This is one of the important Senate races. It is also the most expensive Senate race, with $30 million in outside funds spent on the race. Therefore, it is important for both sides to win this race.
The Colorado election results are also met with the Alaska election results and the Florida Governor race results as potential races that have not been called yet and could be too close to call.
It's frustrating when a race is too close to call, but there's still hope when it comes to the Colorado election results 2010. What are your thoughts?
I simply CANNOT believe Coloradans have voted in another Democrat governor! Wasn't Ritter's outlandish tax policy enough? Apparently not! So, as to the Senate race--Bennet is an Obama clone whom we need to remove from Washington. Buck is certainly the better choice. I just hope enough people from OUTSIDE of Denver and Pueblo Counties voted for him.
ReplyDeleteIt's Democratic - NOT Democrat
ReplyDeleteDid you listen to anything that Hickenlooper said about working together to pull Colorado up? Or are you so focused on Democrat vs. Republican that you missed the overall message?
ReplyDeleteBuck is a teabag goofball that wants to privatize Social Security for the GOP's Last Great Bank Heist. Thank God he didn't get in. The people of CO have more sense.
ReplyDeleteNo, the Doc got it right. Democrat is a political party. Democratic is a political system. Republicans are democratic, but they are not Democrats.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the American people are putting the republicans back in power. Their answer to anything is to lower taxes and ignore any solution that is not a one line sound bite.
ReplyDeletetalk is cheap you Democratic puke, we need some action they have done enough talking, it's past time, we are in drastic need of action
ReplyDeleteMr. (or Ms.) Anonymous--I said Democrat and that's what I meant. Where did you get your English Lit degree?
ReplyDeleteAnd again, I reiterate, El Paso County got it right; most of the small counties got it right; Denver and Pueblo Counties DID NOT!
Oh, and as to Mr. Hickenlooper (Hick, for short), every time he opens his mouth he is lying--much like Ritter and very much like Obama. He no more loves Colorado than Hussein loves America. Both are haters.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see we'll all be working together for the good of the state now that the election is over!(Yes, those words are oozing sarcasm). Dr. Embry, apparently you don't believe in women's rights, or you wouldn't be so enthusiastic about Buck!
ReplyDeleteJust like a repuklican to attack a persons patriotism.
ReplyDeleteBeing a republican early in life and seeing how Ronald Regan had no fiscal policy, I became a Clinton democrat. No doubt every agrees his policies put America back on track then along came George Bush who tried to ruin America. September 2008 we almost lost our entire banking system. So Obama was supposed to fix this hole in 2 years - we now have NOT seen the bottom. Those Colorado ski resorts will be that much more emptier this year - who cares who is the Senator?
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that both canidates aren't good so now so everyone had to vote for the less worse one its sad when it comes to down to that.
ReplyDeleteI sure wish America would come back. I hate to see another Europe. If you want to make America into Europe, why don't you just move to Europe? Go kill your babies there on the taxpayers dime.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that the Californicators have infested Colorado with their liberal, "Everything is my Right" attitude. Coloradians have always been hard working, independent and genuine people until the dilution from the "Entitled" came to town to escape the sewage they created in their own state.
ReplyDeleteRonald Reagan's policies crushed the Communist Block. He also stated that "the best social program is a job". Clearly Democrats believe this not to be true or Obama would have spent the better part of his first (and only) term focussed on getting America back to work rather than a lame-duck health care program that will take the country 50 years to correct. Democrats will always create a convoluted new 'program' and a tax scheme to solve the most base problems our country faces.
ReplyDeleteThey are all puppets on a string no matter what party they are with. but you look at the what happened with the heath care bill how many of you wanted it to pass im sure it was a complete thumbs down on both sides but yet but yet your democrats did not give a rats ass about what the people thought about it. then you turn around a look a bucks thoughts about woman's rights and actually did some back round on it you would see again the democrats are lieing again about wanting to take out birth control and abortion what he is trying to stop is the government funding for thoughs because it takes 2 to tango and if you are not ready for a child and/or don't want one keep your pants pulled up now on the other had for the rape issue on that he still wants to help thoughs victims for thoughs of you who come forword when it happens and get a copleat police report on the incident not 3 month's later when you finde out your pregnant and trying to fined a way to get rid of the baby wich in my opinion has a right.
ReplyDeleteSorry to see so much foul talk. We are all "Americans"....working together is the only solution running red blue hate language, serves one master.....the corporations who are really running the government.....we need a new party or parties, not reactionaries, somebody stand up to the corporate interests that are not American interests. We are part of a global economy, yet we are supporting China via Walmart. BP made a profit and ruined the Gulf and how many peoples lives. All of us need to take responsibility for this government and the last one. A country cannot go to war and not pay for it....so explain how to have the lowest taxes in years and 2 wars that our children will have to pay for. WE still have a Patriot act that is UNAMERICAN in fact it is NAZI....take a look at the "Fatherland Act" from Nazi Germany and find out how many similiarities there are. Tea Party is not the answer.....need someone who is supported by people not corporations looking out for their own interests without any social conscience or interest in growing jobs here in the US. WORK together or get someone in office that is interested in solution not just rhetoric name calling and stalemate. We have the worst health care and the most expensive health insurance.....what is your solution....we have jobs in China, Singapore, India....(It is a crime that we support a country like China....what is your solution?) Work together and attack the problems not each other.
ReplyDeletehmmm i wish u all had something better to do with ur time than waste it on posting BS back and forth to eachother !! im more talking to you anonymous! you must not have a job or a life! find something better to do with your time !
ReplyDeleteWow, can certainly see why the Tea Party would like to eliminate all of that high cost education, who needs punctuation or spelling. I always find it interesting that those who have real problems spelling spend so much of their lives looking for Old Testament solutions to other folks' problems. Buck is certainly another of the loonies, why not just wait to see how much Senator elect Paul does to the country before we dilute his efforts. Maybe we can repeal the bill of rights and all of those uncomfortable things that give "those other folks" rights and protections.
ReplyDeleteFor God's sake, quit bitching about taxes! Tax rates haven't been this low since the 1950s! Start paying attention to WEALTH. The wealthiest people have seen a 400% increase in net worth since 1980 - believe me, Republican policies haven't helped the majority of us! Meanwhile, the companies they control shipped our jobs to China, India and Brazil. Capital flight is the reason we're all in this sinking ship. It's time we all stopped supporting conservative policies that give the wealthiest 1% of Americans total control over the economy and our lives. The conservative politicians and their tax policies are only serving their wealthy slave masters!
ReplyDeleteBefore throwing a stone at President Obama - and the Democratic Party, think critically about what the President and the democratic party accomplished in the last two years:
ReplyDelete1. 161,000 thousand teaching jobs were saved.
2. Those who lost unemployment benefits got those benefits renewed.
3. 32 million of Americans without health care insurance will now be insured. No more charging your credit card and then declaring bankruptcy because of enormous health care bills.
4. Loan sharks in the student loan business were crushed.
5. BP had to shell out $20 billion for it's environmental disaster. (remember that it took 20 or more years to get a settlement from the courts in the Alaska disaster)
6. Thousands of tax evaders having illegal Swiss bank accounts in Switzerland have been nabbed.
7. Those families with employer covered insurance, who children lost their health coverage after age 18 are now covered until the age of 26 years.
8. The war in Iraq has ended.
9. Retiree's in the age 55-64 age group can get employer health insurance for 2 more years following retirement.
10. Insurance companies cannot deny you health insurance coverage because of preexisting conditions like cancer or heart disease.
11. Employers are now required to pay men and women equal pay for the same work.
12. Restrictions on stem-cell research instituted under George Bush have ended. This is a great achievement for science.
13. $60 billion is now invested in renewable energy.
14. The auto industry was saved. Think of the millions of people employed in this industry whose jobs have been rescued.
Show me one President in U.S. history, who in such a brief time - accomplished such giant steps for humankind as President Obama? America - Do you have Alzheimer's disease?
Wow! So many anonymous people out there! Doesn't anyone besides Al and me have a name? I am a proud American patriot AND a woman AND a wife AND mother AND and grandmother. The reason why I am a mother and a grandmother is because in my family we do not murder our unborn children. I do not want my grandbabies having to live under the threat of socialism; to be footing the gazillion dollar deficit Obama has created; to be denied the right to defend themselves and their property from the "spread the wealth" crowd. I think proud American patriots spoke volumes yesterday--too bad Colorado decided to throw in with the likes of Nevada and California. However, I have read the end of the Book and guess what?! WE WIN!!