Rick Fox follows the upset of Audrina Patridge in an elimination that featured Audrina and Jennifer Grey.
This time, it was Rick Fox and Kyle Massey on the bottom. I'm really disappointed to see Rick Go after this week's wonderful performance. He seemed to be having a great time and seemed to be really improving.
Bristol Palin is improving as well. Some people are calling foul, as they think that she's holding on only because of her mother's political followers. However, the voting public is half of what keeps these individuals in the game or not.
What do you think about Bristol Palin on "Dancing with the Stars 2010"?
It's always the case of who can muster the most fans to vote. In this case it's Sarah Palin's followers who are keeping her in the contest as it certainly isn't talent. There is no way Rick should have gone before Bristol or Kyle, but in the former he's a retired basketball player who was not necessarily the star of the Lakers, and a kid who unless you watch the Disney Channel no one has ever heard of. If the voters voted purely on the best dancer, Rick would not be gone, nor Audrianna for that matter.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin is horrible and should have been eliminated a long tine ago as she obviously has not talent and it is a shame to have really good people eliminated because of her mother. Bristol isn't even a star. Her only claim to fame is being the daughter of Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteIt's her name its certainly not her talent. Each time she has danced she has forgotten a couple of steps. Its really not a good Session of Dancing with the Star, because Palin is only getting votes because of her name. Its too back we have to mix politics with a show such as DWTS. I am not sure why she is even on the show everyone else is a star in their own right, she has the title of Teen Activist, just nice title for someone that the only thing she has done is becoming a unwed teen mother.
ReplyDeleteSad to see anyone go before Bristol Palin who is not dancing at the show, but walking.
ReplyDeleteBut,popularity wins. She has her mom support.
Another unfairness make audiences fed up with
the show again.
The rules should change. Bristol Palin should have been long gone with the terrible dance of the monkeys. She is not a good dancer and she is not a star. pathetic.
ReplyDeleteHow many followers does her mother have who vote; millions.
not fair.
This is all politics! I wonder how many republicans were canvassed to vote for Bristol?? Bristol should have been gone a long time ago and the judges should be telling her that. Certainly they have said as much to other dancers. Why all the pussyfooting around Palin! I'm actually digusted by the whole thing..not sure I will watch it anymore!
ReplyDeleteOk..He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Sure, Bristol made some mistakes when she was younger..what did you do? Were you forgiven for it and how would you feel if what you had done was splashed on paper all over the country. She has been ridiculed for her past mistakes ad infinitum, yet in the face of that she stands up. could you? I think part of the reason people keep voting for her is her honesty..not phony. If a person were to look at the person, not the background it would help in this situation. What's your title?
ReplyDeleteI really like Bristol because she has class. She doesn't put on any airs and she doesn't put down anybody else. She holds her head up no matter how much mud is slung her way. Obviously, her family has taught her some good manners. Bristol is doing amazingly well, considering all the pressure she is under from so many nasty people. Yeah, Bristol! I wish you the best.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a screwed up kid, born into a screwed up family, daughter to a very screwed up narcissist who is the queen of the tea party which (you guessed it) is totally screwing up America. DWTS has become a dog and pony show for political pundits like myself. Reality TV is a window into American society - from where I sit, it doesn't look good at all.
ReplyDeleteI have to add that it was great to see Mel B - I absolutely love that woman - and, she can really dance!
Oh, please. I enjoy watching someone start with absolutely no stage training actually improve on this show. Sure, she doesn't have Brandy's talent, but Brandy and most of the others have a lot of previous training in both dance and stage presentation - even athletes must know how to move in order to be great at their sport. I'm tired of seeing "stars" who have had a great deal of dance/stage training PRIOR to being on DWTS. Sure, some of us are still PO'd at the way her mom was treated in the last Presidential election, but I vote for her simply because she's a young 19 year child who was previously forced into the limelight and now she has the guts to put herself into a new limelight trying something she has absolutely NO experience in - refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that I stopped watching the show when they brought Kim Kardashian as an star to dance, please!!
ReplyDeleteI have not watch the show since and will never watch again until real stars come back.
It's discouraging to see Bristol remain on the show. She has less talent the the average girl of 19, looks like an overweight fool attempting to be sexy, being hauled around the dance floor by Mark (what job he has!), doing the most simple dance steps. I don't see any improvement. She should have been more of a lady then to
ReplyDeletelie on the floor like a porn star infront of her family a few weeks ago.What a wonderful example for her little sister in the audience!!
Yes, this is how Bristol "abstains"!! lying on the floor and ripping of the clothing of her dance partner. OMG..spokesperson for teenage abstinence. Will these Palins ever just go away. What has happened to the USA?? I am so weary of her lying narcissitic mother who obviously has the vote of her "people" to keep this unfortunate
girl on the stage.
It is sad isn't it. Eventually she will go away and we can have DWTS back. I used to like this show, because I like seeing talented dancers. I'm so discouraged that the producers would allow this to happen. I turned it off on Tuesday when they announced that Bristol was staying. I'll wait and see if the next batch of stars will really be stars, then maybe I'll try again. I just don't want to watch Bristol Palin struggling through this. It is painful to watch her.
ReplyDeleteThey have obviously run out of interested stars, hence...the Kate Gosselin, Bristol Palin's. At least Bristol is sweet and tries, not like Kate Gosselin who is a narcissistic, dominating idiot. Bristol should have gone long ago, and I think the show is on it's last legs now that it is more a popularity contest rather than talent. What were they thinking offering a spot to Bristol?? Surely they knew she would get outrageous numbers of votes keeping her there. I am sure they have lost a significant amount of viewers now. Too sad really, Bristol is sweet and very likeable...but her mother is making a fool out of her.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for Bristol to go, not Audrina and now Rick who had way more talent than Bristol. I thought this show was about dancing not popularity. The show needs to go back to its roots to figure out how to get the non-dancers eliminated and have a proper contest between the good dancers. As Len said last week when Audrina was booted, there is "no justice". Change the show and make it about dancing again and not popularity.
ReplyDeleteThe dancers should get votes because they are good dancers, not because they are honest-what does that have to do with anything?
Bristol is a cute girl, but the other celebrities are much, much better DANCERS than she is-plain and simple.
Unfortunately, alot of people vote for morals and things that really should have no bearing on this at all. It is not called The person with the best morals show.
I think the showis great with or with out politics.
ReplyDeleteAs always these type of people receiving so much credit for nothing. Its called dancing with the stars not dancing with the "so called" wholesome and honesty. It's true, it is all about politics. Some of the thinking in this country is getting sicken and scarier by the day. I don't understand why so many people think these people (the Palins) deserve so much credit and attention. You can't even enjoy entertainment anymore from people who ACTUALLY dedicated their lives to it and worked hard for it. Brandy has worked harded ever since she was fourteen years old, she's earned everything that she has. Try giving her and people like her some credit.
ReplyDeleteBristol the baby mama LOL always forgets her steps and looks as dumb as a rock! She has no dancing skills what so ever and she's not improving, no facial expression always looks lost!!! she should go have some more babies before she finds a husband!!!hahahhaha Sara your daughter sucks in every way possible!!!
ReplyDeleteTonight Bristol moved on to the finals while Brandy went home. It would be impossible for anyone with even a basic understanding of dance to justify that decision from an artistic standpoint. We could point a finger at political power but the real issue is with ourselves. We watch these shows because we like the drama, the excitement of a close race and that is exactly what DWTS is set up to deliver. Study the votes and you will notice that the closer we get to the finals the tighter the voting from the judges becomes. This is what makes a good story and it is what keeps us coming back for more. We are being set up but we like it. It would have been boring if Bristol would have received the marks on monday that she deserved so the show keeps the race close and encourages us all to vote, thus driving up the popularity of the show, the revenue from commercials etc. etc. We may hate seeing art being prostituted so ruthlessly but lets admit it. We will likely watch the final anyway.
ReplyDeleteLet's put Bristol's mistake in our past, I know I'm not casting the first stone. Bristol is not the best dancer and yes should have gone by the way as many of the models before her. People who do not have the fan support. Without her mom, gone week one. She has made wonderful progress and I am proud she is a fighter. Way to go Bristol, But without mom just a teenager doing her best. It is about dancing and many better dancers are gone because of politics. Get your head straight America and stop crushing the dreams of people who deserve to move on.