There's currently no indication that the new planet discovered actually has life on it. If there is life, it could be as simple as microbes or it could be intelligent life not too much unlike our own. The premise of having parallel universes has long made us ponder the many possibilities of what lays out there in space.
Traveling to the new planet found is too difficult. No one would be able to reach it in their lifetime. However, scientists will study Gliese 581G for indications on the atmosphere, etc and find out more about it.
What do you think that the new planet discovered 2010 means?
What if we launched a ship that had families or reproduced families while on the ship to reach the planet? I am sure there is a mathmatical formula as to how long the distance would take
ReplyDeleteTo the comment above... the mathematical equation is common sense. 20 lightyears = 20 years of traveling at the speed of light. Impossible
ReplyDeleteAt the maximum speed of manned Space travel, about 25,000 mph, it would take approximately 235,145,200 years of travel per lightyear or a total of 4.7 billion years to arrive. If there is life there now there may not by the time an earthling arrived and an earthling who arrived would likely be much different that those that left earth. Those living on earth would not get a report back form that planet for 9.4 billion years.
ReplyDeleteIf we were able to send a solar sail vehicle (the fastest vehicle scientifically being developed) there at a million/mph it would take over 9 million years for a round trip. (not likely that a solar sail ship would average that speed due to need to accelerate and decelerate along the way.)
Even if we were able to communicate with the planet by shooting morris code with a laser it would take 20 years for the message to reach there then another 20 years to get a response back.
black holes hold the answer
ReplyDeleteevent horizon showed us how lol
ReplyDeleteI think it's fascinating nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteThere's apparently a black hole at the centre of our own Milky Way let's board the U.S. Republican party aboard a space ship and see if they come out alive on the other side. And if they do I'm sure there's a war they can pick with someone.
ReplyDeletedude thats so cool.
ReplyDeleteIt may take a long time to get there yes. But the fact of the matter is before my generation is gone we will be able to tell for sure whats going on in other places. Our technology is growing at a greater rate than we can ever imagine. Within the next 20 years you will see. We will get full images of the surface. Proving weather any planet around us can sustain life or already has it.
ReplyDeleteeven if they made it there would be no way for them to communicate to us
ReplyDeletegreat stuff. the biggest ? would be. what would we do witH this new earth. same old thing. As in poverty, racism, boarders, drugs, ect. I thing is a new chance. To see this new earth and ponder can we as humans maintain our on earth.
ReplyDeletep.s strider F.A
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI know there has to be other life forms out there
such a large area and only humans? hmmmm somehow I don't think so
this is so confusing all of it.
ReplyDeletehow do we know if it is really out there
yea hat is so kool hope fully we do get sum images in a few yrs imagine it"ll b like that movie avatar jaja
ReplyDeletehalf of the world loughs at the other half.you guys are really funny.you know why?you talk about the discovery of anew planet and the possibility for human or non human living survival.inthis ways you meanframe our thinking of you jeniousity or wanna infer thought or fantasise about such aspecial topics as leaving this earthly life to the backward nations and starting angelly life out there.had it been true it would be ok to think and talk of.yet the pardox as an individual citizen of the world for me and 1000,000,000 of others is you gays are still loughing at the 'unconcious" human development underthe leadership of the west unable to ensure foodsecurity,reduce poverty,educationforall,hiv,environement etc in our real erthly life and ofcourse things are shifting to the other face of the coin:china dont thi thereforesee the chinies loughing at your fantasy looking like diverting worlds attention to the skylly matters which can be proofed impossible by your actual intelect itself.please progenies of anstine we lough at you if you talk about living some where out there while we see you an able to lead or contribute at best to the well beeing of humanit.so please the time for fooling world with projects like UFO is up.NOW the time is growth and transformetion everywhere in the orint.get up.
ReplyDeleteits just the beggining its not the end things will never be the same again
ReplyDeleteWhether we can send people there or not eventually there will be a problem. I mean sure you could strap a bunch of people down and have them re-populate but somewhere down the line there's going to be some defects and such due to in-breeding. That's ignoring the conservation of food and water needed to consist a large amount of people for light years. None the less this is very interesting and although I doubt us ever getting there in our life time, we can only wonder what the future holds.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought is a black hole to get there faster as I've read in previous comments. Once again I'm not exactly "offering" to throw myself into a black hole anytime soon. Alien life being there? Perhaps, I believe that there is more life out there and if not on that planet then I wouldn't be dissapointed. Nothing would change in my life.
my fantasy is a new planet with the only life forms are blacks. It will be a place of love, understanding and intelligence. The blacks have suffered too much on this planet called "Earth".
ReplyDeleteI think they should just try to send a satelite (how do you spell satelite)
ReplyDeleteThe guy or gal that posted about the blacks is stupid. Jews suffered more than the BLACKS. Oh, and have you seen or been to Africa! Does that look like a place of love, understanding and intelligence.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, you need to send the Democrats and the Republicans to the Black hole, "They are just two gangs sucking the life out of America. Two sides of the same coin." This way we could can build a country we can all be proud of.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I dont really know what the Asian person was trying to say. I'm sure it would make more sense in their native language.
Third, The comment about blacks. Well obviously your racist or you would not look at the world through the monocular of color. Also white people have been treated the worst and longest of all colors if you want to get technical. They have been slaves longer. More genocide, Mistreatment,and out and out inhumanity committed against them than any other color. However that is pointless to argue about for the simple reason that even talking about inequality from the past only keeps it alive in the few areas it still lives. We should all move on to bigger and better things and stop seeing race, or creed.
whether this is a newly discovered planet or ball of gaseous fumes, its just more evidence of gods awesome power and mysterious ways.
ReplyDeletethis is amazing. i hope were not alone in this universe.
ReplyDeletehey what if there is a planet like earth around us which may take like 2 years to reach there more than 20 years however they may create a space vechile which will take like five years to reach there and five years to come back with the massage,what do you thnk?
ReplyDeleteand do you belive that 21-12-2010 end of da world?
ReplyDeleteScientists are always come up with some figures and pictures instead of giving some basis of calculations for space issues. Should we really believe that.Why do the scientists spent a lots of time and money to research about space whereas they don't have even insignificant control over natural disaster in thier own planet.Is it politics, brain washing or try to divert people attention to somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteDear Scientists, don't think much about 118 trillion KM, think about 12800 KM, Im worried about the future of this planet according to my calculations and knowledge.
i have an intelligent idea it may work but once you figure out what kind of atmosphere is around that earth or even find out if a spaceship would be able to fly out of our space into another heres what you do....build a big enough ship to fit about 10 teachers 4 doctors and about 10 unrelated men and women but they have to be about 16-18 years of age im pretty sure they wanna grow up still and raise there children also make a vegetation field inside the ship in 1 area to prvide food then after that you should know what to do the people reproduce then they children reproduce then it go on an on until you reach the planet it has to work right a full proof plan ill be a volunteer if i have to this seems like a great mission to explore but i wont go if you dont have all the facts down i mean i dont want to waste my life for nothing then maybe give uo my child life for nothing
ReplyDelete@robert...wht about the gas power? u would run outta of gas before ur plan fulfilled itself and then you would just float in space. The ship cant blow up in space so thts a plus because in a combustion reaction you have to oxygen to creat a fire and there is no O in space. Also. u would need some professionally trained engineers in case something did go wrong. I wish i was born a littla later. Cuz i would Enjoy being a part of this expedition into the lost world.
ReplyDelete-Jazmyn.age 14
omg how very interesting i wrote a poem about our "parallel universe" i think they should lower the space probe into the atmosphere if strong enough does it support life?????
ReplyDeleteIts nice to think that other life forms are curiuos explorers, but what if they are not. If we do contact another planet and that planet's people or beings find out about how we are living as humans on this earth and don't agree with it or like us very much...what will happen? If they have superior technology they could send a death ray that would reach earth 20 years from now and destroy us. I would not contact them. Thats why the Geneva scientists can not find the 5th earth like planet. We don't know what is out there and maybe we should quit trying so hard to find other life. You never know what you will find. It could be good or bad.
ReplyDeleteOh and about the black comment...The slave traders were black. They bought the tribal people in Africa and loaded them on a ship and brought them to America to sell them. Once again the black comment, the racist comment, and the democrats vs. republicans thing along with all the other issues that we create for ourselves has to go. If other beings are one united race on one planet living in peace with each other I don't think they will be too impressed with us human beings here on earth. Think about it...
ReplyDeleteWe have to Unite as a Human Race here on Earth. Forget about Countries and States and Counties. These things divide us up and segregate us.
ReplyDeleteThere's one thing that strikes me about all this, and that is if we're only now looking at these planets, doesn't it make sense that advanced civilizations have been watching us for a long time. I mean think about how far we've come, what if there are aliens out there that are thousands of years ahead of us. The fact that they haven't visited us doesn't bode well, because it might mean that space travel at the speeds needed to achieve it is impossible.
I'm interested to see if we are going to ever be able to see what is on the surface, and what a lower gravity atmosphere would produce as far as animals and fauna, more winged animals? Taller lengthier slow moving organisms? Will a closer proximity to the sun cause a jungle planet affect with no polar ice? How exciting.
ReplyDelete@ Carl. Thank goodness that space travel at the speeds needed to achieve it might be impossible. "Might" is also a big word and to me nothing is impossible. I dont want an advanced civilization as you put it knocking on my door. I wonder what our technology will be like in 4010 AD. It is nice to ponder these things with other intelligent life right here on earth.
ReplyDeleteToo much to think about...good point you need to fix the problems here first...you can't just go and get a new planet. its like not having enough money for your child yet have another one. So there's a few possibilities...either its impossible for this space travel...nthas y no other life forms have contacted us....maybe other life forms have different priorities if they're really THAT advanced. ..maybe earth is the only COGNITIVE life sustaining planet big emphasis on cognitive (self aware, intelligent. The soul)...in that sense then the saying anything is possible comes into play...as far as the human race uniting...I'd love for it to happen but peoples views are all too different and priorities...and the more people there are the worse this problem becomes...what we all need is one common goal...and itshould be spiritual physical and intelectual growth this way we will c the world differently and abolish predjudice and hate and poverty. And THEN when the eorld becomes to crowded we can as a RACEnot country, discover ways of colonizing other planets
ReplyDeleteYes i agree. Since i can remember my goal was to see our race become enlightened and become one. I do not have all the facts, but I know that very important information is being held away from the public. Something horrible is happening, thats no secret, we see it everyday. But we are waking up, people are opening their eyes. This new planet is beautiful, and its great that they have released this information. But there is so much more, Nibiru (planet x) is getting closer everyday! Soon you'll step out your front door and see it. Get ready for a great global change, but dont be scared, everything will happen the way its supposed to. People are going to realize sooner or later that this life is not the way... :)
ReplyDeletesince when did finding another planet mean that we will be smited by god or that republicans and democrats are even significant in the conversation. Stick to the topic people. BTW a black hole eats matter, it doesn't transport it. Wormholes are the theoretical way to move matter, while warping space and time.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU to the last person that posted. I was thinking that same thing referring to the wormholes(in which there still has yet to be enough evidence to scientifically prove they exist...yet, hopefully).
ReplyDeleteI'm also going to agree w you about sticking to the topic, which is (for everyone else lol jk) other worlds that exist within the small percentage of planets that can sustain liquid water, a breathable atmosphere, and the incredible, magnificent, and countless implications that this fact could prove to our world and its inhabitants' past, present, and our future.
Now, ive just got my own little rant to post before I leave everyone to their own devices. Most everyone seems to be talking about this incredible discovery, and some, even having a little bit of fun w it. But others are more just using this thread as a means by which to throw out their political affiliation or whatever. Dont get me wrong, some of that was kinda funny and/or true, but still, its basically white noise in comparison to what this thread should be about. Just like you, I also know that homo sapiens are only 2 chromosomes shy of throwing feces at each other. And sadly, yes, the human race is not only composed mostly of stupid, greedy, scared, and selfish mammals that arent physically, emotionally, or even psychologically capable of withstanding the stresses of deep space flight at this moment in time(and kudos to J who mentioned that extraterrestrials wouldnt be very impressed w us). But even so, let the dreamers dream guys. If it wasnt for the dreamers, none of this would have even been fathomed to be possible. Try to think of someone from our time explaining what a spaceship is to a 17th century Puritan living in the "New World." Somebody had to dream it first for us to go from being burned at the stake as a witch to having the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Come on people. Progression not regression. Thats the whole point...okay...whew...I'm done now. Please continue. lol