamming you again?! This is INSANE. THis is NUTS. Jobless claims have spiked AGAIN this week which means that there is more competiton for the piddling few jobs that do come along.
ReplyDeleteWe have completely lost our heart as a nation if we can think there is anything okay about taking away the little income out of work folks DO have during the holidays. Shame on you!
To Barbara99er-GA
ReplyDeleteYou I put in the same boat as the other dumb ass...Lazy????...far from it lady...I would sweep streets...empty trash or better yet sweep up your shit if you want to pay me...I have resorted to doing volunteer work...I don't get paid...it doesn't put food on my table...doesn't pay my medical bills...I've had to resort to living with family and friends cause I don't have the money for rent...but like one person said...maybe it will help me meet others and get a foot in the door somewhere...the people you should be pointing your finger at and calling lazy are the people who run our government...they are the ones who have everything handed to them
Regarding the posts below, I just received a response from my unemployment office regarding EB benfits...they will NOT be extended even if the 4 tiers are!!! SAD SAD SAD
ReplyDeleteDoes this measure also extend the EB benefits not just the four tiers of EUC?
November 18, 2010 12:48 PM
Apple said...
yes it also extends the EB if your state allows EB
Boy, this last election was the biggest mistake yet. If Obama wan't put tier 5 through on an executive order has presidency is really doomed, and this from a former Obama supporter. The rich don't need tax cuts. We need to be able to live.
ReplyDeleteEveryone who is unemployed NEEDS to flood Washington. E-mails, faxes, phones. GET the message across. We are NOT going to be marginalized and we DO vote, and we DO pay attention. Do it.
ReplyDeleteNO TIER 5 FOR U
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with the post regarding biggest mistake!!! As we type, people are removing their bumper stickers...all those people who thought he was the best and on and on, well, they got what they asked for CHANGE and boy, is it change!
ReplyDeleteBD you are one of the hottest guys I know. Thank God for the wonderful republicans. Are you going to sail again tonight? If so, I want to come over and have some hut tub fun babe.
ReplyDeleteSweet Melissa
ReplyDeleteNO TIER 5
ReplyDeleteI have no choice now but to turn to the only thing that will keep my family and myself alive...CRIME! For the trash that thinks we are a bunch of lazy leeches. I have some news for you, it won't be the neighbors wallet I be raping it'll be his home I'll be invading. I worked for 35 years I'm 55 years old paid over $450,000 in federal income tax. I PAID MY DUES and was thrown in the trash for overseas outsourcing. Where is patriotism for your fellow countrymen? All bets are off now; I'm on my own and will do whatever I have to do to survive even if I have to take it from you with violence....keep your doors locked and your guns loaded!
ReplyDeleteJohn Boehner is a great man and should be invited to Big Daddy's party at his mansion in VA. It is going to be a great affair filled with GOP and great food. There will be valet parking for the rich and famous.
ReplyDeleteThat is the best news I have heard. No tier 5, time to pop those champagne corks. Did you hear Diva? No tier 5, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooo
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy
Welfare or Jail - makes no difference to the Rich where the unemployed go.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Big Daddy, you did it. GOD BLESS AMERICA
ReplyDeleteCongress has catered to Big Daddy's wishes - time to bet a bigger yacht BD.
ReplyDeleteBreaking News: No UI extension and Big Daddy invited to White House for celebration.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy it until Nov 30, POUND THE PAVEMENT
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you support. See you all at the party. Time for these people to get to work.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy don't let me catch you on the street...
ReplyDeleteThanks BD, I'll see you at the GOP party.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Barbara
ReplyDeleteHey Big Daddy I just folded the paper twice and tied it with string the curse on you will shortly be going into effect.
ReplyDeleteFeb 28, 2011, 1 through 4. That should be enough time for the unemployed to get something going. Great job B. daddy, kudos
ReplyDeleteMaybe he will win the lottery with your silly curse anonymous 342. lol
ReplyDeletetier 5 all the way , screw those that feel we have to work 6 hours a day , you ass ! I hope your goat fucks you in the ass !
ReplyDelete"Could it all be a bad dream, or a nightmare? Is it my imagination, or have we lost our minds? It's surreal; it's just not believable. A grand absurdity; a great deception, a delusion of momentous proportions; based on preposterous notions; and on ideas whose time should never have come; simplicity grossly distorted and complicated; insanity passed off as logic; grandiose schemes built on falsehoods with the morality of Ponzi and Madoff; evil described as virtue; ignorance pawned off as wisdom; destruction and impoverishment in the name of humanitarianism; violence, the tool of change; preventive wars used as the road to peace; tolerance delivered by government guns; reactionary views in the guise of progress; an empire replacing the Republic; slavery sold as liberty." REVOLT TAKE WHAT YOU NEED!
ReplyDeleteHey Dave
ReplyDeleteWe may have you a job on "Big Daddys Work Wagon"
you can be a lettuce picker
free lunch even,.,. Bologna made out of Rooster Lips and Chicken Peckers
Um Um Good
Go Big Daddy
anonymous 342 be careful you maybe next to get cancer...
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy 2012 - You heard it here first. No Tier 5. UI benefits not extended!!!!!! Congrats everyone.
ReplyDeleteAll you punks that suck up to Big Daddy...why don't you just glue your lips to his ass, you're just his dogs.
ReplyDelete4:03 POSTER
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you super-glue your lips to his pecker.
If there is no tier 5 added there will be a revolution. Anyone in need - TAKE WHAT YOU NEED!! Survival is the name of the game and we will no longer wait around for help from hose who stole our lives. A revolution isnear people. Stock up!!!
ReplyDeleteDiVa for the same reason you stopped...it's an inch worm....
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS: Tier 5 officially dead. Congress votes NO for Tier 5 and NO for 1-4 tier extension. Will not consider any other bills involving UI.
ReplyDeletehes got my vote.
ReplyDeleteWow!!!!!!! A fricken know it all - you should run for senate along with the rest of the ass wipes 4:20pm.
ReplyDeletetime to kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
The angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes.
ReplyDeleteTime to get to work anonymous 434. Anger management classes for you buddy. POUND THE PAVEMENT. I guess I don't have your vote in 2012
ReplyDeleteTo everybody that sits on here talking junk, you are all idiots. Everybody that sits on here and judges all the unemployed, are especially idiots. I guarantee that most of these idiots are sitting at home, bored, and they were bullied in school and now it feels good to sit behind a computer and try to dog people. God says by the same judgement you judge people, you too shall be judged. So again, to all the idiots, God is coming.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is posting comments using my name. Any time you see or hear something negative about the unemployed, it is an imposter. Someone who doesn't have a life I guess. Please ignore this person as they are ignorant.
ReplyDeleteWe have put up a subpage on the Organized Resistance page on our website http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com for registering 99ers by state. It’s time for some participation. Just put your name and state on the comments section of Organized Resistance page and we will add it to the list.
It is becoming increasingly hard for me to find work. I did get a temp job that lasted 3 weeks but thats it in nearly 2 years. so why is it so hard? I am 55 yrs old, a chef, I have gray hair. They want younger guys period. I am filled with 30 yrs of experience, I can make ice carvings, but cant get a job. It is nearly winter now. being on unemployment does suck, but in a few weeks i will have no way to buy my wifes insulin and test strips. We are not eligible for any kind of medical help. BOY DO I MISS BLUE CROSS!!! whats going to happen to us? she cant work, and i cant seem to find a permanent job. I am scared.
ReplyDeleteFuck all you so called whites your all muts!!! bitches
ReplyDeleterepublicans ! for the white stupid fucks !!! yea bitch you suck your white! racist bitches Obama wanted to take care of us but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hes black!!!! so fuck you !!!!
Reply bitches
Hey 11:28 post ~<~>~<~>
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you get off your lazy fat slobby ass faggot and get a job.
Hey u lazy fucks, someone is posting to make me look bad. I'm Barbara and I hate the fat shits that are waiting for this tier 5. I'm the real Barbara, not an impostor. Please call me for some call girl fun. Barbara.
ReplyDeleteWe have put a subpage on the Glenn Beck webpage on the Organized exceptions page on our website, Glenn Beck.com for registering the lazy for community service by state. It's time for some participation in agreement with the GOP and Big Daddy. Just put your name and state on the comments section of Organized exceptions page and we will add it to the fat couch potato list. Thanks Barbara
Are people really this childish? All this name calling, I mean really. The extension will pass, it always does. If you like or not doesn't really matter. Typical politics it might take a bit but it will pass. I am starting my EB in MI next week, it doesn't look good for jobs here. I have taken my almost two years off from work and earned a associates degree. The money came from the government for that too. Thanks everyone, at least I have bettered myself. I am unemployed but now I am unemployed with a degree.
ReplyDeletei cant beleive how many cowards live in the US like big daddy and diva, hiding behind their computers
ReplyDeleteWhy is "anonymous" posting ignorant comments blasting the unemployed at 3 and 4 in the afternoon? Shouldn't you be working? Before I was laid off from my 10 yr job & replaced by one of the executive’s buddies, I worked from 7am - 6pm daily and received numerous awards for my outstanding contribution to the company’s financial success. I am not lazy as anonymous stereotypes "all" unemployed. So anonymous, please study up on stereotyping, discrimination, and ageism or continue to be lazy, ignorant, and uninformed. Oh, and by the way, get back to work.
ReplyDeleteto all 99ers, Do not buy any thing on Black Friday.
ReplyDelete*** EVERYONE READ ***
ReplyDeleteSo I've been following up on this site for awhile now and have read almost everyone's comments...and have finally decided to add a comment myself.
*****For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, that pathetic lame ass "Big Daddy" is posing as several different users(Barbara99er-GA[however, the Barbara that says nice things is the REAL Barbara]; Diva; etc.--ALL the negative "people") HE IS OBVIOUSLY UNEMPLOYED just like the rest of us, or most of us. He must have been just as concerned about the extensions/tier 5 to have searched and come across this site. Apparently he is a miserable soul with nothing else better to do than to sit at the computer all day and get a kick out of insulting people. KARMA IS A BITCH, Big PUNK ASS LOSER. You'll get yours, you will see. You will be unemployed longer than any of us as punishment number one..........
To all you haters of the unemployed.....you have no idea how it feels until you have been there. Making your lame comments must make you feel good. I would love to run across some of you out and about, that way we could settle it old school. post something back if you want to meet me. Chicken Shxt MFers
ReplyDeleteAn executive order by the President seems to be our only hope at this point. Email the President and ask for it. Issuing such an order may also be the President's only hope for 2012.
ReplyDeleteWhen I did have a job, I never kicked other people, who didn't have a job, when they were down. You have to have compassion for your brother or sister. I gave and continue to give, even though I am jobless. I have always had a job, never once received a handout or stole out of my neighbor's wallet. Don't cast stones at others because you too may someday be on the receiving end of a rock. You have to pray for people, not judge them. I pray God has mercy on your soul for the harsh comments. You wreap what you sew.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how people call you lazy!! If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it. I worked 16 years at the same company before I was laid off. Is that lazy?? May if the shoe was on the other foot you might not be so quick to run your mouth with the negative comments. I hope all you people who are so quick to judge never have to go through this, on the other hand, maybe it would do you all some good. Life is to short to be so nasty. Live your OWN life!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the people that live on welfare that we support??? These people keep having children so they will get taken care of by the government. Most of them are very capable of seeking work but do they?? No.. We pay for everything for them. Have some compassion for the unemployed while we work thru this.
ReplyDeleteI wish good luck to the folks who work don't lose their jobs!