Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2010 Unemployment Extension - Tier 5 for 99ers Still Desired

The Unemployment Extension has been passed, but it seems as if the 99ers have once again been forgotten.  There's no end in sight to their financial woes, and no sight of a lifeline. Many people are applauding President Obama for signing into law bill HR 4213. However, what about the 99ers, as of today there is no bill on the books that will help those who have exhausted 99 weeks of unemployment.

Of course, there are politicians who promise legislation is on the way.  Both Debbie Stabenow and Chuck Schumer have vowed to help the 99ers in their state and throughout the US by supporting a Tier 5 extension bill. There's no legislation underway, and the Senate is going on recess starting July 30, 2010.

Will there be a bill to help these who need the help? One can only hope that congress, and the Government can get a bill on the books so that the 99ers will have the help they disserve.

We are experiencing a time that we haven’t seen since the great depression. With home foreclosures and job losses at an all time high people need help now more than ever before.

With the passing of HR 4213 it extends the time to file and receive the existing Federal Emergency Unemployment Benefits available for Tiers 1 through 4.

Reference: HR4213


  1. my ex is collecting his emergency extension beyond 79 weeks now out of the country. It is not only that he is not willing to work, he is not even available in the USA. nobody cares, he keeps getting extensions and is collecting the money abroad while claiming every week from his computer. I am sure he will be very happy if you give him Tier 5 and Tier 6 and Tier 7.

  2. Because he's one of the few that takes advantage of things probably you too since you are reporting him on the web and being Anonymous report him as a fraud to your local government and stop making it bad for so many families that are in need to pay their house payment food for their children take your childish girlfriend boyfriend problem somewhere else if you want to get back at hime do it another way

  3. if you know that for sure, why you don't report him to the uia? or you have a peace of his money too?

  4. I just want a Tier 5 and hope our greedy politicians and business, community (bailed out banks, insurance companies etc,) work with all elected officials and stop working against working class Americans and get us back to work so we don’t have to change the name to 159ers or 199ers. To all you mis-informed negative commenting people remember in order to be eligible for unemployment you had to be employed in the first place. We don’t want welfare we want jobs to support our families. .
    This was my recent letter to the President:
    How can you congratulate each other for the approval of a half completed bill forgetting the 99ers and the Tier 5 unemployment extension? As far as I’m concerned your approval rating is 0%. We definitely want the Republicans out. Your weak lack of leadership during this unemployment situation and the spineless Democrats not requesting help for a Tier 5 and the 99ers is unforgivable. What I have noticed is when a problem has been resolved then and only then do you stand a take credit. Remember those extensions you signed only last until November and you know sufficient jobs will not appear by then. By then there will be more people reaching 99 weeks then ever. How stupid do you think we are? I don’t know what Americans you’re patting yourselves on the back for helping but we were not just thrown in front of the bus but mowed-ed down and left for dead. You need to stand up now. Not after someone else resolves the problem and you once again take credit. It’s a time for change all right! Change all of you right out of office!
    Mr. President stand up for all of us that are unemployed for as long as it takes to help. Please don’t stop when the next big headline comes along, oil spill, immigration bill, election campaigning and then kick us to the curb again. To fend for our selves!

  5. 99er's...come unite with us...we will fight, we will not lay down.

  6. I've worked since I was 14 years old I have been looking for a job for two years. I need the help of congress because all the employers I've contacted say I'm overqaulified. I feel that I put enough of the money I made into the system for future generations!

  7. man im like yall i think we shouldnt even have to work im you know there is rich people out there and the should just have to help us because honestly im just to damn lazy and hell if they keep giving me money woooo hoo sooooo me daaaa mooooooney yea

  8. Congress please live in our shoes, There are not many jobs out there..Please continue to think about a Tier 5....

  9. Don't throw millions of unemployed under the bus because one is cheating the system. There will always be cheaters. This is a crisis people!! People are committing suicide because they are homeless; they have sold everything to get to this point. Many homeless are being turned away from overcrowded shelters and don't qualify for welfare because they don't have an address. No money no address... there are no jobs!

  10. Congress is nothing more than a bunch of Un-American, Un-Patriotic, spineless fellatio artists. These gutless wonders should take their collective lips off the corporate phallus do the right thing for the people.


  12. My story is this 3 years ago I had:
    1-ahouse-gone no bail out for us.
    2-a new car-gone wouldn't work w/us to extend payments
    3-a job- gone due to cut backs.

    1-move to apartment just making the rent
    2-no longer have a car at all
    3-no ui benefits left=no food on the table

    I hope as the senate recesses on the 30th. they can live w/themselves for leaving so many of us hanging on.
    with no job in sight-10 people applying for every job.
    No tier 5 in our future. I just wonder how they would feel if this were happening to them???

  13. I really do not think the Government will pass an extension. It would be smart for them to do it but, they will always say the Deficit this The Deficit that. And, our Children and Grand Children will be affected by the Deficit. I don't think so. The Deficit will always be a Deficit esp. If there are wars going on. And, the Government spending on stupid crap like retarded animal tests. Or spending money on Baseball Teams. Or getting involved with Steroid Use in Team Sports. I would love to see more Tiers for the unemployed. You should have that cushion until you are back to work. Once you go back to work then the unemployed wouldn't need that saftey cushion. But, the government won't spend money on their own people they would rather spend it on Rebuilding Countries like Iraq and then Afghanistan and other countries. The Money needs to be for the AMERICAN PEOPLE not foreign Countries

  14. I know that I am not home laying around eating bon bons. I can't find a job. We could lose our house if I can't find a job and there is no extension for the 99ers. How dare our elected offcials with their multi million dollar homes, and ivy league school diplomas say that I am lazy. Who are they to decide if my child won't have a home. We must vote them out of office.
    Finally, I don't care if illegals get free health care or elementary school educations, but I am a fourth generation american and I need help from my government. The same help that is available to illegals.

  15. The people that stand in the way of Tier 5 extension are not Americans. They are traders, and cowards who have know idea what is going on in this country. Give us our money, we want it now, grow up! This is not a game, Hard working Americans lives are at stake. Give us our money!

  16. Cynthia.... you hit the proverbial nail on the head.To all you mis-informed negative commenting people remember in order to be eligible for unemployment you had to be employed in the first place.. those are the best words that could be said on this subject how can we join to fight these Dogs... IF we were from another country those big money assholes should and would take a pay cut then I would applause them. Please help. Maybe we were born on the wrong Continent the rest of the world help there people.

  17. They can live with themselves, They have a job, a car or 2, a nice big home, and they get vacations, while the rest of us decide what bill to pay and what one can hold off another month. I am by no means a single income household but my husband works for the schools and they cut his hours down to 25. We are a family of 5 living on a part-time job. I would love to be Obama who just had a nice relaxing weekend away.. Take your vacations ignore the fact that the US is falling apart but your seating pretty on the money we pay.. Why is it "we" are so willing to help other countries when our own is a stake? Pass teir 5, teir 6, tier 7 what does it matter our friends and families are losing everything we need to make it right here first. Help the american families get back on there feet. Yes I am a 99er, but I have gone to over 72 interviews in the last year and half and to be turned down because I went to college, not right, I can flip a burger just like anyone else..

  18. We are in the last days of this system of things.

  19. There some ignorant people posting in here. These tools don't understand that there are no jobs for the unemployed!!!! It's simple!!! I am dumbfounded by the ignorance.

  20. Concerned in the SouthJuly 29, 2010 at 2:10 AM

    I never would have thought the United States would fall. The leaders of this great country since the Clinton Administration have just about ruined everything so bad that it will never be the same again. I am sure I will take a bashing over the mention of President Clinton, but how can anyone deny how great the economy and everything else was then? Everything has come to a head now. Our once great manufacturing Nation is slowly becoming nothing more than a series of warehouses up and down the interstates to store and re-distribute all the manufactured goods of other Countries. They say that even though we have all been good wage earners for most of our lives, that all of the sudden we all need to get re-educated. Before long the market will be flooded with healthcare workers, truck drivers and such. Can any of you honestly say things seem to be getting any better? And I am like many of you folks, I started working for a company at age 19 and worked there for 25 years until they shut down and moved overseas. I made a good living: enough to have a modest house payment, reliable automobile, and feed and clothe my family. I was making 23/hour and now I can not get 8/hour. It takes all the Pride out of a man. Things are changing for the worst for so many of us so fast that it makes one wonder if we are quickly approaching the end. Just look around the world at all the devistation and disasters, hunger, uncalled for wars, kids on the streets killing each other, and so on. I do not think God is very happy with the way things are going right now, do you?

  21. We worked very hard that is why we got unemployment benefits. we are not lazy americans that wanna be home watching Oprah Winfrey. We want jobs but there are no jobs out there. The 99ers need an extension tier 5 to keep up with the basic necessity of a human been. I don't money for back to school supplies. We are lucky if we eat a healthy meal at least once a week. I go to food bank and sometimes they don't even have food.

    How can these politicians go on vacation, have a nice dinner and have a nice sleep when there is millions of americans starving, living in shelters because they won't approved a tier 5?

  22. I have an article I found on the web from I am not sure if I understand this. It's from 7/27/2010 written by Phillip Williams. It says in part:US Money Talk
    HomeFinanceEconomyBusinessReal EstateAbout UsOur WritersContact Us

    Unemployment Extension Benefits, Tier 5 & Cobra – Latest Update
    By Phillip Williams on July 27, 2010, 7:07 am Posted in Business News

    The recession continues and people doubt the White House’s truthfulness about the economic recovery. Congress voted to extend unemployment benefits for a fifth time in recent weeks, letting people collect benefits for up to 99 weeks. The Tier 4 extension has one important different from the previous extensions that occurred. Cash benefits were continued, COBRA health insurance benefits were not. COBRA is a federal program that allows unemployed works to pay a part of the premium and keep their former health insurance until they find the new job.



    Latest Information on Tier 5 Updates
    Tier 5 does have some provisions for the unemployed. It does not extend the current limit of 99 weeks, but it does allow people to file claims retroactively and extend the deadline for the filing of unemployment benefits. A person filing for a claim under the tier 5 roles can file a retroactive claim if their payments are reduced and has until November 30th to file a claim for an extension of benefits. The law does not provide additional rules for people filing for unemployment the first time.

    Does this mean we can open anew claim from another starting point . I started on an extension from an old claim. I really didnt get 99 weeks due to that. Can we file a claim from another set of quarters or is this bull or am I so stressed I can't think straight anymore. Now the mere 63 bucks a week my ex saends in child support on a weekly hit or miss has not come and my own parenst wont give us a dime saying they have to save it since my 76 year old dad just retired and has congestive heart failure But CAN we refile a new claim according to this??

    It then continues with:

    What Else is in Tier 5
    Congress has not extend COBRA benefits, nor does it intend to add additional benefits for those who have received them for 99 weeks. Although proponents of the measure argue that dumping more cash into the market will help the recovery process, opponents believe that extending benefits will prevent people from looking for new jobs. The measures in tier 5 are largely designed to make it easier and cheaper for businesses to hire new employees rather than to extend unemployment benefits. Tax cuts and credits are possible. Debate on the bill continues and the house or the senate may decide to extend unemployment benefits before the extension package gets sent to the president for approval.

    Related posts:
    Unemployment Extension Bill: What It Does And Doesn’t Have In It
    Unemployment Extension Bill Passes: Who Is Eligible
    Unemployment Extension Passes Senate: How Long To Get The Money
    Little Known Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Information Made Easy
    Nebraska Department of Labor Reports Unemployment Claims Up

    Anyone have any info on this bit of news???/

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  23. I graduated from college in 2007 and couldn't find a decent job because of the poor economy. Now, I'm working at a job that pays me not even $8/hour. My husband lost his job and has been looking around with no luck. I hope that they extend the Unemployment Compensation. It is already embarrassing enough to live in assisting housing. I can't imagine what would happen if they don't extend it. We both have been looking for jobs but meet with dead ends. Please help us! I have children to care for.

  24. I too hope that tier five passes but I doubt the Republicans will allow it. The last extension barely made it through and after the November elections there may not be enough Democrats in the senate to do it again.

    Yes, I know that many of the posts have said that they will vote the Republicans out and the incumbent Democrats in, at least those that support the extensions. However, will they really do that or will they not vote at all? I guess we will have to wait and see.

    I am old enough to know what this country was once like and I never thought it would ever come to this; hard working people begging Washington for a handout.

  25. They are getting ready to take yet another recess (vacation) and leave the millions of 99er's and their families in dire straights! Hope they have money in their budget for the tents that will be needed to set up cities like they did during the Great Depression!

    Job creation is at a stand still plus one million Americans will have their homes foreslosed on this year and the President says that we are turning the economy around!!!


  26. jobs are not hard to find theres allways something

  27. I live in Mass. and have flown to TX, NY, SC, NC,
    and Driven to RI NH CT and VT to try to get a job in my home state {meeting with Corp HQs} that have a business in Mass. so the Arguement that most of 99ers are sitting on their "duff" taking is easy is silly!! WE WANT TO Work!! ...
    Hey Wall st Why dont you stand up and help you have the pockets, you created this. Oh and didnt you get Billions in $$$$Help$$$$ .. makes ya think HMMMMMMM????

  28. You are right about the ignorant ass comments on here! If jobs are not hard to find, why in the hell is your ass on here and NOT at work? Republicans need to go as well as these weak ass Democrats! Remember President Carter? He was weak too and look what happened to him!

  29. im a 99 an all i did was gamble the money away,trick at the strip club an smoke it up.we dont need no mo money,99 weeks is long enough.if they do pass it ill continue to gamble smoke an trick.

  30. I remember all throughout 2008 when my Company had 4 layoff's and I was able to avoid every one of them. True, the country wasn't as bad economically as it is now, but I really didn't have a great deal of concern for the unemployed then as I had owned my own Co for 15 years in the 90's thru the mid 2000's and been a workforce partcipant for 25 years.I didn't know anything but work. When I was 1st laid off in Jan 2009 I.E. " a full time employee that lost employment through no fault of my own" I was not overly concerned initally because I felt sure I could gain re-employment in 26 weeks time. Well it's a year and a half later and jobs are extremly scarce, especially in FL where we're in the top 5 in UE % and top 5 in Population. Add that up and 2 negative's make an extreme negative! Like most of you I'm one that wants a job! We are not getting fat collecting a small percentage of our usual weekly wages, (unless you live in MA,over $900 a week?! WTF! ) however the little money that is provided for the "layed off", Ref above, is needed to sustain some humane existence until this country can right the ship. People may forget but in the 80's extended federal benefits went to the UE for 33 months. Tier 4 falls nearly a year short of that. It's time America takes care of their own, priority 1, precedence over all other countries! I also feel regardless of your party affilation all incumbants should be voted out so the politicians see how much power the masses that have paid the way for generations truly wield! Vote them all out and keep doing it until this country is the proud America we can all believe in !

  31. To Anonymous with the out of the country ex! So everyone should suffer because one person is taking advantage of this? This means everyone is like that? NO! These are hard working people caught up in this Americans that have paid for the right to have a safty net. The person you speak of is an ass!

  32. I did find a job, but it's only part time and for minimum wage. I still need help. I'm still probably going to lose my house.
    The Tier 5 needs to be passed.

  33. Come on, there's jobs everywhere. I turned down three of them already. Bring on tier 5 baby!

  34. HEY ANONYMOUS! How much are the politicians paying you to make these stories up and make it seem like the 99ers are lazy and taking advantage of the system. You are ignorant, unAmerican, and pitiful to be working out of a politician's office and just staying on this board with your false claims. I swear you politicians have NO LOW!!!!!!!!!!! Fellow Americans please ignore this/these persons they are just here to spread the lies that the politicians want others to believe. YOU ARE SO PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. I'd like to see some of these idiots that are posting ...the ones that take advantage of the system...not only are you stupid are ugly...

  36. For those that use up all their regular unemployment benefit and their extension, but are still in school will they still get another extension?

  37. Anonymous said...
    Come on, there's jobs everywhere. I turned down three of them already Bring on tier 5 baby!
    July 29, 2010 10:24 AM": This person is someone who is actually working or is actually Senator Mcain. Sure is acting like Mcain or Bush. WOW coming on here talking like they are truly unemployed and saying that makes you look like a total dumbass. True Unemployed Americans that have been looking for work for a long long long time haven't given up looking for Employment. The Employers have given up on making more money for themselves. So big Businesses like AIG, Bank of America Ford, GM and list goes on are needing the Government to BAIL them Out. I was like BANK of AMERICA needs billions of Dollars for a bailout. You got to be kidding me. And, then FORD really FORD needs billions of dollars aswell. I was like wow what is next." The NFL is needing a bailout due to player Salaries are too high and owners spent way to much money on their new stadiums and the food cost is too high.

  38. The whats next with the NFL is not a true statement but, I can see something like that come about. Since Every major company is wanting a bailout. And, the real People that deserve and need the bailout are not the employed big businesses it is the Small businesses and the unemployed Americans who are deserving of this Bailout and the money went the wrong way. And, I do not see Congress, The House or the White house saying ooops!!! we F#$Ked up and the 787 BILLION DOLLARS was supposed to help out the Small business Owners and Unemployed Americans. So NO sorry to Small Business Owners and Unemployed Americans the true Americans. We are going to SCREW YOU OVER and HELP out with the BIG GIANTS in America so we can get their votes.

  39. Go the Georgia department of labor website. We have a fifth extension here. That can be filed. It was updated on July 28 and we available to get the fifth tier

  40. How can you take a vacation when millions of unemployed Americans are loosing their homes, not able to feed their families, pay the bills, etc. I don't care how many tiers you add, just spend the American peoples money on the people who put the money there in the first place when they had jobs.

  41. i think a tier 5 is possible but It won't happen until the other tiers are kaput. There are just not enough of us yet to make congress take notice. 1.4 million at last count.. but once the rest of the 5 million people on extensions start to run out then something might happen. I'm already living in my car on food stamps. Collecting cans for gas money. No jobs here in California.. unless you are an illegal alien.

  42. to the anonymous who posted that Georgia has a fifth tier, it is not a fifth tier, it is simply the SEB (state extended benefits) which has been available all along. No more money added, when 99 weeks has been exhausted there is no more available.

  43. This is crap, our Government are lairs and cheaters, they play us for fools!! They say we are broke, they make the tier 1-4 wait for months for a rightly extension. They haven't approve a justly tier 5 because again they say we are so in debt, then 3 days after extending the unemployment extension they approve a 59 BILLION!!! emergency spending bill, the bulk of which would go to Afghan troop buildup. This is a joke. What happened to Obama 'bring the troops home' promise.!!SIGN MY PETITIONS 'VOTE OUT THE REPUBLICANS IN NOVEMBER'!! and Obama must also go!!

  44. @3:06 AM
    I've found usmoneytalk to be extremely unreliable. One of their bloggers wrote that initial unemployment compensation was for 26 months and that 99 months was the maximum anyone could draw. Another one wrote something about the 51 states. I'm not sure which one was #51. Anyone can write a blog, obviously. It's all about the ads that are connected to it. Every time someone clicks on an ad, they get paid. I'm not sure they care about accuracy.

  45. gone to 3 different states looking for work and have no more options. I was forced to move in with my brother and his wife because I can not afford an apartment anymore. I also had to sell my car and get rid of my pets because I could not afford to feed myself and them too. I WANT A JOB AND I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS AS LONG AS IT PAYS THE BILLS. I don't go out to the movies or buy anything beside necessities such as hygiene products food and already owned clothes from thrift shops. So it's not that I'm lazy, I'd love to work to get my own place again. I don't even mind taking the bus. I just want to have a decent meal on my table and not have feel like I'm not contributing to this country and my community. This is depressing..and to all you lazy, ignorant individuals you should go jump off a bridge because you are just adding to the downfall of this country. You are pointless and contribute nothing, so I say jump off a high bridge into very shallow waters..

  46. I encourage the 99ers to fax Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at 202-224-7327 in Washington and ask for congress to stay in session to legislate an extension of benefits to the four million 99ers who are now without unemployment benefits and destitute. To give us a reason to come out with enthusiasm and vote in November.

  47. Enough is enough! Legal U.S citizens unite! Help take the steps to save our country take our jobs back and stop this illegal immigrant invasion. Support our cause before illegal immigrant criminals have more rights than us. This is our last stand! Also we must take steps to lower local city and state councilmen salaries too they are all robbing & hurting the people they serve. So please read and sign this online petition. "Petition to Reduce the Wages of Congress Men and Women from $174,000 per year to $50,000 per year at “’. " Copy & Paste below link into your web address bar:

    Pass it on!


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