Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Could Tier 5 Unemployment Extension Reduce Social Security Expenditures from 99ers?

Could a Tier 5 unemployment extension for 99ers via S3706 from Debbie Stabenow reduce Social Security payments for 99ers? The Tier 5 unemployment extension bill has finally been introduced, and as such there is massive relief felt from 99ers. Finally, someone is listening.

Of course, there's still a lot to be discussed. How will the bill be funded? Will it benefit the economy? One Harvard economist threw a monkey wrench in the whole deal by claiming that the benefits extension would give displaced workers a disincentive to find work. Is that the case? So many things and angles will be argued before the bill is ultimately passed or thrown out.

There is one thing that might be beneficial -the Tier 5 benefits extension could bring down the record numbers of early retirement figures for Social Security.

The Associated Press reports that more and more Americans are opting for early retirement via Social Security. Many of these people are unemployed and ran out of benefits. Maybe with an extra 20 weeks of benefits, these people will wait until their full retirement age. This will keep them more financially secure through their retirement years, and could help keep the Social Security program going.

On the other hand using this argument could amount to just robbing Peter to pay Paul. The money is coming from the same coffers - the pockets of taxpayers.

Although the Tier 5 extension is needed by many, legislators and bill supporters will need to compel the critics of the bill that the legislation is mutually beneficial for the entire country.


  1. what good is that bill, when it will be close to 3 more months before anyone sees a dime ?? many of us might be dead by then

  2. Exactly, im sooooo frickin tired of alllll the red tape in government. Why can't the president do something? Dying over here...

  3. now we know all and still why isn't tier 5 for the 99ers passed yet...we are in need of jobs please help us get our jobs.....one job I have had for 30 years...ok laid off...now am 52 people do not want to hire me for probable 20 good reasons, but the truth is they do not see I am still good for another 25 years...ok;;;;;working thant is...help us get back to WORK!!

  4. Washington is handling this as usual. Its like trusting someone with our car, they wreck it, and hand us the bill and say; "see ya." Then, a limo picks them up, and we are supposed to fill the tank on the limo and walk home.


  6. congress a bunch of worthless sons of bitches,someone ought to drop a bomb on the white house, fuck em all!

  7. I just read an article saying that the census bureau is returning 1.6 billion dollars to the treasury. This money was budgeted to the census, but is unneeded because of the efficiency that occurred. Why not use that money to fund Tier 5?

  8. Political pawns... not people that is how we are seen we are a chip in the big game the bad news ladies and gents... we lose either way :{ REMEMBER TO VOTE LOAD IN NOVEMBER!!.. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE

  9. I am 59, about to turn 60 in a couple of months and have worked and contributed to the U.I. fund for probably 30 yrs. Now that I need it all I am entitled to is 99 wks. Typical Government program for you, just like SS. At my age no one wants to hire me when there so many younger people out there who also need work. I would love to have anything at this point but I can't even get an interview. Like most of you out there I would rather be working and making a living then trying to make it on a little U.I. check. I agree with the earlier posting STOP GIVING IT OUT OVERSEAS AND HELP THE PEOPLE THAT MADE IT FOR A CHANGE.

  10. $26 billion for teachers unions (Obama's favorite) but not one dime for the 15 million unemployed. This will be remembered on November second.

  11. The house just passed a bill...IN ONE DAY... to give 26 billion dollars to protect 300,000 teachers and other nonfederal government workers from election-year layoffs. What's interesting is that there were no filibusters, arguing or delays. ONE DAY! HOW? BECAUSE THEY WERE CALLED BACK FROM THEIR VACATIONS! Why not call these lazy politicians back for another emergency session to pass Tier 5? I'll bet they won't spend weeks filibustering, arguing or debating if it means burning up their vacation time on the issue!

  12. reduce social security for us 99er's? are you kidding me?...were dying right now without a tier 5...let's worry about that at a later date.


  13. My father has been a UAW worker for 28 years. He has just reached his 99 weeks, and is depressed that he may never find work again. Let alone the fact that he is now depending on his savings to maintain. The government needs to step in NOW!!!

  14. Lets get jobs so we can work and pay into the Social Security fund like it should be. There are just too many taxes on employers and now the Healthcare is just making it too costly from them to hire us. Obama you are just messing up this country. Michelle goes to Spain instead of being a good wife and staying home with her man on your birthday.

  15. Let's get Tier 5 passed now! Quit wasting taxpayer time by fighting with each other on were the funds are coming from. Run this country right and we will all be back to work, but we need to vote them out because they cannot help people from dying. People are jumping in front of trains because of this!

  16. Let's keep writing, emailing & calling and marching till a tier 5 is in place. A tier 6 will be next.

  17. Let's get something done! Obama promised jobs in 2008 and it is now 2010 and we have 8 million out of work. What a lier!!!

  18. yes the teachers & fireman & police are necessary & I agree about that bill being passed so quickly
    --the problem is that congress also passed quite a lot of bail out bills for friends in banks & insurance companies very quickly also--but for us poor working person-our jobs were sold overseas by the same people bailing out Wall St. which brokered the deals--If we want a job we have to move to Asia or Mexico-do you think we could get a government loan for the transportation?

  19. I must have missed something. How will Tier 5 affect Social Security and/or SS recipients? Will they not be entitled to Tier 5. Doesn't seem fair since many unemployed opted for early retirement to survive when extensions ran out.

  20. Meanwhile. we don't have enough money for even rice and beans. This lack of compassion on the part of our government leaders 'WHO HAVE JOBS' is inhumane! What do they care what happens to us? Their butts should be kicked out of government and people who understand and will take immediate action should be voted in! We paid our part for decades and now we get nothing? This is wrong!

  21. Stop supporting advertisement to make people feel good about the cars, stop sending money to other countries. WHAT A NOVEL IDEA! Even Allen Greenspan supports this bill!

    WE ARE the country in need right now. When do the citizens of this country finally matter? Banks, the auto industry are repaying this stimulus packages in record speed... If the money is coming back in... where did it go?

  22. has any 99ers started a massacre yet

  23. Please cut salary to teachers!

  24. This bill is NEVER going to pass unless they include all states. No Democratic Senator is going to support this if it doesnt include ALL states. Why would my MN senator say yes, if it doesn't include us?? We need ALL dems and some Reps to pass this thing, So they are going to have to do the 13/20 deal again in order for this thing to get close to passing. I hope it does. I'm a 99er now, cant find a job so i'm going back to school. No Tier 5, whatever...Pell Grant and Student Aid will have to do

  25. We have a shitty as government. I see a lot of suisides, and strong arm robbery starting in my city. But hey, can u blame them. Thier left stranded, and people have to eat.

    I just wish it was one of these shitty ass politicians that was getting robbed or getting there heads blown off. Bet u shit would get going then.

    And what the fuck kind of president do we got, to let these fucks go on vacation while we sit in need. I wish 9/11 would have taken place at the white house. Got damn fucking politicians. Hope your kids get hung and your wives raped. I'll remember this in November.

  26. Hey one question where can I apply to become a senator . They never get laid off, the go on paid vacation, they make a lot of money, and they only say yes or no on votes! and I wouldn't care about the american people unless it made me money!!! thats being a senator! Come on one day for the teachers... heck if i were a senator i would'nt be a 99r!

  27. Michelle Obama can take vacations without her husband. Why is she wasting our money visiting Royalty in Spain? She should fund our survival since she has millions to spend.

  28. In my city the workers are required to take 25 unpaid days off due to the budget. Why can't that be spread to all Government workers? Share our pain!

  29. all the politicians care about is going on their long vacation they dont care about people losing their houses and their autos


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