In fact, the 2010 DREAM Act, which would bring citizenship to illegal immigrants who have been in the US for over 5 years and who are second generation illegal immigrants (their parents brought them to the US) who agreed to 2 years military service or 2 years of college.
So basically, illegal immigrants, and entertaining the'DREAM' is more important to congressmen and women than the millions of TAXPAYING unemployed American workers.
In addition, talks of the Social Security COLA, Bush Tax Cuts, and the Continued Spending Resolution bill (without this, spending ceases altogether) also round out the lame duck session.
THE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN LINE- STOP SAYING THIS CRAP -SENATORS AND CONGRESSMAN- ARE YOU DUMMIES ? Our children and grandchildren ? I have heard this line for eons. Deep cuts need to be made in rich people taking millions for themselves and leaving the rest with nothing. Our children and grandchildren will do better with less of these greedy millionaires taking everything but yet opening more factories in China- I don’t think our children and grandchildren like selfish people. Selfish fools. And ignorant fools who keep using this same line over and over again. GET A LIFE. GET A BRAIN. MAYBE YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN WILL THINK BETTER OF YOU.
ReplyDeleteThe chidren and grandchildren of the unemployed are suffering Right Now!
ReplyDeleteDamn enough with the children and grandchildren already. The long term unemployed "in general" are suffering. People say 99ers such as myself are lazy, and unwilling to take a job that perhaps lowers my standard of living to instead continue to live off the government. Like my good friend fire marshal bill youz to say...let me tell ya something...thats not the case. My standard of living can only get better with a J O B!!! I live in CT an there aren't any, not enough for everyone which mirrors this countries problems. Our elected officials have no choice but to extend beyond 99 until the numbers (unemployment that is) change.
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to email,call your senators and congressman and urge them to extend unemployment benefits. The only way it will get passed this time is if both parties work together and compromise and also urge them to do this when you call or email them. At lease now republicans are wiling to work with democrats and that's what it will come to. -Harold
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to tallying up the federal government’s recent bailout announcements, the numbers are so staggering that they might seem unreal to many people.
ReplyDeleteFor Bear Stearns: $29 billion.
For Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: $200 billion.
For AIG: $85 billion.
And now, of course, Washington debates Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s $700 billion to bailout financial firms that made bad debt decisions.
That’s $1.014 trillion in taxpayer money placed at risk. (And there’s the $25 billion loan package-bailout moving through the Congress for automakers.) Unfortunately, since there is no substantive analysis to back up the $700 billion the Treasury wants, the bill may go even higher.
But let’s take $1 trillion as the number for now, and put it in perspective. For example:
• That $1 trillion equals 7 percent of the annual U.S. GDP.
• That $1 trillion comes out to nearly $3,300 for each man, woman and child in the U.S.
• That $1 trillion roughly equals the nonfarm proprietors’ portion of total personal income.
• That $1 trillion equates to more than 70 percent of after-tax corporate profits.
• That $1 trillion equates to about 70 percent of private nonresidential fixed investment.
• That $1 trillion is more than three times the expected level of corporate income tax revenues for fiscal year 2008.
• That $1 trillion comes up just short of the $1.17 trillion expected to be taken in through the personal income tax in FY2008.
• That $1 trillion is about $100 billion more than the expected FY2008 revenues for Social Security.
• That $1 trillion is 65 percent higher than the federal government will spend in FY2008 on national defense.
Hope that helps to put this entire government bailout scenario in perspective.
Raymond J. Keating, Chief Economist
neither party wants to help americans thats what you get when you have an muslim in the whitehouse
ReplyDeleteWhere are you sources for this information?
ReplyDeleteThe Tier 5 is not enough ! needs more !
ReplyDeleteI need so pussy
ReplyDeleteWhere going to need more national Guards soon.
ReplyDeleteBillions in UN-payed Taxes by hiding American corporations as world globule corporations hiding in other country's selling out the backbone the middle class jobs and American Jobs for the evil deaves few to prosper at the misery of millions of tax paying Americans without jobs.From the mass harvest of
ReplyDeleteFinancial rescue plan aimed at restoring liquidity to the financial markets
Program Committed Invested Description
American International Group
• * See complete AIG bailout below
$70 billion $69.8 billion $40 billion in preferred shares were converted to so-called non-cumulative shares that more closely resemble common stock. Treasury later offered another $30 billion in preferred shares for up to 5 years, in return for a 10% dividend.
• AIG: Where your money is going
Asset Guarantee Program
• Citigroup
• Bank of America $12.5 billion
• $5 billion
• $7.5 billion $5 billion
• $5 billion
• $0 Funds set aside to backstop potential losses to government from Citigroup and Bank of America loans.
Auto Supplier Support Program
• GM Supplier Receivables
• (paid back)
• Chrysler Receivables $5 billion
• $3.5 billion
• ($140 million)
• $1.5 billion $3.5 billion
• $2.5 billion
• ($140 million)
• $1 billion Program to help stabilize auto suppliers by guaranteeing debt owed to them for shipped products, and providing financing to continue operations.
• Parts makers get $5B
Automotive Industry Financing Program
• General Motors
(paid back)
• Chrysler
(paid back)
• Chrysler Financial
(paid back) $80.1 billion
• $49.9 billion
($361 million)
• $15.2 billion
($280 million)
• $13.5 billion
• $1.5 billion
($1.5 billion) $77.6 billion
• $49.9 billion
($361 million)
• $12.8 billion
($280 million)
• $13.4 billion
• $1.5 billion
($1.5 billion) Program that provides capital on a case-by-case basis to systemically significant auto and auto-financing companies that are at substantial risk of failure.
• Restructure or else
Capital Purchase Program
• * See full list of bailed-out banks
• (paid back) $218 billion
($96.2 billion) $204.7 billion
($96.2 billion) Preferred investments in banks to prop up capital reserves and encourage lending, in return for dividend payments and stricter executive compensation requirements.
• Counting to $700 billion
Consumer and Business Lending Initiative
• TALF investment
• Small business loan program
• TALF loss provisions $70 billion
• $20 billion
• $15 billion
• $35 billion $20 billion
• $20 billion
• $0
• $0 Programs to support private lending purchases of toxic assets and backing SBA loans. Also sets aside funds to backstop potential losses to government from purchases of mortgage-backed securities and other securities backed by consumer loans.
Making Home Affordable
• * See additional $25 billion component
• * See full list of participating servicers
$50 billion $27.4 billion Multipronged foreclosure prevention plan to help as many as 9 million borrowers by modifying or refinancing loans.
• Obama launches mortgage rescue plan
Public-Private Investment Program $100 billion $26.7 billion Taxpayer funds used in partnership with private investment that will buy up at least $500 billion of toxic assets from financial institutions.
• Treasury unveils 'bad asset' plan
ReplyDeleteFinancial rescue plan aimed at restoring liquidity to the financial markets
Program Committed Invested Description
American International Group
• * See complete AIG bailout below
$70 billion $69.8 billion $40 billion in preferred shares were converted to so-called non-cumulative shares that more closely resemble common stock. Treasury later offered another $30 billion in preferred shares for up to 5 years, in return for a 10% dividend.
• AIG: Where your money is going
Asset Guarantee Program
• Citigroup
• Bank of America $12.5 billion
• $5 billion
• $7.5 billion $5 billion
• $5 billion
• $0 Funds set aside to backstop potential losses to government from Citigroup and Bank of America loans.
Auto Supplier Support Program
• GM Supplier Receivables
• (paid back)
• Chrysler Receivables $5 billion
• $3.5 billion
• ($140 million)
• $1.5 billion $3.5 billion
• $2.5 billion
• ($140 million)
• $1 billion Program to help stabilize auto suppliers by guaranteeing debt owed to them for shipped products, and providing financing to continue operations.
• Parts makers get $5B
Automotive Industry Financing Program
• General Motors
(paid back)
• Chrysler
(paid back)
• Chrysler Financial
(paid back) $80.1 billion
• $49.9 billion
($361 million)
• $15.2 billion
($280 million)
• $13.5 billion
• $1.5 billion
($1.5 billion) $77.6 billion
• $49.9 billion
($361 million)
• $12.8 billion
($280 million)
• $13.4 billion
• $1.5 billion
($1.5 billion) Program that provides capital on a case-by-case basis to systemically significant auto and auto-financing companies that are at substantial risk of failure.
• Restructure or else
Capital Purchase Program
• * See full list of bailed-out banks
• (paid back) $218 billion
($96.2 billion) $204.7 billion
($96.2 billion) Preferred investments in banks to prop up capital reserves and encourage lending, in return for dividend payments and stricter executive compensation requirements.
• Counting to $700 billion
Consumer and Business Lending Initiative
• TALF investment
• Small business loan program
• TALF loss provisions $70 billion
• $20 billion
• $15 billion
• $35 billion $20 billion
• $20 billion
• $0
• $0 Programs to support private lending purchases of toxic assets and backing SBA loans. Also sets aside funds to backstop potential losses to government from purchases of mortgage-backed securities and other securities backed by consumer loans.
need more national guard? i am a army ng solider. when i came home from iraq, the job i left wasnt even there when i came home. you would be amazed at how many weekend warriors are collecting uc. trust me, i would be on the side of the people
ReplyDeleteMaking Home Affordable
ReplyDelete• * See additional $25 billion component
• * See full list of participating servicers
$50 billion $27.4 billion Multipronged foreclosure prevention plan to help as many as 9 million borrowers by modifying or refinancing loans.
• Obama launches mortgage rescue plan
Public-Private Investment Program $100 billion $26.7 billion Taxpayer funds used in partnership with private investment that will buy up at least $500 billion of toxic assets from financial institutions.
• Treasury unveils 'bad asset' plan
Targeted Investment Program
• Citigroup
• (paid back)
• Bank of America $40 billion
• $20 billion
• ($20 billion)
• $20 billion $40 billion
• $20 billion
• ($20 billion)
• $20 billion Emergency funding, in addition to previous $25 billion capital investments, for Citigroup and Bank of America
• BofA: $20B bailout
• Citi dodges bullet
Funds paid back ($118.5 billion) ($118.5 billion)
New initiatives $172.9 billion n/a
TARP total $700 billion $356.2 billion
Financial rescue plan aimed at restoring liquidity to the financial markets.
Program Committed Invested Description
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility Unlimited $0 million Financing to banks for purchases of three-month asset-backed commercial paper from money market mutual funds to promote money market liquidity.
Bank of America loan-loss backstop $97 billion $0 Funds set aside to insure against bank's potential losses from Merrill Lynch merger.
Bear Stearns bailout $29 billion $26.3 billion Program to guarantee potential losses on Bear Stearns' portfolio; smoothed the way for JPMorgan Chase to buy the failed investment bank.
• JPMorgan scoops up Bear
Citigroup loan-loss backstop $220.4 billion $0 Funds set aside to insure against bank's potential losses from mortgage-backed securities investments.
Commercial Paper Funding Facility $1.8 trillion $14.3 billion Purchases of short-term corporate debt aimed at boosting the struggling market and providing critical three-month financing to businesses.
• Businesses find alternatives
Foreign exchange dollar swaps Unlimited $29.1 billion Exchange of dollars to 13 foreign central banks for collateral. Aim is to provide liquidity to foreign financial institutions.
ReplyDelete• Fed pumps out more dollars
GSE debt purchases $200 billion $149.7 billion Program to buy debt issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Aim is to reduce rates on home loans.
• Fed bets on consumers
GSE mortgage-backed securities purchases $1.25 trillion $775.6 billion Program to buy mortgage-backed securities held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Aim is to reduce rates on home loans.
Money Market Investor Funding Facility $600 billion $0 Programs to help money market funds by lending to funds directly.
Primary Dealer Credit Facility n/a $0 Long-time lending facility for commercial banks that was opened to investment banks for first time in March 2008.
Term Asset-backed securities Loan Facility $1 trillion $43.8 billion Program to buy consumer loan-backed securities. Aim is to revive the securitization market for consumer loans like credit cards and auto loans.
• To TALF, or not to TALF
Term Auction Facility $500 billion $109.5 billion Lending program that allows commercial banks to unload hard-to-sell assets, including mortgage-backed securities: Fed takes assets as collateral and banks get cash.
• Why bailout might not work
Term Securities Lending Facility $250 billion $0 billion Federal Reserve facility that loans Treasurys to banks against hard-to-sell collateral like mortgage-backed securities.
U.S. government bond purchases $300 billion $295.3 billion Federal Reserve will buy up to $300 billion of U.S. debt to support Treasury market and help keep interest rates down for consumer loans.
Fed total $6.4 trillion $1.5 trillion
Federal stimulus programs
Programs designed to save or create jobs and jumpstart the economy from recession.
Program Committed Invested Description
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
• Rebates for individuals
• Tax breaks for businesses $168 billion
• $117 billion
• $51 billion $168 billion
• $117 billion
• $51 billion Refundable tax rebates of up to $600 for individual filers and $1,200 for couples in effort to boost the economy. Businesses also received tax breaks.
• Senate OKs rebates
Unemployment benefit extension $8 billion $8 billion Federal funds to extend benefits for the unemployed.
• Unemployed? More help for you
Student loan guarantees $195 billion $32.6 billion Program to purchase federal student loans from private lenders. Aim is to provide financing to companies that provide student loans.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
• Tax relief
• Stimulus $787.2 billion
• $288 billion
• $499.2 billion $358.2 billion
• $62.5 billion
• $295.6 billion Infrastructure spending, funding for states, help for the needy and tax cuts for individuals and businesses to stimulate the economy.
• Stimulus: Now for the hard part
Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program $25 billion $8 billion Energy Department loans to help auto manufacturers and parts suppliers create new fuel-efficient vehicles. The funds are awarded through a competitive process to companies that can increase fuel standards at least 25% beyond 2005 levels.
Car Allowance Rebate System (“Cash for Clunkers”) $3 billion $3 billion Rebate program that gives car buyers up to $4,500 for trading in qualifying gas-guzzling vehicles if they're buying more fuel efficient cars.
Stimulus total $1.2 trillion $577.8 billion
Foreign exchange dollar swaps Unlimited $29.1 billion Exchange of dollars to 13 foreign central banks for collateral. Aim is to provide liquidity to foreign financial institutions.
ReplyDelete• Fed pumps out more dollars
GSE debt purchases $200 billion $149.7 billion Program to buy debt issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Aim is to reduce rates on home loans.
• Fed bets on consumers
GSE mortgage-backed securities purchases $1.25 trillion $775.6 billion Program to buy mortgage-backed securities held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Aim is to reduce rates on home loans.
Money Market Investor Funding Facility $600 billion $0 Programs to help money market funds by lending to funds directly.
Primary Dealer Credit Facility n/a $0 Long-time lending facility for commercial banks that was opened to investment banks for first time in March 2008.
Term Asset-backed securities Loan Facility $1 trillion $43.8 billion Program to buy consumer loan-backed securities. Aim is to revive the securitization market for consumer loans like credit cards and auto loans.
• To TALF, or not to TALF
Term Auction Facility $500 billion $109.5 billion Lending program that allows commercial banks to unload hard-to-sell assets, including mortgage-backed securities: Fed takes assets as collateral and banks get cash.
• Why bailout might not work
Term Securities Lending Facility $250 billion $0 billion Federal Reserve facility that loans Treasurys to banks against hard-to-sell collateral like mortgage-backed securities.
U.S. government bond purchases $300 billion $295.3 billion Federal Reserve will buy up to $300 billion of U.S. debt to support Treasury market and help keep interest rates down for consumer loans.
Fed total $6.4 trillion $1.5 trillion
Federal stimulus programs
ReplyDeletePrograms designed to save or create jobs and jumpstart the economy from recession.
Program Committed Invested Description
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
• Rebates for individuals
• Tax breaks for businesses $168 billion
• $117 billion
• $51 billion $168 billion
• $117 billion
• $51 billion Refundable tax rebates of up to $600 for individual filers and $1,200 for couples in effort to boost the economy. Businesses also received tax breaks.
• Senate OKs rebates
Unemployment benefit extension $8 billion $8 billion Federal funds to extend benefits for the unemployed.
• Unemployed? More help for you
Student loan guarantees $195 billion $32.6 billion Program to purchase federal student loans from private lenders. Aim is to provide financing to companies that provide student loans.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
• Tax relief
• Stimulus $787.2 billion
• $288 billion
• $499.2 billion $358.2 billion
• $62.5 billion
• $295.6 billion Infrastructure spending, funding for states, help for the needy and tax cuts for individuals and businesses to stimulate the economy.
• Stimulus: Now for the hard part
Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program $25 billion $8 billion Energy Department loans to help auto manufacturers and parts suppliers create new fuel-efficient vehicles. The funds are awarded through a competitive process to companies that can increase fuel standards at least 25% beyond 2005 levels.
Car Allowance Rebate System (“Cash for Clunkers”) $3 billion $3 billion Rebate program that gives car buyers up to $4,500 for trading in qualifying gas-guzzling vehicles if they're buying more fuel efficient cars.
Stimulus total $1.2 trillion $577.8 billion
ReplyDeleteBut what about the real American people without jobs at no fault of there own.
OMG...just what we need...more people to take our jobs away!!!! BTW Who's paying for their college?! I can't take this bullcrap anymore! This government sucks big time!!!!!
TO THE POSTER FROM 5:58 TO 6:03pm. ********
ReplyDeleteIf you would have spent the time and effort to organize mass rioting and protest, as you did to compile all the data you posted, you would have made progress. And to the people that keep posting saying call and email politicians, the same to you and what a damn joke. As many times as that advice has been posted on these sites since back in the early springtime, don't you think if that would change anything we would not be having this discussion right now, they would have listened by now don't you think?
They do not give a damn. We have nothing to offer the corrupted bastards. We are not lobbyist nor special interest groups. So therefore they do not have the time or interest in hearing from us. And most importantly, do you really think for a minute they are going to jeporadize having their pockets stuffed by the rich and lobbyist, because of helping us?
The only way to rock their craddle is to have massive protest in all major cities across America. They would cave in to that because they would not want to look bad in the eyes of the entire World with the media attention. But you know what? the corrupted bastards have no fear of that happening because they Assume it is out of the American peoples character to do massive protesting. So if you folks really want to secure any future unemployment benefits until the job market improves, you best start thinking on these lines because if not, unemployment compensation is done for.
If the Goverment were to say, "hey people, starting the 1st week of December, ALL Welfare Checks and Food Stamps will end.
People would be in the streets raising total hell in a heartbeat and they would get something done by doing so.
We are no less important folks, so we need to do the same.
Actually we have worked and paid in to the system so we should really be raising hell.
Just in case the unemployment extension doesn't pass, I have discovered all the top ways to make extra money online, on this site:
This is very sickening! The other day, I was researching the Social Security Administration's website to see what constitutes disability. I could not believe that they have forms written in Spanish (probably other languages too)and it makes no sense! I am not prejudiced by a long shot, but those who have been in the U.S.A. longer than 1-year AND cannot speak, read or write the English language send them all back to where they came from! If it were to be us AMERICAN's in a foreign land they would sure enough put us in front of the firing squad! (btw...I am one of the MILLIONS of AMERICAN's out of work and in danger of my unemployment running out!) WAKE UP WASHINGTON!!!!
ReplyDeleteSure, let's give them the option to go to college at the AMERICAN's expense. I am unemployed so I decided to go back to school. Had to take out a loan to do that. No grants! Was denied my little ol' $16 a month in foodstamps because I am going to school! Go figure! Maybe if I changed my name to 'something-that-I-have-no-idea-on-how-to-spell-or-pronounce', I might be able to get some fricken help!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am mexican american 99er and I have been without a job for more than 2 years now, I can't believe that my uncle who is on a visa found a job that pays 9 dollars an hour and I can't find diddly squat, employers love immigrants because they know that a job that generally pays 12 dollars and hour can easily be filled by someone that so eager to work and he'll take that pay cut in order to get hired, there should be incentive that hires people who are of American origin and maybe that would bring relief to our borders. The American dream is now an American Scheme, Only thing left to do is sell drugs or rob banks, Damn I wish lived in china. Tier 5 lets our voice be heard Monday!!!! It's time
ReplyDeleteThey are having their Lame Dick Session starting this coming week.
ReplyDeleteMaybe some of Big Daddys Faggots will go and blow up some of the Limp Dick Bastards.
Hey idea, since most of us have stated we can't even get McDonalds to hire us, maybe everytime we need to take a big shit, we should go shit in their bathroom floor.
Better yet, maybe we should just start our own street thug gangs and just take what we need from the rich.
get all filthy and smelly wearing tathered clothes and blend in with the street people, then about 25 of us at a time storm a bank, yea
ReplyDeleteWas wondering where you were today Big Daddy. Post however you want. Use any name. It's obvious who you are.
I'd be happy to get Tiers 3 & 4! All the tiers end by the end of November. The Government B.S. and red tape will continue.Millions of Americans need to stand together, and if need be, start a revolution! The only way "WE THE PEOPLE" will be strong is to let the government know that the government was form by the people and for the people! Stand up America.
ReplyDeleteTo those employers who won't hire the unemployed. Get out....move to China, Mexico or where ever. These are your brothers and sisters and children you cast out into the cold. The longer we are out of work the worse the economy will get, and YOUR business could be next on the line when no one buys your product! It's time we start taking care of our own!
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be more important than the US citizens who don't know where the next meal will come from. More to add to the deficit.
ReplyDeleteObama offers extra $4 billion for nuke arsenal from MSNBC.com. In a bid to win approval of a nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, the Obama administration is offering to add billions of dollars in funding for the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
ReplyDeleteWashington has written some of the ugliest history of all time for the U. S. What this once great country stood for is gone.
ReplyDeleteConsidering what has been done to us, to our brave trrops, and now the elderly, consisder this: If the U. S. were attacked today, would you volunteer for service?
why don't you just get a job Harold and quit whining about it
ReplyDeleteRevoluntion you are so right!! I have said the same thing over 100x's. Those faxes and letters are a joke. But no one wanted to take this to the streets. I offered to organized a march in New York. I put my email out there and I heard from no one. So I gave up. I was more frustrated by these write-ups than the Senate.It's so easy to sit at a computer and type and fax. That's all I heard for 5 months 'Fax and write your congressmen. What a F**king joke. There will be no tier 5 until we get off our ass and get out in the streets. What people are saying is right, 'we are a bunch of lazy asses' Look around the world and see the Countries who take this recession seriously. They are the ones who are out there fighting for what is rightfully theirs.What do Americans do? sit on their big asses and fax. Well I went out and got food stamps, Medicaid and now I'm working on the money for rent. And I will tell you it feels a whole lot better than it did when I was here faxing congress and getting nowhere.
ReplyDelete99 weeks of unemployment is plenty. If you can't find a job in almost two years what is going to change in the next 13 weeks or so?
ReplyDeleteObama, Reid, and Pelosi care more about illegal aliens than United States citizens.
ReplyDeleteThe Dream Act is amnesty for half of all illegals in the country. Half of illegals are under 35 and it only takes $100 to get a GED.
Foreigners will flood our borders in the next year and also claim the amnesty by saying they were here already. Illegals over 35 will be able to say they are younger. How can the government check all these records when it can't control immigration now.
With the Dream Act, immigration will continue until the United States is poorer and more violent than the countries from which others want to emigrate.
This bill is a disaster!!!!
Quit whining 9Whiners and get a job!
ReplyDeleteThe free ride is over.
There are thousands of high tech jobs in US that are not available to US citizens. Big companies are allowed by our government to bring foreign technical people to the USA from overseas, pay them less and eliminate jobs for American.. This is possible via the h1b1 visa program. These foreigners come over on this work visa and replace an American worker. After they are here they bring in their friends and family and get them hired where they are working.
ReplyDeleteAsk you Congressman to explain why this exists.
That’s not counting all of the other foreigners from far away lands that come to this country that the government subsidizes and every thing is free and every body can see it, all bet some of you Anonymous said... can tell some real story’s. The government also subsidizes and will pay one half of wages to some corporations as kick backs for foreigners to take Americans jobs, kick in the face. Not to count all the jobs outsourced over seas that we can see, we all no that but what are we to-do People will get very mean to survive.
I also noticed banks are all beefing up securities with armed guards and bullet proof glass. Were did the money go!
The folks in Washington are relying on our ability to be self sufficient, as they continue to make the U. S. even more in-sufficient. Ask any Economic Historian, and they will point out that the majority of world wide depression (resession) has been halted by WAR! And right now, the U. S. would be an easy target.
ReplyDeleteFor all we know, the war has been going on under our noses. Kruschev (spelling may be off) told us during his final visit to the U. S.; "WE WILL BURY YOUR GRANDCHILDREN, WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT!" He may have been right. We are now some of those grandchildren, and our children are some of those grandchildren that he was talking about. He didn't forsee the breakup of the Soviet Union, however we are still arming, feeding, and building the economies of our future enemies.
I've heard stories from retired Veterans of the past, that while cleaning up the horrific mess at Pearl Harbor, they found parts on unspent enemy explosive casings that read; MADE IN U.S.A.
Bring the troops home, hire Americans, buy American products, eat American food, and protect our borders.
Just think about this, what if the Goverment has conspired with other powerful nations and has planned out this whole mess to bring about
"New World Order" Sure would not surprise me a bit at this point. Look at what has taken place the past several years. The Ten Commandments can't be displayed in a Court-House anymore, kids can't say the Pledge of Allegiance or have silent Prayer at the beginning of each school day anymore. We did this everyday throughout my school years. Most work places don't call it a Company Christmas Party anymore but a "Holiday Party". All this so no one will be offended.
Whos being offended? Foriegners in Our Great Country? What about US American Citizens.
Seems as if the Goverment is protecting people from other Nations more than ever. Could it be because they plan to join ranks with the Leaders of these other Nations as part of their New World Order plan. I encourage you to look up on
You-Tube the term illuminati, and new world order.
Father and Son "Bush" Presidents are very active members of the illuminati and if you search on you-tube you can find old news clips of both of them speaking in favor of New World Order. Hardly anyone gave it much thought at the time but put it all together with todays current events and crisis we are in. BE AWARE of Evil possible Population Control schemes from our so-called Goverment also.
You know what, the unemployed are fighting a no win situation. And yes, in a few years we will be like some of the European Countries. This whole ordeal is by design. It just did'nt happen out of nowhere on its own. The Goverment allowed it to escalate out of control which caught their Big Banking Buddies, G.M. and Wall Sreet off gaurd and thats why they got bailed out. Soon look for the New World Order with the allies of the United States. Look for upcoming FEMA work camps and Martial Law. Look for Federal Mandated Work Brigade Programs And be Very Aware of a New Goverment Required Identification Program that will replace everyones Social Security Number.
(George Bush proposed this in his 2nd term.)
All these things are forth-coming and it tells you this in Revalations. So prepare yourselves my Friends and God Bless.
The folks in Washington are relying on our ability to be self sufficient, as they continue to make the U. S. even more in-sufficient. Ask any Economic Historian, and they will point out that the majority of world wide depression (resession) has been halted by WAR! And right now, the U. S. would be an easy target.
ReplyDeleteFor all we know, the war has been going on under our noses. Kruschev (spelling may be off) told us during his final visit to the U. S.; "WE WILL BURY YOUR GRANDCHILDREN, WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT!" He may have been right. We are now some of those grandchildren, and our children are some of those grandchildren that he was talking about. He didn't forsee the breakup of the Soviet Union, however we are still arming, feeding, and building the economies of our future enemies.
I've heard stories from retired Veterans of the past, that while cleaning up the horrific mess at Pearl Harbor, they found parts on unspent enemy explosive casings that read; MADE IN U.S.A.
Bring the troops home, hire Americans, buy American products, eat American food, and protect our borders.
Just think about this, what if the Goverment has conspired with other powerful nations and has planned out this whole mess to bring about
"New World Order" Sure would not surprise me a bit at this point. Look at what has taken place the past several years. The Ten Commandments can't be displayed in a Court-House anymore, kids can't say the Pledge of Allegiance or have silent Prayer at the beginning of each school day anymore. We did this everyday throughout my school years. Most work places don't call it a Company Christmas Party anymore but a "Holiday Party". All this so no one will be offended.
Whos being offended? Foriegners in Our Great Country? What about US American Citizens.
Seems as if the Goverment is protecting people from other Nations more than ever. Could it be because they plan to join ranks with the Leaders of these other Nations as part of their New World Order plan. I encourage you to look up on
You-Tube the term illuminati, and new world order.
Father and Son "Bush" Presidents are very active members of the illuminati and if you search on you-tube you can find old news clips of both of them speaking in favor of New World Order. Hardly anyone gave it much thought at the time but put it all together with todays current events and crisis we are in. BE AWARE of Evil possible Population Control schemes from our so-called Goverment also.
You know what, the unemployed are fighting a no win situation. And yes, in a few years we will be like some of the European Countries. This whole ordeal is by design. It just did'nt happen out of nowhere on its own. The Goverment allowed it to escalate out of control which caught their Big Banking Buddies, G.M. and Wall Sreet off gaurd and thats why they got bailed out. Soon look for the New World Order with the allies of the United States. Look for upcoming FEMA work camps and Martial Law. Look for Federal Mandated Work Brigade Programs And be Very Aware of a New Goverment Required Identification Program that will replace everyones Social Security Number.
(George Bush proposed this in his 2nd term.)
All these things are forth-coming and it tells you this in Revalations. So prepare yourselves my Friends and God Bless.
Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson in their book,” The Spirit Level,”
ReplyDeleteIn nations where there is inequality and specious access to little or no resources, there is more violent crime, obesity, higher teen pregnancy rates, more instances of mental illness, an increase in the prison population and higher school drop out rates. (Pickett & Wilkinson) Where does America rank as far as these stats are concerned? No. 1! According to their research, “the United States has the greatest inequality of income in any developed country, except Singapore.” (Pickett & Wilkinson) This is not good news for us, and for all the ballyhooing that American politicians do about the democratic process and how wonderful American’s have it better than anyone else in the world, we’d better reexamine that myth. It isn’t much good when people in other industrialized nations out live us, and have better job related and healthcare benefits than we do. That says a lot about how great this nation is not.
Who-ever is posting about NEW WORLD ORDER you are probably very close on your predictions.
ReplyDeleteI use to laugh off all that stuff on you-tube about illuminati and fema camps and new world order and I still think a lot is not reality.
But if you really stop and vision the way everything was just 20 years ago compared to now it sure will make you wonder. In such a short time period there have been major changes to not a few but a lot of things that had remained the same for centuries, such as the Ten Commandments ordeal, not calling it a Christmas party, the patriot act, 9/11, changing our policies and laws forcing us to be more adaptable to other cultures invading America, to name a few major milestones in history in such a short time period. Greedy technology and automation has replaced human workers and those jobs are gone for good now. The Goverment literally giving all the corrupted banks and companys billions of dollars and a (free get out of jail card) like it is just a game or something, without being held accountable or anything. But yet an unemployed person that has strived hard all thier life to keep good credit loses their job and their credit turns bad because they can't help it and that person is now doomed and held accountable for life. YES I very much think they have been working on their "New World Order Plan" all along and they are trying to align the American Peoples mindset and way of thinking in those terms. If you really stop and think about it, a lot of the signs are right before our very own eyes but it is easy to become side-tracked and not notice. Kinda like "one can't see the forest for the trees" saying. I don't know myself, but what do you people think they are talking about when they have these meetings like G-8 talks. A lot of folks were freaking out during the approaching year 2000 thinking the world was going to end at the strike of mid-nite year 2000 by way of nucleur missiles being launched by computer mal-functions, then the 9/11 disaster, then they dug Sadam Hussien out of a hole in hardly no time but yet after almost 10 years now they can't seem to get Bin-Laden, yeah right, he is probably a player in their plan.
ReplyDeleteChill out! This is what I have posted on many websites.
Attn: Readers & Authors
Please start posting the state you are living in next to your name. This would be a start for state by state unity. And once a state website is set up, we start going from county to county. And then city to city. Once we reach that point we would be able to organize active civil disobedience, but until we get to the point that we know who’s who in the zoo, we will remain ineffective. Authors please include this in your articles so we can get this going. Readers, please copy this and post it on every site you visit.
Now we are very close to the creation of this website, it should be finished this week Just hang in there for a little while longer.