Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law 2010 - Federal Government Sues State to Block Immigration Reform

The Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 2010 is a controversial state law, and the federal government is  suing the state government to block the enforcement of the controversial immigration reform.  What makes Arizona's immigration law so controversial? It criminalizes entering the state of Arizona illegally, and gives Law enforcement the right to inquire about immigration status if someone is involved in another issue.

Opponents think that the reform will promote racial profiling, and that it goes against the American way of treating people equally.

Those that are for the measure are tired of illegal immigrants working for less, abusing social programs, and  driving up crime rates.

Obama is against the reform, and the federal government is suing to block the state of Arizona.  The government believes that Arizona's law unconstitutionally usurps the authority of the government to enforce immigration law. However, some within Congress think that Arizona shouldn't be punished for enforcing laws that the federal government fails to enforce.

The Arizona Immigration law verdict will pave the way for how states deal with immigration.  Several other states have indicated that they would create laws that mirror those in the state of Arizona.  Immigration is something that frustrates many, and Arizona's stance is seen as a solution to their problems.

Will the responsibility of enforcing laws remain exclusively with the federal government, or will states be able to enforce the laws in their state?


  1. President Obama is right.

  2. The alternative: Allow the companies that employ illegal immigrants to provide proof that they are not illegal immigrants. If these companies cannot provide proof, then the illegal immigrants should be allowed to apply for citizenship. Then, like applying for a new job, the employer would have to provide a reference that the illegal immigrants are good workers and would rehire them again. That being said, the application for citizenship should be approved and the process be done.

    It doesn't take a Democrat, although I am one, or a Republican, nor a memeber of any other party, to see that there is a more logical solution, it takes an American citizen to see that we all came from different backgrounds and we all have fought for what rights we have earned. We can peacefully allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country if their intent to be here is not only to look for a peaceful living, but also to earn the right to "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness".

    So many American citizens are bitter because of the economy and loss of jobs. These illegal aliens were here before the economy took a turn. No one really cared until then. Now that "amnesty states" as they have been called are allowing illegal aliens to keep working because the businesses can afford to pay them minimum wage when an American citizen would be asking two to three times more for the same job because they are "highly skilled", now they would have to either pay more for the same amount of highly skilled people, which would raise their costs, or pay the same amount of money for half to a third of the employees just to keep costs low, but now have too few employees to keep up with demand. Either way, some industries would fail by hiring highly skilled laborers. So, how have we solved the problem of the unemployment rate?

    Obama has plenty of good ideas, but also too many hands in the pot trying to influence a decision one way or another. If any American tried to go to another country, find work or create their own, and try to live there without becoming a citizen, they would be sent right back here for not following protocol. We offer immigrants the freedom to do just that as long as they follow the rules. Yet, with that freedom, we're allowed to retract that hand that we've so generously extended just because of a poor economy? What if they are just as qualified and have a bigger heart just to do the job for whatever pay? Are we scared that anyone who immigrates to the U.S. may be better than us? Who cares if they are? They may take over my job, and yes I would be upset, but they may create a job that I not only like better, but pays better. If our unemployed people are as highly skilled as we say they are, then we shouldn't have an unemployment level at all because they should be skilled enough to find or create a new job. It's called "competition" and banishing illegal immigrants will not make competition go away. The only thing that needs to go away is discrimination and stereotyping.

  3. The alternative: Allow the companies that employ illegal immigrants to provide proof that they are not. If these companies cannot provide proof, then the illegal immigrants should be allowed to apply for citizenship. Then, like applying for a new job, the employer would have to provide a reference that the illegal immigrants are good workers and would rehire them again. That being said, the application for citizenship should be approved and the process be done.

    It doesn't take a Democrat, although I am one, or a Republican, nor a memeber of any other party, to see that there is a more logical solution, it takes an American citizen to see that we all came from different backgrounds and we all have fought for what rights we have earned. We can peacefully allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country if their intent to be here is not only to look for a peaceful living, but also to earn the right to "life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness".

    so many American citizens are bitter because of the economy and loss of jobs. These illegal aliens were here before the economy took a turn. No one really cared until then. Now that "amnesty states" as they have been called are allowing illegal aliens to keep working because the businesses can afford to pay them minimum wage when an American citizen would be asking two to three times more for the same job because they are "highly skilled", now they would have to either pay more for the same amount of highly skilled people, which would raise their costs, or pay the same amount of money for half to a third of the employees just to keep costs low, but now have too few employees to keep up with demand. Either way, some industries would fail by hiring highly skilled laborers. So, how have we solved the problem of the unemployment rate?

    Obama has plenty of good ideas, but also too many hands in the pot trying to influence a decision one way or another. If any American tried to go to another country, find work or create their own, and try to live there without becoming a citizen, they would be sent right back here for not following protocol. We offer immigrants the freedom to do just that as long as they follow the rules. Yet, with that freedom, we're allowed to retract that hand that we've so generously extended just because of a poor economy? What if they are just as qualified and have a bigger heart just to do the job for whatever pay? Are we scared that anyone who immigrates to the U.S. may be better than us? Who cares if they are? They may take over my job, and yes I would be upset, but they may create a job that I not only like better, but pays better. If our unemployed people are as highly skilled as we say they are, then we shouldn't have an unemployment level at all because they should be skilled enough to find or create a new job. It's called "competition" and banishing illegal immigrants will not make competition go away. The only thing that needs to go away is discrimination and stereotyping.

  4. I am so glad to hear another person that is not scared to death of this reform. I agree that something needs to be done here. Most illegal immigrants are not here to cause problems, but if we had more documentation on them it would make it a lot easier to find the ones that do cause problems and to make sure that they are all paying taxes and to help with child support enforcement. Whether we like it or not illegal immigrants always have and always will be here. Even if we seal off the border they will still find ways to get here. We might as well make the best we can from those that might deserve a chance at a better life and send away the ones that don't.


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