The agenda for the "lame duck session" doesn't include the unemployment extension - either the current benefits or the tier 5.
That means that the government, this holiday season, could depart without passing an unemployment extension. To a certain extent, there are many families that will go through the holidays in uncertainty over how they are going to buy presents, pay the bills, and keeps the family warm.
The agenda will be laced with the Bush Tax Cuts, Social Security COLA, and the DREAM Act 2010. While many of these items are important, isn't the unemployment extension more important, especially given the expiration of emergency benefits on November 30th.
However, once again Washington appears to be disjointed. If we are talking about the Dream Act before the unemployment extension, doesn't that show that "illegal immigrants" no matter how unfortunate their condition, are more important to Congress than the millions of Americans who will be impacted by the expiration of the unemployment extension.
Just not right
ReplyDeleteThis sickens me.
Unemployed American
I'm a lame duck and don't care if anyone gets this extension. We should talk about religious freedom and human rights first. Secondly we should all agree that the extension should go to military funding and raises for all the soldiers in the field. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and keep using your soup kitchen. Love Barbara
ReplyDeleteGreat job Barbara, glad you have seen the light. No more raping your neighbors wallet. Kudos
ReplyDeleteBarbara ---- You are a asshole
ReplyDeleteAnd so are you Dick H. I guess the H stands for head....
ReplyDeleteI hope your tub sinks in the perfect storm you jackass. pound this bitch.
ReplyDeleteOver 2,000,000 will suffer dire consequences just before the holidays. Never has the government failed to act when unemp hovered at 10%. This will make a first. Where is the media????
ReplyDeleteWhats up with u stupid barbara. u must be pounding that henry.shithead on the other blog. go to hell.
ReplyDeleteBarbara are you having everyone over for thanksgiving..Your a clown..The soldiers are getting a paycheck as minimal as it may be their families dont have to worry where they will be for the holidays..Big daddy I hope you drown in the water...Someone needs to POUND you
ReplyDeleteGood question, the media is sucking barbara and dickhead off, along with that big daddy bastard.
ReplyDeleteBarbara and Big Daddy are getting married on November 30th and will have baby Obama twins with chicken hanging out the mouths.
ReplyDeleteAll the watermelon they can eat too!!!!
Dick, I would rather work than collect unemployment. Ive paid into unemployment for 25 years and only get 2 years worth to support my family. Its people like you that makes the situation worse. All you care about is you. And for you Big Daddy if there was some work out ther I would pound pavement. You got work for anyone so you can help power our economy back on track? Otherwise get F**Ked. Unemployed American construction worker.
ReplyDeleteWow Barbara, You are an idiot...and I bet you don't have anyone who likes you and you will die a lonely old bat...I feel sorry for you...
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of big babies. Why don't you take a long walk off my short pier. You can come and clean barnacles off my pleasure boat at 12 knots. Maybe you can clean the spinning prop as well. Go change you depends construction idiot.
ReplyDeleteLook for Big Daddy blowing crap down your chimney on Christmas Eve. HO HO HO, SANTA
BIG DADDY someone needs to pound something in your fagot ass for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteAgree with joe
ReplyDeleteIncrease trade opportunities to create jobs. Dick Durbin
ReplyDeleteya so true Joe!!!!!!!!! LOL
ReplyDeletemy engineering job was eliminated do to fat cats here weren't happy enough making millions...they needed to make billions. GREED is what put this country in the state that it is in now. why pay americans a decent wage when you can pay slave wages in undeveloped countries.
ReplyDeleteoh, and i'm still waitng for the trickle down effect...which you don't here anymore when they're talking about the tax breaks now...it didn't work before and it won't work now...the rich just keep getting richer and the rest of us suffer for it
Dick durbin is a blowhard. He needs to flush himself down the crapper.
ReplyDeleteWho ever the writer of this article may be,
ReplyDelete( Lois C ) this is the 3rd time I have read a statement from you saying if an extension is not passed, it will be uncertain how many families will be able to buy "presents" this holiday season. You should not publish such statements because that mind-set only hurts the possiblity for any chance of an extension or an additional Tier. Do you really think the desperate unemployed have "present buying" as a top priority on their minds at a time like this? Of course they probably feel bad because of their financial in-ability to do so right now, but people need the extension and a tier 5 just to continue to survive, feed their families, pay what little bills they can and keep a roof over their heads while still fighting the battle of trying to find a job.
And you, Lois C. , list "buying presents" First in sequence on the reasons the unemployed need an extension.
I do not mean to be picking on you Lois C. , but you should reconsider publishing any future such statements because in the hands of the wrong people, they could easily be used to hurt, not help our situation.
I'm surprised Dicky isn't talking about the socialist tier 5 extension. Great news Dick, guess you have seen the light. Make big daddy proud Dick Durbin. Great job. BIG DADDY
ReplyDeleteBarbara you are a witch. You must be a Mexican
ReplyDeleteHey Mark, If you don't like what you read, go to another liberal rag. Big Daddy has a present for ya. Left over chicken bones.
ReplyDeleteOh you will be blowing alright bid daddy..Your pretty good at saying HO HO HO caused thats what your wife and daughters are
ReplyDeletePeople that's what u, get when u vote for Republicans. Their the worst SCUM ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteright on BD, that mark is a whore and a kiss butt.
ReplyDeleteBet my boat is bigger, cause Im %100 disabled and I bet your your prolly under %75. Back problems from being fat dont usualy collet %100. Anyway I hope they dont pass extensions, what will me and big daddy have to do all day.
ReplyDeleteBig daddy, if this does pass ill meet you on the cancer support sites. Im thinking we have planes with the next group. Yea, we tell them there all sick from smoking doing drugs and such, then we say we dont allow smoking on our private jets. Actualy I cant wait hitting cancer support sites right now see ya there.e
ReplyDeleteIgnore BIG DADDY he is a child. His momma will ground him again. And if he is On the computer all day he will be a uneducated hillbilly living of the government when he is old enough and lets hope to god he don't reproduce! And i pray you will get a teir 5.
ReplyDeleteLmao, HAHa @
ReplyDelete"Oh you will be blowing alright bid daddy..Your pretty good at saying HO HO HO caused thats what your wife and daughters are"
ReplyDeleteWe need people with new energy and ideas that care about America and what we stand for. These people in office are a bunch of greedy losers who want us out of their hair. They are over the hill. I'm tired of asking why and kid myself into thinking there is strategy behind their position. It is what it is. This disinterest is pure snobbery. I'm not thinking much about the President. He isn't going to come through. It's too late the Holidays are on us and when he sits down to his White House Thanksgiving dinner, which he will probably celebrate and have media attention, maybe he'll toss us a thought and think that there are other families with kids out there who are deserving. I can't fall for that smile any more. Not doing America any good. If he does pass the extentions, it won't be for everyone.
ReplyDeleteSounds good Big Mommy, Will have to pound them to the pavement. That's what you get when you smoke that wacky tobakkkkkkkky. POUND THE PAVEMENT LIBERAL IDIOTS.
ReplyDeleteA fat kid in a big toy box, yep big daddy!!! Haha
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy is a Transvestite that cannot find another Faggot to Pound him in the Ass Joe.
ReplyDeleteHe has to pound his self in the Ass with his
"Pleasure Dildo"
That is what the Faggot is really refering to when he mentions his "Pleasure Boat"
ReplyDeleteI agree Texas Pete
ReplyDeleteI personally know big daddy and he worked at sam club at the same store I did. He is the one who make the slurpies the pizza hot dogs etc. Well one day instead of working like he supposed had been doing he was chowing down on some frozen pancakes slipped and feel now recieving workman comp the reason he so bitter unemployment paid more. So dont believe the Fat Bastard.
ReplyDeleteI can't stop laughing, Texas Pete is so right!
ReplyDeleteall i can say is i hope all these so called political big shots have a wonderful holiday. they only care about how much money they will be losing & not worrying ABOUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE WORKED THEIR WHOLE LIVES . THEY WERE NOT ASKED TO BE IN THIS POSITION & WHEN THEY NEED THE GOVERNMENTS HELP ALL THE GOVERNMENT DOES IS IGNORE SMERICANS & WORRY ABOUT FOREIGN COUNTRIES & HOW THEY CAN HELP THEM
ReplyDeleteYour hot BD
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy give us a break. Where is your heart?
ReplyDeleteBIG DADDY why don't you fill up your boat and take a ride down to key west. Dick in the booty ass fagot.
ReplyDeleteWe certainly wouldn't want Big Daddy to run this country. He's a fool. Get a job. I can picture this guy with a pimple face and acne. Living off his family and gets nooooooo attention. Can't construct a sentence or has a thought in his head. Lucky him?
ReplyDeleteI guess Obama has seen the light as well. Your not going to get anymore socialist entitlements. You people can cry and moan all you want. It will not do you any good. Just make sure you get a big supply of depends for your fat butts. Time to go to work or starve. Great comment texas pete. If feels so goooood. Big Daddy
ReplyDeleteBig daddy you have issues to be on here all day messing with people so your are a child.Do you have issues with your daddy did he touch you in your no no place.Get a life if you have money and a big boat you would have to work and it dont look like you do and people with money have a life and you dont.
ReplyDeleteBarbara what are you BD's girlfriend. You can do better I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Big Daddy will lighten up due to anonymous 1032. Good luck with that job
ReplyDeleteO yea I remmemeber that Fat Bastard big Daddy. His Granny was a known call girl around 5th street and vine I think thats were big daddy gets his independents from he dont worry about jobs he just be hooking on 5th street and vine.
ReplyDeleteSweet Melissa needs to date big daddy. Bet they would have fun.
ReplyDeleteHey Melissa, I liked your staring roll on Little House on the Prairie. Your hot
ReplyDeleteI could not lower my standards that low!!
ReplyDeleteBarbara is speaking now. She looks like big daddys mommy.
ReplyDeleteI've been through worse times and Americans always pull through. It's tougher this time because there are idiots running the country. People like this ignorant thing BD voted them in. I wonder what he does for a living. Keep be much. I found that during this time we have done a lot of good things that made a difference. We could see where real value lies. When I look back on this, it will probably be a memory that is amazing because of the ability to make a difference in this world. Built two schools. Found funding for projects for children. Got into special offices in the Community. Now the job is on its way. You see BD there is a lesson to be learned here. I also got new career training which I love. Smart people can go through anything because we are Americans and come up winners while you lose because you can't find your heart.
ReplyDeleteI think big daddy had a part on Little House on the Prairie. Nelli Olson
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy. Prior to reading your comments, it had not occurred to me that one's IQ may be need measured utilizing a negative numeric score.
ReplyDeleteIf you are not currently receiving SSI benefits for a mental disability, you have certainly been wronged by the system!
You just think anyone that is Republican is heartless. You are a very biased idiot. Melissa is really BD's girlfriend. Don't be fooled.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you allow big daddy to comment on your blog? He's an asswhole with nothing to add other than to insult those of us who are hurting.
ReplyDeleteI love you BD
ReplyDeleteYou know BD I won't get off your back because you can't beat me. I can run circles around you. We're too smart to tell you what we own.
ReplyDeleteI havent read a story on this blog for two months and it is still the same old toxic piss hole with this f88kn big daddy fool and his new band of trolls. good riddins and best of luck to all of the unemployed.Ive got better things to do.
ReplyDeleteThese are the terrorists ... we are fighting against terrorism in the wrong country.
ReplyDeleteThe last 2 years have made me do a 180 degree turn about the unemployed and the poor. I am college educated and have been unemployed for over 2 years and yes I am a (99er).I have gone from middle class to complete poverty. I now feel and want to help all unemployed(at no fault of their own). I am a defeated man through and through and fight everyday to find reasons to continue, and I know that I am not alone in this economic depresion. The fact that the American Government has left us unemployed(at no fault of their own) to fend for ourselves when I cannot even get an interview for employment is a travisty and at this time I want change AT ANY COST. How a country treats its poor is an example of that countrys leadership and the direction the government is going. I am also a veteran and I have strong distrust toward our leaders and the direction WE are headed. The fact that employed Americans are now joining the fight agianst a teir 5 Ext. and calling names and generilizing the unemployed as lazy is Extremely DISGUSTING. Walk in my shoes and You WILL change you stance on the subject.... just like I did. The U.S.A. is in a very sad state.
ReplyDeleteThe Silent Majority.
BD we're too smart to tell you what we own.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one with the big mouth.
to anonymous idiot how the hell do you get i am on bd side and his girlfriend ?????????????
ReplyDeleteSilent Majority - I hear what you say and I think about the veterans and what they have to face coming home. I come from a family of men who were strong and fought for this country. I get it. Don't give up on us who are true blooded Americans. Those negative comments like this guy BD are jokes. The people who write them are a joke. Nobody cares about them. I've heard it all so far but we are still standing. There is always hope. We have to vote these people out. Seems like the bottom of the barrel got into office. God Bless. People who vote against Tier 5 who are working only are going to hurt themselves when the economy crashes. I hope that never happens.
ReplyDeleteThe 99er's formed a Union which is great but just wondering if we could enlist a few lawyers that can file a complaint against the government for endangering our lives when we become homeless. The government will cut us off & give everyone making over $250K a tax break. There is a lawsuit in this. We have the right to live & fight. Let's take it to the courts !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBD I'm not getting off your back because I can run circles around you. All of us can.
ReplyDeleteTier 5 will pass.people stop working yourselfs up.Its not healthy.THEY have no choice.The flash back would trigger a revolution.
ReplyDeleteNO comment instead of putting your whole day in to picking at people do something construtive towards getting the extension passed like everybody else!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have the numbers.We proved that on election day.
ReplyDeleteit sounds like big pussy and whore ass barbara are two worthless ass bitches fuck you both
ReplyDeleteI plan on staying strong but sometimes it seems to be to much. It means so much to me when a stranger writes back and gives people like me positive feedback. Thank You so MUCH
ReplyDeleteThe Silent Majority
This is a shame that some people can find pleasure with others having a difficult
ReplyDeletetime finding employment. I am sure one day the tide will turn and the people who are having fun, while others are down on thier luck will return back to them.Reading some of the messages posted here make me sad. I hope the extension is passed. During this holiday season i wish all well.
Bring our jobs back home.What the f..k? CHINA SUCKS AND SO DOES THEIR CHEAP LABOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo all the people who are against unemployment extensions. I hope all you fat cats have a good party and eat and drink yourself sick. Cause when you die before the age 69 I will be living off your social security. You are why this country is going to be a third world country in a few years and your the only ones that will have money so the government of the U.S. will go after you for and steal all your money to support their needs. Seee you in the tent camps on the street soon.
ReplyDeleteKARMA.... Its real. Some of you will learn that soon I am sure.
ReplyDeleteHow can you people say some of these harsh/cruel things? What a bitter life you must live. You must've never experienced something like this in your life. There is no way the government can have a heart if they recess without an extention AND tier 5, please don't let people stress during the holidays nd the poor innocent children that are going to be effected and suffer by this- no Christmas presents, no holiday dinners :'( I would never wish this on anyone no matter how rich or poor you are. May God Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteWe dont need a extension . go ask mom and dad for help. dont worry the jobs are out there go get one. thats why we voted the repubs in was to stop this welfare program. get a job !
ReplyDeleteAnonymous you kiss your momma with that mouth?if people like you repesent 99ers we are screwed!!!!
ReplyDeletewelfare probly pays your fat ass!!!if there where jobs people would work so shut the hell up!!!you low class hillbilly!!!
ReplyDeleteIgnore all of the negative people that have posted their nasty remarks here. When they lose their jobs they will be singing a different tune. I believe that the government has no choice other than to pass Tier V. AND people don't need Tier V to buy presents for Christmas. They need Tier V for BASIC survival.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want to be?A lamb led to slaughter,or the one doing the slaughting?
ReplyDeleteYou tell him Melissa, :)
ReplyDeleteThe people talking shit are doing it to take you away from the real issues.Dont feed into it and they will get bored and go away.First grade 101.
ReplyDeletePeople never understand someone's else situation unless they have walked in their shoes. With the world being in such a state, we should not be judging our fellow man, but be standing by each other. Maybe if we would all stick together, instead of knocking each other down, we could all do something together to help each other and the country. If you ask me, we are in need of a change. I think we should get rid of all politicians, and we the people should run our own country! It seems like most of them are just out for themselves and their own private agenda....
ReplyDeleteThat post was NOT Barbara99er-GA. It was Big Daddy using one of his many aliases. He's just trying to discredit her. Don't fall foe it.
ReplyDeletePeople never understand someone's else situation unless they have walked in their shoes. With the world being in such a state, we should not be judging our fellow man, but be standing by each other. Maybe if we would all stick together, instead of knocking each other down, we could all do something together to help each other and the country. If you ask me, we are in need of a change. I think we should get rid of all politicians, and we the people should run our own country! It seems like most of them are just out for themselves and their own private agenda....
ReplyDeleteWell Said
You see.Thier gone.
ReplyDeletegod fucking damit you mother fuckers tell my kids there aint no xmas this yr you fuckin mother fuckers are going to get yours
ReplyDeleteMaybe a rally on the White House.IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE.Sound familiar baby boomers.Weve been here before.GET TOGETHER NOW.
ReplyDeleteI hope your job and your unemployment (if it happens) is taken from you and you suffer without any Ins , food, home ,car. YOU ARE A BITCH!
why the fuck are my posts gone!!
ReplyDeleteok guys we are going to die anyway mite as well get all us 99ers together and go down with a fight.fuck it im sick of us hard workers getting the shaft with no lube whos got the plan?
ReplyDeleteTo Barbara Hitler,You must be a Nazi just like the republican party.Maybe you can tell me Why are we allowing this to happen in our country.Could it bethat what I have read in other sights is true.You know about world government.It has been said that in order to control a people,you must destroy their economy.Think about it?
ReplyDeleteWe need more extensions for 2011; come on congress, is your house warm and cabinets full? Obama has to beg u stupid repubs to help America..Give us our extensions, we are taxpayers!!
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy,
ReplyDeleteI'm Sure "it's" not big! WHAT mental institution did you escape from because I'm sure you weren't released on good behavior!
The problem with mentally ill people like you is they get their rocks off when people get fired up by your inane comments.....
People, just ignore the babbling, blundering idiot and hopefully he will go away. Oh, and obviously he is not employed since he is in our faces 24/7, I guess he has no one in his real life that will talk to or listen to him.
Big Daddy you are the biggest asshole I have ever come across in my entire life!!
ok guys we are going to die anyway mite as well get all us 99ers together and go down with a fight.fuck it im sick of us hard workers getting the shaft with no lube whos got the plan?
Im with you.... At Any Cost. The Government is not hearing us 99ers. Since talking isnt working lets try something else. Whats the saying "The ends justify the means" Im ready... At Any COST
ReplyDeleteBarbara you nasty bitch, where are you, I guess you've had enough?
ReplyDeleteSenate moves forward on food safety bill. Great job Senators. I love Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. Any relation to Barbara99er-GA
ReplyDeleteI am not sure why everyone feeds into "Big Daddy's" inane chatter. He has a low self esteem and has to make up for it somehow by trying to bring you to his level. So, I say, for now on just let him keep making his ignorant statements and go on with your day.
ReplyDeletewow i see that no one here is acting like adults about this situation. i mean im a 99er my self and as much as i would like this to pass it probably wont! but why is it that everyone is attacking each other? everyone is entitled to thier opinion !what ever happen to freedom of speech? everyone here needs to grown the F UP and get over the bickering!
ReplyDeleteQuite people, I'm making out with Henry.Shithead from World News Heard Now. No tier 5, go to hell.
ReplyDeleteThis site is not worth reading. It's not constructive. Too many trolling Middle Schoolers. Bye.
ReplyDeleteAnd that goes for you too Barbara99er-GA. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThis country is a complete joke and embarrassment....Now I can see why were the laughing stock of the world and everyone one else hates the USA..We have money for every other country but ours which cracks me up..What is are the senators thinking???Maybe they'll smell the coffee when some sicko takes matters into his own hands and puts a bullet in one of them which is only a matter of time..We have this joke for a president who's nothing but a liar like the rest of them who could put through the extension but like the rest of them he could careless...They say unemployment numbers are dropping ya they are that's because people are running out of benefits and coming off the books not because there's jobs..So lets see when everyones benefits expire and there's 20 million people income or jobs and nothing but total chaos comes because people need to eat and feed there families they'll have no one to blame but themselves
ReplyDeleteThe last 2 years have made me do a 180 degree turn about the unemployed and the poor. I am college educated and have been unemployed for over 2 years and yes I am a (99er).I have gone from middle class to complete poverty. I now feel and want to help all unemployed(at no fault of their own). I am a defeated man through and through and fight everyday to find reasons to continue, and I know that I am not alone in this economic depresion. The fact that the American Government has left us unemployed(at no fault of their own) to fend for ourselves when I cannot even get an interview for employment is a travisty and at this time I want change AT ANY COST. How a country treats its poor is an example of that countrys leadership and the direction the government is going. I am also a veteran and I have strong distrust toward our leaders and the direction WE are headed. The fact that employed Americans are now joining the fight agianst a teir 5 Ext. and calling names and generilizing the unemployed as lazy is Extremely DISGUSTING. Walk in my shoes and You WILL change you stance on the subject.... just like I did. The U.S.A. is in a very sad state.
ReplyDeleteThe Silent Majority.
Oh please, Who is using the N word. That was some BD impostor just to make him look bad. Anonymous 1203 is absolutely correct. Each and everyone of us is entitled to their opinion. The fact is that 99 weeks of unemployment is way too long. There are seasonal jobs for the holidays to be had. Quit your whining for something that will never happen. Go get that job people.
ReplyDeleteHey BIGCACA
ReplyDeleteStop pretending to be Barbara. Anyone who's read any of her Real posts on other sites,Knows It's YOU. You're not fooling anyone. ESAD!
Holy crap. This is exactly the type of "voting" Americans the media plays up to: using insults, racism, homophobia, my situation is worse than yours, liberal vs conservative, etc. People are so mean to others whose have different opinions. It is childish, ignorant, and full of misinformation.
ReplyDeleteREAD people, READ. Do not let the Fox/Cnn/Msnbc talking heads manipulate the facts and sway the way we relate to others. How in the world can one say military families are more deserving than the "truly" unemployed? How can one say blue collar deserves more than a desk employee? Aren't we ALL supposed to support our country and each other? Compromise is not dead, unless you want it all, like the bonus-hungry execs who ARE only out for their own greed. If you are going to pit us against them, first STOP with the insults (faggot, dickhead, bitch, jackass) that make you sound worse than school yard bullies, and FIGHT against the 2% who have raped this economy and held our government hostage for so many decades. WE ALL deserve to work, feed our families, and perhaps enjoy a modicum of luxury when warranted, but not at the expense of the majority who really, despite your "situation", are in the same sinking boat. READ, PROCESS, REACT with intelligence. WRITE your frustrations and concerns to those we VOTED IN, and not on some lame blog that does nothing but instill more anger and hatred.
WOW Everybody waiting for "SOMEONE ELES" to say something?Times they sure did change.Shame on you all.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap. This is exactly the type of "voting" Americans the media plays up to: using insults, racism, homophobia, my situation is worse than yours, liberal vs conservative, etc. People are so mean to others whose have different opinions. It is childish, ignorant, and full of misinformation.
ReplyDeleteREAD people, READ. Do not let the Fox/Cnn/Msnbc talking heads manipulate the facts and sway the way we relate to others. How in the world can one say military families are more deserving than the "truly" unemployed? How can one say blue collar deserves more than a desk employee? Aren't we ALL supposed to support our country and each other? Compromise is not dead, unless you want it all, like the bonus-hungry execs who ARE only out for their own greed. If you are going to pit us against them, first STOP with the insults (faggot, dickhead, bitch, jackass) that make you sound worse than school yard bullies, and FIGHT against the 2% who have raped this economy and held our government hostage for so many decades. WE ALL deserve to work, feed our families, and perhaps enjoy a modicum of luxury when warranted, but not at the expense of the majority who really, despite your "situation", are in the same sinking boat. READ, PROCESS, REACT with intelligence. WRITE your frustrations and concerns to those we VOTED IN, and not on some lame blog that does nothing but instill more anger and hatred.
Some suggestions I have is get out the "99er" Get cans of spraypaint and write it on empty buildings, houses empty/closed unemployment offices, hang banners with it on overpasses and crosswalks! Between the mainstream media and the gov we have been takin off the radar, we need to let the world know WE EXIST!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmerica came to be from bullshit, has dabbled in bullshit and until the end of this world if will forever be BULLSHIT. Its not a dem or rep thing its an issue of greed, lies, and a country whose people's eyes are wide shut and cant unite and get this mess fixed. Once again I say its all BULLSHIT. Everyone has an opinion, stop typing and start fighting
ReplyDelete520 weeks of tax breaks for the rich is WAY TO LONG
ReplyDeleteJ G Wentmore jobs says ITS MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants to burn down the bush library everytime its almost done I WOULD APPRECIATE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteCapitalism will plant the seeds of its own distruction in time according to Karl Marx. It will be eventually replaced by socialism and then by communism. Basic Human Ethics 101.
ReplyDeleteI like what the Silent Majrity posted on this website. He made a very valid point, for I am in a similar situation. It is kind of funny when you think of the baby boomer generation. What did we do, Oh, we put a man on the moon, invented the transistor and computer, invented the internet, pushed modern medicine to all its potential limits, yet anyone over 50+ is treated like some contagious disease, considered too feeble minded, dumb as an ox, Oh yes - we are too Old to Work , yet people from India with which we are constantly compared to are considered smarter that us? Ha! What a Joke!!
ReplyDeleteNo Tier 5
ReplyDeletehow do you explain to your kids that because you have no money Santa isn't coming!
ReplyDeleteGoergia is on my mind, someone get me a gun so I can shoot myself!
ReplyDeleteI am a veteran of the wars in afganistan and iraq, I am unemployed, I am currently on my third extension, i voted republican since i turned 18 and was able to vote, this past summer when the republicans refused to help pass unemployment legislation to help me i switched parties and became a democrat, because they actually had my back.. I feel so stupid that i supported these guys for 10 years and they just looked the other way and did whatever they could to go against Obama.. he isnt the best president but he isnt the devil and he had my back..
ReplyDeleteI'll be even more screwed by my own country that i love when the republicans privitize VA hospitals and medical..
We "baby boomers" who were taught good work ethics, to be resposnible, are now getting the boot. Even Walmart would rather employ part time young lazy kids, even they don't want to pay for qauality help! It just gets more and more hopeless everyday. I just keep wishing that I don't wake up in the morning any more, but yet here I am... another hopless day....
ReplyDeleteThat is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. How do you explain to your kids that Santa is not coming. You probably should not have kids bozo. Get off your lazy butt and make it happen for your kids. What a bunch of lazy socialists. Your welfare benefits are not going to happen. That's the fact jack. Melissa has decided to take a trip on my pleasure boat. POUND THE PAVEMENT
ReplyDeleteIf your unemployed, you can still make a good amount of money online, here's how:
After becoming unemployed myself, I looked for other ways to make money;
That is how I found this information, so check it out.
my benifits already ran out a month ago and Ive hocked everthing I own. I just set and watch these fools argue back and forth and do nothing to fix our problems. Since the repubs did so good in the election that means some of you idiots voted for them and you deserve to lose yours. I predict riots by jan.
ReplyDeleteYour all a bunch of morons. This country is going to hell and all you guys can do is call each other fags and ass pumpers. We as working Americans have paid into unemployment and it is our right to collect it. And I think disabled people who are living off of government money shouldn't be allowed an opinion on this. No wonder other countries hate us and fly planes into our buildings... We have become a non-progressive country who would rather thump the bible than fix the economic downfall. You would rather pump money into a useless war than take care of your own... Serious grow up and act like you know something
ReplyDeleteThis site should be shut down due to fact that it has become a bashing zone for all idiots. It is not even worth coming on here to view anything and it certainly isn;t helping our cause all this back and forth junk that is being said.
ReplyDeleteWe wouldn't be in this situation if the people in Washington didn't hand out mortages with no money down. When a lot of these people realized they couldn't keep up the payments on these big homes they just walked out and left the banks with the mortgages. After all, they didn't put any money down so it was just like they were renting the place and they weren't losing anything.
ReplyDeleteNow the banks don't have those mortage payments coming in so they don't have money to lend out to people to buy televisions, cars and many other things. The manufactures of those products now have to lay off people because their products are not selling so it is like a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger.
This is all happening because our government decided to give out mortgages with no money down and now we have all these unenployed people who have run out of unenployment and a lot of them are losing their homes because they don't have any income coming in to make the payments and feed their families.
Now our government doesn't want to create a tier 5 extension to help out the people who they put in this position but our government is still sending billions of dollars in foriegn aid to other countries, some of which hate us.
Get rid of all the illegals ( who are sucking us dry ) and quit sending foriegn aid to other countries until we take care of our own people first. I'm not against helping countries that have a natural disaster occur for that's what God wants us to do but quit all the other foriegn aid until we straighten out our own problems first. Wake up Washington!!!!!
I agree with this being a bashing zone for idiots, however, just the morons that bash the unemployed should be banned from this sight. The only problem is, this is America- remember- freedom of speech?!
ReplyDeleteFirst is Barbara a Soros fan.... The illegals coming inn and or refugees that we sponsor check out how much money we give them to relocate to USA then we support them with welfare money and food stamps they all live under 1 roof we are the stupid ones for allowing all of this... Big bail outs where is Barb on this one dis she profit ? The dollar is toast and we owe trillions of dollars to china check it out!
ReplyDeleteType how much do we pay refugees in Google
UE benefits are not taking away the fist 26 weeks is employer paid the fed extensions are paid because there are now jobs because we sent them overseas Barb has a million in the bank I bet the tax loops for her
are known
So here we are at the crossroads if barb is a humanitarian then she will help her family here in the USA or maybe she works for Soros he is a atheist.
Good luck to all while we weather the storm.
I'm sorry I'm such a cold-hearted idiot bitch, I just can't help myself cause I was dropped on my head as a baby everyday! Peace love uh uh I mean hate kill, oh whatever?
ReplyDeleteI received an email about calling my Congressman yesterday, so I did. Turns out my new congressman is a newly elected Republican who will take office in January. I later received a call from one of his offices here in the state where I live. I could not believe the literal "gloom and doom" that this person painted for myself and my wife-as we both listened to what this woman had to say- she basically told us that we should consider moving to another state in the south because our state is going downhill fast. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. When she got to the part about the whole Tier 5 unemployment she completely told me that there was no way that anything like this was going to happen. It was beyond a dreadful phone call I cannot describe how bad we felt after this conversation.
ReplyDeleteNow onto life. I am a 99er and without UEB for more than 7 months now. We are barely hanging on to anything at this point. We have no food in our house, no money to buy food, and as far as paying bills goes it's nearly impossible to keep our utilities on. We are more than 7 months behind on our mortgage and have no health insurance. My wife and myself both have medical needs that we can't afford to handle. I have unstable high blood pressure and take a lot of meds for it. My wife takes a lot of meds for things that she has to deal with too. I can't believe that this is happening to us. There are times when it just seems easier to want to be dead than to have to try and push through these dark days. I can't believe that the government just doesn't care. When we go to bed at night I just lay there and worry about how we are going to make it through these times. It is just beyond anything that anyone could even dare to think of. Why are they ignoring us? This is the United States of America and the citizens in the most need are being treated like we just don't count. Where is the President in all of this? We were led to believe all this stuff about "HOPE" there is no hope for anything left anymore. Something needs to be DONE and it needs to be NOW!!! We are dying out here-and it's a long slow, painful death. When is someone going to wake up and do something for the people that need it the most? Politicians are LIARS and CHEATERS because they only serve THEMSELVES!!!!! This is not what America is supposed to be about. Shame on YOU CONGRESS, SENATE, and PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! YOU ALL LIED TO US AND TOLD US THAT YOU CARED AND IT IS SO OBVIOUS THAT YOU DON'T!!!!!!!!!!
@Barbara99er-GA I am totally convinced that the only reason you comment on these sites is bcuz you can't be seen!!!! Lol!!! You are probably a lazy person that sit on the couch while eating ALL day the only way you get any execising is by using your fingers on the keyboard; thats how you exercise by TRYING to bash ppl that are in a situation no fault of their own! I challenge you to show your picture, then we will see who is bashed! So get off these sites go out and exercise and stop exercising your ignorance!!!!NOT WORKING!!! LOL!!! and LMBO!!!!
ReplyDeleteFuck you bitch!
ReplyDeleteI have read through many of these comments it's easy to see a lot of anger and resentment in many of the comments. I feel bad for everyone that is a 99er or about to run out of benefits on November 30th. American's are the hardest working people in the world- we are ALL in this together- for the people that post negatively about the 99ers-think about what you are saying before you post- why do you want to cause conflict? People are angry because we can't support ourselves and our families. If you don't have something positive or encouraging to say to us (99ers and others about to run out of benefits) then go somewhere else. We need the support of each other. To all the 99ers out there and those about to lose benefits on 11/30. I am one that stands among you and I support this cause with every fiber of my being. I have been doing what I can do to have our cause heard any MAYBE something good will happen to us. Maybe someone out here will hear our calls--S O S ----and do something. Keep the faith and hope alive for yourself and for the rest of us too. If you can't support us then please go elsewhere---us 99ers need what little hope there is left.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you whiners (GOP) thats what you get for bringing them back in; your fault; they made you a sucker once again but at least we ALL know who will be out AGAIN in 2012. Just enough time to show this country AGAIN that they are still losers and will certainly add to those 8 yrs of that truckload of manure they dumped while trying to pass over to someone else to clean up their.. sh@*... So again I say stop whinng bcse you saw what they did back in June? Your GOP hv temporary congress so deal with their mess!!! LOL....
ReplyDeleteMILLIONS More Homeless On The WAY!
ReplyDelete99er New Depression Blues Video! - SHOULD 5 million 99ers and ALL TIERS BE Getting Ready to HOBO UP?
Ask any Hobo about economics and they say a good can opener and a water proof flint box is essential. So look to the TEA PARTY GOP HOUSE to provide these items instead of Tier 5
Will the 99ers in 2011, who make up the next generation pool of 5 million possible HOBOs find their experiences to be much different than Hobos from the 1930's? Yes, first of all, is the fact there are many high tech
improvements in the rail infrastructure. The railroads of today are faster and computerized allowing freight transfer switch backs of individual cars in the yards. This makes predicting a certain freight car's
destinations along with an arrival time a hit and miss situation. Therefore the trick is to catch a rail as it heads up a hill out of town and learn car profile tracking.
Today's freight rail systems also have hubs that functions like the hubs for airlines. Today freight rails have fewer open cars and added security. But at the same time today's 99er Hobos are more educated and have
a powerful equalizer tool in job travel and climate control. The advantage is for
all future 99er Hobos to keep their cell phones active.
The cell phone is the break through Survival Connection Tool on the HOBO UP RAIL HIGHWAY. By sharing information on job tip relocations, weather updates, possible tent cities, soup kitchens, and even new gear handouts the words of wisdom will spread like the old 49er Gold Rush. Hobo jungles (camp sites) will be known by all 200 miles before entering town. Finally lost reunions with cross country relatives and friends will take place. Like "Jason, your uncle Ned is in town and needs to be picked up in the rail yard for dinner".
"Do you remember him"?
Now of course keeping a good battery charge and extra batteries will be paramount. Also old
hobos have a wealth of info and can show the ropes to us newly minted 99er hobos.
From Artist 99er Country Carl dot com Singer of the 99ers New Depression Blues - YouTube - hopefully you too won’t have to HOBO UP.
Feel Free To Link UP To The 99er New Depression Blues Video
@ Anonymous 2.22 PM, I agree with the prior comment, you IDIOT using racial words. Don't blame it on the current admin, you voted the new congress and got suckered once again. Don't blame the current admin for your family unfortunate dismiss and with your being the EMBICILE as you have portrayed on this site, feeling sorry for your poor family!!! Don't blame anyone on this but yurself you voted them back in.. Whos your daddy now????
ReplyDeleteFROM BIG DADDY AKA BARBARA. This should not be
allowed ! I am considering to file a complaint with Google and the FCC commission. I hope that
the two or one persons making these comments will be fined and I will personally file an
Injunction to block any further blogs containing, profanities and derogatory remarks
to or about the unemployed group ref:99ers.
Thank You for your cooporation ! Looking forward
to read positive blogs concerning the unemployed
and the Government Extensions.
Top 10% own over 83% of the nations wealth the next 10% own 10% of wealth and the bottom 80% own only 7%! Do you see that, only 7% of the wealth of this country is in the hands of 80% of the population. There is something very wrong with this picture when countries we consider 3rd world aren't even this lopsided!
ReplyDeleteI fear there will be revolution if there isn't some sort of redistribution of wealth.
Don't feed the trolls! Most of these irritating comments are made by adolescents who get their kicks from making people mad on the internet. Best thing to do is ignore them and they usually go away.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget we hired them. Just as we are expected to do when we had a job...our Senators need to go above and beyond to take care of the American people.Unemployment should not be part of a negotiation because this is a necessity for survival. The focus should be on perfecting or stabilizing our economy.
ReplyDeleteI do not know why you call yourself big daddy. Because your dick is small..........
ReplyDeleteHelp Me, Lord! Help us, Lord! Convict those that appose your will! This is unbelievable times, please RAPTURE me!
ReplyDeletePut your hands in the air (so we can steal your jobs) Simple Simon says let the banks kick u out, Simple Simon says Now turn into bums, Simple Simon says dont realie on your gov, Simple Simon Says so lets fuk em all UP!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh fish, Go jump in the lake and quit being such a big baby. Oh please rapture me, waaaaaaaaa unbelievable morons. I got a big fat big daddy fish for you. Anonymous 307 sounds like a sexual predator. You must think all the Republicans and other people with opposing opinions appose Gods will. Your a big joker fish lips,
ReplyDeleteWe just want a Frickin Tier 5. Our bashing should be taken out on the Senate And Congress People's offices. Keep Calling. Keep Pushing. Big Daddy sure has a lot of free time on his hands. I bet he's a 99er. Anyway let's take it out on these old farts. Let's call and keep calling, push and keep pushing. Tier 5 For The 99ers
ReplyDeleteOK people...it looks like the UI extension will be a part of the Bush Tax Cuts bill. Nothing has been said about the Tier 5 yet. Let's hope that they don't ignore the 6 million 99er's again we who desperately need this in order to survive!!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe if they get their millions they will give us our pennies!
these 99ers worked and paid taxes for years. giving tax breaks to the rich and telling the 99ers we dont care if u lose your home. corporate bailouts and telling the 99ers we dont care where your next meal comes from. 99ers didnt cause this mess , give them an extension .... for how long ....until the unemployment rate drops and there are jobs out there...
ReplyDeleteoh boy, tier 5 is coming. I can sit on my big rump and watch let's make a deal for another 20 weeks. I might even buy another Kimber 45 with some of the money. I am soooooooo excited. BD you can kiss my baby.
ReplyDeleteI agree with giving them another extension as long as they are required to do 6 hours community service each day they collect. If not, flush the bastard.
ReplyDeleteRapture me, rapture me, I don't want to go back to work. My boss beats me in the office and kicks me in the bathroom. Please rapture me.
ReplyDeleteIf the ecomomy is really that bad, why haven't they laid off any of the polititions????
ReplyDeleteThe economy is getting better. Try the seasonal jobs at the malls, walmart and targets. The freeloading entitlement programs are going bye, bye.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Barbara has never had any hard times in her life. What goes around comes back to you. The people in the United States are on very hard times and it's sad when you see someone in the grocery store at the checkout line having to put something back becasue they don't have enough money and yet we give everything away to other countries. Miss Barbara enjoy your steak and fine wine tonight when us poor folks eat beans. ButtHOLE
ReplyDeleteWho in the hell is this Barbara gal. Everyone keeps talking about how rich this Barbara from GA is. I heard she was a 99er as well. Whats up with that. Is she one of Big Daddy's call girls???? I thought sweet Melissa was BD's woman.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Vegas has odds on tier five passing. If you bet $50 bucks on T5 and they passed it, WOOOOOHOOO. dont need job. The odds have to be over 75,000:1
ReplyDeletehay big daddy you talk tough behind your computer why dont u tell me where u live so i can beat your head into the wall,or u can meet me in Battle Creek,Mi where i live.I dont want to hear bull shit come out of your mouth ok!iam fighter not a talker
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone knows that someone is posting under my name. I think that is really a cheap shot. You really have to stoop low to do something like this. I have had friends telling me that it is happening at several different sites. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not saying all of these negative comments to the 99ers.
ReplyDeleteBarbara I have seen your posts on several sites we all know its BIG CACA acting as you! I think he has a crush on you!
ReplyDeleteyou really got to him !!GOOD JOB Barbara!
TO Babara99er-Ga and to Brian in Battle Creek, Mi.
ReplyDeleteBarbara don't worry about Big Daddy posting under your name, everyone that "matters" knows it is not really you. All of these comments on here under different names are him along with him posting back to his-self making it look like someone else is inquiring about you. Big Daddy is low-life scum that is a very desperate attention seeker that is getting his jollies off on these unemployment sites.
And Brian, I have invited Big Daddy many times to tell me where he is so I can stomp his ass but I have realized he is nothing more than a spoiled attention seeking brat that is not worth you or I wasting our time on.
He must know we are all on to his stupid crap! big boat LOL! he gets all ruffled and adjusts his worn out desk chair to respond soooo funny!
ReplyDeleteWhat are some getting paid to add insult to injury maybe George does not like us mmmm as well as others what is this I got it the NWO I took the red pill. Leave the matrix ...because the circle of games is never ending believe me ...
ReplyDeleteBarb u know the truth sure u do that is why ur here !
I am just another unemployed American. I read posts like this. And, the people who say to hit the pavement and look for work. I have been hitting the pavement and the internet as well. I have gone to grocery stores to look for work and they tell me either I am over qualified or I have no exp. And, they do not want to spend the money to train someone. Look I would love to have a job. And, earn my money for working hard. I would love that. Great dreams. I remember when it was so easy too get work and the unemployment rate was way BELOW 5%. But, that won't be like that ever again. A Tier 5 extension would be a nice thing to have for the holiday season. But, what happens when that runs out after 20 weeks. The same people will be complaining that their isn't a Tier 6 7 8 9 10 and so forth. I think TIER 5 should be the Final Cut off. It should be called 5th and Final Tier. There are petitions and the congress turns to deaf ears and blind eyes. Petitions will not work. We all want this and we all know it will not happen. All we can do is HOPE for CHANGE. You know OBAMAS famous WORDS HOPE AND CHANGE!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you have food to put on the table this holiday season, gifts for family this holiday season and a roof over your head Barbara! Some of us DO NOT and WILL NOT have any of these things if there is no tier 5. How heartless you are!
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS: Unemployment benefits extensions on House schedule today
ReplyDeleteNovember 18th, 2010 10:28 am ET. Nothing for 99ers,they suck and they only offer a 3 month extension of the current Tiers, they suck!!!!
We need to get out and plan a nationwide campaign of our own, a good day is BLACK FRIDAY, lets steal the headlines from the retailers!!!!!!!!
Like I stated before, all 99ers have to protest by contacting the white house, congress, house, etc., let them know we need help. Please people do it.
ReplyDeleteOBAMA wants to extend it but people face it the republican block everything I mean everything. READ AGAIN THE PRESIDENT WANTS TO EXTEND IT but the almightly that some of you voted into office blocks it.
ReplyDeleteBarbara your a pieceof shit and love only black cock, hope your mom dies on Thnaksgiving morning Love, Sara you fucking whore
ReplyDeleteHobo Stew (Mulligan Stew) for Thanksgiving - You Betcha
ReplyDeleteNo better time to get your HOBO UP down!
This improvised dish was the main stay of the American Hobo camps. Mulligan Stew first appeared in print in The Yukon Midnight Sun in 1904.
This holiday season, expect congress departure without passing unemployment tier extensions. They expire on November 30th. The Tea Party GOP say no more unemployed extension unless there is a balance budget. The GOP will wait until 2011 so they can really turn the screws and launch the next hobo generation.
Test your Hobo Up skill set....
campfire (Foil Dinner) over coals adding in leftovers
•Build fire with wood
•Clean potatoes and slice potatoes
•Clean and peel carrots
•dice onions and peppers into about ¼" pieces
•Spread butter on foil
•Crumble ground beef into small pieces and spread out above potatoes
•add in leftovers
•Sprinkle seasoning
Artist 99er Country Carl - hopefully you too won't have to HOBO UP!
Ceck out the 99er New Depression Blues Video - youtube
Fuck all you so called whites your all muts!!! bitches
ReplyDeleterepublicans ! for the white stupid fucks !!! yea bitch you suck your white! racist bitches Obama wanted to take care of us but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he is black!!!! so fuck you !!!!
I have worked all my life since age 16, never a handout. And now at 45, I find myself laid off, and tryin like heck to find another job. My unemployment does not run out till mid Feb. but to think I could be losing what is keeping my head just above water is very Sad. I feel for these people and anyone that doesnt, I really truly dont know how you lay your head down at night. Cant imagine losing my benefits now at Christmas, I will know the feeling in Feb though. Sad very sad....
ReplyDeleteThe above comment is from a white woman who voted for Obama and still supports him to this day. Not all Whites are like that...God Bless
ReplyDeleteVery true! They wonder why California and NV swung their way. If Miller wouldn't have talked about the unemployed on Fox the way he did he would have won.Its called unemployed believing the Dems BS. Miller hung himself with his own comments. The Unemployed carry a lot of power during election. No one in politics is paying attention. Lets see all the Dems lose their jobs the next election. Someone needs to do something about the American unemployment problem. The public doesn't believe the low unemployment statics its more closer to 22% nationally.
ReplyDeleteUntil we all pull together and protest, we are never going to accomplish anything. For those of you writing senators goveners etc. do you not think those letters or emails are just deleted ? We did not create this problem, and do not deserve to be the ones living on the streets. The government has no problem sending money to other countries, or allowig our jobs to be sent to china, but they seem to have a real problem with letting US, (the ones who pay the taxes here) starve. And those who are making these decesions need to be put in my shoes for a month. Let them find out just how bad things really are. No matter what anyone says, there are not jobs !!!!!!! And for those of you who want to call us cry babies, I will trade you positions for one month, you show me how to pay bills with no money, and I will take the money you make and pay my bills. Anyone up for that ????????? Of course not.