Sunday, July 4, 2010

2010 Unemployment Extension Benefits Bill Didn't Pass, Angered Americans

The 2010 unemployment extension benefits bill didn't pass. Americans are mad that unemployment extension 2010 benefits weren't approved by the Senate. The House voted on a standalone measure to extend benefits through November 30, 2010. The Senate voted on the extension bill as well, and the measure was voted down 58-38 with 60 votes needed for passage.

In reality, Democrats are only one vote shy from passing the bill after winning over two Republican senators. Democrat Ben Nelson from Nebraska voted against the measure. Senator Robert Byrd passed away Monday taking away one crucial vote. If the Democrats can just win over one more person, it's expected that the unemployment extension will pass (retroactively) once someone to replace Senator Byrd is named.

This is of little consolation to many Americans. Prior to the Memorial Day holiday, it was said that the Senate would not break without passing the extension. For those without a calendar, Memorial Day was weeks ago and there hasn't been the passage of benefits, and yes the Senate has taken not one but TWO vacations now.

Why haven't the extensions passed? The Senate is leery of adding any more to our nation's looming deficit.  The Democrats want to fund the measure with tax hikes and deficit spending, where the Republicans want to use unused stimulus funds.

Neither side are willing to meet in the middle.

The unemployment extension is needed. Hopefully it will pass during the first week that the Senators come back from their vacation.


  1. Why is it needed? 99 weeks is more than enough. Many who are on unemployment now refuse to go back to work as long as they can continue to draw their unearned checks. By continuing this insanity, we are sucking the life-blood out of Americans; providing a disincentive for many not to return to work and saddling our children with a future that ensures a reduced standard of living to pay for this madness!

  2. It is needed because there are NO jobs! Unemployment benefits are a maximum of HALF what a job would pay. Nobody is getting fat on this stipend; it barely covers basic necessities. Without these funds, many people are unable to provide for their children now, never mind a "reduced standard of living" in the future. Furthermore, those who claim to be so worried about deficit spending were remarkably unconcerned about tax cuts for the wealthy and deficit spending for two wars that dwarfs the amount to cover these benefits. unemployment tab.

  3. They are Not Adding weeks In This Bill They Are Trying to Fund the weeks already in Place.If You Are Concerned about your children Make sure They Learn To read, Something You Obviously Did Not Do Yourself

  4. The idiot above (9:13) has obviously never been unemployed. A) not everyone affected by this has been unemployed for 99 weeks B) we DID EARN it C) it is NOT a disincentive to work as it only provides a fraction of what a job would pay D) I've stood in line with a lot of unemployed people and NOT ONE has ever said they would refuse work because they were drawing unemployment!!!
    Know what you're talking about before you make idiotic statements!

  5. Attitudes & oppinions change very fast when you are all of a sudden, after 37 years of solid work performance told that your dept will be going over sea's so bye bye we don't need you and you are too damn old for us. We have sharp young colledge grads who will work for real cheap, so bye bye, seeya later oh and thanks

  6. This idiot that says not to pass unemployment extensions no doubt has a job wait till they lose their job and I'll bet they sing a different song. It will be a damned shame then!!! What are you doing on this website ? Looking for someone to harass? GET LOST asshole

  7. Responding to anonymous above, now that unemployment is suspended, the only ppl collecting are the ones on the 26 wks of unemployment. i have been unemployed for over a yr now and have no income. i did not use my checks to buy drugs and alcohol as so many ppl believe. i never touched a cigarrette or even been drunk let alone smoke pot. my checks went towards bills and food. i've applied to jobs online, filled out applications at places and have gone to so many temp agencies and job fairs i lost count. ppl say there's jobs out there but there's 20 ppl applying for one job. i live in a small town so it's extremely tough. i was denied a job as a packer in a factory bcos i have no experience. packing bottles in a box is not rocket science! i graduated high school and college and went from a job making $19.50/hr to nothing now. there are jobs around but are over an hr away and don't pay enough to cover my bills if i was working 10 mins away. i'd spend about $30 or more a month in gas alone. there are some ppl that haven't looked for jobs and would rather collect than work. i want to work! i read an article this morning that 8 million jobs were lost and since then only 600,000 have been created. it said even if the hiring rate were to double it would take till 2012 to fill all those jobs lost. the gov is spending billions of dollars to support the illegal aliens here and just passed an $80 billion war bill for a war that shouldn't be going on 9 yrs already. do they care about all the americans dying? they can't even help the unemployed so i guess not. ppl don't seem to realize that if they don't pass the extension and create jobs this is going to be a major downward spiral. as of now there are 2 million americans without any income. that means no bills getting paid, no money for food and no money getting put back in the economy. houses will be foreclosed on, cars will be repossesed which means the banks will be losing millions of dollars more. ppl that rent houses will be kicked out meaning landlords will be losing that extra income that they may depend on during these hard times. it's been a month since the extension has been suspended. give it another month and we'll see where our economy is.

  8. just one of those guys that works for mommie and daddie, never had to look for a job never will

  9. I will gladly take your Job and you can go out into a busted economy where if you can find a job, employers are paying entry level(or minimum wage) for a person like myself that worked at a Corp. for 25 years with certificates and of Knowledge of the Job I did and did well! I have worked 40 plus years and have paid into the unemployment as well as most of the Americans that were drawing it or we wouldn't have been drawing it!!!! unlike people who come to this country illegal, I now also have no health insurance and I am an a senior citizen now and have to worry about all that on top of all this bullshit! Madness!!! you bet it is especially when you have no idea where your going to get the money for your next meal let alone pay for the house you have worked hard for the last 25 years and now are facing to lose. Before you call this Madness you need to give your job up and go out into this madness to see what it is all about and don't give me you have been there done that because the economy now has not been there done that since my Parents were in the great depression!

  10. Why go back to work I can afford a gardener and a maid on 300 whole dollars a week minus taxes.Lets all meet at the bar I'm buying!! Mr.(unemployed)Big bucks

  11. Are you serious? Do you really think that people on unemployment "Likes" being unemployed? The most unemployment check will give you is about 400 something per week (MAX). You get that $400 only if your previous salary income averages around 50,000 to 100,000 per year. You tell me, do you think a person that use to earn 50,000 per year would "Like" to settle for a measly 20,000 per year? A college student can live on 20,000 per year but not a family with kids.

    You try being on unemployment... I bet you will have a much different view after you feel the pain of losing all that you own.

  12. To that first person that commented you are not paying attention to the REAL facts!!!!! Most of the long term unemployed Have worked and want to get BACK to work... It takes MONEY to find Job or have you FORGOTTEN?

    Phone bill, GAS, SUIT/DRY CLEANING, CHILD CARE, FAX, PEANUT BUTTER & Jelly so you dont pass out in the waiting room while interviewing!!!!!
    WHAT hell is peoples problem.

    You work 20 years rain snow and worst, your company closes gets bought out or just MOVES out of this "Country" now YOU are the Dead Beat?
    "THEY" say we are working on creating JOBS (that is cute considering that those created jobs are not just MAGICALLY gonna hire the needy who have no where with all to apply for them are they? huh? did they say that they were gonna go down the state list of unemployed and ask em if they wanted the job they created?)
    & BTW The REAL DEAD BEATS are Not gonna stop getting what they need to be lazy and not work - you will begin to see the crime rate climb momentarily.... in SHAKER HTS some of said went in to a movie theater and used peoples heads as batting practice and TOOK what they wanted!!!!!
    For GODSAKE pass the extention tier 5

  13. Too bad it wasn't nelson who died!!!!!

  14. I owned my own service company for 35 years, the economy hit bottom people had to pick my service or food. I started to get behind with cash flow issues, not real bad but bad enough to seek out a little cash flow loan from a bank, ha what a joke that was. A plus credit rating and they did not even want to consider a loan. Things go worse, my credit rating pludged, now I am loosing everything. Had to lay off my people, get myself on unnemployement, now they took that away. All I needed was a little help. Oh I am sorry, my small company did not qualify for bailout, well if you add up all the small companies going under you would find a much larger labor force also going under. Look into the real world assholes.

  15. In tampa an unemployed man killed 2 police officers so see its working.. 2 new jobs created and one taken off the unemployment rolls-- Yes its working !! YESS

  16. Our Republican friends are not for gun control in any form and they are creating many desperate people.....

  17. It is annoying when those with jobs consider the unemployed as lazy freeloaders. We did not ask for unemployment and most of us not only want to get back to work, we need to get back to work!The basic U.C. weekly payment might put food on the table and allow rent to be paid,perhaps a utility bill if you are fortunate. And now the republicans are standing in the way of extensions? Millions of Americans are being tossed under the bus. Are we to forage for food?

  18. Anon 9:13. If you were following the bill, or say, had actually read it, you'd know it DOES NOT extend benefits past 99 weeks.

    It simply allows those claiming now, to claim UNTIL November, if they haven't exhausted their 99. For example, if a person has only used 24 weeks-they have only TWO week remaining of their original state paid unemployment. Which means, when that "tier" is completed, they don't get to advance to the next tier of 20 weeks. And, they are done.

    And, yea. Lazy are the Americans. LOL Ignorance IS bliss, I suppose. For every job opening AVAILABLE, there are 10 people (that number goes up in worse areas) applying for that position. There AREN'T jobs. So, 'just getting' one is easy. But, it's okay. You will soon join the ranks of the unemployed, when unemployment stops, thus consumer spending and confidence go down, hiring stops-and your job is lost. Good luck. : )

  19. I am going to set up a barter system, everything self sufficient on a cash system, the gov gets nothing. Wouldn't be great to see one day all senators collecting unemployment?

  20. I hope the American voters are finally starting to realize that it dosen't matter if it's the left or right in office because they all answer to the same people at the top.Sure there are some smart people in congress who would love to do what We The People desire and deserve,but they're afraid of losing everything they have if they don't tow the party line and play along with this unbelievably obvious Divide and Conquer game.We're all AMERICANS..NOT Republicans and NOT Democrats.We can discuss our personal differences and agree on compromises after We The People take back OUR country from the criminals who are controlling and SEPARATING us with such precision.

  21. I work in the unemployment office. Our office takes in well over 8,000 calls a day. The one common theme to all of the stories I hear on a daily basis is that none of them ever throught this would happen to them ... let alone the length of time they are having to use benefits. When people lose their jobs they think it is just temporary and they ALL think (or at least they say) I will not be on this long. The one thing they ALL have to face, sooner than later, is how bad it really is out there. These people are not looking for a hand out, just a little help. The people receiving benefits have worked hard. In fact, as someone already posted, you can't even qualify for benefits unless you have worked ... and even then you only qualify for (in many cases) less than half of what you earned. Since it is a known fact that no one lives on just half of what they earn while working, it is a strained thought to agree that people are contented with the benefits they receive while unemployed. Even more strained, is the thought that our Senate could take a vacation without adequately addressing an issue that affects an estimated 1.2 million people who have already been without "needed money" for one entire month. I don't get it. Anyone who disagrees with the passage of legislation that would help the unemployed is either ignorant of how the system works or just does not care.

    To those that are unemployed, I would recommend this: contact your respective representative and senator. You can do this by email. If you don't have a computer or on-line access, please find a local library. If you don't know how to locate your political leadership, ask a librarian for help. Then, don't just let your political leader know how you feel. That is not enough. Tell them how you intend to vote in November. Also, send the same communication to the White House. This may seem like a small task but it is a very strong one that will yeild results. I know you are going through hard times people. Just know that when you call or visit my office, you will be talking to someone who cares. If there is anything I can do to help you I will. That is a promise.

  22. "Needed"? Of course it's needed! Know this: Any further assistance offered us, although disguised as "need" or compassion-based, will be anything but. We will be thrown to the streets unless it is more useful to the governing body as a whole to act otherwise. This looks like contrived grandstanding to me. The issue of "need" doesn't seem to me to be the true underlying driving force of this debate. What we "need" is a productive and competitive economy that offers us what we are accustomed to and that we really want again: Gainful employment! Anyone who believes we don't want to go back to work is sadly out of touch. I will not elaborate further.

    Yes, the Democrats are "pleading our case" on this platform of pretended compassion with heart wrenching speeches designed to make them appear to be genuinely concerned about human suffering but do they really believe they can appeal to the Republicans on this basis? Does anyone believe the Democratic senators could be that unspeakably naive? Who could suggest that these highly intelligent people are that ingenuous?

    Apparently,however,they do think we are exactly that and that we will see them as our champions and see the Republicans as the demons that want to crush us under the trampling feet of tyranny.

    And how do the Republicans view us? The implications of Orin Hatch's drug/alcohol proposed amendment are an appalling indication of who he believes us to be. Is this how the Republican senate as a body sees the displaced working people of this once great nation?

    If we don't get back to work who replaces our tax contribution? Also don't we pay tax on our unemployment insurance compensation?

    The republicans are crystal clear about the point of dispute. Why do the Democrats stand so rigidly against using stimulus funds? The argument that deficit spending is correct because this is an emergency is a thin one and should be irrelevant in my opinion. The entire situation of America is an "emergency" on every front. To debate this point intelligently their reasoning might wisely address reasons for being so protective of these funds. I have heard no such rhetoric in any Democratic senate speech yet.

    If the Democrats were really intent on swaying the opposition why wouldn't they be concentrating on the economic impact of our demographic (meaning formerly employed Americans as a whole) becoming destitute and give strong economically-based arguments against the demands of their opposition? They have the resources to back this up with hard numbers and demographics to form a strong and compelling argument on this platform alone.

    It is the domestic economy and the survival of our society that is at stake here. Imagine the cascading economic impact as millions of formerly productive Americans fall off the grid into the oblivion that lies under the middle class which is what the majority of us are...oops...were.

    Here's another little point to consider:

    "There is no surer sign of decay in a country than to see the rites of religion held in contempt."
    Niccolo Machiavelli

    What is REALLY going on here folks? Where is the voice of reason?

    Happy Fourth of July and "God bless America, land that I love."

  23. Your right but it takes a crisis to see this, a complete collapse of the economy when even the rich are shaken up, the voices will be heard but until then us unemployed are nothing, we are the bottom of the barrel. Even though the majority of us are ethical normal folks trying to support our families, our voices will be ignored because we have no money to fucken BRIBE anyone

  24. I think it speaks volumes about people who write posts about the unemployed in a negative way. All I have to say to them is be glad you still have your job and dont be so quick to judge someone who is unemployed. You could walk into your job Tuesday and be fired or laid off. Count is as a blessing. Unemployed people WANT to work. In fact the unemployed DID WORK and that is how they were allowed to even receive unemployment insurance. Insurance in which they and their employers paid in for. There are extenions because in case you didn't know or have been living in a bubble our country is dealing with an economic crisis compared to that of the Great Depression! There are NO jobs. Statistics show the government created 83,000 jobs last month...private sector jobs that is and how many people are on unemployment? That isnt nearly enough to even begin to fill those shoes my friends and when I say unemployed #'s that is not even counting the 99ers who have exhausted all benefits, people who exhausted benefits months ago and are on their own, people who were self employed who have no work since the recession began. Those self employed are people who paid in taxes, social security, etc. their entire lives and do not get a cent yet will never see their social security either when they "retire." Its pretty messed up. I would just be thankful you have a job and quit judging people who dont currently. Unemployment, though it helps, is not a "vacation" or "living big." Most people on it have to also pay a fortune out of pocket for cobra to keep decent health insurance. Thought about that one? Most have children, pets, utilities, bills, homes to pay for like everyone else. You don't get what you were normally receiving as a paycheck and you have to worry everyday if your next check will come like whats going on in the senate currently. People should not have to live that way. Children and Pets should not either. We need to take back our country. If not we will ruin the lives of our children, grandchildren and so on and I dont think that is something any of us that truly loves and cares about our country can live with. Greed, corruption and laziness to not do anything about it will ruin this country for future generations. I have been out of work for over a year now. I dont like seeing people judge me because Im on unemployment. It is far from easy and far from a picnic or vacation. I worked ever since I was 15 years old when I could work part time until 9 pm after school. Meaning I worked since the day I could legally work and have always had a job and income. It is awful and humbling to not have a job and income and to be put on hold for over a month now with no check. I have myself, my 10 month old son and my dog to take care of plus bills. I am just praying when they come back on the 12th this bill will pass immediately. People can not wait anymore. People on unemployment do not have savings or 401ks....they were emptied long ago when all this began! We help other countries and we should help our own because WE are the ones in a crisis right now. Unemployment extensions when I believe unemployment is 7.5% or higher is considering high unemployment rates. We are well above that.

  25. to anonymous 10:46
    THANK YOU for your support!!!!

  26. To the person who works in the unemployement office who posted at 10:46. hey thank you for your support, when I call my office they treat me like shit on a stick. But I am encouraged that there are some people who understand our concern. Thank you and God Bless you

  27. as for the comment about drugs and drinking with unemployment money. are you kidding me? please do not speak for me when you claim people on unemployment are having a party with their checks. I do NOT drink or do drugs or smoke cigarrettes. I am a 26 year old mother of a 10 month old son. I think it shows your true colors when you judge people as a whole and you do not know that person. You should take a second look back at your own life because clearly something is void there. I would suggest keeping comments like that to yourself honestly because it is not a very Christian thing to do by judging others especially making accusations that every person on unemployment is on drugs. That is far from the truth and a bit childish if you ask me. ALL my money has gone to bills, taking care of my son and my dog. I dont spend any money on myself in over a year now. I dont have the money. Dont be so quick to judge people who are hurting bad enough.

  28. We have the audacity to fight wars in other countries and trying to show them how to govern and protect themselves, yet we can't govern ourselves or protect our borders."United" States?GOP never uttered the word deficit when wars were funded and banks were bailed out.Dems went into overtime to bail out GM etc., Now for the American unemployed....we get to watch the political tug-of-war as we starve and become homeless.

  29. What’s more upsetting, is the fact that our do nothing senators are being paid a minimum salary of $174,000 per year by the taxpayers for approximately 30 total weeks of work and do not seem to care that millions of people’s lives are being severely impacted by their failure to pass this measure in an economy that is not creating jobs.

  30. Click here to contact your member of Congress:

  31. I don't understand why part of the stimulus can;t be used for the extension. Hasn't some of the large companies that received a bailout not paid back the money already which in turns means more money in the stimulus to be able to be used for the extension without adding more debt because it has been repaid. This might be my last posting because my phone and internet is about to be cut off not to mention my utilities and then most likely I will lose my home. Vacations? Don't know what that is like to be able to enjoy, why should the asses denying us the extension be able to have a vacation let alone twice in the last few months. It is time to vote out the ones for themselves and not for WE THE PEOPLE!!!

  32. Anonymous at 9:13 a.m. is an idiot!!! You obviously are not unemployed. I was laid off last year after being with a company for SIX years. I began working at the age of 15 and have always had at least one job if not two at a time. I enjoy having money and the best of the best! I am proud to say I purchased my home at the age of 21 and have made my payment on time for the five years I have been here. I worked very hard to pay my mortgage and put food on the table. I am not asking for a hand me down just some assistance. I dont qualify for medicaid for my children or food stamps because I make too much money on unemployment which I think is insane. You should do some more reading on this because I haven't even received half of the 99 weeks yet they are cutting me off from one day to the next. You think people like me that were well off before and now cant even take their children to see Toy Story 3 because we just don't have that extra money enjoy living like this??? You are a jerk and need to do more research before you run your mouth and put people down without knowing their situations. Another thing is I am enrolled back in school trying to get better educated to get another job. I am not just sitting around not wanting to work!

  33. I am not as elegant as some people in my writing, but have worked two to three jobs at a time in my life and have always worked hard. People are saying that no one wants to work because they get benefits well that is nice, be in my shoes I have a fiance who lost her job two years ago and now has to compete with certified accountants who lost there jobs for simple accounts payable positions that have never needed a degree before, I myself have work in land surveying, and construction which because of the economy there is no work, I have even applied at McDonald's and there is no work convenience stores if there is a job anywhere near my where I live I apply for the job, but when 20 people are applying for the job. I would like to work, want to work, need to work before my lights, phone, truck, apartment and taken away because I have no money coming in at all. So please stop saying it is easy on unemployment I have been on for 1yr and look daily for anything to do for a job.

  34. this is to the dumb ass that said 99 weeks is plenty.Thats fine but let me atleast get to 99 weeks....after 26 weeks I have been cut off, and apply for jobs everyday!! Geez I hope you never have to stand in the unemployment line and search for a job that just isnt there. Stupid!!!!

  35. If you do not respond to the ignorance these individuals write then they cant get aroused.Ignorance does not deserve a response.

  36. To the person who made the very first comment...Hey dumb ass, not everyone has gotten to 99 weeks and there are no jobs. Why are you to stupid???? Hope like hell you never need unemployment are when you do its at a time when there are no extensions. Then you can send your resume into the black hole, and worry sick about how you cant pay your bills!! yeah thats my wish for you Dumb Ass!!!!

  37. As anonymous 11:37 said: Why respond? Come on folks! This guy is probably the grand dragon or whatever of his local KKK. Imagine the level of his intelligence!

  38. Extensions are need because there is a historic lack of jobs out there. It's soooo easy to criticize when you have a job.
    Dem.'s and Repub's - pass this thing!
    Stop playing games with millions of peoples lives.
    How do you attend church and look at yourselves in the mirror?
    Out-sourcing is Un-American.

  39. Hello Everyone.... Pay attenion much? NAFTA!!!!!

  40. This whole debate over unemployment is laughable - for so many reasons.
    You can explain that people collect unemployment ONLY if they lost their jobs through no fault of their own. You can prove that every dollar paid out to unemployment returns $1.60 back into the economy. You can explain that people can't find new jobs because there simply ARE NO JOBS. None of that matters. Just like religion, people believe what they want to believe, and no amount of facts, reasoning, or common sense will change that. All you can do is walk away.
    On the other side of the fence, it's also laughable that the unemployed think they can somehow change things by voting for one side or the other in the next election. So... you replace a lying, cheating, thieving politician from one side - with a lying, cheating, thieving politician from the other side. That's how the system works in this country - get used to it.
    The person above who said "we have to take our country back" is absolutely right. But that's not going to happen - because we're fat, we're lazy, and we're delusional. What we're going to do instead, is wrap ourselves in the flag, stuff our faces with cheeseburgers, and keep chanting the "freedom" myth over and over again - until it all comes crashing down.

  41. TO THE IDIOT AT 9:13....Evidently 99 weeks may not be enough in this economy...Futhermore you DUMB-ASS, IF YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT before you opened your mouth you would know that all extensions expired on July 2nd...meaning after your original 26 weeks of benefits and the current tier a person was on July 2nd ends..there are no more benefits until, and if this passes. ALSO..if you are not unemployed and in the same situation as we are THEN YOU have no dam business voicing your opionion on here anyway. So shut up and go eat shit!!! And that goes to the rest of you SMART-ASS BASTARDS POSTING COMMENTS ON HERE TRYING TO AGITATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU HAVE DONE TO ME...I WOULD LIKE TO BUST SOME OF YOUR MOUTHS SO BE GLAD YOU HAVE A JOB AND LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE YOU LOW-LIFE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!


  43. Republicans have destroyed our economy. We need to make sure they are removed from power.

  44. To 12:00 PM

    I'm afraid you're absolutely right. This is a situation of such proportion that most have to stay in denial to keep going. I don't think I'll say anymore on that.

    Good luck!

  45. Shame on the uncaring republicans and the uncaring employed
    Hey folks first wanted to say Happy 4th, of course like myself and millions of other AMERICANS there isn't really anything to celebrate. I wanted to discuss 2 points here so here's the first..

    Shame on all the republicans, and the 1 Democrat who voted no on extending unemployment. I was in Tier 1 when it got cut off, but yet you seem to have no problem giving another 50 Billion to fund a war we don't belong in. Shame on you for continuing to side with big buisness and outsourcing billions of jobs just so you can fatten your wallet. Shame on you for sending billions upon billions to other countries to help them, BUT THE AVERAGE EVERYDAY AMERICAN CAN JUST DIE OFF DUE TO YOUR INABILITY TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT. Shame on you for leaving for your lovely week vacation, which I know in the 23 yrs I have been working I never got a entire week off for the 4th, let alone any holiday for that long. I know people like you don't care at all for the American people, even when you do get your "pink slip" come Novemeber you get a whole retirement package and your health insurance is completely covered. Thats ridiculous, I would like to know of any employer that continues to cover all your health insurance 100 percent, and a nice retirement package after you get fired?? Oh, don't forget us "nuts" will remember this come November! I have already, and will continue to talk to all my relatives, including a die hard republican mother, and will do everything in my power to make sure they don't vote for any republican come November. If 2 MILLION "NUTS" AS U CALL US ALL VOTE ANYTHING BUT REPUBLICAN AND GET OUR FAMILIES TO AS WELL GEE YOUR TALKING MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF VOTES TO ANY1 BUT A REPUBLICAN.

    On a final note for the criminals in office, I had a thought yesterday. Can you imagine how much of a hero that 1 republican could have been if at the last moment they voted in favor of saving the lives of millions just before our Independance day? As usual though they don't care.

    Shame on the uncaring employed who seem to enjoy stabbing a fellow American in the back, I don't hardly see any of you complaining about the billions that get sent overseas, or the billions of jobs lost due to our criminal government putting billions into their pockets and placing the interest of big buisness before Americans. If 2 million Aericans were dying, would you still sit here and say oh well? Well by your actions thats what you are doing. Maybe when your job gets outsourced for cheaper wages maybe then you won't be as cold hearted as you are now. As far as trying to get a fast food job, yea I have even tried that with no success. When you lose your job don't apply for unemployment since all you have said that the unemployed are lazy. Wake up people before it's too late, start caring for your fellow American. After 9/11 we were all unified, that was a horrible tragedy, and so is this.

    [report comment]
    VINCENT COMELLO of AR @ Jul 04, 2010 11:37:10 AM

  46. To the wonderful liberal who posted at 9:13AM today! First of all unemployment is not free! We all pay into it throughout the course of our working careers. Second, have you tried to find a job out in the market today? It has to be a job that you are specifically qualified for or they won't hire you! Most employeers figure if you take a lesser job you are more inclined to jump ship if the economy gets better! Even manual labor jobs are taken by illegals because the government doesn't want to violate anyones rights by deporting them. As for me I'm going to night school for new career training and throwing newspapers in the middle of the night but that pays $175 a week! My house lost value so I can't sell it or else I would but even if I did I can't get an apartment with out a job!
    So I guess my point is buddy KISS MY A$$!

  47. The butt munch who posted first is damned lucky he didn't sign his name. He is probably from Nebraska!

  48. The first person who commented should first know that this bill is not about extension about 99 weeks or more or anything like is an unemployment extension bill for people who go more than one year...god forbid if it happens to you then hopefully you will take some time to read about this issue before commenting like this...we are your fellow americans and were like you 1-2 years ago meaning full-time employees...This is very sensitive issue and I think every American should support it...seems like everyone has a lobby except american wait & watch this coming november how these Republicans go OUT OF JOB very soon....thanks..

  49. Maybe 99 weeks is to much but it also cuts off people who have only been on it for 20 weeks and they get no extended benefits...even if you don't add another tear...give people who have not been on it 99 weeks some help and a chance.....It shuts down for everyone not just long term users....

  50. I am not a long time user of unemployment and my benefits were cut. I can not provide for my kids now and I fear losing my house. My home that I bought to boost the economy and I have not received the first time homebuyers stimulus. I beg that they pass something to help I look for jobs everyday and I apply everyday but with everyone out of work its hard. I am by no means trying to get rich I am just trying to keep my family from becoming homeless and adding yet another unwanted forclosure to the list.

  51. In my state as of right now 284,000 have lost benefits. I just got did applications online. We have 42,000 jobs available. Now what do the other 240 some thousand people do? My unemployment is 1200 per month. Rent is 840 per month, not including utilities or groceries. Yep me and my children would really rather I work then struggle. I made over 4000. per month at my previous job. I have worked everyday since I was 13 years old. I paid into unemployment for 30+ years before I ever needed it. I am ashamed for the first poster to say that we do not deserve our goverments help when they put us all in this position. Send some more business out of the country. Spend trillions more on those weapons of mass destruction.

  52. I think the first commenter is a member of Congress.


  54. People have to realize, they don't pay into unemployment, your company does. I'm unemployed and I know this, as it was part of my job to pay into unemployment for our company. It's a big misunderstanding that we personally pay into it. We do pay taxes at the federal level, which hopefully can fund something for us, but were the money is allocated to for unemployment companies pay into only. Not the individual. I'm talking from first hand experience.

    None the less, I hope they pass this, as I am living with friends who still have their jobs, but next stop is a shelter.

  55. Politics has taken center stage again instead of taking steps to fix the problem. It is unfortunate that this bill is being used as an election tool,im sure all the people who first created the idea of government are looking down in disgust, while Satan is looking up reserving a spot for most of the current politicians.Not only have they taken another week off they left early what the f---. Get rid of all of them , new people that dont owe anybody any favors,maybe the IRS should start with the senate that 174,000 salary is mostly profit everything these people do is paid for or writen off travel,food,hotels,i cant remember a senator ever going B.K. audit and collect the outstanding taxes owed by federal employee's with the same aggression they do with us,the whole system is B.S.

  56. The best way to do that is have a common easy access meeting area in each city set the time and sit there get the media there stay there unroll we hear from congress

  57. I've worked for 38 years and this is the 1st time unemployed! I've paid into the UI system all of that time and now I'm told because of their greed I can not collect any more benefits!
    great way to stimulate the economy guys...more foreclosures, homeless families, welfare etc.
    While we suffer they go on vacation!

  58. alright people enough talk time to act anyone out there pissed off enough to get something started? Or are we going to just complain I would love to show them they cannot get away with this in AMerica

  59. union station in Chi town train in from the subs bring sings cause a bunch of total helterskeltor the media will be there then watch it spread

  60. People in this country are more concerned about giving illegals rights instead of supporting the tax payers. I worked at the same company for almost 30 years, working toward my retirement and paying my taxes. Now its all gone. No retirement, no job, no unemployment. I'm a 99'er and I have spent everyday of it trying to get work. I can't even get hired at Walmart because I'm the wrong color and sex. No wonder people find selling drugs so much easier.

  61. You know the only positive things that have come out of me having lost a job over a year and a half ago; being one of very few to have a previous employer that provided severance (although for a short 3 months); searching for employment and being too qualified or under-qualified when trying to transition into anything that pays; having to sell most of my possessions; leaving my apartment and a city where my profession thrives for that in comparison does not and has 12% unemployed rate simply because I can't afford my rent. Aside: I am lucky enough to have my mom's house so I can focus on paying some, not all bills; and finally deal with the emotional roller-coaster c/o all mentioned above is really learning about humility and compassion for others absent of judgement.
    I actually think I am one of the lucky ones bc I don't own any property, or have a family. I listened to my parents and went to one of the best schools in the nation for design and focused on my CAREER years after graduating.

    I only hope that it doesn't take you loosing what you have be it all or some in order to function on a daily basis to gain perspective. I hope you continue doing the work that you are passionate about and find value in not attached to a dollar sign. If thats not the case, I hope you at least keep getting those dollar signs!

    Next you speak about this topic, please at least try on some tact and use actual facts. More importantly I hope that what you may see as anecdotal stories have taught you that it helps to be part of a solution versus a problem. I hope you understand that these realities written above discriminate against no one: age, background, education level, or race, and can easily come knocking at your door.

    To the persons above living this day to day, hang in there!

  62. As the cover of the AARP Magazine said last month "I'm 63 years old, who is going to hire me?" Well, I'm 63 years old, lost my job and no one has wanted to hire me. I can't get medicare until I'm 65, if there is any medicare, my company had no benefits to provide for any employee who was laid off due to lack of work. There are many of us in my generation who have worked their whole life and not taken any Government entitlements but have paid into them. Now it's time to collect. Pass the bill. And Mr. Hatch in Utah, I've never had an illigal drug in my body and don't plan to have such. What a disparaging remark you made.

  63. Instead of criticizing each other, we should pray for one another and for America. America is facing destruction within and judgement. We have elected people without morals and wonder why we are broke and in trouble. America was once a Great Nation under God and Blessed. Did we turn away from God by removing God from our schools, government and money? Please read what the bible says:

    22 Chronicles 7:14
    And My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    For those of you that don’t believe we were a Christian nation, please look at the old missions across America, the old government buildings with the 10 commandments and pictures of Moses and other great men of God. And read some of the old books that were written by our forefathers.

  64. I have just made a video about unemployment extension. Please post my video at every unemployment blog so that people understand that we are strong, we know what is right, and for right, we fight.

  65. I hope that you have read my previous entries on
    "How Unemployment Checks get Spent"
    "Justification for Tier n*"

    If you have not, please read:

    Basic expenses that is essential for unemployed. Have you read it? If not, please read, and I am 100% right about this list:

    How unemployment check gets spent?
    1) Rent to have a roof over
    1) Food to eat so that we can look for work and don't die
    3) Internet connection: to look for job in Craigslist, monster, career builder, dice, etc, and so that recruiters can contact us
    4) Phone) So that companies can call us and do a telephone interview
    5) Cleaning material: soap, shampoo, laudry, etc so that at interview we look ok and not like a criminal
    6) Toothpaste: to clean teeth as there is no dentist
    7) Hair Cut ( i have not got a hair cut in last 5 months)
    8) Other necessities: so that we can live humanly while we don't have our job.

    The need for TIER 5 or should I say TIER N*(TIERs should go on for infinite time till the unemployment rate goes down):

    I believe TIER 5 should pass. Until unemployment rate fall below 8-9% in California or in any state, there should be Tiers. Even if the unemployment rate were above 9% at August 2011, we should have unemployment then: we should have TIER *(should continue till economy is normal).

    What are the reasons for my assertions?

    High unemployment rate means
    > more competition for one job,
    > that companies are searching for Einsteins to make rockets,
    > that there are less jobs,
    > that few people are spending as they have less money.

    The above line justifies the "Tsunamic" effect on economy.

    > Less people are spending --- means less profit on business and less tax revenue
    > Less hiring from companies as banks are giving less loans as banks have less money
    > companies are hiring less as they don't have work as there is less people to give them a work or project, and, also, they are not having a big loan from the bank

    How to solve this?
    > Americans need to spend more, but how Americans could if they don't even have money for a roof, for food?

    If there were no unemployment, people will die; grocery stores will be bankrupt: more tidal waves will be coming.... And when the tidal wave does a significant, monstrous, damage, I guess, then "THEY" will understand.

    But by then, will we be here? I hope, we do. I hope we be here, and fight this *uc**ers because we don't want us and our country to fail.
    To fulfill the above basic list, a survival expense guide for an unemployed, we need to have unemployment.

    Please see my home made video on H.R. 4213
    (There is a spelling error in the video, and I realised that later)

  66. Basic expenses that is essential for unemployed. Have you read it? If not, please read, and I am 100% right about this list:

    How unemployment check gets spent?
    1) Rent to have a roof over
    1) Food to eat so that we can look for work and don't die
    3) Internet connection: to look for job in Craigslist, monster, career builder, dice, etc, and so that recruiters can contact us
    4) Phone) So that companies can call us and do a telephone interview
    5) Cleaning material: soap, shampoo, laudry, etc so that at interview we look ok and not like a criminal
    6) Toothpaste: to clean teeth as there is no dentist
    7) Hair Cut ( i have not got a hair cut in last 5 months)
    8) Other necessities: so that we can live humanly while we don't have our job.

  67. I believe TIER 5 should pass. Until unemployment rate fall below 8-9% in California or in any state, there should be Tiers. Even if the unemployment rate were above 9% at August 2011, we should have unemployment then: we should have TIER *(should continue till economy is normal).

    What are the reasons for my assertions?

    High unemployment rate means
    > more competition for one job,
    > that companies are searching for Einsteins to make rockets,
    > that there are less jobs,
    > that few people are spending as they have less money.

    The above line justifies the "Tsunamic" effect on economy.

    > Less people are spending --- means less profit on business and less tax revenue
    > Less hiring from companies as banks are giving less loans as banks have less money
    > companies are hiring less as they don't have work as there is less people to give them a work or project, and, also, they are not having a big loan from the bank

    How to solve this?
    > Americans need to spend more, but how Americans could if they don't even have money for a roof, for food?

    If there were no unemployment, people will die; grocery stores will be bankrupt: more tidal waves will be coming.... And when the tidal wave does a significant, monstrous, damage, I guess, then "THEY" will understand.

    But by then, will we be here? I hope, we do. I hope we be here, and fight this *uc**ers because we don't want us and our country to fail.
    To fulfill the above basic list, a survival expense guide for an unemployed, we need to have unemployment.

  68. Lets give the first person a break. Atleat we have something else to talk about now, instead of how we are going to pay for our houses, bills, or feed are families. This person is right, we do need to get a job and stop living this life of luxury. We dont need food! How abput you find something else to do with your time and stop harassing people who are in a desprite time of need!

  69. I feel sorry for the folk along the Gulf but I am sick and tired of hearing about their difficulties getting their check from BP. There are a lot more people around the country suffering since mid 2008 due to the banks and Wall St.'s greed and complete failure of planning in the event of SPILLS of MONEY.
    Why are the banks and Wall St. not equally as responsible for the financial spill as BP is for the oil spill?
    The bailed out banks that are now pocketing huge profits should be paying the Unemployment Benefits bill.

  70. hello everyone: i went to a job fair last week and i was amazed when the h/r rep told me that she had gotten over two hundred thousand resumes in one week and it was going to take a while before they could fill the one position being offered. The dept of labor said that there were on four million jobs open in the entire country. That is not enough for about twenty million unemployed citizens. Please try and understan. Those of you that seem to want to put us out of work people down...we have families homes cars bills and need the little help that we get from the goverment because right now our very lives depend on it. We are not lazy and can not make a true living on 300 dollars a week. It just keeps us afloat. My mortgage was the majority of my pay but now i have no home the banks took it. I was lucky to have a relative take myself and kids in. Cant wait till we all have jobs again. Everyone here i love you even though i dont know you stay strong and keep faith in your hearts because what doesnt kill us makes us stronger.

  71. If you want peaceful insurrection, stage sit-in a key intersection in your city, throughout the country during the morning commute. Carry sign and chant “You want to go to work? SO DO WE!
    Let the “working” folk see how it feels for one day.
    We all know how much these people with jobs really work.
    Funny how the suck-ups and professional hiders can now stand up and disparage the unemployed.
    Be proud of how you kept you job if you wish but stay off that top step; it’s going to be a hard fall.

  72. The You tube Video for Unemployment bill is:

    I had to edit some as there was a spelling error

  73. 9:13 A.M. obviously has absolutely no clue. There are no jobs available and the private sector is still laying off more workers than they are hiring. It is about double! Most of the laid off works consist of individuals age 35 and up which means you can hire a 20 something and pay them nothing. Mr. or Mrs. 9:13 A.M., try feeding a family on $415 a week and taking care of all the other things. I have inquired on approximately 300,000 plus positions, mostly in mid to senior level management and those position below that level have laughed at me because I am too over qualified.

  74. i think my you tube video is really cool on unemployment. what do you think

  75. Be careful believing that there is that many jobs out there. I watched the news last week in my state and they did a investigation of addresses for "supposed" jobs, turns out where a factory was suppose to be it was a corn field. A lot of states are claiming they have lots of positions to draw people in but in reality they do not have that many. Another place is suppose to be hiring it is a empty warehouse. Been empty 23 years.

  76. Hey 10:46, the person who works at the unemployment office. Thanks for the kind words. I was one of those people that told you I would not be on unemployment long. I also told you that I never thought it would of happened to me. Well, my 26 weeks of unemployment are gone , no extention, and here I am. What an eye opener. With each passing day, my self esteem is lower. It sucks. Its nice to know that someone cares about us. Now if Mr. and Mrs. Politition would get off their butts, maybe we could stay in our homes a little longer.

  77. Jobless rate is high because american do not have skill to compete in global economy. You do not know how to make anything or design anything. Products you buy in store are made in China. Most softwares on you computers are written by Indians. Go into data centers for att, verizon, yahoo, google, etc, and you will find most people doing the tech skill jobs are from asian country. China and India own you now. One more thing, I am no illegal. I am here legally on H1B visa and I have been waiting in patience for years to get green card. I am in last stage of green card process now. Once I get the GC, watch out! I plan move to executive job. When I am boss I will make sure to fire any overage low skill americans and I will reject all resumes from the same also, got that loosers?

  78. Rama god bless you...or is it the elephant?...or that thing with 6 arms?...whatever

  79. Rama which 7-11 are you going to be working at?
    thank you, come again!

  80. kudos to the person who wrote the 4th comment (9:32). i stand by what he said. I think those of us unemployed would just like a job. What exactly would happen if 7 million people became broke at once??? ever heard the expression we are 9 meals away from anarchy?

  81. Congress has become nothing more than counterproductive to the will of the republic, and has been usurped by multinational foreign and domestic interests... Meanwhile giving themselves raises and lifetime benefits, while society crumbles around them.. I say we declare as a republic a Vote of No Confidence... it should absolutely be a choice on the ballot...

    You wanna see people get off their butts and vote... I have a feeling that this would do it!

    Examples of Vote of No Confidence

    * The first record of a vote of no confidence occurred in the United Kingdom in 1782 immediately after the British defeat in the American colonies at Yorktown. Then Prime Minister Lord North presented his resignation to King George III

  82. Hey Rama..

    I have tried to trained your kind!... Your work *skills* as you call them, are nothing but lower wages. Good luck on that Executive job... I'm sure you will get it with the help of our government handouts to you.

    Pathetic, thankless, corporate monkey!

  83. I made a video about our unemployment. please go to

  84. you people who are against extending unemployment are total jackasses i have worked every day since i was 16 yrs old 20 yrs ago i lose my 1 job get 26 weeks unemployment lose my house,car, and now my 1st extension runs out and i lose my apartment mom here i come. some of these poor people dont have that last preson to fall back on. 330 documented applications turned in 5 calls back. and 5 turning me down because i dont speak spanish are you f-----g kiddng me. lets take our country back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. Rama, If you are soooooo smart, why do the people in your country live in such filthy conditions? Your streets are crowded, filthy, and dirt poor and is it "cows" that are sacred and wander the streets? And that thing that you do in that river, some kind of holy bath once a year? Maybe it's what's in the river that makes you soooooo smart? Get real! You obviously don't know THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Too bad for you! Dream on about an executive position. I, for one, will never hire your kind - you creepy user of MY AMERICA!

  86. I really can't believe they were aloud to recess. I can't believe they do not care if we eat or not. I can't believe they can sleep with what they are doing to thier own people! I can't believe our own president is doing nothing! We had .29 cent chicken soup for the fourth. Thanks I feel real American! Unemployed - Please remember this come election time!

  87. It should be extended bc I have only gotten 6month and just came home from Iraq. There are NO jobs!!! Everyone else has 2years but I need just a few more months. I don't need it that long bc I'm sure I can find something w/ time. But they need to pass something for now. Both parties are at fault!! They need to compromise on both sides!!

  88. It is needed for people such as myself that have been religiously looking for work and have been unable to find it. I was offered a job a few weeks ago and that job offer was rescinded because my credit isn't good enough. However, due to the economy, I had to pick and choose which bills needed to be paid to keep a roof over my childrens head, and food in their mouths so yes, my credit is not the best, but that does by no means, tell an employer that I am not a hard working and loyal individual, so if the government does not want to assist us with more unemployment benefits, then maybe they should regulate situations such as this one when we are being biased based on situations that are beyond our control. I apply for positions on a daily basis even at companies such as Taco Bell that won't hire me because I am 'overqualified.'

  89. All we have to unite. We have to learn as much as we can to educate the idiots that are not listening. We can keep telling our stories, but nobody is listening. You have to have a heart in order to care. If your God is money then you have no heart. Corporations are the ones that will be taking over and controlling our government. It is already happening. Get on these websites, read, educate yourself, and stand up. We have to have our voices heard if we want true change. Join the websites, post everywhere, contact your congressmen and the president. It is only going to keep getting worse. We have to unite. There is 15 million of us out there and if we scream loud enough someone has to hear.

    Teach the idiots that only listen to fox news what is really going on. This has happened before, look at the great depression and the civil rights movement. It is time for a revolution and get corporate America out of the government.

  90. I have worked for 30 yrs am an engineering Tech and cannot even get a job at McDonald's, when you cannot get hired here because there are waiting lists of applicants there is a problem. The joke when I was growing up was only dropouts and Losers worked at McDonald's at this point in my life I realize they my have been the jokes to us but since they already have the job whose the dropout and losers now. I have a different look at anybody that has a job and wish I was them.

  91. I lost my job of ten years due to the recession. My unemployment benefits have run out. I served six years in the military. I have worked and paid taxes all my life. Now that I need a helping hand from my country I am being told "NO". If these lawmakers had to endure the next several months with no money to live on or to pay bills with they would have a very different viewpoint. What they are doing is shameful. Americans denying fellow Americans the very basic needs of life. They have the nerve to go on vacation and live the good life we will worry about losing our cars and our homes with no money for gas to look for work. The job market is still terrible. We need that extension, our lives depend on it. Somebody has got to do something or this is no longer the America we Vets fought for.

  92. to the dick at the top (9.13 post) You seem to think that we are all just sitting waiting for a small UE check that barely covers our expenses. I lost my car because I couldn't afford to make the payments and the insurance. It was either the car or the house. Like many we have done more then are share of looking for work in every area possible. I had one manager tell me that he couldn't hire me because he knew that I would quit if I found a job doing what I had been doing for the last 20 years. Another HR manager told me that I was over qualified because of my years of experience and told me to try to apply for jobs above my expericence level, so I did only to get told I don't have enough experience. The positions out there are that the millions of people are applying don't even exist, how my post have you seen for the same position that has been out there for over a year, and you mean to tell me that you haven't been able to fill it yet, come on these positions are part of the game the government is playing, 15+ million people unemployed applying for 2.6 million jobs and not all of those jobs are real.
    After being unemployed for over 6 months I finally got a temp assignment filling in for someone going on maternity leave, a friend of mine who works in HR got me the assignment, the job is 2 hours away on public transportation, had I had my car it would be only 30 mins away and a cab ride would be $30 a day, $150 a week, $600 a month which is more then I was paying for my car. So yes those that are unemployed are doing all they can and are making sacrafices to care for their families but until those opportunities come, UE is all that they have to make ends meet. Best of luck to all, I will keep you in my prayers. Don't give up and I know its been said but try to keep the faith.

  93. Instead on complaining, do some thing about it!!! Contact your elected officials and asked them to place a State of Emergency throughout America and freeze all spending that does not protect, help or improve the our American lives and the economy.

    Start calling or email all Republican senators first! After all, they are the ones delaying the unemployment extensions. Go to and select the state of all the Republicans senators, their phone number and email address will be listed there.

    Then contact our other elected officials by going to or call 800-333-4636.

    Here is a list of some of things we need to do:
    1. Freeze the raises that our elected officials given themselves and have their salary reduced. There should be a freeze on their spending (expensive restaurant, entertainment, unnecessary travel and etc.)
    2. Over turn the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and get our jobs back from other counties.
    3. Stop America from becoming a Socialist county, don’t let our government control us.
    4. Stop them from raising our taxes and spending our money foolishly. Place a stop on money going to junker cars, appliances, and abortions (let the responsible people pay for their own.)
    5. Stop the Obama’s Health Care Plan that will force us to have mandatory health insurance and penalize us for not having it with a fee of $700.00 or jail time. This Health Care Plan will cost us billions in taxes and there is a lot of junk in it. If we stop paying for the illegal alien health benefits, it will save us millions.
    6. Keep our Religious freedom and pray for America.

    We need to take ACTION. Vote for people who care with morals!


  94. They are onto us freeloaders. Why would I want another 40 thousand dollar management job with nearly free benefits and the sense of stability, achievement and self worth that standing on my own two feet has always given me since I started working in 1965?

    I have had a great year depleting my savings, scouring the local papers and the internet for work, submitting countless letters and resumes to get three responses and then to be told the job applied for has been filled and I'm "overqualified" to load trucks in a warehouse for 8 bucks an hr. (They didn't dare say too old) Add to this the joy of living on 1/2 the gross income I had achieved and I am almost unbearably overjoyed at the additional prospect of living at the Salvation Army.

    Well, maybe I should forget that. Probably won't be room for experienced, sober, (that will have to go) professional, articulate guys like me anyway so hopefully there will be a euthanasia program to keep our corpses from littering the streets. Hope it's not too expensive! I’ll try to leave some credit left in case funding is not available. Can I donate my organs to a foreign aid program?

    Thank God for the wise and educated judgment displayed by our esteemed leaders in the Senate. Let's just send our funding to Palestine...yeah! That's it! Can I also donate my paid for truck and household goods?

    (Oh! Sorry about the reference to "God"! It's an incurable psychological disorder I've had all my life! Probably a chemical imbalance. Hope I didn't "offend" anybody. Should I expect the brown-shirts at my door tomorrow?)

    God help this once great nation. Oops...there I go again. I just can't help myself. Must be the booze and the drugs I used to indulge in all day at work. That's how I got the job I lost when a 12-15 million dollar local small business lost 70% of its gross sales in two months. Bless you Orin Hatch you pathetic, out of touch, elitist snob. Ever had a job Orin? Ever known what it is not to have wealth behind you? Didn’t think so.

  95. I called a lot of our Republican senators and their representatives said they are for the Unemployment Extension bill. However, there is a lot of expensive stuff in the bill that needs to be taken out.

    Please contact all Democrat senators and have them take out the extra stuff in the Unemployment Extension Bill.

    Go to to view the Unemployment Extension Bill and email or call all democrat senators!!!

    PS - Have them clean up the Health Care Bill too, There is a lot of stuff in it that does not help the health care bill, it just makes it more expensive. And it will increase our taxes!!!

  96. Thanks Congress. I just sold my car in order to make a mortgage payment, and was forced to sell it for nearly half of what it was worth. I don't know how I will get to a job interview now, if one magically appears. Oh, and by the way, my cell phone will be shut off at the end of the month as will my internet connection. That will really help with my job search efforts, although it doesn't seem to matter how many jobs I apply to or how many resumes I send out - I hear nothing back from these supposed companies that are hiring. I no longer have cable as that was a luxury, thus there is no longer television in our home. There are no more corners that I can cut to make ends meet. I wend through my savings months ago after being a victim of corporate downsizing 18 months ago. If I make it though this summer it will be a miracle to say the least. God help us all.


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