Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Unemployment Extension and Standalone Unemployed Benefits Bill Talks Continue

The 2010 unemployment extension is needed, and unemployment extension 2010 unemployed benefits bill discussions are likely to continue at least for a few days. A lone Republican senator wants to try to figure out a way to pass an extension as a standalone measure. This comes after the measure to pass the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 was thwarted 57-42 on the Senate floor.

Not one single republican voted for the measure, angering many constituents in the 50 states.  However, Olympia Snowe, a Republican Senator, sent a message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid suggesting a standalone measure vote.

Snowe is quoted as saying "Separating the unemployment insurance provisions [from numerous other provisions in the bill] and passing it as emergency legislation acknowledges the urgency of helping those who continue to look for work."

The majority leader isn't taking too kindly to the suggestion, instead urging the Senator to help end a stalemate that has lasted for two months in the Senate.

The partisan lines are part of the reason why the benefits extension haven't been passed. The Democrats wanted to fund the Tax Extenders bill using various tax hikes. Among them were hikes on taxes to oil companies, certain S-Corporations, and investment fund managers.  What wasn't funded with tax hikes would have been deficit spending.

Republicans didn't want to hear anything about deficit spending, preferring to pay for the entire bill using unused stimulus funds. Democrats don't want to use stimulus funding to pay for the bill.

While finger pointing and needless bickering is taking place in Washington, those on main street are suffering.  Those who are currently in the middle of one of the four tiers of emergency unemployment benefits will be without benefits once they exhaust their current tier.

Does it really matter if the measure is passed as a standalone measure or not?  Senators need to put their partisan politics as usual aside and take action (for once) and help the millions of Americans in need of a lifeline.






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    Comments: 202-456-1111
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    Comments: 202-456-6213

  2. Oh lord jesus please swallow your pride people and just PASS the bill. ANY bill as long as it means we will continue to get unemployment.And by the way, I'm not lazy. Im up EVERY morning at 6:30am with my infant, and then I go to school. Get it straight!

  3. Stop playing with my children's breakfast and pass a bill that is ONLY for unemployment.

    I was rehired, only to be let go before I started when BP had its oil spill. I work in the Gulf of Mexico and its going to be a while before I can get back to work. I want to work. I make more in a day then I do in a week of unemployment but that little bit is all I have. I'm on the verge of being homeless. I have never asked for a hand out and have paid dearly for years. The one time I need it and need it bad, I'm cut off.

    Anyone that doesn't pass this bill, in one form or anther, is going to get my full effort to keep you from office next term!

  4. just be patient. let's see what happen 2morrow. i need my unemployment extension too! i was going back to school at nite and without the money. i lose everything again. just put your faith into god and president obama and see what happen.

  5. They need to do more than pass this extension. A standalone with an additional tier of benefits MUST be added and passed ASAP!!!
    There are at 30 million of us out there....those of us who have lost benefits, about to lose them and the rest who are stuck in the middle of this latest crap that can't find a job! Now the classified ads are saying unemployed need not apply!!!
    Help the American people already!!!!

  6. Yes, sign the petitions! Go here to find many of the petitions compiled so they are easy to find:

    Click the News tab on that site to keep up with latest unemployment extension news!

  7. the senate is............... I wont say. There is an historical figure that fits the description.

  8. have you watched c-span2 on TV i have been i don't see how they get anything done. someone speak's 10 minutes then they go on break for 10 or 15 minutes then someone else will speak for 10 minutes and they go on break again for 10 to 15 minutes it's like that all day.where do i sign up for a job like that. i work harder they that looking for a job.

  9. I was actually promised an interview from an employer with some help from a friend that works there, however, my phone was cut off due to non-payment, so I never got the phone call. If the Senate had not spent all this time argueing with each other, I would have had my unemployment and been able to pay my phone bill. I almost had a job! Everytime I think about it I cry...I wouldn't have needed to be on unemployment anymore...I would've finally gotten a job! Now I have applied for state assistance, which won't even cover rent for the month of June. I don't know where to turn. WE NEED HELP NOW!

  10. Here's your wake up call: The Seante Replubicans do NOT care about Unemployement Extentions, only about how they can "beat" Obama. Unemployment Extentions was last week's news. This week, they're focused on Kagan's Nomination and how that builds on the deficit for the "American People". Look, I hate "pronoun" problems. Tell these Senators not to replance what they want for what we want. Kagan will have a job she got recommended to -- millions of us, wont.

  11. teir 5 will not recieve passage as that will not lower unemployment numbers, they want the 99'rs off the unemployment rolls to make a recovery look possible. I wish it was different but tier 5 isnt even a part of the bill at hand from what i have seen. To thoose going to school good luck and to those looking for a job thanks, and for those sitting on your ass( i support you) as yor payment goes back into society(unlike the money we gave wallstreet and the bankers for their bonuses,,,, I mean bailout. greg

  12. It's particularly telling, I think, that both sides are willing to grandstand when the folks twisting in the wind are the most helpless, the overwhelming majority of whom have worked for years and are desperately trying to find work – any work, even for very little – which simply doesn't exist because of Washington and Wall Street games which serve the rich and powerful, and have gutted the middle class, the heart of the nation. Yet the games, and the gutting of the middle class continue as Washington continues to funnel free money via the Federal Reserve to Wall Street. If the apocryphal tale is that Marie Antoinette said 'Let them eat cake', then what these folks (both parties) are saying with their (in)actions is even more disdainful as they posture and pretend to serve the people while serving only themselves, the rich and the powerful. Firing squads and guillotines, anyone?

  13. Republican leader has already objected twice to allowing a stand alone provision to be brought to the floor. Snowe is playing politics. Do some research next time before you establish blame.

  14. This is a big issue for millions of Americans who have lost their benefits. Some needs to be done be it a stand alone bill or not. The American people are suffering - enough is enough!!!

  15. maybe the democrats want it to fail to use against the republicans in november, also there was one democrat who voted no... it is sad but we are nothing more than politics

  16. It's just a shame that there is absolutly no compassion for your fellow man in this country anymore.Really, not only are we fighting one of the largest unemployment droughts in american history,now we have companies saying were not going to hire the unemployed,i worked all my life paid taxes for37 years and now when i need help the american gov turns it's back on me and every other hard working american.Bottom line is we are not asking for a hand out we are just asking for what we have earned.

  17. what about the people who have made it to the 99ers club? im in the union in my town and they have'nt had work for us for the 3rd year, because of the mess that we are in. i put in aps everyday, and still nothing yet. what are we to do, please tell me?

  18. I like how Qbama can give the oil company petrobras $2billion "TAX" dollars, but they can't extend the UI benefits.
    This gov. makes me sick.

  19. why cant our congress men and women take a pay cut and give up other perks to help the unemployed

  20. Stop playing POLITICS. These are HUMAN LIVES. PASS THIS BILL, even if it means a standalone version. The Republicans have looked like the monsters up until recently. If a Republican senator is urging the Democrats to pass a standalone version of the Unemployment Benefits Extension piece of HR 4213, and the Dem's say no, WHO THE HELL DO WE VOTE FOR COME NOVEMBER? We need to oust ALL of these people and get fresh faces in the seats of Congress. This is absurd!

  21. Republicans could care less about throwing the desperate a bone, but they will not vote for a tax on S-corp's. Republicans must be able to hide their money off-shore!

  22. jesus pass the damn bill already!!! I havent had any money for two weeks now!!!!!!! I pay my taxes, WORKED hard and did charity work...I have a child to feed, bills to pay and RENT!!!!

  23. we are a people of all words and no action

  24. Screw the Democrats.......Republicans said they would pass it if it was paid for with unused stimulus money........the money is sitting there unused....WTF...........

  25. Revolution Baby,'s really the only answer to not them not living up to their sworn responsibilities.....

  26. It is so sad to see so many people out of work. But, the actions of Congress by extending these unemployment benefits is making the job situation worse. It will now cost employers more to hire someone, as the states are working on increasing the tax they pay to extend benefits. Studies show that people will stay on unemployment as long as they can collect.

  27. In the state of Indiana, a family of three can receive $288 in tanf and up to $500 in stamps. How the hell can anyone pay their mortgage and car note with this? I guess they expect everyone to school shop at garage sales and the salvation army over the summer

  28. The problem as I see It, We the unemployed that want to work and can not get jobs are all in one big boat.

  29. "Studies show that people will stay on unemployment as long as they can collect."

    Please share with us how do those people live on $300 a week. How they pay rent, health insurance, gas, food, and etc.

  30. If we cann't help our people then stop aid to other country .our people come first.

  31. OBAMA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

  32. for once i rooting for the libs. The stand alone bill sounds far if use from the stimulus money.

  33. I want obama to take action to pass this bill even by excutive order or let the companies start hiring right now what do you of the unemployment check is it going to make us rich and stop looking for work it is just alife line in the emergency room no body happy about it I worked for years without being absent a single day not even show up late for work .let the companies start hiring again and let them taking advantage of this sitution and pay least wages ,help me Feed my childreen

  34. I lived in Indiana from 1988 until 1990 at that time it made no difference how much money you made if you went on unemployment you received $90 per person in your family 3 people $270 10 people $900 DID NOT MAKE SENSE TO ME THEN AND IT STILL DOES NOT

  35. They sure know how to screw us all over... and they don't care one bit. I'm so done with the politics. And done with this country.

  36. I've been working since I was 14 years old, paid my taxes for 35 years, and never relied or needed public assistance. I was laid-off during this recession like so many others. I need my UI while I continue to look for work. I am completely disgusted with our elected officials especially the Republicans. I hope the middle-class folks who always auto-voted Republican remember what has happened these past 10 years and rethink what it means to be a so-called "conservative". I never left my home state to involve myself in the local politics of my fellow Americans. That kind of respect and neutrality is over for me, these elitist corporate stooges have to go!!!

  37. The unemployment benefits don't pay enough for people to continue the spending that they are accustomed. Therefore, every month, they are getting further and further behind and can't take a job because they risk losing their benefits. It is a vicious circle and I see it first hand everyday. I talk with someone who works at an unemployment office frequently and she says that there are jobs, but people refuse to take them as long as they are collecting benefits. It is too easy to say you are looking for work by just logging onto a computer. You don't even have to go to the unemployment office anymore. Unemployment will remain high until Congress limits these benefits to 26 weeks. People have gotten used to these extensions and think that they will last forever. Congress needs to take a firm stand and say "26 weeks is it", so plan on getting a job in that time frame.

  38. Without an extention the economy will be going backwards. There are not many jobs posted in the Sunday newspapers and online. Some of them are staffing firms posting ads for jobs that don't exist. Everyone likes to take advantage of the Unemployed. I have been laid off in the past, but found work before my benefits ran out, and at that time it was only 26 weeks of benefits. Times are not the same now, as I have completely ran out of Tier 1 and still nothing on the radar. Letting people go into foreclosure does not improve the makes it worse for everyone. PLEASE, lets get this passed BEFORE you even think of taking another break the week of July 5. You will enjoy a vacation, we will not.

  39. What is all this talk about companies openly denying employment consideration to the unemployed??? Have I just entered another dimension???

    So companies can flat out say they will not consider hiring the unemployed (unemployed due to no fault of our own) and that is not some form of discrimination? And to top it off, the government has the balls to say too bad so sad to us!!!!!! No fxxxxxg way. This abuse of the the American people has got to stop. How dare they even hint that any of us don't want to work. We have to fight this with all we have my friends. Don't give up. Write, call, sign petitions, let our voices be heard!!



  41. STOP blaming Obama and the Democrats! It is not their fault. The Republicans controlled everything for 8 years until Obama and the Democrats were put into power this past election.

    Obama will go down as one of the greatest Presidents in history. You can take that to the bank. Obama and Biden are probably the most intelligent President & VP combination in history too. He won the Nobel Peace Prize. I'd rather have Obama, Clinton or Carter than Reagan or Bush anyday. Some people are just sooooo jealous.

  42. bring on the hoovervilles

  43. The billions of stimulus money is sitting there.Well pass the Extended Benefits and all that money will go directly into the economy.I know of no one that is saving the $300 a week to wait for some great is spent before we get it.Where I live today there were 21 job offers for a community of 140,000 people.We will have to stand together and vote every incumbent out.No one could do a worse job,no matter what they do.

  44. A new "standalone" bill is currently in the Committee for review. PLEASE contact you Senators and Reps to urge the expediency and passing of this new bill, ESPECIALLY Reid as bringing it to senate vote funadementally lies in his hands.

    The new bill:


    Leave a written comment on his page, and call all four numbers below to leave messages!!!

  45. What is most alarming is the evolving dysfunction of our government/business complex; the 2 are undeniably intertwined, out of control and mismanaged by power structures seeking to maintain them for profit and power . This hijacking of our nation by corporate interests apart from the focus of our national identity will be our doom. The present situation of party battling party, at the expense of what is right, where individual power and presence has disappeared is what has robbed us of real leadership and our nations strengths. When you lose integrity in your mode of operation, you ultimately lose your operation. Leaders, you are fools to think you will get somewhere by voting only along party lines; you are sheep, followers, not leaders; you have sold your souls and don’t deserve your position . Change is mandatory for survival. As a river must change it course to keep flowing, so must a governing body, to keep governing. It seems unable. One should actually have compassion for our governing body which has actually become as dysfunctional as two battling mammoths that have locked horns, only to fall and die in place from battle rage. The creation of this country has seemed to reach its peak, this system is frozen, too big to pull in and manage; it seems to have entered into an uncontrolled spiral of decay. Sheep didn’t build this country and they sure can’t maintain it. Old bulls that don’t know when to call it, fall. Where is the mind, that looks to its people and not its pocket? Is our nation like so many other false truths just an illusion of values, truth finding it to be nothing but just another business venture?

  46. The nerve of people saying that these continued unemployed extension give incentive not to work and that we are lazy. Those are bold face lies.

    There are NO/ZERO jobs available. These statements and statistics are probably from people that have a nice easy job.

  47. We the "what used to be the middle class are doomed" This is only the first phase, The goal is to elimanate the middle class then they will have what they want only very rich people and very poor people, then and only then will we be able to get help and all those no good republicans will have accomplished the goal of TOTAL ELIMANATION OF THE MIDDLE CLASS

  48. Please pass extensions for All unemployed in every tier. we are really hurting and need help. The 99er's need help too as they have nothing now and will lose everything they have. This is so degrading to have to beg and go through this. None of us ever asked to be in this situation. All we ask is for congress to help us out in our time of need.

  49. YEP, i am talking all my money and going to mexico til the greed subsides. got room for two if your interested.

  50. "The billions of stimulus money is sitting there."

    I was also wondering the same and have read that the stimulus money is there to create jobs, so taking anything out of it will hurt the economy. On the other hand, I wish they would use the stimulus money this one time and pass an additional 2 year extension with cobra instead of this piece meal crap.

  51. THIS BILL NEEDS TO BE PASSED RIGHT NOW!!! GET UP AND PASS IT, AND STOP MESSING AROUND. I am a single mother, how am I going to live with no money, I have busted my behind looking for a job since I have been laid off, and what do I get, a job working one day a week for 5 hours a day at 10 dollars an hour........There is no way I will be able to live off of that, and what about all the people out there who have already lost everything?? WISE UP AND PASS THE BILL, THINGS ARE GOING TO GET EVEN WORSE IF IT IS NOT PASSED!!!

  52. To the idiot that posted the comment above me about stopping at "26 weeks", what planet are you on? Try living on $184.00 a week and see how far you get.I have worked my whole life and you stups forget that people who draw unemployment do it thru NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. Get these old farts out of the Senator and put a age of retirement on them like there is on us. How is God's name can a person who is in their 80-90's have a clue on what is going on with the american people when they never leave their surroundings. Put them out in the street for 1 week, make them do charity work,and I bet you that the unemployment would be signed so quickly,you could not get your check cashed fast enough. We are fed up and come November, I hope every US citizen remembers how long it took them to do something for us. I know I will.
    Pass the bill because without it, homes will be lost,cars repossed,people homeless,crime will shot up and that is just some of what can happen. Have always had family who served proud for this country but we will serve no more.
    stop their lunches,stop their private jets,and most of all

  53. "The unemployment benefits don't pay enough for people to continue the spending that they are accustomed. Therefore, every month, they are getting further and further behind and can't take a job because they risk losing their benefits. It is a vicious circle and I see it first hand everyday. I talk with someone who works at an unemployment office frequently and she says that there are jobs, but people refuse to take them as long as they are collecting"

    Does this make any sense???? If the benefits aren't paying enough then why would they want to stay on unemployment???? Are you saying the jobs aren't paying enough? The makes more sense.

  54. Please add a tier v and extensions on for All unemployed. we are all really hurting without it. The 99er's are 1 step from living in streets and not being able to pay for anything. Please get this approved before the holiday. It really sucks to be in our situations. We feel like the 3rd world beggars asking for help. Please hear oyr pleas.

  55. first victims of the recession, then again to our own...typical American way, in the midst of any hard times...turn on your people!

  56. It is A Sad Time In America where There is No
    Compassion for One Another. To bicker and Condemn Everything.

    To Allow Washington to Take Away The
    Values That American Citizens Have. We Value Other Countries and provide for Their existence.
    A Cry Thru Out The Land Should come Forth No More. We will no longer accept A Senator or A Congressman or Women to Place A Value on Our People. We will Tell You what Value we placed on
    Ourselves. Our Voices Have Power and You Will Hear Us.

  57. That Stimulas money sitting there Is for Job Creation, Pay Attention , They Need To Pass And pay for this like they have done in the past Hell They send all our money over seas thats bull shit help us the AMERICAN PEOPLE, To Hell With you Republicians I hope you all get put out of office , o wait that wont happen you have too maney crooked Rich FRIENDS thats who you are protecting now , we would not want them to have to pay taxes like the rest of us .

  58. The unemployment extensions are over! The Media never covered it untill it was a dead issue! Reid has stated he will move on to the War funding next week. A 33 billion dollar bill that needs to be done by the 4th of july to keep our Oil Wars alive! I know it feels good to rant on about this but we all must face the fact that we are all on our own! I'm unemployed as well but lucky in the fact that I have a truck and a sleeping bag for when they take my home of 17 years with out ever missing one payment! GOD BLESS US ALL!!!

  59. I know it's tempting to stay on these comment boards...I have spent a lot of time reading. It's very depressing and some people can be really nasty. Don't say "please" here, say it on the petition.

  60. I hear so many people say that they will take anything! I go to networking meetings where both the husband & wife attend. The husband said that he will flip burgers at McDonalds if he has to he need to find work. If there is a job opening believe me it will be filled and quick! Don't foget that everyone that is out of a job is not on benefits. Some have used up the 99 weeks which is the limit. Some have moved to another state with a spouse. They quit and never received benefits. My cousin graduated last year and is still looking, he never collected and will take what he can get. Jobs just don't sit there, maybe 10 years ago when they had to bring students from Europe to fill summer jobs because everyone here had a job that wanted on. I get emails for "jobs" to work at home to deposit fake money orders and wire the rest to Canada, yes I did refuse that "job" which is a scam that will put me more in debt than I am already. With 15 million people out of work and less than 3 million jobs available, there is not enough jobs out there for everyone that wants to work, and others are working only part time and seasonal jobs for the summer because they feel that something is better than nothing and keeps them occupied and something they can put on a resume to look current for skills.

  61. It's so nice to know our Senators can vote for BILLIONS in unfunded tax money for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; pay BILLIONS to support corrupt governments (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan) pay BILLIONS to Egypt to ensure they dont' attack Israel; pay BILLIONS to Israel for who knows what: pay BILLIONS to bail out Wall Street, GM, AIG....and are bickering like school kids when it comes to helping taxpaying Americans...and yes...people who receive UI benefits still pay taxes on those benefits...and we VOTE!

  62. "he unemployment extensions are over! The Media never covered it untill it was a dead issue! Reid has stated he will move on to the War funding next week. A 33 billion dollar bill that needs to be done by the 4th of july to keep our Oil Wars alive!"

    I cannot wait for the day that we donot need anymore oil from the middle east or any other country. Then we can get out of every country over there.

  63. CALL CONGRESS and speak to REPUBLICAN SENATORS who blocked the original bill to extend benefits! The more they hear from us, the people, the more they realize folks will turn against them if they don't do this, the better: 202-224-3121

    Ask for Senator McConnell
    Senator Bunning
    Senator Grassley
    Senator Snowe
    Senator Collins
    And basically any Senator from the South/Midwest!!

  64. I say we have 30 million unemployed americans who can attain that sounds like an army to me...time for a revolution.

  65. So what are the Dems saving the "stimulus" funds for? Let's see....could it be special interests? Nah! BTW have any of us out there noticed the trend by employers to disqualify us from interviews? Why isn't THIS illegal? Things are going to get ugly very quickly folks. Only the well off are going to survive and that's the way Washington wants it. Most of us are simply "nationally downsized" soon to be a forgotten demographic.The mid and low mid is being eliminated by design.We are on our own in a wrecked economy.Only God knows where this is going. I sure don't!

  66. "Studies show that people will stay on unemployment as long as they can collect."

    Oh really? 'studies show'? What a bunch of baloney. Where can I find these 'studies'? Send the URL or reference these 'studies' by date, title and the organization which published them. 'Studies show' indeed. Don't make things up!

  67. I've read that the real unemployment rate is around 25%, so unless we continue to get our checks the country will be in for a ruid awaking with the economy doing into a major depression.

  68. Obama was not in office very long with he received the Nobel Peace Prize. So that was not for anything he did as a President. You don't give that kind of award to someone who is new at the job. You have to have time to evaluate them. Gore did not get it when he first became Vice took time. Hiliary should have been awarded that!

  69. I'm 34, I have worked since I was 16 at the same company and lost my job last December. I now am "Mr. Mom" to our 2 yr old and 6 yr old, looking for jobs everyday, trying to make myself more marketable by persuing a degree on-line, had surgery after a complication involving pancreatitis and almost dying, my wife decides she wants a divorce, and then 6 weeks ago found out that I have cancer. After surgery and undergoing the first radiation treatment, a new spot has shown up on my lung. Even dealing with all of this, I continue to look for employment because UI doesn't cover the house payment, utilities, and all the medical bills. And, right when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I lose UI...How much more can one person take...I wish I could be on summer break.

  70. I want all those senators and all those people on television that said thing are getting better. It ok to work at walmart them you go over there and see if you cam make at 12.00 an hours job and see if they can buy a house or car and food.THEY ARE SO OUT TOUCH WITH THE REAL PEOPLE. People need to wake up one term and you are out.

  71. How can you not pass tier v and extensions for the unemployed? We are really in trouble now and need the help. Many are going to lose all they have. If you go on vacation before you resolve this for us you are showing Citizens that you don't care about them. Dropping off the UE files will only add to the failing economy. How can you do this? Why must we beg like this?

    1. Post the petition on your FaceBook
    2. Post the petition on your Twitter
    3. Post the petition on your Wordpress
    4. Post the petition on your Yahoo
    5. Post the petition on your Live
    6. Post the petition on your Blogger
    7. Post the petition on your Myspace
    8.Post the petition on your TinyChat
    9 .Post comments or Make A video on YouTube
    The President/Whitehouse FAX: (202) 456-2461
    The Vice President FAX: (202) 456-2461
    Press Secretary Gibbs FAX: (202) 628-8503
    Nancy Pelosi Fax: (202) 225-8259
    Senator Harry Reid Fax: (202) 224-7327
    Senator Richard Durbin Fax: (202) 228-0400
    Senator Max Baucus Fax: (202)224-9412
    Senator Charles Grassley Fax: (202)224-6020
    Rep. Eric Cantor Fax: (202) 225-0011
    John Boehner Fax: (202) 225-5117
    James E. Clyburn (H. Majority Whip) Fax: (202) 225-9253
    Mitch McConnell (Sen. Minority Leader) Fax: (202) 224-2499
    Jon Kyl (Republican Whip) Fax: (202) 224-2207

  73. Studies show that people are happiest and healthiest when they are productive, active:working. The human animal was built to work and becomes diseased when it can't."Far and Away the best prize life has to offer is to work hard at work worth doing." Teddy Roosevelt

  74. If Democrats get their way, they will bankrupt this country.

  75. If the Government wont give it to us WE WILL TAKE IT! Im not starving!

  76. This is a nightmare, I already knew the extensions may run out before I got to work, but this feels like a sucker punch, to go from paying bills and getting by, to nothing overnight, because of partisan politics. Stop making fun of our collective "grandchildren" as it relates to mess republicans are responsible for and take care of the people who don;t have a choice in all of this. I'm already hungry wondering where my next meal will come from, let alone wondering where the gas and car insurance payments will come from now, so I can continue to get up everyday and look for work, I want a job, and I need the UI ins. please get it done.

  77. iam so frustrated ilost my job i cannot get food stamps and i am so damn hungry

  78. People don't realize it now, but when they don't have the government checks, it will force them to make a living on their own and they will feel better about themselves.

  79. They need to come together and pass something for these extensions. I am on my org 26 weeks and have 5 left to recieve. I have placed over 500 applications and have been on one interview!! Worked for the past 31yrs and lost my job thru no fault of my own. I am educated and have good experience but no one seems to care. These are very hard times for lots of folks and I never thought that living in America I would see people get up and talk about the unemployed like they are now, along with the Senators voting no and calling us names. Compassion is gone in this country. I am not lazy, drug addict or an animal that you don't feed, I just need the benefits to help pay for my living expenses not to mention gas to get to job interview, money for ink for my printer to send job appl, decent outfit for the interview, the list is endless and no $300 a week does not pay everything but I have always been good living on a budget. I don't have any credit card debt only my living expenses. I think my age (49) has a lot to do with no one wanting to hire me, they look at folks like me and say, oh no, they might keep working here and someday want retirement and benefits, ugh, we will go ahead and hire Suzy-Q who is 29yrs old sitting in the lobby popping her gum cause she will work for a couple of years and move on. It makes me sick. I put in for jobs that do pay less than my unemployment because I want to work and get my foot in the door somewhere, but even those jobs the line is a mile long to place your information, one person told me I was the 47th appl recieved that day for a 16hr week job! I pray something will happen this week. Looked on Sky News site in England and read some of their plights and they don't seem to mind paying their folks unemployment, in fact, they state what the Senate did to us was unbelieveable. Republicans always present themselves as the party of Christians so to speak, well I don't think the God I love would do this to his people.

  80. I agree, people will find work only when their benefits end.

  81. I don't understand this. Can't the Reps. write up a bill that is for unemployment only. Or are they waiting for someone else to do it for them.They don't give about us. They just talk but don't do anything.What they don't want to vote down their own bill.
    They would rather worry about the poor illegals in this country then us.A Ohio town was hit by a tornadoe and didn't get hardly any aide. But I seen Haiti got another 2 billon. We need to vote everyone of these people out. Maybe the next one will know we mean, you work for us. Not other countries.

  82. The republicans are worse than terrorists. I would rather die quickly than by cold and starvation.

  83. The Bible says if a person doesn't work, he shouldn't eat.

  84. Democrats are a Godless bunch.

  85. I most definitely will turn to crime. I'm almost looking fwd to it

  86. People, these are the current stats on how many are unemployed as well as underemployed! Put them together and we have 29.5 million! The report will be revised again on Friday July 2, when the June unemployment comes out. They are predicting a -70k jobs lost for June. The census has a part of the figures once again.


    OFFICIAL UNEMPLOYMENT: 9.7% [Analysis]
    A year earlier, the number of unemployed persons was 14.5
    million, and the jobless rate was 9.4 percent. [BLS]

    White 8.8%
    African American 15.5%
    Hispanic 12.4%
    Asian** 7.5%
    Persons with a disability ** 14.7%
    Men 20 years and over 9.8%
    Women 20 years and over 8.1%
    Teens (16-19 years) 26.4%
    Black teens 38.0%
    Officially unemployed 15.0 million

    HIDDEN UNEMPLOYMENT Working part-time because can't find a full-time job: 8.8 million
    People who want jobs but are not looking so are not counted in official statistics (of which about 2.2 million** searched for work during the prior 12 months and were available for work during the reference week.) 5.7 million
    Total: 29.5 million (18.4% of the labor force)

    **Not seasonally adjusted.
    *See Uncommon Sense #4 for an explanation of the unemployment measures.

    In addition, millions more were working full-time, year-round, yet earned
    less than the official poverty level for a family of four. In 2008, the latest
    year available, that number was 17.8 million, 17.1 percent of full-time, full-year workers (estimated from Current Population Survey, Bur. of the Census, 2009).

    In April, 2010, the latest month available, the number of job
    openings increased slightly to 3.1 million, according to the BLS, Job Openings and Labor Turnover Estimates, June 8, 2010.+ Thus there are now 9.5 job-wanters for each available job.[Numbers are not comparable with previous months as methods have been revised.]


  87. The Clock is ticking


  88. The goal of a Democrat is to tear down this nation.

  89. sold a couple of things today. still not enough to pay anything! maybe i should have a moving sale because i will never get my house out of foreclosure. America the land of murder/suicides caused by the economy!



  91. People don't realize it now, but when they don't have the government checks, it will force them to make a living on their own and they will feel better about themselves

    How can you force someone when there are no jobs? I feel just fine about myself, why do those of who do not understand that we are in a very bad place in this economy, keep telling us to feel otherwise? I worked all my life, lost my job, look everyday for jobs, paid into the system all my life also, unemployment is not welfare like some of you think. Believe me, I would rather have a job then worry about living on unemployment but when it is gone, folks don't live very well do they? Maybe when people start having to live in tents in your local park with their children, standing in food lines and leaving empty endless numbers of foreclosed homes in your neighborhood so the real drug addicts can come and set up in them, where regular good citizens begin to steal in order to support their familes cause their no other way, maybe then all of you with your great jobs and money will look around and say, wow, maybe those ole unemployed folks knew what they were talking about. Where is your compassion for your fellow man? Why does everyone think all of us unemployed people are hobos and bums, dirty and druggies, I am well educated, dress nice, always worked in good surroundings and I am mad and hurt at the American people.

  92. God how I wish I had a job so I didn't have to go through this BS of waiting for these people in Washington to decide my fate.

  93. "If Democrats get their way, they will bankrupt this country."

    You need a history lesson! It was the republicans who voted to increase the deficit repeatedly when Bush was in office. Obama inherited the deficit and btw, the large deficit was one of the many reasons that republicans lost the senate majority.

  94. I have been unemployed aince November 2009. I have years of experience and actively look for work everyday. During this time I have been called in 4 times only for an interview. In each case there were hundreds of applicants for the one job opening. I have no savings and depend on my unemployment compensation. I had believed that our senate would see the needs of the unemployed and vote for an extension. I am devastated.

  95. We need to keep reminding them that we are here and not going to go away any time soon.

    The $$$ they live on is our TAXES. Their $174,000. dollar a year salaries while we subsist on <200-300 dollars a week. And if we lose our homes or phones then how the hell can we get a job, then?

    I know they think the pittance we get from unemployment is lucrative...but I am sure that each of us made much more than that a week at our jobs...and would give it up in a minute for a job.

    Sorry Not buying the BS. Our Senate blames us much like a rapist blames a rape victim.

  96. The republicans had their way and bankrupted this country. We are currently trying to stop that trend and pull out of it. Note: I have historically NOT voted along party lines. That is the past. It looks like that might change in the future,if the current process does not self correct. It obviously is not working. Antiquated, not dynamic, holding on to what must be let go of. Let go, so our nation can move on. Learn. Adapt. Change. No power structure is eternal. Goliath will fall. The needs of the masses must be met, any surviving power structure will tell you that. There is a limit even for those who have hijacked our nation. And the flutter of a butterflies wings can tip the balance, when the time comes where they have gone beyond their grace.

  97. "People don't realize it now, but when they don't have the government checks, it will force them to make a living on their own and they will feel better about themselves"

    Gee whiz! Please explain how to make a living when there are no jobs?

  98. I agree about turning to crime. If enough people start upping their interest in crime the already overworked and underpaid police force won't be able to keep up.

  99. People don't realize it now,
    What a jackass
    I went from a $80,000 a years job, to finally taking a $9.00 an hour job so I could have insurance, bad move on my part one year later i get laid off, now because I took the lower paying job I only was getting $211 a week, now my first 26 weeks are over and no money for anything, I made a big mistake taking the lower paying job. I live in New York state, I could have collected $430 a week if I would have taken unemployment after losing the higher paying job

  100. sure. the republicans cant be trusted. they lie. but,they are offering either a 1 to 2 month temporary extension,{while, factions can continue to debate the issue,helping the unemployed live somewhat better,or, to be paid by unstimulus money. what the hell does REID mean when he says, all or nothing/ if not untill nov 30, then, we will go on to something else. how dare he dismiss the people who desparately need any type of extension, just because he cant have his way. what kind of phony shit is this from him and the democrats. this schmuck, better swallow his millionaire pride, and let the republicans provide some kind of relief for us. or pay with unused stimulus money, to get that full extension. who the fuck is this turd REID, one to screw millions out of emergency money?what the hell is going on here?

  101. Please help us we are applying for work with ne responce I read a story were an temp firm said people were rufusing there work to stay on unemployment I emailed them with my resume and unfortunatley they were 165 mile from my home. I am trying to find work to no avail as far as yet. I am not giving up i will get a job i no it, But in the mean time my family is really and seriously hungry we have no food, Please those who have ears let them hear we are suffering i need unemployment to feed my family and to pay for my car and insurance + gas i am now stuck at home with no gas, PLEASE HELP US

  102. "The goal of a Democrat is to tear down this nation."

    Just a plain stupid comment. Apparently Sarah Palin is online.

  103. republicans are offering either a 1 to 2 month ext,or to be paid with unused stimulus money. reid said all or nothing? we will move on,thus killing millions who need to pay bills and survive/ who the hell is this turd to srew desparate people at his egocentric expense? what kind of phony shit is going on here?

  104. You People who say things like we will get a job once the goverment checks stop May you lose your job tmr and see how fast you find another they are not out there Idiots besides they are not goverment checks they are unemplyment ins and We only got 26 weeks so screw YOU !!!!

  105. How is stopping benefits going get more people working? You can apply to all the jobs you want, if the employers are not going to hire, then we still will be unemployed with or without benefits. We do want to work, but are very discurraged that we wake up day after day, week after week, month after month, with no job! We will be going back into a recession, and more people will be on Food Stamps. The government will be supporting more people. Cutting off benefits will only make the economy worse, not better! Why isn't there a national jobs program. Obama told us we would be creating jobs to get into office, but he is a good bull shitter. All talk no action. Our next president will learn from his mistakes. In Chicago we had a blizzard and the side streets were not plowed until 1 week after! That mayor lost the election the following spring and a Woman replaced him. Because of a snow storm. That is all it takes to get a new person in office a crisis that the current person in office doesn't know how to control. Now the city is on the side streets the day of the storm as well as having truck on the main streets before the first flake hits the ground. The city learned from that.

  106. "The republicans are worse than terrorists. I would rather die quickly than by cold and starvation."

    Getting Beheaded is usually done fairly quickly (2-3 minutes) by terrorists but is still extremely painful. I don't think either of those choices are very good.

    THEY WILL HAVE TO LEARN TO LIVE ON $120,000 a year

  108. I agree with the earlier post. The Democrat's agenda is to make people dependent on them and vote in entitlements so they can get re-elected. Ignorant people have a tendency to vote for someone who will line their pockets.

  109. How can you say people will only work when their unemployment runs out? Are you crazy? Unemployment doesn't even come close to paying the bills! And when you are trying to keep a roof over your family's head and food in their mouths believe me we are not sitting on our butts eating bon bons on the tax payer's dollar! Walk a mile in my shoes and THEN accuse me of being lazy. Without the extended benefits I will end up on welfare. Is this more to your liking?????

  110. It will be pretty low of you to not grant the tier v and extensions for all unemployed. We are all hurting and need the help. Many are at the point of losing everything they have worked for. I can't understand how uncaring you can be. Please help us all. Time is running out for us.

  111. yea we americans need to stand up and take on the government like they do in other countries
    anyone march the streets and turn over the us government lets make them scared of us then they will get

  112. They already done there damage both parties, and still pointing fingers at each other. Its time to say screw you both parties and vote in a new party called SONS OF ANARCHY. AT least they no what honor is.

  113. Found a bill S3520 at which has been sponsored by Michigan Senator Stabenow. It is a stand alone emergency unemployment extension bill that was introduced on 6/22 and is now with the finance committee. Maybe there is going to be light at the end of the tunnel.

  114. i guess we need a revolution watch out congress death threats are on the way here comes the crazy americans f*** the U>S> maybe we need to leave and go somewhere else we wont stand for this

  115. "How can you say people will only work when their unemployment runs out? Are you crazy? Unemployment doesn't even come close to paying the bills"

    I agree. In CT we only get $550/wk ($2,200 per month). I also have been getting cheap COBRA and have just applied for free State health insurance assistance.

    Thank goodness I am single, live in a small town, and received a big lumpsum severance package that didn't prevent me from receiving unemployment benefits right away. Otherwise it would be extremely difficult for me to make ends meet with only these unemployment benefits.

    Congress needs to get their act together and pass a Tier 5 ASAP!!! I hate everyone in Congress but especially the Republicans for trying to cut off my funds.

  116. at least the SONS OF ANARCHY would understand what we are going through

  117. Any progressive industrial nation puts its priorities on providing benefits for the unemployed and homeless. There is no question that these people are malingerers or lazy just the recognition that they were unfortunate enough to loose their jobs. Unemployment Assistance and Public Assistance in the US have a negative connotation (even sound alike). We paid unemployment insurance taxes for a short term crisis. Mismanagement of those who were fiscally responsible for this crisis resulted in the payout of Billions of bailout dollars. Wall Street companies paid "fronts" to conduct useless email surveillance and other measures and walked away with Billions in profits..where did this all go? Now the Senate is asked to contribute a pittance to hard working Americans who have been put out of work by this fiasco. We elected a government to responsibly address these sorts of issues. The silence is deafening.

  118. Republicans are for the rich and wealthy, if it wasn't for Bush we wouldn't be in the situation we are right now, President Obama is trying to get us out of this depression that Bush put us in. Something has got to happen in congress this week, its absurd to think that they would hurt the american people like this, when we paid into these benefits that are taxable, this is not welfare.

  119. revolution doesnt sound to bad, what do we have to lose. Or we could move to Hatiie. America takes care of them. I like the revolution idea better.

  120. Hey Congress and other elected officials. You want a good idea where to get money. You should do what every American is doing. Do without for a week, all Gov't employees take a week Furlough for the next 4 Quarters. ( Including the President) A "REAL" Gov't of the people would have already done that. You want to impress me, there you go!!

  121. Here are the contact phone numbers and fax numbers for 3 of Mr. Reids Nevada offices as well as his Washington DC office. Please contact all of the office and tell him to separate the bill and lets get it to Obama by Friday before they go on another break. This needs to be done, and we just have to keep his lines jammed till this happens. Too many lives are at steak here to delay this any longer!

    I maintain three Nevada offices, in Las Vegas, Reno, and Carson City. Please locate the office closest to you. If you need to contact me directly, please go here.

    Carson City
    600 East William Street, #302
    Carson City, NV 89701
    Phone: 775-882-7343 / Fax: 775-883-1980

    Las Vegas
    Lloyd D. George Building
    333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
    Las Vegas, NV 89101
    Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030

    Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse and Federal Building
    400 South Virginia Street, Suite 902
    Reno, NV 89501
    Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757

    Rural Nevada Outreach Contact
    Matt Tuma
    Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757

    528 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Phone: 202-224-3542 / Fax: 202-224-7327
    Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343) -Restricted to calls originating from area codes 775 and 702

    Reid Newsroom
    Sen. Reid’s Nevada Press Office 202-224-9521 (for inquiries from Nevada media).
    Senate Democratic Communications Center 202-224-2939

  122. All the Republicans care about is tax cuts. Why should anyone that is lucky enough to be working everyday worried about tax cuts? I hope Congress raises everyone's taxes big time just because any caring individual should be more than happy to help others that are down and out. I would if I could.

  123. If you wont give me unemployment, then find me a job!!!!! I sure can't find one!!!!!

  124. it's real sad that we so many people can't see that the govt. wants to make this a communist country the republicans took all our constitutional rights away with the patriot act and bush said the constitution is just a piece of paper now obama as of friday at the g 20 has took all our rights as a capitalistc nation away and they are locking down the borders to keep us in not illegals out we will be slaves to the world bank with welfare cards and goverment housing and all profits from our labor will go to pay the deficit down and those that who dont work will be sent to the secret fema camps they built with gun towers and ovens in them just look up fema camps google earth them and see there are 600 being built and all eveidance points to death squads and anarchy

  125. "If you wont give me unemployment, then find me a job!!!!! I sure can't find one!!!!!"

    Good point. If they are going to stop sending us our checks, why doesn't the federal and/or state governments create temporary jobs for us so we can still get a paycheck every week?

  126. Please let someone snap and take one of these a holes out

  127. You can send a free fax from your PC to your members of Congress. Also good for sending resumes to employers.

  128. STUPID.. WE did work and we shall eat. STUPID!

  129. Let's be clear. The dems. Were trying to pass a tax increase on executives at the hedge fund investment and real estate firms that helped to create this mess in the first place.
    The increases on corporations that helped to create this mess was going to offset the costs of some of the spending in addition to other measures. So when Repub. Say they will pass it alone that is without the tax increase on the corporations that caused the mess that helps to pay for the unemployment extension. In addition, the Repub. Are saying they would have passed the bill had it been paid for with stimulus money. The problem is that stimulus money is set aside for budget shortfalls being experienced by states, this stimulus money is being used by states to pay city/state worker salaries(thereby preventing the layoff of these workers by the state), the stimulus money is also being used to retain and to pay teacher and other school district employee salaries, thereby preventing more layoffs. So to use the stimulus money which is also being used to create jobs would only make things worse. The stimulus money would no longer be there to help create new jobs(thereby helping some of the unemployed go back to work), it would no longer be there to retain current jobs(which means more people would end up unemployed), this is the problem with using the stimulus money to pay for unemployment, it will lead to more unemployment. The other spending in the bill is being used to stop additional layoffs and once again these things were being paid with a tax increase on the investment and real estate firms that created this mess and have already received bailout money from taxpayers. What the Republicans are doing will drive the country into a serious depression.

  130. I don't think congress should worry about putting our grandchildren in debt. Without unemployment benefits there won't BE any grandchildren because we will have all starved to fxxxxn death!

  131. please help congress i have paid taxes for 27,help,help

  132. I'm in the same boat as that one guy. Without my unemployment check last week, my phone will get shut off tomorrow. The 10,000 resumes and job applications I filled out are now completely worthless. Thanks Sen. Reid, and our two evil Senators from KY.

  133. There have only been 130 comments about this article.
    Based on percentage, the few of us who are making the comments, are not enough to make any difference.
    at least 15 mill out of work that can not get a job,maybe as many as 30 mill.

  134. The government gets us addicted to these benefits and now wants to stop "cold turkey" without giving us advance notice? That is so mean and selfish.

  135. The American Goverment has lost the trust of the American people, Thats not good. So its up to us Americans to stand together and fight these ass holes in office. Not one of them has worked a hard day in there life. All must go. Anarchy is the way, Remenber what happend in Rome the people stormed the there goverment and took it over, I see the same happening here. A REVOLUTION is needed. We need to teach them a lesson we put you in office and we will take you out.


  137. This sordid game is indicative both of what's worst in human nature – blaming those who are weakest and most vulnerable as they struggle to stay alive and pick themselves up in an economy with 5.5 job-seekers for every job opening – and how chronically dysfunctional the US has become as a polity. The Constitution did not specify that a 60% majority was necessary to get a bill through the Senate – that's a recent development that hands enormous power to anyone of either party who chooses to be an obstructionist/extortionist, and it's true not only here but for all other bills as well. It paralyzes us. Next time around it may be the Democrats doing the paralyzing, but whoever's doing it, it's no good, yet we tolerate it. It seems to me that we understand we're disintegrating as a society, and that no one, from either party, is prepared even to begin addressing that decline. It will beggar our children far more than mere deficits, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Frankly, I don't see any hope until the disintegration gets even worse and riots, revolution, or secession are in the air, and then it will be very much a roll of the dice whether whatever comes next is an improvement or some form of tyranny. Who knows. What I do know is that the desperate are desperate and their desperation is taken advantage of by both parties while both parties keep the tax breaks going for Wall Street and the hedge funds. We're living in a 21st Century version of a 19th Century Gilded Age which would like to reduce most of the populace to modern forms of indentured servitude while they claim to be 'creators of wealth' because they shuffled some paper around and sent decent-paying jobs abroad. Oh yeah, that's creating wealth, all right – for themselves. I've long been a pragmatist and a moderate, but at this point I'm thinking anarchy and revolution. What's the alternative? Long, slow, ugly decline for ourselves and our children while we look up at the mansion on the hill? No thanks, not for me, I don't grovel well. In the meantime, yes, we need to break out this bill from the steaming package of sewage that was bundled so that both parties could score points.

  138. Seriously You Republican D-Bags; GET YOUR PROPAGANDA OUT OF HERE!! Talk ABOUT kicking us when we're down!!!! And thanks for spitting on us after kicking us too!

  139. It may be too late to save my house. We were already on very thin ice. No check has killed us. Thanks

  140. Let's see.. If I worked 30 years and there are 52 weeks in a year.. That's 1560 weeks of paying into the system. And I am getting only 26 weeks of unemployment THANK YOU MA'M MAY I HAVE ANOTHER???????????

  141. I won't feel at all bad if there is an attempt on one of their lives

  142. To those who say the benefits should end: Can my family come stay at your house? We'll need a place to live when I lose my home and my kids will surely be hungry. What time is dinner???

  143. It all comes down to Politics. The Dems want to pass the bill with a bunch of other items in the bill that the GOP is fighting. If every piece of that bill was a separate bill most of that would not pass, that is why the Dems are saying that we need to pass Unemployment so why not pass the bill with all the junk included. Look they took out the Medicare item and made it separate, so they can do the same here. Obama wants this to pass and encouraging everyone to work it out, but it is not going that way currently. Unemployment is something that needs to be continued. Yes it has gone on longer than in previous recessions, but this recession has caused more job losses and was longer than the ones post World War II, so it will take longer to bounce back. It is bouncing back, but at a very very slow pace other recoveries were faster. None of us can help the recovery by purchasing a home, many of us cannot afford the place we now live and must move out and live with a relative or on the street. We don't want to live like this but we have no other options without a job. If jobs were coming back at the rate that were lost last year, we would not be in this situation, but the jobs are NOT coming back that fast at all. Many of days pass by and not a single call from an employer or staffing agency for even a short term temp assignment. Several years ago I would check my voice mail several times a day and many times I would have messages for employment not now. Stopping benefits cold at this point is asking for trouble. Not only will the unemployed stop buying at the local stores, those stores will see a drop in sales and have to lay off more people because of the decrease in sales. We need to buy food, we need to buy soap, kleenex & meds and without some small support we will have to use yesterdays newspapers to clean our behind like in the days of our great great grandparents. A little support helps a great deal even though it is just a portion of what we lived on at the start of the recession.

  144. I herd president Obama cant use his excutive order on the uneployment extension. We are all screwed now. Senators both rebulican and Dem. what are you thinking. You have lost touch with the American people. You all need to leaave office one way or another. You can resign or we can remove you. American people shouls come first before anything else. We built this country the uneployed not you senators, and you try to take our life line away screw you. Its time for ANARCHY. We the people have talked enoufgh and they just dont get it. Need to send them a wake up call soon.

  145. To all fellow unemployed suffering in this economy:
    There is a website called where one can start a petition. Someone has started a petition on the immediate passage of unemployment extensions. Please follow this link at the end of this comment and sign this petition. By signing it an email will be sent to all appropriate politicians from you. Last time I looked there were over 6000 signatures on this petition. Word is that this petition has the attention of some politicians including the president. The writer of this petition recently emailed me and told me he received a letter from Republican Senator Olympia Snowe in which she said she would break the filibuster if the bill was presented as a “stand- alone” jobless aide bill.
    See article:
    I have seen this petition gain a lot of momentum in the last 2 to 3 days. I am writing this as a word document so I can copy and paste it to every online article about unemployment extension legislation I visit. I know that (like me) there are many unemployed Americans who are frequently checking for updates on this legislation. What I ask of you is to do the following:
    1. Copy, paste and save this into a word document.
    2. Every time you visit a website with an article about unemployment extension legislation copy and paste this from your word document to the comment section of the article.
    3. Follow the link below and sign this petition.
    4. Ask for your friends and family that support your position to sign the petition by sending them a personal email with the link above attached. Ask your spouse or other qualified household members who will support you to sign the petition.
    Note: If someone in your household decides to support you, you must logout of in order for the petition form to open for a new signature.

    On a personal note I would like to say to keep your head up and do not let any negative comments from others on these sites get you upset. When you respond to them with anger, resentment and frustration you are just giving them exactly the reaction they want. Instead, spend your time getting this comment out there whenever you can. I have faith that our circumstances will motivate us to get the petition the attention it needs in order to get these politicians to listen. We are many.
    Let’s “get the job done” and show those spoiled politicians who have made accusations toward us as a group that we are not the lazy drug addicts they have categorized us to be.

    Once again here is the link to the petition.
    Sincerely, Jerry

  146. People, this is what Indiana is posting on our unemployment website and that the bill will not be voted upon again and it is over? So, why are they giving people hope on this?

    Latest Headlines & Events

    ← What's This?

    June 25, 2010
    Congress Rejects Unemployment Extension Bill
    The U.S. Congress did not pass another federal unemployment extension (EEUC and EB) on Thursday. According to news reports, Congressional leaders do not plan to vote again on this bill in the near future. Hoosiers collecting EEUC payments will be able to receive any weeks remaining on their current tier of benefits, but they will not move to the next tier. All Extended Benefit payments stopped on June 13, 2010, regardless if a person has money remaining on their EB claim.

  147. I realize the kids need teachers and government services need workers (police, fire, etc)but really, there should be stimulus money for your average citizen to get a job DIRECTLY, not indirectly through these other job securities. We need jobs also and there is no good reason why there is not a program like Civilian Conservation Corps where ANY unemployed person qualifies. Of importance and of concern is the fact that there are many of us older citizens that people just don't want to hire. There needs to be a stimulus program that addresses this population, the long term unemployed and all unemployed DIRECTLY. And as far as the stories of unemployed being refused employment simply because they are currently unemployed, a penalty should be put on these companies because they are impeding the nations recovery. As a matter of fact companies that hire any unemployed worker, or hard to place worker (older) should be given incentive/reward/tax break. If they do it for criminals they can do it for hard working, non-violating job-seekers. Once again, we have been forgotten, our true need is an effective jobs program. Not next year, now. As many intelligent people on this post have noticed there are too many reasons to delay this much longer. Children on the street,poor resulting health and mortality, crime, loss of tax base, more people loosing their houses would further debilitate the system and you really don't want to have to deal with us all begging on your front yard do you? We do know where the money will be, who will have it. Real jobs, back in the Real USA; you won't want it any other way.

  148. To all fellow unemployed suffering in this economy:
    There is a website called where one can start a petition. Someone has started a petition on the immediate passage of unemployment extensions. Please follow this link at the end of this comment and sign this petition. By signing it an email will be sent to all appropriate politicians from you. Last time I looked there were over 6000 signatures on this petition. Word is that this petition has the attention of some politicians including the president. The writer of this petition recently emailed me and told me he received a letter from Republican Senator Olympia Snowe in which she said she would break the filibuster if the bill was presented as a “stand- alone” jobless aide bill.
    See article:
    I have seen this petition gain a lot of momentum in the last 2 to 3 days. I am writing this as a word document so I can copy and paste it to every online article about unemployment extension legislation I visit. I know that (like me) there are many unemployed Americans who are frequently checking for updates on this legislation. What I ask of you is to do the following:
    1. Copy, paste and save this into a word document.
    2. Every time you visit a website with an article about unemployment extension legislation copy and paste this from your word document to the comment section of the article.
    3. Follow the link below and sign this petition.
    4. Ask for your friends and family that support your position to sign the petition by sending them a personal email with the link above attached. Ask your spouse or other qualified household members who will support you to sign the petition.
    Note: If someone in your household decides to support you, you must logout of in order for the petition form to open for a new signature.

    On a personal note I would like to say to keep your head up and do not let any negative comments from others on these sites get you upset. When you respond to them with anger, resentment and frustration you are just giving them exactly the reaction they want. Instead, spend your time getting this comment out there whenever you can. I have faith that our circumstances will motivate us to get the petition the attention it needs in order to get these politicians to listen. We are many.
    Let’s “get the job done” and show those spoiled politicians who have made accusations toward us as a group that we are not the lazy drug addicts they have categorized us to be.

    Once again here is the link to the petition.
    Sincerely, Jerry

    1. Studying radioactive rabbit poop -$330k. (This is a ridiculous study which is detailed here.)
    2. Golf cart tax credit – Up to $5,500 per cart -( Last time I looked a golf cart was a luxury. A tax credit????)
    3. Syracuse study of co-ed sex habits -$219k. (One season with The MTV ’s Reality Shows will supply you with this info for free)
    4. Sunset Strip Facelift -$1 million (You have got to be kidding me)
    5. Renovation of facility to analyze invasive bugs -$2.3 million ( Mosquitoes bite, there I saved them a bundle)
    6. Snow-making machines for Duluth, Minn. – $6 million (One of the snowiest places in the US).
    7. Social science survey of Facebook use – $498k (Ask any 8th grader about this information for free)
    8. Pet neutering in Wichita. -$380k (Wichita Pets are special ???)
    9. Florida “turtle tunnel.”- $3.4 million ( A tunnel for turtles couldn’t be built for less than this??? Just lay down a pipe for them to crawl through!!!)
    10. Rockies/Diamondbacks training complex. -$30 million ( The Pro Sports Leagues make enough money to build 10 of these for each team??)

  150. what do you mean Pres.Obama cant use a Executive Oder? This is a severe state of emergency! If this is true and Obama cant step in...... there are going to be some serious problems in our streets! I want our voices to be heard but WE MUST be strategic not all over the place. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!

  151. as i said early on the goverment want to crash the intire system and make us slaves to pay defict down and they will do it becuse were all just sitting here typping instead of firring and reloading i guess when the tanks come rolling down the street everyone will then say wow lets fight back after its too late

  152. I don't really care about politics right now. I am frightened for my family.

  153. TO THE JACK ASS WHO POSTED THIS GO HELL!:The unemployment benefits don't pay enough for people to continue the spending that they are accustomed. Therefore, every month, they are getting further and further behind and can't take a job because they risk losing their benefits. It is a vicious circle and I see it first hand everyday. I talk with someone who works at an unemployment office frequently and she says that there are jobs, but people refuse to take them as long as they are collecting benefits. It is too easy to say you are looking for work by just logging onto a computer. You don't even have to go to the unemployment office anymore. Unemployment will remain high until Congress limits these benefits to 26 weeks. People have gotten used to these extensions and think that they will last forever. Congress needs to take a firm stand and say "26 weeks is it", so plan on getting a job in that time frame.

  154. I finished my Tier II June 8. I've been laid off for 2 months and these people want to act like Some of us have been laid off for years. I have 3 children and rent to pay. Without this extension we're going to be out on the streets. So how are we suppose to live? I don't buy my meds because I'd rather feed my kids with the little money I do have. With NO income all I get is $150 in SNAP benefits, I have all boys. They eat that much in a week. I WISH THESE PEOPLE WOULD TRY FOR JUST A WEEK TO LIVE WITHOUT ANY MONIES AT ALL. NOT A MONTH OR TWO, BECAUSE I DON'T THINK THAT THEY CAN MAKE IT JUST A WEEK, LIVING WITHOUT OUR TAX MONEY.

  155. Hoosiers? Is this what your state govt. thinks of its citizens? I know the origin of this word (it's close to "Hillbilly or Redneck)but please tell us: What does it mean to residents of your fair state of Indiana? Sounds like an insult of unspeakable dimension to me. So the "citizens" were too sophisticated and useful to be laid off but the "Hoosiers" were disposable? Wow! Just curious.

  156. I need my benefits!

  157. That would be great if someone would hire us.

  158. "The government gets us addicted to these benefits and now wants to stop "cold turkey" without giving us advance notice? That is so mean and selfish. "

    OH, help me, help me...I'm getting the DTs (or whatever) I need REHAB. They fund that, I can get fed there, have a bed there and yeah as a former security guard I know that you can get drugs there and prostitute there too; a whole other cesspool of corruption the current state of mismanagement creates when people loose their integrity and sell out. What a beautiful state of decay and decline. And it is our fault, yes Senate...we did not do our job and that is why we are where we are today. We are the cause of this. Go fund another billion dollar toilet while you create one out of this nation for its children to live out of.

  159. I don't care if its a rep or a dem that gets shot - they're all rhe same

  160. a new practice has emerged by employers and they are putting it right into their ads.NO UNEMPLOYED NEED APPLY.
    So what does our goverment think we are to do at this point there is this going on age discrimination is going on and on and on the list is endless.
    Now we need these extentions and need more teirs added to the extentions if these employers are going to be let get by with the practices of telling unemployed people they cannot apply.I would like to know how they legally can get by with these practices.I would say this falls into discrimination on part of the employers.
    The senate must act on these extentions and more teirs and also must do something about these employer practices discriminating the unemployed.

  161. IM still waiting, when are WE going to get together and march on Washington

  162. All unemployed should picket in front of there senators house on the 4th of July. We can all ask for a Hot dog and Soda because we are unable to purchase our own. It won't even bother me if they are eating lobter with all the trimmings. As Long as I can have a Hotdog. All senators should by extra food this year with 10,000 mouths to feed.

  163. Anonymous said...

    People don't realize it now, but when they don't have the government checks, it will force them to make a living on their own and they will feel better about themselves.
    June 27, 2010 7:40 PM

    What an idiot! Do you not think that we realize we would feel better if we were working? How are we supposed to work when no one will even grant us an interview? How are we supposed to make a living if we can't find a job? How are we supposed to find a job when we won't be able to pay our phone bill, put gas in the car to go to interviews or apply for jobs or even take a shower because we won't be able to pay our water bill? I would much rather be working than sitting in front of a computer everyday going through ad after ad, sending out resumes for any position that I think there is the slightest chance I am qualified for. All they have to do is look at my experience and they will know I am older than a lot of the 20, 30 and 40 year old people that are out there looking for a job too. If you are employed, what the hell are you on this site for anyway? Trying to make us all feel better with your encouraging remarks?

    Since employers have decided not to hire the unemployed, why doesn't the government create an incentive program to encourage them to hire someone that is unemployed instead of someone who already has a job? I believe incentives used to be given to companies when they hired someone on welfare. The government would pay a portion of the salary for a certain period and the company would receive a tax break as well.

  164. Question, Is any other states posting at this time that it is over on the unemployment websites where you file for your benefits online? Just curious if this is the truth what is being said on ours. Surely, State workers have been informed if this will have any opportunities to be voted on again that work for unemployment office??

  165. Fkn mthr fkn fuk fuk fkn bastards fkn fuk fuk fkn pass this fkn bill already so I can get my drugs fkn cnt whre btch slut psy btch fk fk fuk fuk fukn fuk fuk fuk!!!!!!!! Fkn system gets me hooked on crack than cuts me off????? Fk u mthr fkn fk fk fuk fuk fukn fkrs!!!!! Hurry up dammit u would if u ever had withdrawls, why put anyone through this?? Fk fkn fk fk fukn fukers fk fkn bitch ass fkrs hurrryy!!!!! Bitches

  166. All this nonsense about the deficits and bankrupting our grandchildren is a bunch of crap. I'm old enough to remember those political arguments back in the late eighties while I was working in finance in Manhattan. An economics professor reminded me back then that the most of those deficit dollars was Americans owing money to other Americans...therefore it was really just a matter of refinance. That's why the Japanese and British never owned us (the scare tactic at the time). Five years after the crash of 1988 Clinton becomes president, promises to close the deficit, and BANG by the end of the decade America had a SURPLUS! That surplus has been pissed away by the Republicans during the last 10 years. It's all a scam! Where were the Republican deficit hawks these last 10 years! Playing with lives for measly UI benefits fund that we've paid into for decades!

  167. yes the president cant use his excutive order on the uneployment issue. Its been voted on number of times and failed. If the president would come in it would be like socialist. You cant do that when a bill has been turned down number of times. President can only use strong words to senate and hopefully see eye to eye. Remember the republicans want Obama to fail, For purpose of a republican regaining office. these senators dont ive a shit about American people. So Remember this at election time vote Sons of anarchy in. SCREW the other parties what have they done for us. THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!

  168. Virginia, this will be wk 2 no money. Going into yet another week prlly.

  169. JOHN maybe it won't be u but someone like u is gonna get their white ass shot

  170. LEE,
    if you need a home and food for your family, my home is free for a while. i am married and unemployed and i live in arizona.

  171. Thanks John, I really needed to laugh. Aren't we so pathetic? So horrible. Don't you feel so bad about your sorry addicted self. I have developed also a fondess for doing laundry in my tub, eating poorly, cutting my services and limiting my driving. These are horribly addicting behaviors. The worst is my repulsion to go out and buy anything, especially things not made in America. I am reading up on how to find and eat larve, make various shelters. I can't help myself. I should maybe make a grub platter and take it to our senators for the fourth of July, spose I should splurge and use toothpaste, deodorant for that. Oh, no, I'm kinda getting to like that smell, that layer of crud on my teeth, dirty clothes. CRAVIN IT !!! And I just love the excitement of not knowing where I'll live tomorrow...but the best is when I get real dizzy and fuzzy from not eatin right. Ya....that is my fix. YAAA!

  172. My last check was in March im a 99er. and scard as F*&k

  173. The president cannot use an executive order to help pass this as some people orginally thought.

  174. This is my third week without unemployment and I haven't even collected 99 weeks. I no longer have money to even go to an appointment because I have 5.00 dollars to my name. This is really awful my situation is worst than folks from 3rd world where we are sending and spending billions of dollars, mean while I am a hard working American who worked and payed taxes. I did not choose to lose my job. Now I have to suffer money to eat no money to pay my bills or rent. I wonder if the a hole republicans will provide me with a room in their freaking mansions? I will never ever vote for them or anyone from now on freaking crooks

  175. In regard to the post about picketing in front of senators homes (not to mention chucking s brick thru their Windows) how can we find their home addresses and do they receive a secret service detail?

  176. We all just need jobs, period! But, in the interim we need UC to feed our families.

  177. If Tarp money was good enough for AIG,GM, The Banks, Fannie and Freddy why isn't it good enough for the hard working men and women that got up every morning, went to work, paid their taxes invested in the country and helped stimulate the economy. Dems, just because the republicans suggested it don't let the people out there lose eveything so you can play politics. Republicans, it wasn't this administration that lifted all restrictions on Wall Street and the big Banks, I believe it was the past people in office that created what we have today. Playing politics with peoples lives is a real miss use of power so get it together, compromise if you have to, but get something done before working class peoples lives are turned upside down.

  178. Here is a flyer to help get the word about the Tier 5 Petition and to get everyone you know to sign it. Please distribute it in your local area. I posted one in the local grocery store last week, and noticed that someone took a few of the tabs already! Spread the word!

  179. Sure, I bet if they pull the unemployment extension issue and put it on it's own bill then for sure they will pass what remains of the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010. The unemployed will be screwed again.

  180. It's ok John. We can already tell you don't need unemployment. Retards can usually qualify for disability. Good luck there little buddy.

  181. To all fellow unemployed suffering in this economy:
    There is a website called where one can start a petition. Someone has started a petition on the immediate passage of unemployment extensions. Please follow this link at the end of this comment and sign this petition. By signing it an email will be sent to all appropriate politicians from you. Last time I looked there were over 6000 signatures on this petition. Word is that this petition has the attention of some politicians including the president. The writer of this petition recently emailed me and told me he received a letter from Republican Senator Olympia Snowe in which she said she would break the filibuster if the bill was presented as a “stand- alone” jobless aide bill.
    See article:
    I have seen this petition gain a lot of momentum in the last 2 to 3 days. I am writing this as a word document so I can copy and paste it to every online article about unemployment extension legislation I visit. I know that (like me) there are many unemployed Americans who are frequently checking for updates on this legislation. What I ask of you is to do the following:
    1. Copy, paste and save this into a word document.
    2. Every time you visit a website with an article about unemployment extension legislation copy and paste this from your word document to the comment section of the article.
    3. Follow the link below and sign this petition.
    4. Ask for your friends and family that support your position to sign the petition by sending them a personal email with the link above attached. Ask your spouse or other qualified household members who will support you to sign the petition.
    Note: If someone in your household decides to support you, you must logout of in order for the petition form to open for a new signature.

    On a personal note I would like to say to keep your head up and do not let any negative comments from others on these sites get you upset. When you respond to them with anger, resentment and frustration you are just giving them exactly the reaction they want. Instead, spend your time getting this comment out there whenever you can. I have faith that our circumstances will motivate us to get the petition the attention it needs in order to get these politicians to listen. We are many.
    Let’s “get the job done” and show those spoiled politicians who have made accusations toward us as a group that we are not the lazy drug addicts they have categorized us to be.

    Once again here is the link to the petition.
    Sincerely, Jerry

  182. Enter you phone number and it registers to you local Senator , no need to speak, all done via the website.

  183. You need to grant new tiers and extensions for All unemployed as everyone is really hurting no matter what tier you are in. There shouldn't be any quarreling or bashing anyone in the discussions. Just grant the approval. Put yourselves in our shoes and and help us out. We elected you to represent us not turn us down because we need something. This is a national disaster for all of us so help us. Please>>>>

  184. No one on unemployment ask to be let go. I would take my old job back tomorrow, but while I am waiting for a replacement job to make a living which I deserve. It sure would be nice for a little help until this mess gets straightened out. Vote for the extension if you have a heart.

  185. I will not disappear in the night, I will not die in a corner and feel bad for my self. I will arm myself and do what is necessary to feed and house my family. If I have to die I will do so fighting not crying to leaders who don't give a crap.

  186. Maybe taking as many of the top 1% out by bombing a conference or something to that effect isn't the worst way to go. I am approaching 50, no savings or 401k left. I don't think it would be murder.. it is standing up to a government that has long since stopped representing those who elected them

  187. It is not even up for discussion by the senate tomorrow. The Senate Calendar doesn't reflect it all. God help us.

  188. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  189. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  190. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  191. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  192. We have voices!! We need to be heard! Slam your senators with e-mails.. phone calls.. faxes! Do not give up!! There is 1.2 million of us that have already exhausted our benfits and our numbers are growing each week. We need to be heard!!
    This is my third week without a check. Without this extension i am going to be forced out to drop out of college 6 months before my graduation date. Then even if i do drop out.. finding a job may be impossible. I went to school after being laid off because Obama said it was better for us all to get educations. I was trying to better my life for my family and have a better chance in getting a job... where did that get me?? I only get $200 a week.. Just enough for food and gas and alil to put in my kids college funds each week.. that is it.. I'm not living a lufe full of luxury.. Just getting by and surviving. I don't do drugs.. i don't even drink.. Nice of them to label us all as loser.. I'm a straight A student. This is BS!! Pass the bill already!

  193. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  194. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  195. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  196. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  197. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  198. so when they give us unemployment at a hi point in our anger, so what will we do? all this singe this n that and all the anger will go away. Now am I right? please tell me AM I RIGHT??? and then unemployment will run out again you all know it.. so what r u going to do? start bitchin again??

  199. Every senator has his/her own email via a webpage (just google "contact senator X". Easy to cut and paste the comments you make here to your senator.

  200. NO YOU ARE NOT RIGHT!!! Not for all of us anyway. For some a few more months may be all they need to find a job.. For some a few more months is all they need to graduate. For some a few more months is all they need find another way to live!! YOU ARE NOT RIGHT!


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