Elizabeth has done interviews before, but this time she's going head to head with Matt Lauer in an interview that is set to air this morning on the Today Show.
According to the Huffington Post, Edwards compares herself with Sandra Bullock. In a way she has a point - these two women are amazing and strong, and yet they are defined by their failed marriages instead of their successes.
Sandra won an Academy Award and adopted a baby -but the first thing that comes to mind is Jesse James and his slew of affairs.
Elizabeth Edwards has a book and was a successful career woman all her life, but when we hear her name we think about John Edwards and his scandalous affair and illegitimate child.
However, does speaking out about any affair or situation make it so that people will forget the misfortune? If Elizabeth Edwards doesn't want to be remembered for her husband's infidelity, shouldn't she ... not talk about it?
Still yet, our curiosity fuels the stories. If we didn't care, then she wouldn't have a story to tell. Tune in to the Today show to see what Elizabeth Edwards has to share with the world.
I don't know what's going on with Elizabeth Edwards. She doesn't say many profound details concerning her divorce in the interview that was set on TV.