Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unemployment Tier 5 Benefits Extension Bill After HR 4213 Extenders Passes?

The unemployment tier 5 benefits extension bill hasn't been brought to vote, and the HR 4213 Extender's bill hasn't even passed yet! Many are curious as to whether or not it will ever be brought up for a vote, but even if it is there will be many hurdles to overcome.

The unemployment benefits extension bill as it stands is only to extend the time to file the tiers 1-4 unemployment benefits. There is no fifth tier that would extend the federal extensions beyond a total benefit period of 99 weeks.

Of course, 99 weeks is a very long time to draw unemployment benefits. However, in states that have double digit unemployment levels sometimes there are literally hundreds of applicants for each job that opens up.  For people in these areas, finding work is almost impossible, and keeping the benefits rolling so that families can focus on job searches is a great idea.

Getting a bill to pass for a tier 5 extension may be impossible.  The Senate hasn't even been able to pass the extension of time to file for tiers 1-4, citing fears about deficit spending and other arguments on how to pay for the benefits. Extending benefits even further than 99 weeks will take a lot of negotiations and a lot of good luck on the part of those who are pushing for the bill.

Still yet, there's no reason to give up hope. Anything in life worth having is worth fighting for.  If the government can okay spending on Wall Street bankers and foreign countries, they need to make a tier 5 extension.  There are likely few Americans who will object to helping out their neighbor, especially when so much is wasted on other programs.


  1. Get the money by cutting welfare. The unemployment benefits are for people who work. they want to work they have just fell on hard times. Welfare was suppose to be for a short time not to live on. At least the people on unemployment was want to work and work when they find it, Also congress has to cut taxes on business they are the one who create jobs. if we tax our businesses to much they ship jobs over seas. We do not need a 50% tax rate in this country Like Germany and other countries. It is time to wake up America. Look at you real core values and vote that way republicans are about work democrats are about welfare.

  2. The Senate needs to stop dragging their feet and get HR4213 PASSED! This needs to be a standalone bill---with nothing else attached to it. Let's get the American unemployed the benefits they have earned. To deny these families the benefits they deserve while these multimillionaire senators are living the good life is immoral!!!!!
    Stop giving away money to foreign countries, financing an immoral war, and coming to everyone elses aid and start taking care of our own!

  3. The senate says there is no money for the unemployment extension. Yet they all just voted themselves a pay raise. These self serving pigs should all be thrown out of office. People are going hungry. They don't care. I notice the media isn't reporting on this subject. What is going on? With so many people getting screwed, I don't see any stories on CNN, Fox or even my local newS channels. We are being treated like we don't exist. Just like the island of misfit toys. This is not fair. They report on Haiti, BP oil spill and everything else but not one story on the millions of people suffering with no food, utilities being shut off. WHAT IS GOING ON? IS THIS A CONSPIRACY?

  4. I am unemployed .I am also a Surveyor as soon as the housing market rebounds I am back in th money till then I keep trying to find a job .If your frustrated try this http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=130866386947376

  5. We need all new leadership. This is a disgrace.

  6. I lost my job in December and therefore only qualified for 26 weeks of unemployment. It is so UNFAIR that I only qualified for 26 weeks while the group who lost their jobs 3 weeks prior to me received an extra 20 weeks. They should cut welfare to fix this problem. The families on unemployment at least were working families trying to better themselves and support their families. The people on welfare who receive free money do nothing to help themselves. It is always the working families who get screwed. How about docking the senator's for not doing their job. If they can't decide on a budget then they did not do there job and should not receive their paycheck. Why are we paying them to go on vacation. The whole system sucks!

  7. This is a joke of a news article!

    Just to clarify to anyone who is actually interested in actual news on the unemployment insurance extension bills:

    1) There is NO bill being considered to extend a new Tier 5; I have no idea what the author is talking about.

    2) The current bills being considered, HR4213 and HR5618, have nothing to do with Tier 5 and only address extending the eligibility window for these tiers through November.

    3) For all intents and purposes it is highly unlikely if not impossible that a Tier 5 would be created at all in the current political environment. Please stop giving false hope to people -- you should know where this issue stands if you feel comfortable enough to write seriously about it.

  8. I have gotten by for a month w/o unemployment benfits but things are looking bad starting this week. One medical bill goes to collection, my COBRA has expired and now I have 2 weeks before I need to buy books for school. Its sad that with the hundreds of Billions and promises of jobs that this adminisration and Congress only now starts worrying about their citizens. We are not Welfare recipients because to collect the benefits meant you had a job. In my case the construction industry has ceased in Las Vegas and the state workers seem to get any job the fed assigns to Nevada.
    I blame the adminstration for using the stimulus for pet projects instead of infrastructure like the shovel ready jobs...
    If they were concerned that would have allowed the stimulus to pay for this instead of playing political games. Now all of a sudden everyone wants to pretend to be fiscally conservative.....

  9. have you noticed also that this issue has also been taken out of the news? oh well if you ever decide to be lazy there is plenty of (your) money for that!

  10. first of all there is no welfare ,in order to recieve welfare you have to always be looking for work and they monitor your progress regularly unlike unemployement were you just call in for benifits, stop complaining and get creative , yes i need the money also i have worked for years but the time complaining can be spent on making business, or looking

  11. Republican Senator Kyle of Arizona: 700 Billion vs 34 Billion

    700 Billion to extended tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% of the nation that do not have to be paid for. 3 million.

    Does not support 34 billion for unemployment extensions that are not paid for to help 7 million people and their families. Direct impact 21 million Americans.

    Do the math. And unemployment benefits result in direct economic activity (1.91 for every 1.00 spent) whereas tax breaks do not (1.02 for every 1.00 spent). Again do that math.

    MAD in NJ


  13. I have been unemployed since February 2009, I have over 25 years of work experience, with a bachelor's degree and have gone on countless interviews where I feel I am passed up because the company can pay someone half my age half my salary! Some companies believe I am overqualified for some of the positions I am applying for so I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. The statement made that stated unemployment was making Americans lazy is truly offensive given my twenty five plus years of steady and reliable employment (I worked for 15 years with Johnson & Johnson who moved their manufacturing operation to Mexico.) I worked for KPMG, a global accounting firm for 5 years before they closed the local office (they opened a compliance center in India.) I've had two different local employers since then with the last one closing their doors and moving the operation to the Philippines. I am currently attending the local university working towards a Master's Degree in Special Education in hopes of finding a job teaching while trying to live on less than half of my salary so to be called lazy is just plain WRONG! While an extension will not solve my personal situation long term it does provide a temporary means to survive. I am a single Mother with two children and have recently applied for food stamps and Medicaid for my children (I did not qualify for either of these programs previously because my unemployment benefits exceeded the required earnings amount) I would much rather not receive unemployment or food stamps and have always been able to provide health insurance for my family BUT THERE ARE NO JOBS OUT THERE!! At least three of my five employers have opted for cheaper labor. If there is an end in sight to this national dilemma, those of us receiving unemployment benefits just need a hand until we can find a job and get back on our feet, and this hardly makes us lazy!

  14. Please pass I need to feed my family!


  16. I sincerely hope that the U.S.Congress will fund all unemployment extensions tier I through VI and additional tier V. I believe that the working American is something that IS TO BIG TO FAIL After all it is Congress socialistic progressive agenda that removed our jobs in the first place. We the American worker wants a job of substance and we deserve a bail out more so than Obamas Unions and Congress's Banking /Finance community especially Fanny and Freddie.

  17. How do I feed my family? How do I pay my bills? How do I keep my utilities on? How do I pay for gas to find a job? How do I keep my phone so a prospective employer may contact me? How do I pay rent so I have a place to receive mail?

    Let's cut some of the unnecessary spending in Congress to pay the average "joe" so we may keep this country alive.

    I've cut my spending by 40%. Let's cut the pay of Congressmen by 40% and see how long they survive. Then cut the other 60% off and see how they fare.

    We will see an increase in crime as a direct result of unemployment benefits being terminated.

    Maybe I need lessons from Congressmen to hone my skills to become a criminal!!! It's what they are doing to me and every other unemployed American.

  18. omg! they don't realize what they have done.If they stop and think about all the immigrants and seasonal workers who are not getting unemployment now they will probably pass it today.How much did they spend to bail out the banks?every person that's unemployed should rush to their wefare office and sign up for everything they can to shoow them how this will have a negative impact on our system

  19. I am on Tier 4 and the checks have stopped since june 6th; I have not received anything from unemployment. They need to get their fingers out of their butts and move to VOTE for TIER V

  20. Do not pass HR 4213, it is bad for business! It creates huge taxes on employers and gives money away to free-loaders. Go find a job washing dishes, it pays more than unemployment anyways.

  21. It's time Congress get's their heads out of the dark place where they have stuck them! Too many people are hurting and unsure how they are going to feed their families, keep a roof over their heads, and survive. It's time the Obama Administration steps up and starts to do something. Pass the friggin' bill and extend the benefits to those that need them! Yes, their NEEDS to be a tier 5.


  22. I understand not funding in excess of 99 weeks, but there should be hefty retraining and relocation benefits for those in this predicament. I am completely disgusted that those with less than 99 weeks are getting nothing for several weeks because of congress dithering. (and it's a strongly democratic congress).

    This is the same Congress that has let the estate tax lapse in 2010, so billionaires have a real shot at paying NOTHING in estate taxes if they die this year. Four or five have. Geez.

  23. Why is it that people who had jobs are now being grouped with people who sit around and collect welfare? There is a big difference, the major one is that to get unemployment you had to be employed. I don't view unemployment as a hand out. If this is how hard working Americans are to be treated then why not just cut social security benefits? Old people worked but now a lot can't, screw them too. Get rid of all the benefits and then just let the majority of the people rot. This country is pathetic and full of selfish, immoral, creeps. Other countries that America deems it self better then can support it's people but why can't America? Sad and pathetic if my husband didn't love this country so much I'd move away.

  24. It will. I think this is all one big test to see how long it takes for the american people to get pissed and stand up for themselves! For future events that is very important. -d- ;x

  25. You need to check the rhetoric flying around this issue. Rep. Steve King, (R) Iowa says "We shouldn't turn the 'safety net' into a hammock. It should actually be a 'safety net'." And that was just to extend state benefits from 26 to 39 weeks. “This amendment is a way to help people get off of drugs to become productive and healthy members of society, while ensuring that valuable taxpayer dollars aren’t wasted,” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) Utah said after announcing his amendment. “Too many Americans are locked into a life of a dangerous dependency not only on drugs, but the federal assistance that serves to enable their addiction.” Who the Hell is buying drugs on the pittance provided by unemployment? Personally, my unemployment isn’t even half of what I made weekly while working. Tea Party darling Rand Paul had this to say: “As bad as it sounds, ultimately we do have to sometimes accept a wage that’s less than we had at our previous job in order to get back to work and allow the economy to get started again. Nobody likes that, but it may be one of the tough-love things that has to happen.” I’d like to see some of that tough love applied to the Senate hopeful and see how he tries to live on minimum wage. Sharron Angle, another Tea Partier running in Nevada says “You can make more money on unemployment than you can going down and getting one of those jobs that is an honest job, but it doesn’t pay as much. … We really have spoiled our citizenry.” This is the elitist mentality that is blocking assistance to those who are hurting right now…

    Where were these Republican "deficit hawks" when they controlled the White House and Congress from 2000-2006, and had no problem wasting trillions of dollars on two unjust wars and tax breaks for millionaires? Where were all you conservative deficit-fearing cry babies when that BS was going on? This is the third time that progressives and their allies have tried to get this passed for the benefit of these 900,000 lower and middle class citizens who are out of work. Conservatives and republicans have different priorities. Surely there is a special place in Hell waiting for them.

    In times of economic prosperity and high employment, the Unemployment Insurance that employers pay into accumulates, but, as is the current situation, high rates of unemployment strain the benefits program. Still, the fact remains that hard-working taxpayers were part of the system that was set up to aid them in a period of unemployment. Unemployment benefits and insurance were designed to keep the unemployed worker afloat until they could become a member of the workforce once more, not penalize the worker whose presence at work for years made the system viable.

    Such amendments have been attempted before and have failed to gain traction. Laws in states like Kentucky and Michigan have been struck down in appeal as unconstitutional. It is doubtful that Orrin Hatch's proposed amendment to the 2010 Unemployment Benefits Extension bill will become part of the legislation, even if some version of the measure is eventually passed. But most would be willing to submit to a drug and alcohol test in order to get our unemployment benefits simply because in the current "Great Recession," those checks are our only means of survival. And if it became mandatory, we would have no choice in the matter if we wished to continue receiving benefits. But the question remains: Should the federal government have the authority to require an individual to take an alcohol and/or drug test to receive money -- in the case of unemployment benefits -- that is rightfully theirs to begin with?

    The chief executives of the nation's largest companies are growing more optimistic that their firms will hire new workers in the coming months.

    And as for the unemployed, we will “Remember in November”…

  26. There is a standalone bill that has the votes to pass IMMEDIATELY. The DEMOCRATS are the ones holding it up! Please contact your Congressmen and Senators to ask WHY this has not been passed.

  27. I am in exactly the same boat as Anonymous, posted at 9 am today. I received the initial 26 weeks and that was it!!!. How can this be right. Am I not entitled to the same help as those that have already received Tiers 1 - 4? This is insane; I just can't believe this. I am 56 years old and have worked full-time ever since I graduated from high school. I've applied to hundreds of jobs, had 4 interviews, but no luck yet. I'm also registered with several temp agencies, but rarely hear from them. I'm very frustrated and worried. I'm a single mother who worked hard in order to buy a small house 10 yrs. ago. I was very proud of what I had accomplished, but now I could lose it all. And why don't hear or read about any this in the newspapers, local news, CNN, HLN, etc.? I'm sick and tired of hearing all about Mel Gibson. What the hell is going on? Has the whole country went crazy?

  28. Dems in congress don't want a Tier 5 because it would immediately make the unemployment numbers go up higher. They want Dem House and Senate (and BHO)to look better going into November.


  30. Not passing the Tier 5 unemployment extension bill is immorally negligent. First, if the previous law allowed 99 weeks then we citizens were entitled to that 99 week extension. A new extension would complement the present near fiscal collapse of our economy which means beyond 99 weeks.

    Secondly, it makes sense and saves money to grant an extension because citizens without money would have to apply for welfare, Medicaid, and Food Stamps. If the Tier 5 is extended there is no need to apply for welfare; money is saved because its all coming from the same Congressional pot. And last, 95% of the extension benefits are paid in bills from the grocery store to the landlord. I doubt if anything is saved.

    One trillion dollars was spent looking for Osama Ben Laden in Afghanistan and that began ten years ago and there still spending.


  31. The u.s. Senate needs to stop playing games with people lives, and get together and vote on this important,bill the unemployed,are suffering, life still goes on and the bills are too.

  32. Start a revolution in D.C. then maybe the uber-liberal big three networks will take notice and report on this. We cant help the world when we cant help ourselves-you network idiots! American's need money in their pockets -to feed their kids , to put or keep a roof over their heads and put food in their stomachs. Maybe this crap started with Bush -but Obummer's been in office over 17 months now -he and his cronies are responsible. STOP BLAMING BUSH GET OFF YOUR FRICKIN ASSES AND START HELP US UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE! Oh, by the way, Saint Obama, where's that JOBS bill you promised us. huh? You're such an idiot. I wish people would band together and impeach your ass. You and Carter-worst President's ever!! Oh, I'd better not say anymore-the Black Panthers will want to hunt me down and when they do-they will probably kill me. There will be no recourse of course, since I'm white. Black supremicist Obama and Holder will see to that. Racists!! White people -carry mace -since the minorities are coming after you. Watch the big three networks and MSNBC show up that! Feh.

  33. I feel the most frustration knowing that there are those who DID receive Tiers 1-4 and yet those of us who just reached Tier eligibility are stuck in the inertia between no longer receiving compensation and being one of a 100+ applicants for each job that is being solicited.

    At the very least, those of us already in this system should be able to collect through the existing Tier structure.

  34. I don't think the minorities are coming for you. Remember you're a unemployed white man with no future. What do you have that someone would want?

  35. when are they gonna listen.. some people dont have any more time...OMG.WTF

  36. It has come down to this. We the people who strove to form a more perfect union is no longer "We the people" It is We the wealthy, We the privileged, and We the liars. The only truth we get is after the election when We the people find out that our appointed leaders have nothing but the best interests for only the people who can reward them. The threat of "We will see in November" is hollow and fruitless. All we are going to do is replace one liar with another. HR4213 has not passed because someone wants something from someone else and they are not going to case their vote to help the unemployed until they get it. Our representatives don't use there votes to help us they use them to help themselves. So why are any of you surprised that this bill have not gone through. I am 42 years old and have worked from my junior year in high school, I have never been unemployed until this past January 2010. I have two checks left on my regular unemployment benefits. and then I am done. My neighbor has been out of work for a year and a half and still has 20 more weeks left. This is the fourth time he's been out of work in the last 7 years. I am frustrated as well. Let us hope that whatever the hold outs in congress want they will get it and not create a different problem somewhere else.

  37. I also find it sad that people on welfare can collect money without any time limits while people like myself and others on this site are not able to buy groceries to feed our families, money to buy fuel for our cars to go look for jobs, pay our utilities or anything else until congress gets around to help us with unemployment monetary benefits. We have worked to EARN this unfortunate benefit. If they want us to do drug/alcohol testing to ensure that we are not blowing the feds money on these vices then I will gladly submit to this test. Meanwhile, the politicians feed there families, pay their bills, and go on any vacation they want. Money isn't tight for them.

    What would it take to assemble the lower and middle class in an effort to make our needs known to the politicians that we voted in? Even if the gathering takes place on a internet format. I DO NOT ADVOCATE ANARCHY! We need our democratic foundation, we just need to get back to the foundations of "Government by the people, for the people."

    For too many years it has been common practice for the politicians to tell us what we want to hear just to get in office only to find out the truth is that they will follow special interest money and do their own agenda.

    Who polled the general public before the auto industry bailout, the bank bailout, wall street bailout, etc.?

    Who polled us about going to war with 3 middle-east countries over oil? (I am a former Marine, I support our troops, they are doing the job no one else has the guts to do for all of us to be free and to carry out the orders of our leaders)

    Where is our voice now in 2010?

    Any more a new law, and new taxes are passed with not even a word of it is told to us until it is in affect.

    The politicians honestly have, self-righteously, convinced themselves that "we the people" which voted them into office, decided that we are too stupid to be informed and consulted before any action is voted into law.

    All the politicians are doing is driving a catastrophic wedge between them and us, "the people."

    Remember, my fellow citizens, the reason we broke free from the tyranny and oppressions of "the old country" England in 1776.

  38. That's right the 99er's (aka) exhaustees will be the sacrificed slaughtered lambs. If a tier 5 is passed. then we would have to be included in the true unemployment figures. Lord knows we don't want that. Let's not forget age discrimination is going on. Employer's are sitting on their high horse , if you don't want to work for me for 50 cents I'll find someone in 2 seconds that will. Does the government see or care this sh** is going on.

  39. Free loaders¿? Are you stupid??? 1 job for every 6 americans..and if your in your 40s 50s and beyond you don't stand a chance...just how many dishes do you think there is to wash? I guess from all of these restaurants that are doing over whelmimg business.. people aren't Lazy don't you really think they would do anything b4 loosing there homes... wake up!!!


  41. hi everyone i am new to this , i too have 9 years experience i guess one of the 99ers. i have been cut off for some time , i went from making 40,000+ to unemployment 18,000?? now 0. it sucks but hey , i wanted to say that some of the posts bothered me, and some enlightened me, the government is smart they know the floor fell through that is why they only included the extensions for 1-4 divide and conquer . when something good happens they start talking about that not the bad, and put us against each other kinda like the slaves did. personally i wouldnt care if these people cared about me but i have 4 kids divorced and the child support system is a joke even worse now he has a reason not to pay, he cant. i am so sick of this really i am done talking, when i had my first child i promised i would do anything for them . and what is the old saying if my child is hungry they are going to eat.... well mine will not go hungry that i know.

  42. What is going on in this country ? I just don't understand why our elected officials are ignoring two of the main reasons for high unemployment.
    American jobs are now being outsourced at an even faster pace. To our politicians - Your duty is to American Citizens, not lesser skilled foreign workers of third world countries or corporate entities. Secondly, lesser skilled foreign workers are still being imported on H1-B (and other corporate devised visas) to replace American workers. I live near the Research Triangle Park in NC and my town looks like New Delhi. In the mornings, over half the people you see gong to work are foreign workers, 90% from india. One company I went to to drop off my resume - made me so angry. I saw two American workers. The remaining hundreds were all indians. Meanwhile, the highly skilled and educated unemployed Americans stay at home searching for a job - any job. This has got to stop !
    Until the govt. puts and end to this, a Tier V needs to be put in place to help all the Americans the government is allowing to be replaced by foreign workers.


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