Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Donkey Parasail: A Russian Group Forces Animal to Parasail (Video Link)

Call PETA, we have a forced donkey parasail incident to report! A Russian group has reportedly forced a donkey to parasail over a beach.  This activity, caught on video, took place over the Sea of Avoz and took place as part of an advertisement for parasailing services offered on the beach.

For those who aren’t familiar with parasailing, this is when someone is strapped to a parachute and then drug behind a speedboat at warped speeds.  For humans, this is not cruel.  The person who is parasailing is actually a willing participant in the matter.

The sight of the donkey in the air frightened children.  The animal brayed in anguish as it was ripped up into the air.  When it landed, it was half dead.

Children were screaming at the sight of this.  Russian police were not even called, believe it or not; they found out about the incident only after cell phone camera footage of the incident hit the press.  A police probe into the donkey parasailing event is currently underway.

Had this happened in the US instead of Russia , police would have been all over it – and so would PETA. Forcing an animal to do something such as parasailing is just not cool.

Reference: Daily Record UK (Video Here);


  1. This is so horrific. I feel awful for that poor animal. I hope that someone adopts him and allows him to live a peaceful life like all animals deserve. Why are people so cruel?

  2. Cruel! May karma follow those responsible...

  3. These people need to understand that in a cartoon this may be cool; but in real life the poor animal was terrified. Cruel instead of cool.

  4. They are sick demented people. That poor animal. How could you? They should strap you to a rocket and send your butt far far away. Sick sick people. Tears come to my eyes that anyone could do this. Bastards.

  5. The donkey didn't ask them to do this. I hope those responsible have the decency to feel bad for what they've done and get some sort of punishment. I agree with the four comments above. Actions like this isn't necessary. The world would be better without it. They wouldn't do it if it were a baby, so why do it with a donkey?

  6. What goes around comes around! No one gets away unscathed - not even these dirt bags!

  7. lol in Soviet Russia, you pull donkey! hilarious.

  8. a very sad event and very sad people that will have to answer for this cruelty.

  9. There is a special place in hell reserved for people who are so barbaric as to do something like that to a defenseless donkey.

  10. I read where some freakin moron stated that " people do it all the time and don`t get hurt , I`m thinking you Dumbass .... people make that choice ... once again animals suffer all for a buck !


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