Friday, August 27, 2010

Pakistan Flooding 2010 Displaces Thousands (PHOTOS)

The Pakistan flooding of 2010 has displaced thousands of Pakistanis. Guardian UK reports that hundreds of thousands of people must flee Thatta in the Sindh province after flooding caused a levee to break.

About 70% of the city’s population left during the night. Relief workers are trying to fix the levee, but the flood seems to outpace relief efforts.

The flooding has caused 1,500 deaths, and has seriously impacted the lives of 17.2 million people. 1.2 million homes have been either destroyed or damaged by the floods.

Dubbed the "Katrina on Steroids" the Pakistan Flooding has been among the worst natural disasters of the year. There is an international relief effort underway as many people are very sympathetic with the Pakistanis and wish to help them out.

1 comment:

  1. The Obama Administration should grant "temporary protected status" (TPS)to Pakistani nationals currently in the United States. No one should be forced to return to a country so ravaged by flooding, disease and destruction. Let them stay here until the crisis is over.
    NOTE: TPS was granted to Haitians after the 2010 earthquake.


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