Friday, a new letter writing campaign launched. This is in hopes that something such as the Tier 5 will be passed before the 111th Congress adjourns.
The Christmas Season has long been the time where retail outlets have sought to lift themselves out of the "red" and into the "black". With millions forced into the masses of unemployed already left without Unemployment Insurance, our "fragile economic recovery" stands to take a severe blow. With the National Unemployment Rate at 9.5% percent or above for 15 months, The American 99ers Union is taking an active role in drawing attention to those who will immediately invest their dollars back into sustaining our fragile economic recovery...The 99ers.
All members of The American 99ers Union acting as one, beginning on Friday, November 12th 2010 “in the days prior to the Lame Duck Congress' return” will be hand delivering and faxing letters to all U.S. Senators. The letter emphasizes the need for unemployment extensions for ALL the unemployed. They cannot be left behind as in the past. This critical legislation must be signed into law prior to the final session of the 111th Congress.
All members of The American 99ers Union acting as one, beginning on Friday, November 12th 2010 “in the days prior to the Lame Duck Congress' return” will be hand delivering and faxing letters to all U.S. Senators. The letter emphasizes the need for unemployment extensions for ALL the unemployed. They cannot be left behind as in the past. This critical legislation must be signed into law prior to the final session of the 111th Congress.
The letter states among other things:
I as well as the rest of The American 99ers Union * respectfully request that the extension of unemployment insurance beyond the current 99 week Federal maximum be signed into law. This could be done via either S.3706 The America Wants to Work Act, as an addendum to the extension of dates set to expire on November 30th, or a modification of one of the existing tiers. We are requesting that whatever form it takes that can allow this to be legislated prior to November 30th be done ASAP.
This campaign involves a form letter. You can find out more details about this campaign by CLICKING HERE.
The unemployment extension, tier 5, and the 99ers are important to our country's continued success. Take action by taking part in the letter writing campaign, today.
Dear Father God I pray for all of us whom are struggling in this economy! it is truly very difficult to get work! I was denied employment due to my ruined credit from being unemployed!! being on unemployment covers ONLY the bare necessities.
ReplyDeletefood and utilities! whom in their right mind rather be on unemployment! but if that lifeline is taken away ! what are we to do? we used to be a two income Family we have a home we worked so hard for! we do not qualify for public assistance unless we just give up and not pay our mortgage live on welfare!! NO please!!! we don't want to loose everything our children will suffer! employers are being very mean overworking the employees they now have with out overtime! double work load this is what my husband has to deal with ! he has spoken out! and was told to shut up !!!that he is lucky to have work! I need a JOB !! I need to help my family pull threw this I have a business administration degree. I want to work!
I lost my job in August of 2009. I have over 400 resumes out there and have it posted on several sights. NOTHING! I did have 3 interviews so far and one on the companies told me that they had over 100 resumes sent for one job that paid $11 and hour. Where does that leave me! I am 60 and was making $19 per hour when I was released along with 3 other people in their fifties. They did keep the 20+ year old. Of course, they pay them less. Even though I had trained them.
ReplyDeleteI am currently in college hoping to receive a certificate in medical coding next year. My concern is - how will I pay for college if I cannot get a job when I get out and how will I support my family. My husband lost his job also. They got ride of him and several others with over 30 years in the company and hired temps. We are running out of our savings and will soon be on the streets, literally, if something doesn't come up soon. America needs help.
Why didn't the government give every American $50,000 to catch up on mortgage etc. It would have been more economically feasible to do that rather than bail out the money hungry banks that are now refusing to help the people not working out with the mortgage payment. Yup, let's keep giving the wealthy more money! Wake up Mr. President and Congress..
This post is for all who cares about the America people. It is ashame how my Government can allow for the American people to continue to struggle and go without because the Government apparently cares more about their owns pocket staying full and the poor continue to stay poor. When will we start caring about our own and start doing something about it. It is very frustrating knowing that now matter how hard you try to find work you continue to be denied. I am so scared that if work is not established soon for this economy and the poor 99ers who have to do without I don't know what were going to do. DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO LEGISLATURE. PLEASE ADVISE.
ReplyDeleteGOD BLESS YOU We are in the same vote . accept we rent. We took my in my nephew a year ago because is mom gave up and started using heroin. We need a tier 5 for all .Were tring to do the right thing but it s real hard M y wife is fed up I acnt find even temp work .Iwait by the phone all morning to see if they will calland then go out and put in aps just to be told were not hiring or your over qualified. We need this very badly. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND KEEP TRYING
ReplyDeleteWe need to create our own country outside the USA. We can call it the country if 99ers. Then we can ask for foreign aid. That they seem to have no issue with paying out year after year with no end. If Americans who need help well we have time limits. Congress doesn't seem to care foreign aid runs up deficits to. It is sad when they say we are going to spend in Afgan 500 million for embassy improvements. How about we leave it as is ans use that in America for what we need here. 500 million they building it with gold bars. No just ways to hide the money they give to the Afgan gov. Pay off money.
ReplyDeleteGod help us all..Truly a disgrace this is happening in this country!!!
ReplyDeleteI give up if this doesnt pass.I am 49 years old and applying to 7 to 10 jobs a week with no call backs.I was laidoff last year due to my company downsizing and now im on my last 2 weeks of un without an extension.if its not passed i will take some pills and not wake back up again.my daughter is 19 now she can go on without me :(
ReplyDeleteYES, truly a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteCongress has stuck a knife in the heart of the pride I once held in being an American.
Im sick and tired of crying every day and not knowing whats going to happen to me at my age.Whats the use in trying when no one will hire me now!im applying for 6 dollar an hour jobs and no call backs I cant take it!I raised my daughter she has a job and she will be better off with out me now.this world is not worth me struggling to stay in much longer
ReplyDeleteI wish the rest of you good luck with your lives and I hope you can find jobs and happyness.
ReplyDeleteSent fax and letter to Senators. Hard mountain to climb but I think if everyone does their part with faxing and calling we will be heard clearly. Out of work, out of benefits since May and almost out of Retirement Svgs now. Thirty Five years of working hard and climbing the ladder of success and here I am. Hoping to just get by for another month, very sad.
ReplyDeleteDon't take this people. if congress does not pass it. protest call the media sell your story. call your senators jam their phones with messages. back their computers up with emails. remember the hippie movement in the 60s they got congress to listen to them and got things done. If you feel your going down and your life is over don't die in vain. -Klitschko
ReplyDeleteAnother domestic murder suicide in New England. Anyone noticing an increase in domestic abuse, burglery, home invasions being reported in the news. We're seeing alot in New England. If you follow up on these stories, almost everyone is linked to lost job, failed business, inability to get employment after months/years of trying. Jobs and unemployment insurance just don't pay bills, they save lives. A person wanting to die because they can't find a job, is not someone happy to be going on an assistance program. They want to work, to be a contributing member of society. Unemployment benefits are there for these folks to bridge the gap between jobs. We need tier 5 and the extensions continued, our lives depend upon it.
ReplyDeleteCongress gives itself hundreds of billions to guarantee there retirement accounts and benefit packages using tax payer money? i.e AIG bank! But yet you drag your feet with the 99er's?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of monsters are you people? Your not fooling anybody! Quit the Mafia type government and start doing the right thing for a change!!
i just love all the senators and and goverment assholes who claim to be christians going to church every sunday with there familys and shit thinkin there on top of the world eating eating shrimp and crabss for dinner having just a good ole time in the name of jesus . then on monday does the works of the devil taking away from people who dont have shit already and puttin it in the rich mouth . Now all u fuck up sentors out there Would jesus do what u guys are doin now i hope all u bastards rot in hell i wish the worst for ur whole fukn families just have u done to mine DIE BITCHES
ReplyDeleteWhat should be done is to pass legislation requiring companies hire individuals that are unemployed to fill any open positions before they are able to look for individuals who are currently employed. This is the only solution, plus addition of tier v benefits; extension of the current 99 weeks as well.
ReplyDeleteCan someone lend me some money please? Ive been a 99er 2 months now and I wasnt able to make that last $250 check last this long. A dozen eggs and a loaf of bread would be really nice. I can make sandwichs for 3-4 days.
ReplyDeleteI never imagined that a major goal in life would be comming up with $3.00 twice a week.
I have worked since I was 15, am now 68. Was let go from a job, I feel, because of my age. For the first time in my life, I was getting unemployment. It is now expired, can't they please extend our unemployment. Not many places will hire a 68 yr old person. I have no luck-just fast food places, and couldn't handle that. HELP!!!!
ReplyDeleteLetter received from UWAG:
ReplyDeleteThese are the Actions we are asking you to do. At the very minimum, do #1. If you can do #2 and #3 that is best:
1) Go to the American 99ers Union TAKE ACTION page and download and fax the letter there to your 2 Senators whose addresses are found in the list below.
2) Also at the A99U site if you have enough time and energy PLEASE also send the downloadable letter to:
a) all the co-sponsors of S.3706 (There are 12 of them and their names and fax numbers and phone numbers are found towards the bottom of the A99U TAKE ACTION page.
b) the Senate Finance Committee (They are also listed at the bottom of the A99U TAKE ACTION page.)
3) Also send the letter to the President that I have put here on this page. You can download it as a Word document or PDF document and fax it as an attachment or copy and paste it and fax it that way.
This is a lot to ask of you all, I know; but again, this is the last hope for many of us 99ers and so we have to really push hard at this time to try to get an extension beyond 99 weeks.
So please do what you can.
(The sooner, the better! Monday or Tuesday would be excellent!)
Thanks for all you have done over the last few months and we can only hope that this time our government will listen. If they don't, it will not only be our loss, but will represent the loss of the America our founding fathers envisioned: one in which the government is compassionate towards its citizens who are suffering and does something to relieve that suffering.
Michael White
President, Unemployed Workers Action Group (UWAG)
This time is a good time to remember, next time you vote republican because yr a childish ass and was angry at the democrats.
ReplyDeletePlease help the people. We can't allow it to get any worse. Where are the heros? It is hard to believe that the Democrats won't fight for this first and foremost. I can't believe the Repugs don't care and hold us hostage.
ReplyDeleteThank you Political and World News.
ReplyDeleteIf you guys are going to kill yourselves please write something about being a 99er on your body with a Sharpie first. It may help us when its shown on the news.
ReplyDeleteNahhhhhhhhhhhh! just go postal!!
ReplyDeletetake action and fax fax fax BE HEARD!!! SOLENTGREEN IS MADE OF PEOPLE
ReplyDeletejump on board my pleasure boat. wooot wooot and pound the pavement to mcdonalds. its mostly lazy niggers that are the majority of 99ers. they dont want to work. they want a free welfare check. get those feet shuffling on the pavement and get a job.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy
I dare you to say that in a black persons face you ignorant racist fool !
ReplyDeleteFor the sake of humanity please help your neighbor...we are educated or are getting educated. My kids are strong believers of Christmas...PLEASE DON'T LET ME HAVE TO LOOK MY KIDS IN THERE EYES AND HAVE TO TELL THEM SANTA CLAUSE DIDN'T COME THIS YEAR...PLEASE PASS THE TIER 5....DETROIT native
ReplyDeleteI workedfor the same company for 13 years and was laid off because they outsourced my department to India. How can the American gov't allow outsourcing with out very strick, high penelties. By doing this companies are taking away from the US economy and boosting the economies in other countries. I have been out of work sine 1/10 and my unemployment is about to run out. I am a single mother just making ends meet. I have never been on welfare or food stamps and am very embarrassed that I might actually have to turn to it if things do not get better.
ReplyDeleteDon't you people realize, our gov't and 6 others are ruled by Satan!!! This world is about ready to puke anyway, but we need to survive somehow until then. The biggest conspiracy, that can't be proven, because the media is also controlled by Satan is that our Gov't, like the days of Ceasar, is trying to kill people off, the ederly, the middle class and the poor. You ask, how will that benefit the rich? They need someone to slave for them. Yes and they have them, thru temp (screw in the ass ) agencies and dictator CEO's. I'm sorry to say, but this country was born on stealing from Indians, (I'm not one) and raising a flag so the suckers can be PATRIOTIC??? I'm patriotic to God, i.e. Jehovah, thats it!!!!!
ReplyDeleteso true go on to you tube and type in Obama say "yes we can" backwards go ! take a look and come back here!! hurry GOO!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those 99'rs that will NOT have any unemployment, by the end of November! ...Now isnt that nice for all of us, who depend on that money to live...to be at Christmas time and not even be able to have a Christmas Dinner!. When all of the Congressman will be lavishly enjoying the Holidays with their big fat paychecks...and jobs to go back to, after they close down for two weeks! All the while, us unemployed will not know when our next meal will be, or fuel in our heaters to keep warm with the fast approaching winter months ahead or will we be able to put gas in the car to even go looking for a job that seems NOT to exist for some of us!Oh..cmon people....get real here...take care of the people of the US before you go and invest more money into foreign countries!! Peace ~
ReplyDeleteHow can congress be confused about unemployment and not understand it. What a bunch of crap that is. they know full well what it is and how it works. This is just another ploy for them to avoid the problem. And who says we don't have a need for a tier 5 and that only the tiers 1-4 are the ones that they are supposedly going to help. WHAT the HELL! Us 99ers have been unemployed for the longest, Have lost everything or damn near everything and we are the ones that still can't get jobs. We NEED a tier 5 just so we can survive and that is only to get us food and maybe pay for rent or electric or gas. It does not allow us to do much more. Why is it so hard to help us? We are getting ready to send more money overseas and we don't even bat an eye at that. The congress if they are even present as it isn't a requirement to be there are only concerned with lining their own pockets and those of their friends and that is all they are worrying about. Are they going to tell our children that there won't be any holidays this year or that we have to go live in a box in the streets while they are living the high life that all of us have paid for and continue to pay for? Where is their morals and compassion? Where Is our President in all of this? He is off hiding somewhere and won't even talk about what we are going through. He hasn't even tried to convince them to help us. But he and his family are living it up in the white house with all the free frills that us tax payers pay for. I couldn't even go to the dr today for my pills because I owe them money and they turned me away until I pay up. So with no job or money just what am I to do. I am not the only one having these problems either. But do they even care, or does anyone care? NO. It is better to just ignore us like we are not there. I not only have to worry about getting a job now I have to worry about what is going to happen when my body gives out due to no medicines that I need. At this point it is out of my control. I have nothing left and my spirit has been dead for a long time now. Us 99ers are not going to get any help but the 1-4 tiers will be saved. I am glad for them but am sorry for us 99ers.
ReplyDeleteGet the Hell out of the crazy wars and bring the money back home. Help your own damn citizens you idiots.
ReplyDeleteI am 40 years old and I have been out of work over 99 weeks. I lost my unemployment benefits in April 2010. I have sent 1000's of resumes but I have had no luck getting a job. My job was outsourced to India in 2008. I work in financial services. I don't have health inurance,no income and nominal savings. There is only 1 job available for every 6 that apply. There is 17.1 u6 unemployment rate. Corporations have over a trillion in cash but are not hiring aggressively. Small business can't hire because of tax uncertaintity and demand side of the equation. I love the USA. I pray everyday that our government will approve the Tier 5 bill so the 99ers will have money to pay thier bills and eat better quality food. If we can't afford it maybe we should ask China,India,Russia for the funds since they have reserves and growing economy. Please helps us. Democrats please give the Repbulicans what they want the tax cut for the RICH and make a deal to extend beneftis for the unemployed. I feel like we are now living in a third world country. very sad. I feel for the people who have kids and are unemployed. HELP US. So we can spend it on the small business.
ReplyDeleteI am so amazed of how many people out there that are unemployed and have hopeless situations, so I'm confused how did the Republican win this past election? Republicans are generally WEALTHY people that do not have the same concerns like middle class Americans. They can't identify with not having enough money for food, or not being able to pay bills, etc. I understand that we may not agree with President Obama 100% of the time but atleast he wants an equal quality of life for all americans. I hate to say it but, DON"T cry now if you didn't vote or voted Republican b/c this is the long term effect (unemployment, healthcare, more tax breaks for the wealthy0 as if we didn't learn from the Bush Administration. IT'S ASHAME!!!
ReplyDeletei am 46 and never been without a job till now. I have run out of unemployment, and i am tired of worrying it does no good. I have went everywhere looking for jobs, i think my age is the problem. You go for one job and everybody else is going for the same.My issue is you can stay on food stamps all your life, and dont get questioned, or medicade,but get on unemployment and your lazy. I know girls that get preganant and get everything paid for, when is it going to come to a end, also unearn credit have a kid and single get 5k but get married and have a kid get nothing. A single mom dont even have to work when they have a kid. there is alot of money the goverment can cut, but wont. GOD BLESS EVERYONE
ReplyDeleteI've always performed the best I could. You know, dedicated and to get a layoff notice was a total shock. I have been unemployed for 18 months now. I am now 58 years old and very very scared. I am single and afraid of what is going to happen. The stress is affecting my health yet I cannot give up hope. All I can do now is pray because no one seems to be interested in hiring me and reading this post at least makes me realize I am not alone. I hope something good comes soon. Can't take this much longer. Good luck to all of you!
ReplyDeleteI just want you all to know that I am a lazy fat ass. I want my Government to take care of me until I can rape social security. Please give me tier 5 through 100. I also have a trust set up at my local bank, called feel sorry for me Barbara. Please feel free to donate to this. I still want to organize riots if they don't give me what I want. God Bless you, Barbara
ReplyDeleteThis Barbara gal sounds like a real nut case. I've read her crap on World News Heard Now, and she needs to be committed to a Mental Hospital.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke.
Do America a huge favor and show America that you really care - Pass the damn tier 5 now!!!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the United States has come to this. People who do go to college to get a good job can't even find work! I was employed for 11 years and was terminated as I was making too much money and the company was suffering. I was also 5-1/2 months pregnant. I apply to jobs all week long and nothing!! Something has to be done. PLEASE PASS TIER 5!!!!!
HO HO HO!!!!!
HO HO HO.......
ReplyDeleteThe senate is due to vote on the extension this
ReplyDeleteweek during this short session. If at all possible everyone should,send a letter to the
Senator that represents their State. This is the
last session to get this passed. This is our time to get help for the 99ers. The Senate may
approve a Tier extension for people on 1 thru 4
and give the 99ers 6 additional weeks. I guess
it is better than nothing ! Take care 99ers &
the unemployed Americans ! Thomas Jefferson once
said Common Sense will prevail when politics fail!
I got my fire hose at the ready. Getting ready to flush the 99whiners, and away goes troubles down the drain.
ReplyDeleteThe senate is going to vote this thing in the toilet. Write your letters on some charmin and flush real good. Glenn Beck rules.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of fken crooked, bottom feeding, scummy people we have in government!
ReplyDeleteTalk about a "let them eat cake" mentality!
Time for some pitch forks and shot guns politics from us!
Tear it all down me says!
We need more military funding for the big boys over kicking arab ass. We should send the 99ers over to the middle east to help the cause. ship em out boys. POUND THE PAVEMENT
ReplyDeleteWait Wait wait!!! as far as I know I was approved for unemployment insurance from my previous employer ! I worked for it! Dammit so! please don't tell me that just anyone can collect unemployment!!!automatic approval!? if so that is not right!!!! please someone whats the deal!? explain to me like i am in the third grade!!!!!No really is this so?
ReplyDeleteLet me ask you something ? America...
ReplyDeletewhat would make you happy and laugh...
the third trigger...ha-ha. republican...
one..two... and now what Americans?
I don't need sanything
Those who have everything and have never gone without cannot believe that we 99ers are truly going without food, heat, and some of us shelter. Think of the so-called "friends" or "family" that have turned their backs on you since you've lost everything. Most of us know someone like this. They are clueless and avoid us because they are afraid we might ask for a penny of help. These are truly pathetic people and I'd rather be "dirt poor" (as I've become) than be someone like that.
ReplyDeleteSo it's no wonder that Congress could care less about us. They just don't "get it" and never will.
As for Christmas, toys for children are the least of our worries. Many of us are worried about a place to sleep or food to eat. It's that dire.
Why does it take so long for you 99ers to get a clue. Your not going to get anymore benefits. I'm tired of paying for the lazy, that are picky about their job hunt. No more, Big Daddy is right about all you lowlifes. You ultimately create your own destiny, and if you want to starve, so be it. Get a life people. No body cares.
ReplyDeleteHomeless in Penna. says...
ReplyDeleteThe order of the day is survival...
Worked all my life and never went on unemployment or Welfare. So how can you
call us lazy and lowlifes? I would give
anything not to have lost my job. Give
anything to have any job. I didn't create
this destiny. But, you're right..nobody
cares. That's the great Christian nation we
live in and part of our problem with everything...nobody cares...
95% of all the people that are 99'ers are niggers. they just want more free money just like the 99% of people on welfare are niggers. no tier 5. go get a job. shuffle those feet down the sidewalk and pound that pavement. or jump on the boat. woooooot woooooot.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy
Well I guess Big Daddy wants to see riots all over the country, more companies downsize, I hope he remembers his comments when someone robs him and beats him. Hey Big daddy you must live under a rock we are in a recession there is no pavement to pound
ReplyDeleteHow do you know we are going to get 6 more additional weeks. 4 : 13 Poster ? How did you find this info out ? 6 weeks is better than nothing. But the Bill has 20 weeks stated. Are we going to find a job in 6 weeks? Does old gramps with the dirty diaper think we will finally get off our duffs and get jobs? There are no jobs.
ReplyDelete99er New Depression Blues Video… SHOULD 5 million 99ers BE Getting Ready to HOBO UP?
ReplyDeleteAsk any Hobo about economics and they say a good can opener and a water proof flint box is essential. So look to the TEA PARTY GOP HOUSE to provide these items instead of Tier 5
Will the 99ers in 2011, who make up the next generation pool of 5 million possible HOBOs find their experiences to be much different than Hobos from the 1930's? Yes, first of all, is the fact there are many high tech
improvements in the rail infrastructure. The railroads of today are faster and computerized allowing freight transfer switch backs of individual cars in the yards. This makes predicting a certain freight car's
destinations along with an arrival time a hit and miss situation. Therefore the trick is to catch a railas it heads up a hill out of town and learn car profile tracking.
Today's freight rail systems also have hubs that functions like the hubs for airlines. Today freight rails have fewer open cars and added security. But at the same time today's 99er Hobos are more educated and have
a powerful equalizer tool in job travel and climate control. The advantage is for
all future 99er Hobos to keep their cell phones active.
The cell phone is the break through Survival Connection Tool on the HOBO UP RAIL HIGHWAY. By sharing information on job
relocation, weather updates, possible tent cities, soup kitchens, and even new gear handouts the words of wisdom will spread like the old 49er Gold Rush. Hobo jungles (camp sites) will be known by all 200 miles
before entering town. Finally lost reunions with cross country relatives and friends will take place. Like "Jason, your uncle Ned is in town and needs to be picked up in the rail yard for dinner". "Do you remember him"?
Now of course keeping a good battery charge and extra batteries will be paramount. Also old
hobos have a wealth of info and can show the ropes to us newly minted 99er hobos.
From Artist 99er Country Carl dot com Singer of the 99ers New Depression Blues - YouTube - hopefully you too won’t have to HOBO UP.
Feel Free To Link UP To The 99er New Depression Blues Video
After 25 years in engineering the company just shut the doors...that was two years ago. Finding a job has become my job...it's a nightmare. Worked hard raising a family, putting 2 kids through college with one left in a few years and doing the right things..or so I thought. Always live within our means or below. Grateful to be able to survive this long without losing everything or having the family fall apart..but that's about to change when benefits end come the end of this month. Not looking for a handout...never have had to in all these years. Just need to get by until things start to get better. I want a job...I need to work....I feel like a broken man. This situation feels hopeless and it's difficult to be positive. I just hope and pray that the tier5 gets passed...not even worrying about the holidays..they are insignificant in this household. We just want to keep our heads above water....because something has got to give.
ReplyDeleteJust called Senator's office for Massachusetts....asked what position was on extending benefits and Tier 5...told was not going to be addressed until after Thanksgiving. AND that there were other things on the agenda to be addressed. Really? other things that are more important than people's survival. nice. Hope the senators are comfortable and warm and full on their Thanksgivings.
ReplyDeleteYeah and Ed Schultz done abandoned the 99ers too! They are just talking about the two million who will loose their unemployment! I just can stomach to watch cable news anymore! Throw them all out in 2012!
ReplyDeleteAfter sending out hundreds of resumes and I am going on my 2nd interview this week. People dont call back and it makes you feel like you are sending it out to no one. It's scary. Luckily I have a supportive family but it's still very difficult. I haven't been holding out for more money and I have been willing to accept anything I could get but no dice. I hope we can get an extension. People have to remember the importance of voting as well. While I'm sad and anxious myself, I read these other postings and I can't help but to cry. This shouldn't happen in our country. I wish you all the very best. Blessings to all, even to the smart asses. For those talking crap about hand-outs, I hope you don't ever see yourself in this situation.
ReplyDeleteKarma is a b*tch
I had an interview last Tuesday it was awful I applied to a craigslist add for an administrative assistant. with a contractor I showed up to the interview at a shady portable and interviewed with the owner his interview questions where ordinary at first he asked me why I have been unemployed for so long! my response to him I have had no luck to much competition
ReplyDeletehis stupid response was WHAT! a lady as pretty as you cant find work? your young thin experienced. I wanted to just tell him what My thoughts about his comments but I did not . he continued to tell that the job required me to also be a personal assistant to him. and that he was sure that would not be a problem. as I was what it looks like in need of a job pretty bad. I just wanted out of there. I went home crying his sick fat ass kept looking down at my chest. smirking like a sick old man! is this what it has come to to get the job?
So the Senate comes back on the 15th, what do they decide to do the exact next day? TAKE THE ENTIRE DAY OFF. Yes, they are not even coming to work today.
ReplyDeleteThe Senate will not be in session on Tuesday, November 16.
They’ll be in Wednesday, by then the week is almost over and they haven’t even done anything yet! Got next week off for another vacation week!
Country Carl sounds like he is simple and wants to promote himself on the backs of the 99ers. Go rope a cow Country creep.
ReplyDeleteWe have a Big Daddy impostor using the N word. Be careful Big Daddy impostor. You could be having a visit from the Law.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great, No news from the Senate and then they will be on vacation. There goes Tier 5, woooooooooosh, glug, glug. Don't squeeze the Charmin 99whiners. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDelete**** HEY ****
ReplyDeleteWe can all just continue to sit here and Vent and Bitch and Complain and share our stories of agony and never have a chance, OR we could do something about it such as peacefully gathering at the entrance doors at every unemployment office across America and Protest. The state officials where you live will most likely beef up security if we do this enough just like Indiana is doing. This will hit the state budgets hard and in return maybe the state Governors will start Bitching to Washington about the money it is costing for the security which may in turn gives us some leverage.
If anyone has any other ideas please share them for we are all in the 11th hour and time is runnung out.
Don't worry about BIG DADDY, he is just mad cause he can't get near Glen Beck and he wants to suck him off.
ReplyDeleteWe heard "Big Daddy" is Mitch McConnells boy toy,
ReplyDeletewhich makes sense for the reason he claims to support the Republican Faggots.
That is probably what he really means when he says flush woooooooooo glug glug.
He must be a spitter instead of a swallower.
There will NOT be a tier 5!! How much do you people want?
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! THAT WAS GOOD 329
ReplyDeleteYOU STUPID FUCK!!!329
ReplyDeletemost of the 99whiners are lazy niggers that dont want to work and want a free handout.
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy
BIG CACA !!!!!!!!!!!!! did you go get your cheese sandwich you white trash
ReplyDeleteI got a job after 70 weeks of unemployment with a local temp agency. After exactly 93 days, I was let go due to a lack of continuing work at the company. Now because I actually did what I was supposed to do and left the unemployment roll, my life is in free-fall. The temp agency reported that I quit when in fact I was let go. Then I mailed and faxed an appeals letter to unemployment, who now claims they haven't received my appeal. I did that on November 1, the cut-off was November 12th and today is the 16th. I'm literally in tears. On top of all of this, I have very little income for groceries. My husband has a stable job but it's just enough to pay the rent and bills-though we are often late. Unemployment is asking that I pay $1000 in over-payments because they claim that I quit. Take it from me, sometimes getting a job and doing the right thing costs you everything. This country is absolutely going to hell.
ReplyDeleteI could have told u all a long time ago that you should have shot all these a holes in the head and taken back our country its not about the mexicans the japs or anyone else its the british bastards that we kiked out in 1776 are u going to wait till the army has you at gun point to find out the gas chambers next like hitler when he said get on the well take you to a work camp
ReplyDeleteyup, been sitting here broke, no heat no electric little food for 3months of 99er just waiting for that $232 free handout that wont probably come cause im so lazy. Every day someone asks me to work. Why would I want to work when life is so good getting my big fat ZERO dollar handout.
ReplyDeleteI also heard that if I work and make lots of money, I might buy a boat and still hang out with unemployed.
Thats also why im not married. I would just hang out on singles sites all day and call them ugly for not having a wife.
Big Daddy is on disabilty why else would he be here all the time. By picking on the unemployed he can actually feels better about his self. If Big Daddy wasnt a big fat stinky guy and had a pleasure boat he would be at work and on boating sites looking at what new electronics to install next. Not here. Its easier to try and be a big shot here than go out in public in his electric wheelchair paid by medicaide and convince people what a nice boat he has. I could care less about big daddy, this is more a statement about internet imposters prettending to have a life. The fact is, if you have a life you dont hang out on the internet telling people they dont have a life.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Bailey lost everything.Little did he know, Mr. Potter, President of the S&L,had his money, the whole time. Mr. Potter was happy, in knowing that George was desperate, and would jump off the bridge, into freezing waters. Mr. Potter sat home, by his warm fire and let it happen. This story, reminds me of our President and our elected officials. Just like Katrina, the haves, will not help, the have nots. Power and greed, corrupt the soul. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteI been out of work for 2 years and it is time and over due that I find a job....I have filled out application after application with no response...ppl think 99ers are a bunch of welfare cases well lose your job and try finding one in this economy...it sucks big time...we need another tier and 5 that is...I been without money for 5 months I have food stamps to help me and I refuse to go on the welfare line....we need a tier 5 and the 99ers need to be included in that and the person who says 99ers are all niggers well a nigger can be white too...no the meaning of a nigger it is a low degrated person..which I am sure you are talking about yourself....don't judge the 99ers be in it then see how much you talk the shit you are talking....I can say 99ers are nothing but white trash...but lot of the 99ers are ppl over 50 years old who have been working since they were 13 years old who paid there taxes over the years....so get it str8.
ReplyDeleteThe answer to your dilemma is not the government, but God who created the heaven and earth sea and all that 'em is. God has a controversy with the habitants of the earth(us as a people). We have failed Him continously in turning our backs on him and making man our God instead of Him. We've robbed him of his tithe and offerings to his cause. When you were employed did you take care of his business by returning a 10% tithe and giving an offering to His worthy cause every pay? If your answer is no, then you have robbed Him of what belongs to Him. He can't rebuke the devourer (government),and the oppressor(the rich man) until you recognize your offense. Stop buying and borrowing into this serpent system. God warned us about borrowing, only lend. So now people are ensnared by the debt and slaves to the owners. So, what do you now seeing that your destitute? It's just this simple.
ReplyDeleteEven from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith God of host. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me, But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have me, even this whole nation.
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith God, if I will not open you windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room emough to receive it.
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground. Malachi 3:7-11.
Read the Holy Bible and obey it, and you will never have to worry about your survival. I hope this may bring some light to your dark situation, for God only wants to save us from ourselves. To the unbeliever this is the beginning of your sorrows. We can't serve two masters. It's either God, or man. Man will fail you everytime!
Enough of this add Tier5 and extend unemployment. Stop playing politics with the American people. Do you cold hearted politicians ever read and of these blog, email and letters you receive. It is Nov. 23 congress stopped the extension once. Get this done it should be top priority. Or I do not give a care if the nukes come over here and end everyone's pain. Don't pass the treaty and let us be done with it!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease take this offensive Troll off this site. Big Daddy as he goes by is a worthless nothing. He can't stand it that people can communicate and stand up for each other. He can't stand it that there is love in families. He can't stand that we have children we fight for. He is so jealous he is green like a Troll and surely lives alone very lonely. He probably does not have parents that care about him and never did. He is something to feel sorry for because he comes to us for attention. He is a cold cold unfeeling nothing. Get the law after this predator. I know he does not have a friend in the entire World to care whether he lives or dies. I don't. Mad we are entitled to UI Benefits.
ReplyDeleteHomeless in Penna. People do care about you.
ReplyDeleteDon't feed the troll Big Daddy or others like him. They should be kicked out of America. BD is on all the sites becoming viral. He/She is very boring. Shun the Trolls, especially after the degrading remarks to cultures. He won't stop otherwise. He is a hater.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 99er and have struggled each day. It is hard to wake up in the morning knowing that there are no jobs and you want to be active again. We are learning to be strong survivors and somehow will get through until we get on our feet again. My way of overcoming thinking about it all the time is to concentrate on learning more each day. I study new skills and focus on learning which will help in the long run. It works considerably. Let's fight for Tier 5 extension.