The DREAM Act 2010 would provide a 6 year conditional track to citizenship if illegal immigrants obtain a college degree OR serve 2 years in the US Military.
The impacted immigrants are children of illegal immigrants who have been raised in our school systems, yet cannot go to college or have opportunities because of their immigration status.
Similar to the unemployment extension, the DREAM Act 2010 isn't expected to pass once the GOP has the majority in the House. The bills opponents claim that the bill sends the wrong message and may actually increase illegal immigration as parents in poorer countries may come to the US hoping to give their children the chance at a better life.
Are you a DREAM Act supporter, or does the DREAM Act 2010 sound like a bad idea to you?
Yes, I am but I think it should be include the visa backlog problem in this bill since it is not fair for the legal immigrants to wait for so many years for a visa number and the dream act does not carry anything about it yet.
ReplyDeleteDream Act needs to pass it is one of the few things that make any sense
ReplyDeleteNO! NO! NO!!!
ReplyDeleteHow can you say you will provide this to those of good moral character?!?! They BROKE THE LAW TO GET HERE!! Where is the GOOD in that?!?!
Send them back where they came from. WE THE PEOPLE are tired of footing the bill for criminals!
What about the 3 week old infant brought to this country, did the child break the law or the parent? Do we penalize a 4.0 student who has never been in trouble? This particular student could not safely return to his former country to apply to enter legally.
ReplyDeleteto the first anonymous comment,
ReplyDeletethis bill is for those that came into the country with their parents when they were young. they didn't have any choice but to come here with them and they grew up here as americans. how can you possibly call them criminals when so many of them don't find about their status until they graduate high school?
We need to pass the DREAM act. I know of an undocumented young lady living in my neighborhood who is in her sophomore year of high school and is taking class that will give her collage credit and getting a 4.0 GPA. She spends many hours a day in the high school play. She is a wonderful loving, caring person. Her parents who are also wonderful people who have never had any problems with the law and are willing to do anything for their family brought her her when she was 12 years old. I don't know very many young people that have higher moral character than she does. It is criminal not to pass the DREAM act.
ReplyDeleteHow can you say that they are crimminals. First of all, they did not make the choice to come here; they were brought here by their parents. Most of them do way better in school than the so called legal americans. And for your information "WE THE PEOPLE" also came here as immigrants from Europe; and that I remembered Native Americans WERE NOT asked for an opinion when "the real Americans" came from England. So technically we have all come to this country by illegal means. Because I'm sorry but killing thousands of Native Americans, and stealing THEIR land, is murder and robbery, which is ILLEGAL. So please don't come with the "WE THE PEOPLE are tired... blah blah.." because it is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteMANY didn't break the law to get here, some were on visas, WE ARE AMERICANS and we give people opportunities, and we don't punish children. Let's pass the DREAM Act, secure the border (Obama's administration has Deported many criminals)
ReplyDeletePass the Dream ACT NOW.
ReplyDeleteWe need more educated people in this country and we def need more soldiers.
There are hundreds of thousands of young adults that want to join the military and fight for our country, let them b/c I'm not going to Iraq. And there are many smart students with degrees or students that want the opportunity to go to college and make this country a better place.
America is going down, not b/c of illegal immigrants, but b/c of uneducated lazy people, which we have a lot of.
i think that they should give these opportunity to students that have decent grades and diserve to go on in life. we understand that alot of ppl dont diserve it and they have the chance and the ppl who dont have the chance really want it!! SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PASS THIS LAW!!!!
ReplyDeletePassing the Dream Act sounds like a GREAT IDEA.
ReplyDeleteIt needs to pass NOW before the "hell-no" party takes power.
Pass the Dream Act in 2010
I agree, this bill needs to pass immediately.
ReplyDeleteI am a Republican and I support the Dream ACT
ReplyDeleteI am of Hispanic decent and I say Vote No. My parents and family came here the legal way and its not right to give amnesty with no penalties to ppl who are here illegally. I do feel for those who are being punhised for their parents transgressions but by being here they are breaking the law and yes they are criminals bc of this. I am more for giving them visas then a short cut method to the possibly of getting citizenship stauts. It is unfair for us harworking americans who live here who pay taxes and for those legal permanent residents who are in line waiting to bemcome US Citizens.
ReplyDeleteThe boarder must be secured before any action is taken toward legislation such as the Dream Act. The American people did not create this problem of illegal immigration. Mexico and other third world countries did by not providing for their own people. I don't blame the illegal immigrants for wanting to better their lives, but Americas have the right and the obligation to protect its integrity, culture, and solvency. Like most countries in the world (including the source countries of illegal immigrants), The United States must control and monitor its borders and immigration. America is not the caretaker of the world.
ReplyDeleteOur problem seems to be that the United States and the illegal immigrants are equally at fault for our current situation. No US president legislature has truly taken on the problem.
Our current economic condition exacerbates this problem prompting a majority of US citizens to take a hard line against illegal immigration and legislation such as the Dream Act.
for the Hispanic decent who wants to vote no, let's say your parents decide not to pay taxes or rob a bank and are sentences to life in prison then in your own words you are a criminal as well because of your parents transgressions? you had no choice in your parents bank robbery but you are just as guilty
ReplyDeleteisnt it odd how americans tell immigrants to go home,
ReplyDeletewhen originally this land wasnt theirs?
I am in SUPPORT of the DREAM ACT becaue I would be benefited from it! Indeed I STRONGLY believe there is TOO MUCH IGNOANCE IN many individuals that have posted a comment in this blog (with all the respect). I am 20 years old and was brought here at 8 years old when I had no clue of what the word "immigrating" meant. I came here with a 6 month Visa (NOT ILLEGALLY NOT ILLEGALLY NOT ILLEGALLY) but MY PARENTS chose to stay and start a life here. Did I have a vote in this decision????? I CERTAINLY DID NOT!! now I attend a recognize University in which I pay in-state tuiton but trust me HOW AND WHERE I GET THE MONEY FROM EXTREMELY HARD!! However, I want to get educated and I am paying for my education with NO FINANCIAL HELP, and I also have very very CLEAR THAT I won't BE GRADUATING/WALKING and not receiving any kind OF DIPLOMA until I have a nine digit number that can identify me!
ReplyDeleteBASED ON MANY PEOPLE I AM A CRIMINAL AND I AM BREAKING THE LAW? WOW!! I AM JUST LIKE ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO SUCCEED IN LIFE AND MAKE THE MOST OF IT!! for college graduation, for my friends vacations you think I could of attended to any of this trips NEW YORK, MISSOURI, CONNECTICUT, AND VIRGINIA IS THE ONLY THING I KNOW FOR THESE 20 YEARS OF LIFE I'VE HAD! i have a hard work, I canot get any typed of internships, i cannot have a decent job!! BECAUSE I AM A CRIMINAL? AND BECAUSE WHEN I WAS 8 I DECIDED AND CHOSE TO STAY HERE!!
I support the DREAM ACT
ReplyDeletePeople are very dumb first of all these hard working people that we can illegal immigrants come here to have a better life. Their not criminals in first place the only thing wrong here is that they either came with their visa and got expired and stayed here or came here in a car, swim, jump the border etc. We have to realize their not bad people their hard working people. How about the kids etc that want to go to college or already graduated from high school what are they going to do after ? Theres a lot of undocumented students that would change their lifes. It would be a good thing to pass the dream act something good for once. People are so ignorant, racist.
ReplyDeleteWould you like to know the 10 obnoxious facts about Senator Harry Reid's DREAM ACT? Not the usual Liberal claptrap that only a proportion of Americans are supposedly to absorb as the truth? Sen. Jeff Sessions put out the following release yesterday on the DREAM Act, that it’s an incremental illegal-alien amnesty bill S.3827. Read Senator Sessions of Alabama statement at:
Call your Senator or Representative at the Washington Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Demand NO DREAM ACT. It’s really a De-Facto Amnesty as another tax on Americans.
I see where there are positive aspects of the dream Act- BUT once again- it is benefitting people who BROKE THE LAW in the first place!!! If you keep rewarding people who KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY break the law, what does that say about our legal system and our moral beliefs? Also, if this passes, what will it do to the college entrance options for legal US citizen's children? Once again our kids' needs will take a backseat to the lawbreakers!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIllegal immigrants already drain our Legal, Educational and Health Care systems- now you want them to drain our higher Educational System too?? it's NOT discriminatory to be AGAINST people CHOOSING to break the law and getting rewarded for it!! I'm so tired of people trying to deflate any intelligent debate by throwing out the 'Discrimination' trump card. If you enter this country ILLEGALLY, you are a CRIMINAL!!!! Period end of story!! What other laws do we have that allow us to say "well, 'they' can break the law, but 'they' can't"? Since when did we allow certain laws to be followed and certain laws to be broken without punishment????? I'm not against anyone coming here to try to make a better life for themselves and their families- I'm against them doing it ILLEGALLY and 'on my back'! My kids didn't get their educational needs met because we have such a high population of illegals there aren't enough resources! Not to mention, I have 2 kids because that's all i can afford. Why do 'they' get to have 4-5 kids and I have to support them too???? NO WAY!!! I'm tired of watching people get rewarded for doing the wrong thing! There is no incentive for doing the right thing!!
ReplyDeleteI am sick and tired of working for 50+ years and paying taxes that support all the freeloaders. Like Hispanic Anonymous said, he and his family took the steps to come here legally. Why should the illegals get a break?
ReplyDeleteFor the people that is aganist the Dream Act. A child brought here by his or her parent is NOT responsible for any action. They were brought to the country without any knowledge. The Dream Act is not benefiting the PARENTS...It is benefitting the childrent!
ReplyDeleteI teach many of these 'illegal' students. They are motivated, at the top of their class and a credit to our society. They live in fear that they will be sent back to a country they do not know or recognize as home. These kids are amazing! Stop looking at them as border jumpers that don't belong here. They as naturalized as any citizen. Give them the security to live up to their potential.
ReplyDeleteI do believe we should secure are borders and do anything possible to stop illegal immigrants coming to the U.S. But in the other hand there are many students that know nothing about the country they came here unintetionally and are working hard in college to better them selfs and have the american dream. To all that say no to the DREAM ACT get in their shoes for for a second, wouldent you want a opportunity to succed. By all means this is the land of apportunities, lets make this land useful. I Support the Dream act.
ReplyDeleteEight Reasons Republicans Should Support (and Own) the DREAM Act
ReplyDelete(based on stated policy principles of the Republican Party)
I. Job Creation - Dreamers are college and military educated pro-American people - just the kind that will create new jobs.
II. Deficit Reduction - Dreamers want to become taxpayers, and as college educated persons, will be middle to upper middle class. Just what we need to create revenue without raising taxes!
III. Personal Responsibility - Leaving after receiving an education is IRRESPONSIBLE not responsible. Staying, setting roots, and making a contribution is responsible.
IV. Free Market Capitalism - Competition, Fairness, Investment and Opportunity are the basis for Capitalism. Our investment is lost when these people are deported.
V. National Security - Why make enemies of people who have assimilated to our society by forcing them to leave? This bill allows them to be registered, identified, and to remain loyal to the U.S.
VI. Pro-Life - Unborn babies aren't born here, either.
VII. Family Values - Generosity, Industry, Honesty, Love, Hospitality...
VIII. Judeo-Christian Principles
The Hebrews are an immigrant people - and Jesus was taken as a child to Egypt. Christ taught that what we do to the "least of these" we do to Him.
to all of you out there who say that children who are brought to this nation key word CHILDREN!!!!!!, illegally are criminals are a bunch of idiots how is child to know what is illegal or legal how is a child supposed to stay in a place that their family wants to leave and support themselves, no child is capable of this under any circumstances....i know of a dear friend of mine who is plagued by this very situation and yes she was brough here as a child by her parents and grew up loving this great country and wanting to contribute to its prosperity....who are we to deny someone not just a national identity but also future especially when the situation that they are in was forced upon them. who are we to say they are criminals when they have not even broken the law especially when to prove that someone is a criminal it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they commited the crime.....most of these chidlren were unaware that where they were being taken was illegal and so they should not be held responsible for actions they did not commit....I say pass the dream act but at the same time revise it and make sure that those who wish to try and freeload off of this provision dont succeed and that those who truly deserve its benefits get the help they need to become productive members of our society...because lets face it this nation is filled with a bunch of lazy kids who dont take things like education seriously while these immigrants work hard...harder than kids who take these freedomes for granted and are stopped by a technicality from achieveing their goals....so I SAY AGAIN PASS THE DREAM ACT BUT DO SO IN A CAUTIOUS MANNER MAKING SURE THAT THOSE WHO SEEK TO FREELOAD CANT AND YES THAT DOES SEEM UNREALISITC BUT THOSE CHILDREN DESERVE A CHANCE
ReplyDeletethose who say that immagrant break the rule to get here have no idea wat they suffered in there native country. people move around for better lifes i don't know why the dream act was denied it made perdect sence to me.
ReplyDeleteMy Wife is an Texas born American Latina. I'm a White American, Conservative. We have been together for 5 years.
ReplyDeleteShe married at a young age and moved to Mexico and gave birth to two children there. She didn't know that she had to file Birth Abroad forms with the State Dept. After 3 yrs she moved back to the U.S, drove her car through customs with no problems. Today the children are 17 and 15. The boy is the 17 yr old and he dreams to serve in the Army. The 15 yr old is a girl that excels in school and dreams of college. The kids barely speak any spanish and have no clue as to life in Mexico. They are as American as it gets but they are considered Illegal.
We have gone round and round with Homeland Security. We have exhausted our funds with Lawyers and filing fees with Homeland Security.
I again filed a I-130 in Chicago with Homeland Security by mail back in April and still have not gotten a notice that they even recieved the paperwork ! We are not allowed to get any Tax Credits for they kids and getting them Medical Insurance is a nightmare.
The DREAM ACT is our only hope !!!
Right now, Congress needs to hear from you. Send a fax telling your Members of Congress to support the DREAM Act!
Right now, Congress needs to hear from you. Send a fax telling your Members of Congress to support the DREAM Act!
Right now, Congress needs to hear from you. Send a fax telling your Members of Congress to support the DREAM Act!
Here are some stats for stupid Americans:
ReplyDeleteNon-citizen immigrants have founded a quarter of American tech and engineering start-ups and half the high-tech companies in Silicon Valley, according to a joint study by Duke University and the University of California at Berkley.
Non-citizen immigrants file for patents at twice the rate of native-born Americans.
A McGill University study found they ``outperform native college graduates in wages, patenting, commercializing and licensing patents.'' A Babson College study found 61 percent of all new businesses in recession-stricken 2008 were started by immigrants.
Also, another study shows that immigrants are 4 times more likely to become millionaires than born Americans. That's why Republicans are scared!
Yessssssssss!! We need for the dream act,because currently there is no way for indocumented youth to fix their legal status
ReplyDeleteSo it doesn't make sense to have these young people gain residency status, to be put on the path to citizenship, so they in turn have equal job opportunities to stimulate the economy and be required to pay taxes with the income they would be legally earning. As opposed to keeping them all in the shadows making money under the table and not paying any taxes so we as Americans can complain that they don't pay taxes and we have to use our money to pay for their education and blah blah whine complain moan. Really? Because that quite frankly is moronic.
ReplyDeleteGo educate yourselves instead of spewing ignorant, poorly thought out arguments about the subject. The dream act needs to be passed as well as a border control policy. The US would spend billions deporting illegals and that would come from tax payer dollars. Whereas cutting off the incoming flow of illegal immigration and then dealing with the problem within would not only be a cheaper process, but with immigrants being forced to pay taxes, they would also help fund the budget for these plans.
So would you rather have your taxes going to this situation, or have immigrants also paying taxes and taking a lot of the burden off of you.
is criminal no pass the bill,we need to do same thing about urgent!! yes!!!!!!!!!!dream act now!!!
ReplyDeletedon't let the dream die!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone should have a chance to go to college. Dream Act just does that for undocumented students that cant go to college because of their status. Just pass the DREAM ACT.
ReplyDeleteThe DREAM Act is a trojan horse for full amnesty to all illegals. This includes persons up to age 35 with 6 yrs to finish - age 42 is hardly kids! Anyone just filing for this application is afforded amnesty from any deportation proceedings until application is finished. College and military service is waiveable if it would "provide an undue hardship on the applicant" - hardly a mandate. Once status is granted this person is eligible to sponser brothers, sisters, and parents into the country, opening up the flood gates. No funding is allowed to process these; it is lengthy and costly and must be born by the taxpayer. Criminal illegal aliens will be eligible to apply. Applicants then get in state tuition and financial assistance preference above Americans. If turned down the US can NOT use information to even deport illegal - they revert to status before application - that of illegal alien stealing our benefits and jobs.
The fact is...they are criminals. Sure they came here as kids through no choice of their own..but now they are adults. And as adults they made the decision to STAY here illegally, steal other people's SSNs, collect welfare and get in-state tuition. Second, the DREAM Act will provide these "kids" to sponsor their illegal parents and as many reletives as they choose. There is no limit to the number of "relatives" that can be sponsored by these new "citizens".
ReplyDeleteThirdly, it would be a mistake to dump 6 million college grads into the workplace when we have a 10 percent unemployment rate. No jobs will be created by The DREAM Act, except that of welfare caseworkers.
A more common sense compremise would be to allow these students to study here legally and then REQUIRE that they return home upon graduation, with no option of returning to the U.S. Argentena can use more engineers. Mexico could use more urban planners. Ecudore needs more architects. etc, etc. These bright students could return home and bebuild their country's infestructure and improve their countries' econemies. That should the objective of The DREAM Act.
I was raised here for about 12 years, in 2012 when I finish High School I am going back to my home country because there is no hope for me here. The USA put me through Grade School, Middle School, and High School, I have been given a great education and took every opportunity I have been given. I work hard in school to maintain an A average. I am as American as it gets, except in paperwork. I out speak and out write those who are blood born Americans. When I leave, I will take the education and opportunities I got here and bring them back home, and use the education I have gotten here to contribute to another country. How is it fair to America that they have invested in me and get nothing back? Those who are against the DREAM act are basically stealing from themselves. You're letting the kids that drop out of High School and live off of welfare stay here because they are blood born, and deporting those like me, who have worked their butts off all their lives in hope of a chance. This is why your country is in economic trouble, you're deporting smart minds that you have been investing in. Continue opposing the DREAM Act, continue paying for welfare of the lazy, undetermined kids, continue deporting minds you have been investing in.
ReplyDeleteThose who think that all immigrants do not pay taxes, are COMPLETELY WRONG! Many immigrants do pay taxes. For instance, my friend's Dad is an immigrant and with hard work and dedication he was able to open his own Appliance Store,where he not only pays taxes but also gives EMPLOYMENT for citizens. Tell me how that is being a criminal, if it could be you brother, sister, cousin, or father who has this opportunity to get employment. Not only is he helping the economy but also aiding those who need employment in this devastating economical circumstances. I say support the Dream Act, so that one day that person whom many of you denied that opportunity could give employment and aspirations for your future grandchildren and children.
ReplyDeleteFor what I've read, it seems like US Legal Citiens are affraid of undocumented students acquiring a higher education because we can prove that we are better than them. We have better moral and better understanding of HARD WORK.
I feel pity for you, because you are so incapable!
and if you beieve that nobody is more capable than you, then you shouldn't worry if others become legal residents.
to whoever said, "they broke the law by coming here, send them back" children dont really have much of a choice.. you know why this country is headed downhill so fast, because we have lost compassion for one another, and all we worry about is the couple of dollars in my paycheck. what do you think it takes a person, family, to leave a homeland to a strange place, where they speak a different tongue, they look differently, and one becomes a 3rd rate member of society. do you think people just commit to such a decision just because they want too..? what would it take you to migrate to a completely new place..? think about that, then think twice about what you say, and then before you open your mouth, think once more. you reap what you sow. you find yourself in a "higher" position than undocumented immigrants just because a piece of paper, and yet you look down with disdain and withdrawal. one day, someone with a bigger piece of paper, or a bigger wallet, or a position of higher authority than you, will down upon you the same way you look down upon these people. think before you speak, please. God bless.
ReplyDelete"Similar to the unemployment extension, the DREAM Act 2010 isn't expected to pass once the GOP has the majority in the House. The bills opponents claim that the bill sends the wrong message and may actually increase illegal immigration as parents in poorer countries may come to the US hoping to give their children the chance at a better life."
whoever owns this site needs to do a better job mananging, you site sux..would not allow me to post my story but will probably let me post this short bit.....sux, sux