Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meg Whitman Jerry Brown Debate Prop 8

Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown debate Prop 8. Prop 8 was passed by 52% of the people in the state of California. Meg Whitman thinks that the ruling deserves its day in court. Jerry Brown won't defend the proposition as the state AG.

California is a very progressive state, and it sort of surprises me that someone would alienate that voting base. Whitman believes marriage to be between a man and a woman, and is a supporter of the law which made gay marriage illegal in California.

In August, Judge Walker Vaughn struck down Prop 8 in a ruling. The law is still going through the appeals process- but for the time being California joins the ranks of states where gay marriage is allowed.

The Meg Whitman Jerry Brown debate on Prop 8 was interesting, and you can see their arguments in the video below.


  1. The point is............the majority of the people in CA supports prop 8. That's the way it should stand. I'm going to be very honest here, so bare with me & please read all I have to say about it.

    I do NOT agree with the life style nor will I EVER agree with it. I DO believe gay people should be treated as others but NOT the "special" treatments, laws etc. that so many gays feel they should have.

    Even though I disagree with the life style I believe everyone has a right to live as they wish. I have personally known gays through my lifetime who are wonderful, fun, hardworking people. I've also know some not so good ones, but you find that in all classes of people. That's human nature.

    One thing that really irratates me though is the constant "shoving it in the face" attitude these days via TV etc. It has caused me to turn against the homosexual community. I've lost so much respect for the individuals that have chosen that life style.

    I'm very angry that our kids in the schools are being taught that it's okay acting like it is as normal as a heteral sexual relationship. The entire subject one way or another should not be a part of the school curriculum. Kids will decide on their own as they become adults. This whole "gay" mess is destroying the children. When I was growing up, most of us didn't even really know what it was. Now with so much attention to it being thrown in their face, ALL of our faces, it is creating a LOT of emotional damage to the kids. It just makes me really ill when I hear on the news that some child or young adult has committed suicide, beaten or even murdered because he/she is, or is accused of being a homosexual.

    You can call me a homophob if you want, but I truly believe homosexuality is wrong. Not normal at all. As I said though, I do believe it's still the choice of each individual. I still love people for who they are. Bashing of the so called "straight" people & trying to force something on the majority of the people will only create more problems.

  2. "I do NOT agree with the life style nor will I EVER agree with it. I DO believe gay people should be treated as others but NOT the "special" treatments, laws etc. that so many gays feel they should have."

    And these "special" treatments are, what? You mean equal federal and state rights that go along with a marriage license?

    irratates -> irritates

    "I'm very angry that our kids in the schools are being taught that it's okay acting like it is as normal as a heteral sexual relationship."

    Heteral is not a word, and I have no idea what a heteral sexual relationship is, but it sounds painful.

    "This whole "gay" mess is destroying the children. When I was growing up, most of us didn't even really know what it was. Now with so much attention to it being thrown in their face, ALL of our faces, it is creating a LOT of emotional damage to the kids. It just makes me really ill when I hear on the news that some child or young adult has committed suicide, beaten or even murdered because he/she is, or is accused of being a homosexual."

    First of all the above comments don't even make sense, but these kids are killing themselves often based upon perceived sexual preference. I do not see how that is the schools fault? That's something that should be taught at home, the school can only offer support, and to try and create a positive environment for kids. And about the curriculum nonsense, preaching homosexuality is not in public school curriculum, but teaching equality and respect for all people is.

    "Bashing of the so called "straight" people & trying to force something on the majority of the people will only create more problems."

    Straight-bashing? Haven't heard that one yet.

  3. Dear "anonymous" - But it is normal to gay people. Society's expectations forced me into a marriage due to views like yours - which was un-normal to me. As a teenage I was made to feel, dirty, ashamed and queer. When I came out after some 26 years of faithful marriage, for the first time in my life I felt normal and at complete peace with who I was - and being with another man who is now my partner. My wife and children accept and love me as do my family, friends and employer. It is not a choice or a preference. I know that I was born gay and will die gay - and am proud of who I am - and the fact I do not judge others.

  4. Majorities become dictatorships. Try being a bullied minority in which young kids are committing suicide due to bullying. LGBT people seek equality. We do not judge heterosexual marriages. You should not judge same gender marriages. Shame on you.

  5. There are minority protections in our constitution which are intended to prevent viewpoint discrimination. The LGBT "community" must face the fact that this is a moral decision on both sides of the debate. On the one hand their sex is seen as immoral behavior and quite frankly calling it a "lifestyle" is seen as shallow (as in "Does sex define who we are now?"). On the other hand they see their choices as a civil rights issue on par with race relations. When both sides see their choice as a moral one it is better to leave it out of the schools because it is a no win situation. It also does not teach reading, writing or arithmetic... it is simply seen as agenda promotion by either side.


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