See a VIDEO RECAP of the Performances this week, HERE
Some of TLC's biggest ratings come from not Kate Plus 8 or Sister Wives, but Sarah Palin's Alaska. The reality show features the prominent Tea Party promoter and rumored 2012 potential candidate.
Then, there's Dancing with the Stars. Bristol Palin, daughter of the aforementioned Sarah Palin is on the show - and has managed to get into the finals despite having continually low performances.
So what is it?
Some say that this is a Tea Party conspiracy. They blame the "right-wingers" for allowing Bristol to advance so far.
In this show, it's the votes that count just as much as the performances. Obviously someone was voting for Bristol out there.
As some have mentioned about the "fairness" of the show - last season, Nicole Scherzinger won the season - and she delivered the best performances. However, she is a Pussycat Doll...she's a trained dancer. This season, Jennifer Grey has been touted as the winner before this even began...is that fair?
Is this a tea party conspiracy. Probably not. The Tea Party is not conspiring to take over Dancing with the Stars. Are Tea Partiers voting for Bristol? Most definitely - but that's no more of a conspiracy than Arizona Cardinal fans voting for Kurt Warner.
What do you think of Bristol Palin Dancing with the Stars 2010? Is it a Tea Party conspiracy to you?
This is crazy; no it is not a comspiracy. People like her and that is why she is on the show. She apparently is more well known and liked than the other "stars". There are a lot of people who like Palin and her Mom. Wake up world not everything that doesn't go your way is a right wing conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteOh puuleeeez! Why to people have to assume that Bristol is getting votes due to POLITICS???? Could it simply mean that viewers are voting for a young, shy girl who couldn't dance blossoming into a beautiful dancer? She deserves to win, she has worked hard, never let ney-sayers get to her, and shown us try grace under pressure. You go Bristol!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLike the judges said last night... it is very important for the viewers to vote, and obviously Alaska is voting for Bristol as am I. She is not the strongest dancer but she has no experience... she is not a performer or entertainer in any way shape or form. She is an average person with the balls to get out there and Dance!!
ReplyDeleteShe has not style, no personality, no charisma, nothing ...to have people "like her". It's obviously her Mother people are voting for.
ReplyDeleteIts supose to be a talent contest not a personality contest. This girl should not have gotten this far. She should have been booted off weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteThis is a DANCE contest, NOT a popularity contest. Sure, Bristol has improved, but she can't compete with most of the other dancers. If she wins, it will ruin the show. The judges should count for at least 2/3 of the votes. There should also be a limit to the number of votes each person is permitted to cast. Bring fairness back to the ballroom!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, weather people like her or not, Bristol Palin clearly wasn't the better dancer.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying that it was a conspiracy either. but I do beleive that the voting was rigged. or she won only because of who her mother is. Well they cheated Maya out of wininng, and they also cheated Brandy and Maxs. Dancing with the Star producer who ever you are, you better start looking for a better voting system and change the one you have. I would rather see the judges have guest judges in the end to termine the winner.
It IS a personality/popularity contest because the hosts keep telling everyone to call in and vote for their favorites. There are so many times throughout the show's history very talented dancers have gotten booted because not enough people voted for them. So what? If that's not supposed to happen, then the producers shouldn't allow people to call in and vote - period. Quit griping.
ReplyDeleteIt is certain "Bristol the Pistol" is getting votes because of her mom, but it is utterly outrageous for anyone to complain about it or state it is a "conspiracy". The hosts of the show are CONSTANTLY running around saying "vote for your favorite if you want to see them next week" so why are people so surprised that the daughter of a VERY popular political figure keeps advancing?
I *guarantee* that if it were say Michelle Obama instead of Bristol Palin there wouldn't be ONE PEEP about political influence on the voting and anybody who did dare to mention the merest possibility would be branded as a racist.
This is political, Bristol would not have gotten this far if it hadn't been for her mom and the tea party. I have watched the show for years and I tell people oyu HAVE TO VOTE..period!! Just like in politics if you don't vote don't complain later.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I think Kyle has the best overall performances - dance and personality. Bristol hasn't shown any more of a personality than she has dancing talent. She is average with some sparks of "good" in dance, but not a finalist. Momma Grizzly's friends are voting her in but I wouldn't say this any type of political conspiracy.
ReplyDeletewhat a joke - she is terrible, and dumb.
ReplyDeleteJudges are not fair - the whole thing sucks
whoever thinks politics have nothing to do with Bristol in the finals, is definitively living in a dream world. I feel bad for her though...Iam sure she feels embarresed that she has gotten this far without really deserving it as far as talent, charm and popularity are concerned. People are really voting for SARAH PALIN and not really for BRISTOL PALIN... Poor girl...her mother wants to throw her into the limelight of fame and popularity...It can get really tough and vicious out there in the world of politics!!!! Hope she's ready!
ReplyDeleteStop watching its FIXED! Bristol CAN"T DANCE! I will NEVER watch this show again.
ReplyDeleteI think the judging should be changed. The two couples who get the lowest scores every week should on the second night do a "Dance Off" ie--re do the dance they did the night before- then the judges would have to choose which couple danced the best. Thus eliminating the popularity contest and right now the judges are really reduntant.
ReplyDeletei think the show has been paid off by MOMMA to let her (little) girl look good!
ReplyDeleteI am appalled at the ousting of Brandy and the fact that Bristol is still on the show. This is a reality show not a political contest. Last night when Brandy was ousted from the show, both my boyfriend and I yelled "rigged, rigged." Bristol is NOT A STAR! The name of the show is Dancing with the Stars! This was fixed from day one and I do not know if I will ever watch the show again. If she wins, it is a travesty. I agree that the judges should have more voting power and the audience should not have as much. Shame on the producers of Dancing with the stars for going along with this! I think you will loose alot of fans and you should.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I believe there is definitely something going on. Bristol may be a 'nice' girl, but there is no personality. She has two left feet and should have been booted off weeks ago. I think they need to change the voting system once again and make sure the judges have a bigger say. I have been so disappointed in this season's show and only watch it to see Kyle dance. He has personality plus. I turn to another station when he is done. I will be crossing this show off my list of favorites if this happens again.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin needs to be off the show. No more DWTS for me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, me too, I have stop watching,and is very sad because these was the only show I watched.
Methinks thou dost protest too much; and with little diligent study of thy assertions.
ReplyDelete"Some of TLC's biggest ratings" ... comes from Sarah Palin's Alaska? Really? After just one show has aired? Because it debuted Last Sunday.
As for a 'conspiracy'... again, really? "Some say"? Just who are some? Hmmm. The way that stupid show works, has worked since it aired, is that the public, dolts that they are, are allowed to vote for their favorite by 'texting'.
(AT&T, or some other cell provider must own stock in this show).
It doesn't matter what the talent of the indivdual is; it is a POPULARITY contest - pure and simple. If the viewing public wanted to vote R2D2 as the best 'celebrity dancer'; it could and would override the opinions of the show's judges.
So, even though I couldn't give a rip, if the public likes the Palin daughter better than the rest, she deserves to win; that is the nature of a popularity contest.
Maybe your problem is that you don't like the fact that the majority of viewers this year have kept her on the list of contenders?
If this were truly a dance competition in the pure sense of the words, we would not be watching Bristol Palin advance to the finals. A conspiracy? Well, if so, the right is scarier than anyone thinks. Hijack a dance contest??
ReplyDeleteI think Dancing With the Stars has simply devolved this season into nothing more than a popularity show, whether for ratings or other reasons. No doubt Bristol is a sweet child who is being pushed along by her high-profile, self-acclaimed "grizzly mom", but she is, though much improved over the weeks, neither a dancer nor a star. Any further advance would be indicative of a total farce; indeed, she should have been let off the hook weeks ago.
Dancing with the Stars has been one of my favorite shows for years. I've watched it from the beginning and I can tell you that regardless of popularity, in the finals you ALWAYS have the best dancers, not the mediocare ones. It is a dance competition. I think Dancing with the Stars should not have mixed politics with dancing entertainment that was just fun to watch. Now it's just about politics and everyone knows it, including the actual STARS that participate in the competition. They must realize that their hard work and style will mean nothing in the end. I don't plan to ever see dancing with the stars again!!!
ReplyDeleteShe should go back to Alaska to look after her baby
Dancing with the Stiff Boards... Now yall know that Bristol Palin can't do nothin but get drugged across the dance floor... what a joke..and they keep trying to make us accept the trailer trash... into the hearts of America!!! Sit down Bristol... and go tell ya mama that!!! Yuck! Need to start protesting that show! It's fixed and the tea party should be dumped again into the river!!! C'mon White America...Bristol beating Brandy... what drugs are you on???? This girl have had a baby while she is under aged... she is glorified...she is a no body trying to get her butt off the ground of her mixed up Mama...Sara Palin... Now yall are getting disgusting!!!
ReplyDeleteThis charge of Pistol Packin' vote riggin' is clearly not an "either/or" proposition; it's a "both/and." Supporting Bristol is a political action by conservatives and some people genuinely like her. While Bristol is really not one of the best dancer she has improved.
ReplyDeleteAnd, for the record, IF Michelle Obama (as First Lady of the most powerful nation in the free world had nothing better to do with her time) or her daughter danced like Bristol Palin in a dancing contest and kept advancing week after week there would be at least ONE PEEP about political influence -- mine. You don't have to be a racist to challenge a mediocre dance performance if the dancer is a person of color. That said: Last night Brandy by far the better of the better dancer of the two.
As stated before it is a DANCE contest and she doesn't belong here!
ReplyDeleteSince when is Bristol Palin even a star to be on Dancing with the Stars.I will not watch this show again due to this is supposed to be the BEST DANCER voted to WIN.Why even have JUDGES if the Public can decide who they want to Win. Brandy, Audrina, Rick, Curt are much better Dancers than Bristol. Even THE SITUATION is better than Bristol.This show has gotten so boring and PREDICTABLE this Season. I will not watch it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the votes were rigged; the Tea Party Conspiracy, who knows. Sarah Palin and many other politicians will do "anything" to rise and shine and I believe this is one of those platforms.
ReplyDeleteBristol has "not" improved as a dancer at all and she doesn't even seem vested in dancing; at all! It is unfair and I "WILL NOT" support this show any longer!!!
This season, at least 3 people went home when it should have been Bristol! What an outrage!
I was upsert for Brandy and Max, he is a dynamic instructor and dancer! The improvements and investment where sooo apparent in each one of Brandy's performances; what a misfortune to not have the opportunity to go for the trophy!
It's not a conspiracy, as such. However, Bristol shouldn't be one of the finalist. Everyone knows that. She's still there because she has a large contingent of people voting for her. If this is supposed to be a competition and not a popularity contest then they need to revise the system so that the contestants are actually judged on ability and factor in whether or not they have experience.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day Brandy won because now she has public sympathy and a ton of publicity for unfairly being booted off the show,and that sneaky Tea Party website that fixed the fight by being told to vote numerous times for less talented Bristol has been exposed.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it this has also hurt the image of Christian fake as evident by their votes for dancer Bristol and her raunchy sexual dance moves esp. when she danced in black panties and a white tee shirt several dances back! It looked like she was doing it on that dance floor!
Brandy won and will now get more publicity than if she had won but they are too stupid to figure that out as always!
I will never watch Dancing with the Stars again.
ReplyDeleteI thought all contestants were suppose to be STARS. It was stated that Brandy is in show business and use to entertaining, well that's who the show is for !!! and that Palin never danced before oh, well - so does that mean Palin should win... I don't think so... she should have not been allowed on the show - remember "DANCING WITH THE STARS".
Well what Amercia is thinking - keep Bristol over Brandy!! are you guys watching the same Dancing I have been? I know health care is very costly, but you all need to get going to the eye doctor and get yourself some glasses. I will STOP watching the show if they are safe next week - Bristol should have been gone te first - you need the change how the votes are done - if the people voted for the mediocare ones, the judges should have the final say - come on people leaving Bristol and getting rid of Brandy please be real - I will NEVER watch Dancing with the Stars again if they are safe next week!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! people are so mean. If you're going to judge improvement, it's OK for Bristol to still be in the competition. Brandi is a professional performer. She's used to this. Bristol never did this before, and she's come a long way.
ReplyDeleteI want Kyle to win, but Bristol, you go girl!
If this was one of Obama's girls, it wouldn't be an issue.
She should have been dropped a long time ago, she just does not compare with the other dancers, and I like her mother.
ReplyDeletePeople keep asserting that she is winning the majority of the votes. That is a false assumption. She is winning enough votes to overtake her immediate competition. That means that the top two contestants got more votes and the "loser" Brandy's votes come in short of Bristol's. Since the vote was split among the last four her mother's influence can be significant. On teaparty websites they were telling people how to vote by adding an x to their addresses to be able to vote continually by just adding an x each time. The capability of the show could not decipher that one person was cheating. Some Teaparty people voted even up to 400 times. These people may not have much upstairs but they know how to cheat and to vote. This was "our Bristol"they were keeping in the race. The girl is not talented in anyway but in being able to get herself pregnant while unmarried just like her mother. This means that they are better than anybody else in taking on whatever challenge even to the point of the ridiculous. That singular criterion makes them winners. The ultimate dumming down of America.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Best Dancers were supposed to win not the Lowest on the Leader Board Scores. Maybe Sarah Palin has more Money and Pull to the stupidity of people than I thought. Bristol's dancing looks like Kate Goslin reenactment. Stiff and lifeless. Bristol's campaign on abstinence is a little too late just like her dancing talent.GO Home Already.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to dancing, Bristol Palin doesn't have what it takes. She has no style, no pazazz, no rythem, lets face it people this girl should not have been recruited for the show. If she wins I will also be one of those people who quits watching as the show SHOULD be about talent not popularity. The show will lose it's appeal to the general public over this one. Its a slap in the face to all the people who danced on the program and had to leave because of who Bristol is.
ReplyDeleteI have been saying for a while that I hoped Brandy wouldn't make it. Not because of her dancing but because of her personality. I don't think it is just about talent anyone who has watched the show should know that EVERY season people get voted out before their time. I think of this as people not wanting to see that crazy, competitive, perfectionist Brandy coming back. Its not just about dancing, its about performing, making the audience love you and I never saw an episode that made Brandy look like someone I want to watch, she is annoying!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have watched Dancing with the Stars from the very beginning and have always enjoyed the show. Regretably, I will not be watching the show any more. It is all well and good to say vote for your favourite, but, I think we should vote for the best dancer on performance and technique.
ReplyDeleteBristol may be a nice person but...SHE CAN'T DANCE!!!
ReplyDeleteIts a shame Im not watching anymore this is supposed to be Dancing with stars as far as I know all she is is an unwed mother big deal not that Im against unwed mothers just saying she's no star!!!
ReplyDeleteSara Palin should encourage Bristol to withdraw from DWTS right now. She can't dance and she knows she can't. I'm a Republican and in agreement with many of the Tea Party's views, BUT THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT POLITICS! It distresses me that someone like Brandi, who worked so hard and did so well, is goine and the painfully wooden Bristol remains. I'm with those who are done with the show unless the judging is left to the professionals.
ReplyDeleteI turned the show off as soon as I heard that they had received the highest number of votes in the history of the show. Just knew Sarah had been busy tweeting instead of caring for her little children at home!
ReplyDeleteAnyone can tell that Bristol has no experience dancing let alone talent! It comes at no surprise that people are voting for her due to her mothers role in politics. It is sad that this far along in the competition that truly great talent is being voted out just because people are using the show for a political forum instead of what it was intended for.
ReplyDeleteSo for all of you saying this is policital, You are the ones making this policitcal! Every show, Tom, Burke & the judges tell the audience 'if you don't want your favorite to go home, vote for them.' So, if people like an underdog who has gone from no stage or any kind of performance training to the level she has acheived - They vote for her! To be a fair show, they should have people with the same level of training. More credit for the people who do not have dance training and go on the show, then those who go on the show expecting to win as they have all the formal training.
ReplyDeleteThere is my rant! I would vote for any underdog that goes out and really works & improves, instead of the fake tears & act that Brandy puts on. She expected to win for who she is.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke! dancing with the stars. I cannot be... that this girl with no experince atold whatsoever!!! and there she will merge as the winner? that cannot be real. Are the judges for real?why would they allow such thing to happen?
I love DWTS! Bristol CAN dance, she just doesn't show a lot of personality when she dances as the other ACTORS and SINGERS do! One person commented that there should be a limit to how many times you can vote...THERE IS!! The hosts tell you there are so many votes per phone!
ReplyDeleteBristo is not a star the show is called Dancing with the Stars, the best dancers always go home.most of the viewers have two left feet!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all the show is called "Dancing with the Stars". Bristol Palin is no star whatsoever and should have never been on the show. You should have recruited her mother to dance instead, since she is the star. Then to allow the worst dancer of all the contestants to be in the finals is simply not right. The producers should fix this. You have just lost a viewer..
ReplyDeleteTea Party-shmee party. The TP's are too busy watching Bill O'Reilly or taking their Reps to task to worry about DWTS.
ReplyDeleteRemember-The "people" voted in Obama; explain that.
BTW-her dance partner is a little too handsy for my liking.
Anonymous, you WILL continue to watch-and like it!
There is no way Bristol Palin should have been in the semi finals or the finals. She keeps stating that she has no dancing expierence but neither did Rick Fox nor Kurt Warner so want differnece does that make. Also she is not a star and she should not have been on the show in the first place. The only reason she has gotten this far is because her mothers face is plastered on the screen every show. We are not watching the show to see Sara Palin. The judges should be the ones who determine the winner since they are the professional.
ReplyDeletebristol palin should of gone last night and not brandy. palin doesn't have what brandy has. those tea party people are voting for her for her mother not her. just like they ruined the election now they are ruining this contest. she has no talent at all, she is still dancing like a pole with no feelings of the dance like brandy. she needs to go back to the woods and stay there.
ReplyDeletewhy is it that the Obamas get thrown into everything? Does anyone know where the votes go once the are sent in..... we don't know so you can't say the viewers voted for her we don't see the votes. All we can do is pray for this cruel world.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching Dancing with Stars for 10 season's & I completely disgusted that Bristol has made this far!!!! this is a dancing show people....stop voting for her. SHE CANT DANCE!!!!
ReplyDeletethey talk about her being a role model. how when she couldn't keep her legs together and had that baby out of wedlock. if her mother would of kept better track of her maybe just maybe she wouldn't of got pregnant. so both are not role models. i know it takes two to make a baby but common sense is needed and both her and the baby's daddy didn't and neither did her so called great mother.
ReplyDeleteBristol should never have been allowed on the show - she is NOT a star of anything (except being an unwed mother - and so who is taking care of her son while she is dancing). The judges votes should be given more weight than the viewers after all they are professionals! If Bristol had ANY sense of fair play and honesty she should have withdrawn from the show after Brandy was eliminated. If Bristol wins, I won't patronize any of the businesses who have commercials on the show and I will NOT watch the show again.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting. Take this as a warning America! This is what you'll get with Bristol's mother, too. Mediocrity.
ReplyDeleteI won't be watching next year. I won't even be watching next week for the finale.
I agree with the suggestions for changing the rules. Perhaps like "So You Think You Can Dance" where the bottom couples would perform in a dance-off and the judges would make the final decision. They should be doing something for their money!
ReplyDeleteI will not watch this show again. It has lost all credibility. It is a shame that a show that is suppose to be fun and fair ends up being so politically influenced and outright unjust. Shame on Dancing With the Stars and tell me again when did Bristol become a "star?"
ReplyDeleteAll I see is a lot of hatred coming from people over this. All the other contestants have had dancing experience, acting experience or some other entertainment experience. Bristol has had none!! Give her credit for getting out there and doing something that 90% of us would not have the balls to do. And again, yes this is a dance contest but the votes are not just based on preformance when it comes to the viewers its WHO THEY LIKE THE BEST...Like the judges say...vote for who you LIKE THE BEST. I think some people need to take their own political mindset outta this and just relax and enjoy. -Karen from Placerville-
ReplyDeleteThis is a JOKE!, any proffesional dancer could tell you that BRANDY was MUCH BETTER than Palin. In every Way from the begining to the end, technique, posture movement etc.. and it is CLear that this is a Hokes, and it has been Tanppered, and IF anyone things that this is not Tanppered then there is something wrong with that person. I thought USA was the land of the Free and Fair and Honest and Pure BUT I was mistaken. I am disepointed at the American People for letting an Unfairness Occure in Our System, Remember USA the World is Watching this Show and we should set a good example and not have the world think any less of US the American People. And for the Producers of the Dancing with the Stars if they still want to be in Business, Then They Should ReThink of a New Voting System that is FAIR.I am a very sad disappointed viewer of many years.
ReplyDeleteThis is my last year to watch DWTS!!!!!!! What DANCING and what STARS???? This is turning into a JOKE! Bristol still in the finals - you cannot tell me that its not rigged and that Bristol's mom doesn't factor in this? Of course, Sarah Palin's supporters are voting for her daughter - never mind if she can dance or not (and she CANNOT DANCE! Duh!!!!!)
ReplyDeleteI am so disgusted.This is so obvious Sarah Palin's doing to get her TEA PARTY followers to vote her daughter in when it is obvious Crystal is one of the worst female dancers this year and should have been cut weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteThis will really hurt the show Dancing with the Stars as many people including myself will think twice about watching it again. Sarah Palin and her cronies will do anything to get publicity.
The girl/woman dance like an ice box ! Her partner holes her legs up most of the time and she wears clothes to hide her lack of dancing movements ! Brandy should have stayed ! This woman should have departed the show before Michael Bolton! The voting system should be changed ONE LINE ONE VOTE !!This show is beginning to suck!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, leave our President and First Lady alone!!! First of all, they would never exploit their daughters to gain political influence!!! They would not even subject themselves to the appearance of unfair gain!!!
ReplyDeleteHowever, if they did, it would be a HUGE deal!!!Sarah and Bristol have no integrity; they will lose in the end! Deception never wins! Pray for our country! Pray for our world!
How does it happen that someone with the personality of a wet dishrag and two left feet is in the finals? What has she accomplished besides getting pregnant too soon? How did she ever get picked in the first place? I don't think it's a conspiracy. It must be that most members of the Tea Party have not ever, do not now, and never will dance. She must be horribly embarrassed that so many good dancers have left before her and she's STILL THERE! What a bore. So much for DWTS.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is not a fan of Sarah Palin nor is he a fan of Bristal Palin and he watches the show because he has no choice on Monday, I love the show. He voted for Bristal because he thought she was working her butt off and getting better! I told him to vote for Jennifer and he informed me he was voting for Bristal because of how hard she was working and how much better she was getting! Give it a rest!!!! Why does everything have to be a conspiricay???? I say go Bristal and keep working hard!
ReplyDeleteIf this country would spend more time worrying about something that was important as opposed to to a goofy dance contest perhaps we would not be without jobs and in the financial jam we are in!!!!
Since when is a TEEN ACTIVIST a Star. Bristol only looks at the floor and counts the whole time while being dragged around the floor by her instructor (Mark).Look at his face everytime they are safe. He is just as surprised in the results as we are. I will not watch this show again until voting procedures are changed. Why have DWTS judges if the public is the Judge(or Sarah Palin Fans)Bristol needs to raise her illegitimate child and stay out of the limelight like her mother.This is a JOKE like Sarahs reality show(which I will not watch).Maybe Bristol should be on that show to become a star first.
ReplyDeleteIt is SAD to see that even a simple so called entertainment is being TAINTED by a ruthless MOM.
ReplyDeleteIt is simply disgusting.
And the judges - I lost full respect (of ocurse I neve had any for Bruno).
What a shame...
and for Sarah P., what a desparate act........
I think Bristol Palin is not as good as the others. For Brandy not to go to the finals is heart breaking cuz she's an amazing dancer and I would of loved to see Jennifer and Brandy go head to head for the trophy. I think this season is rigged...Bristol should of gotten kicked out LONG TIME AGO. I think because of her mother's political statues Bristol is in the finals and it shouldn't be that way...everyone knows Brandy IS a way much better dancer than Bristol...I think she should just drop out and let Brandy take her place...I think the judges should have the last word to who stays and who leaves...VERY DISAPOINTED!!!
ReplyDeleteBristol is a horrible dancer and she should have been taken off the show a long time ago. I will not watch the show again.
ReplyDeleteAs a Canadian I have watched in amazement the "success" of Christal Palin on DWTS. Here in Canada on a show featuring hockey skaters and pro figure skaters, the audience can phone in and support their favorites, but the two lowest skaters are chosen by the judges who decide which one leaves.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for Bristol. She is not the best dancer but she has a wonderful dance partner that is not arrogant and mouthy. I have always been a big fan of Max and have always voted for him and his partners. But I was completely turned off by Max when he felt the need to argue with Carrie Ann for her critique. He told her repeatedly to give them 7's and even carried the attitude into the next week. Maybe, just maybe, Max is responsible for Brandi not getting enough votes. I do not believe Bristol being kept on dancing is due to the Tea Party or because of her mother. I truly believe Max turned viewers off and instead of voting for Brandi (because of Max), the votes went to the remaining dancers. I have only voted one time this season and it was not for Brandi. I am no longer a fan of Max, and if he continues on dancing, I will most likely not vote for him or his partner. He owes Carrie Ann and his fans an apology. *** Oh yes. I've read negative comments about Bristol being an unmarrioed teen mother. Brandi also had her baby when she was very young and lied about being married (when she wasn't). P.S. The best dancer should win and Bristol is not the best dancer...
ReplyDeleteI am so disapointed that we can't even enjoy what was a pretty good show to look forward to each week without it being tainted with politics. Did you see everyones reaction? Even Bristols? They were all shocked and in disbelief. I feel bad for her to win at something like that, knowing that she didn't win it fair and square. I feel sorry for Brandy, knowing she got screwed over and I feel sorry for Jennifer because she probably feels as we do, that no matter how good she dances from here on won't matter. 'Don't know if I'll be watching this show any more.....shocked and disapointed, Indiana
ReplyDeleteThis was a horrible outcome for Brandy. It was a joy to watch her throughout the season, she has an excellent talent. She does not deserve to go home. We will not watch Dancing with the Stars anymore. The show should be about talent and not politics.
ReplyDeleteThe show tells you to vote for your favorite every week and I do Bristol. It's not brain surgery it's for entertainment.
ReplyDeleteThe show needs to rethink the scoring system; if they are going to continue the way that they are then what do they need judges or professional dancers for. Just call it vote for your favorite and oohhh you win a trophy. Brandi should of without a doubt been in the finals. Bristol is terrible and has been terrible the entire time.
ReplyDeleteI am not calling this a tea party conspiracy, but clearly something is going on. When I tried to vote for Brandy the call would not go through so I dialed Bristol number and it went through no way was I trying to vote for her because she cannot dance. I am done with this show...what a big let down.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I am concerned she is the only one who has started out with no dance experience at all and has become a true dancer over the weeks. She may not be a pro but she sure deserves to be where she is. Go Bristol!!
ReplyDeleteI am not concerned about a conspiracy theory. I do know, however, that the show is rigged. There is no way Donnie Osmond should have beaten Mya and the same goes for Bristol making it to the end and ousting Brandy. This is all about ratings. They keep the individuals on until the end that increase their ratings. People who are not dancers did not notice that Bristol did very little foot movements in her 27 point dance. All she did was wave her dress. I have heard the judges dog other contestants out for doing the same dance with much more intensity. Bristol has no musicality and she dances off beat. I will never watch this show again.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I'm saying this but Bristol does seem sweet ( who cares about having a baby out of wedlock, and the Numbnut she fell in love with ) and she has absolutely improved as a dancer, but that said...
ReplyDeleteShe should have been voted off three weeks ago, and if she wins DWTS, and if they don't change the way the voting is done, I don't see that happening, because doesn't the show make $$$$ from those calls, I will stop watching.
I would like to see a panel of noted dancers, entertains and the like being the only call ins, something like apply, get approved, get a special number, one vote, say for several hundred or so.
Seeing this Palin Political / Christian "conspiracy crap" ( I absolutely believe it is ) coming into a fun show, just plain stinks !! and for that same reason I'm thinking of boycotting PBS for editing Tina Fey's speech.
Ok, the name of the show is "Dancing W/the Stars". Can someone, ANYONE, tell me, what makes Bristol a "star"??? The fact that she had a baby out of wedlock at 17 ?? Are you kidding me..This world is a joke. Any other teen that would have this "status" would almost be branded as a looser, based on our society, but the tables turn when its a teen who's mom is in politics ?? Get the f*** out of here. No she should not have gotten this far, she can't dance, she's stiff, she trys to act too shy, and needless to say, she couldn't touch Brandy when it comes to dancing. PERIOD!! Even the professional dancers on show looked totally SHOCKED when they made the annoucement. It's really sad, sad that we live in a world thats predicated upon status, color of your skin, politics, and who's your "momma" !!!
ReplyDeleteThe right thing for Bristol to do at this point would be to bow out of this competition - just like her half-governor mother did in Alaska. I can only imagine the feeling on the set of this show with the real talant being pushed off by someone so obviously undeserving and who really does not even really care about being on the show. Advice - next time you get a call at your dermatology job from a reality show, don't answer it. Focus on being a mother to your beautiful son and let us have our show back. The producers should be ashamed of themselves.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't deserve anything. Her mommy and family got her where she is. She was fired as a receptionist. Now she leaves her baby at home for 10 weeks, with 2 nannies. She is the daughter of privledge and has made nothing of her life. She relies on the votes garnered only because of mommies popularity. Limited choreographed dancing, done poorly, for someone of little talent. The only thing that fits is that America keeps ALLOWING her to Dance with the [real] stars. It's no different than a high school student president vote. Viewers care about dancing about as much as teenagers vote for the candidates platform. Get a life people. Bristol is awful. And we should care why? Remember, she is a "teen activist" preaching abstinence instead of using protection, though she is an unwed teen mother. She claims she is not a slut because she only had sex with her long term boyfriend? So, following her logic, it's normal to have sex but don't use protection. But abstinence is best. Makes as much sense as keeping her on the show.
ReplyDeleteThe idiot judges shouldn't be giving Bristol high marks the max for her is a 7. The best thing Bristol could have done for herself & her mother's career was to step up and say that Brandy is a far better dancer than I am and I don't deserve to be here thus leaving the show.
ReplyDeleteSomething is most diffently going on here. Bristol beating Brandy give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!! At this point it's probably fixed so she will be beat out Jennifer also!!!!!!! What a Joke this show has become!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyone not think the producers of the show aren't reveling in all this chatter about their show. Wake up people! It's not about dancing. It's about viewers. They've brought in a whole new crowd of viewers by allowing Bristol to continue. Lots of fat couch potato wanna be dancers out there are going to vote for Bristol, someone who resembles them. Then there is her family influence and money. Who says you can't by fame. Happiness, not so much. She looks miserable to have to work for another week. These 10 days are probably more work than she has done or will do in her life.
ReplyDeleteThe producers of DWTS need to stop this craziness and crown good dancers like Jennifer or Brandy as the winner. Shame on the show on the Palins for murdering our entertaining industry.
ReplyDeleteThe right thing for Bristol to do now is to withdraw and reinstate Brandy in the finals. Unfortunately this is not gonna happen as we all know that Bristol has been preselected to win. DWTS and the Palins have murdered the American entertainment industry.
ReplyDeleteYes you are right, this judges can not to thing like this and expert the viewer to be happy with their crupt. They better take it somewhere else. I wasted my time voting for the right people. why should they asked us to vote in the first place anyway? If you judges wants palin, you better go to alaska. I am just as mad as a dog.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch the show because every season they choose someone that is controversial or famous for simply being famous i.e. Kate Plus 8! I think it is great that Bristol might win the whole thing because even though she is overall a horrible dancer (according to everyone I know that watches the show) the show booked her for the Palin factor which would be great for their ratings. Now they are stuck with the probability that an awful dancer might win simply because she has the last name of Palin. As for you out there that states it isn't her last name--please--would anyone care about her if she was an unknown, single mother that has questionable taste in romantic partners? This whole scenario is a win-win for everyone--the show gets the ratings, the Palin crowd can be happy & Bristol gets more publicity & an a trophy--even though it is undeserved. Unfortunately the down side is for those that take the show seriously they will have to face the fact that the show is really a popularity contest. As for me I say go Bristol it might be the beginning of the end of the show--which I am sick of hearing about. GO BRISTOL!!!
ReplyDeletei think its great that bristol is doing well on the show. before the show started i never knew who most of the "stars" were. i knew jennifer brandi and bristol. in bristol's defense i like tha fact that she has no formal training and is an everyday joe. she has stepped up and made alot of people say hey i could do something more. in fact my own daughters now want to take lessons for stuff they didnt think they could do because of their smaller size for thier age. they look up to bristol for what she has done. so i say bristol the pistol for dancing with the stars champ.
ReplyDeleteDefinitly time to give the voting to the JUDGES ONLY, because while very good dancers are eliminated, the politicians daughter is still there. We noticed also that MOM is getting plenty of TV time out of this. Please run for President so I can vote against you.
ReplyDeleteBristol should have never made it this far. What a shame that good talent was voted off and she got to stay. This is a slap in the face and we should give DTWS a double slap and vote for Bristol, I hope she win and then the show will really look stupid.
ReplyDeleteLook, I cant stand the hypocrisy behind the Palins (They hate the hollywood media and then the daughter goes to hollywood; abstinence? please)and Bristol is clearly a bore of a dancer and is cashing in on mommy but the rules are the rules. If people want to get mad they should be mad at the idiot producers of dwts that would invite an empty headed dolt with no talent or credibility (teen activist? c'mon)to appear. She is getting the votes and that is what matters right now.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is this: What is the message to my teenage children? Go get pregnant and then you can have a career as a speaker on abstinence and people will really believe you that you will never have sex again while unmarried? Be and underachiever and mediocre at best who happens to have a popular mommy and you can cash in? Dont worry about real skill;being popular is all that counts.
ReplyDeleteEvery year I watch really good dwts dancers who obviously work hard who drop weight right before our eyes. This slob is gaining weight and we are supposed to believe she is woking as hard as the others?
ReplyDeleteWhat a cow!!
ReplyDeleteI think that all should just leave Bristol alone... My god, look at what this world has come to! all because of who her mom is does not mean she is getting votes. I believe that she should be getting Votes. she is young, no experience with dancing and look how far she has come... IIf we the people did not vote for her we would not see how far she has blossomed. PS- I am a Democrat!!-
ReplyDeleteKyle doesn't have any experience either and look how good he is, as for Bristol she's old enough to say no to her mother but i assume she must be a bit embarrassed. She doesn't deserve a spot in the finale we know it she knows it her mother and her followers know it.
ReplyDeleteBristol is not a star! Why was she even allowed to be on the show in the first place? Go figure...it's all about the Palins right now. But just wait...when God gets tired he will bring em down. Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! And to those judges...If you have respect of persons...you sin!
ReplyDeleteDWTS is pure garbage! Don't waste your time watching it!
ReplyDeleteIn response to anonymous @3:28 pm...you know damn well you are a republican! Who you think you fooling? Or better yet you may be a supporter of those "don't have a clue" tea party crew! lol
ReplyDeletewell folks, just like DEADLIEST CATCH wont be watching DANCING WITH THE STARS EITHER,,,thanks Discovery Channel and NBC
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin was not Bristol's mother, when do you think she would have left the show? This show is about dancing ability. Bristol is a nice girl but her dancing ability is very limited and not worthy of winning this far period. The audience wants to see talented dancers win because they deserve to win. Giving Bristol anymore false hope is cruel to her as she knows it's fake praise as a dancer anyway...she is not as good as many of the competitors that have already unfairly left the show. Just because Sarah Palin's daughter was asked to appear on the wrong show doesn't mean awful dancing should take the place of real talent!
ReplyDeletesome people will do anything to stay in the spotlight --Sarah- America, please your not this stupid. both Palins have NO talent.
ReplyDeleteit is interesting timing bristol palin appear on dancing with stars. her awkward dancing appearance and leak of personality should have gotten her booted from the show at the very least, two weeks ago. i am insulted with this shy image their trying to pass over on us, she did get knock up. and to do so, you have to do what some call "the nasty". lets not paint her out to be more then she is, and for god's sake, do not glorify her and give her a campaign trail to blaze. i will admit, someone is phoning in votes, but this doesn't tell me she's liked, it only suggest that someone want her to win, and their reason could be get a point across. what the point is, only they know . . . bristol getting this far on dancing with stars, is political, you can bit on that.
ReplyDeleteDWTS has just lost the caribbean audiance. Britol has no musicality,very boring and stiff.Bristol should have been the second one to leave the show but thank to her loony wannabe politician mamawho made it possible for her to reach the final three. DWTS STINKS. To you my dear BRANDY you were beatifull, gracful and you and Max made agreat team, and thanks to you this unfairness proves that DWTS SHOW IS A HOAX!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's what I like, because of all the "looney's" out there going psycho over Bristol, it was even on the Rush Limbaugh show (do you know how big his audience is) and even the Christian Monitor has gotten involved. Between the conspiracy theory (telling us how we can vote more), and shooting out the TV, I believe you have managed to enlist even more support and votes for Bristol. Bristol will win it all.
ReplyDeleteLet's be painfully truthful. Should Bristol Palin still be on the show? Of course not. Aside from what you think of her mother or her, she can't dance! It's a dancing contest! Let me say it once more for greater emphasis: SHE CAN'T DANCE... AND IT'S A DANCING CONTEST! The only thing more ridiculous than a talentless Bristol Palin winning DWTS would be her brainless mother winning the Presidency. Then again who cares? DWTS is about one step away from pro wrestling. The costumes look about the same and they're both fixed.
ReplyDeleteMain problem with this show is the voting system. The issue is that you can cast votes online. Remove the online voting option and restrict to ONE vote per phone# (call or SMS).
ReplyDeleteHer mother made sure she was on almost every week so her followers would be there to call in. If this girl wins I will never watch this show again.....I will vote again/again and again for anyone but Bristol.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it's a conspiracy but I do believe the show is definitely rigged. Sarah is definitely using her clout to make sure her darling daughter wins, even though Bristol really, really sucks and her weekly performance scores shows this. The Palin's viewed Brandi as a threat due to her continually out performing their political asset and used political muscle to eliminate her. Period. Everyone should just boycott the show. I guarantee you, once their viewer base takes a huge dip and the network start losing the money, they'll start playing nice and being fair to the other contestants. Even to the ones that don't own their own retarded reality show that leaves you utterly brain dead after watching.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a nice girl, a decent person with an apparent honesty about her. I have enjoyed watching her grow in DWTS. If her Mom runs for pres, I will vote for her
ReplyDeletebristol palin is not a star and doesn't even deserve to be on dancing with the stars. she is only famous because of her mom (and because she got pregnant like an idiot as a teenager). this show isn't "dancing with the dumb teens with famous mothers" so she shouldn't have been on the show in the first place. obviously sarah palin gets high ratings, and that's why DWTS producers are determined to keep her on as long as possible. if she wins, this show should be canceled because jennifer grey and kyle massey both deserve it a gazillion times more than her.
ReplyDeleteI understand that people like Bristol but I just don't think it's fair to people such as Audrina, Rick, and Brandy who dance MUCH better than Bristol and get kicked off. It's like a slap in the face. Besides, she shouldn't even be on the show. Having a baby at 17 does not make you a star. She should've been out weeks and weeks ago, even before Florence, but unfortunately there has to be something going on when 99% of public comments are saying that they are sick of seeing Bristol keep making it. There has to be a freaking conspiracy. She has been at the bottom of the leaderboard FOUR times and bottom two SEVEN times. It's absolutely ridiculous and not fair to people on the show who are actually STARS and can DANCE. Isn't the show called DANCING WITH THE STARS???
ReplyDeleteI hope this show would be cancelled due to the public out cry of unfairness. First of all Bristol looks like she is being drag all over the stage by her partner for every dance and it so paiful to watch her dance every week. SARA PALIN karma is a bitch and if you have any decency you would take your unflattering dancer of a dauther and go back home. TAKE DWTS OF THE AIR!!!
ReplyDeleteBristol should have been booted off the show in week one. This is a dance contest, and she is clearly not a dancer. She may have improved, incrementally, but this isn't about improvement, it's about who dances the best. If Bristol wins, DWTS will have lost me as a viewer.
ReplyDeleteI've ejoyed DWTS ever since the first season yet knew this moment would come -- the only suprise is that it took this long!
ReplyDeleteGet real, people, what's "wrong" with DWTS is not about Bristol, Brandy, Maks or whoever, nor is it the scoring system; so lets back off from bashing individuals! It's also not about Palin or the Tea party, so, lets drop the political rants! Commercial TV programming is totally about money! The cult of personality, and the controversies it ignites is exactly what is is -- a cash cow! Controversy and in-fighting is what generates big ratings -- and big ratings generate big money from advertising!
How does it feel to be manipulated by corporate broadcasting when all you want is a pleasant hour or two of intelligent diversion?
as a dancer she does well for an alaskan sea cow