Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kerligirl13: Jessi Slaughter YouTube – A Big Breakdown

Kerligirl13 is Jessi Slaughter’s online handle, and her big breakdown was caught on the screens of YouTube users worldwide. The potty-mouthed 11 year old told people horrific things like that they should all get AIDS, make brain slushies, and more. The things that came out of her mouth would make even the biggest men in the world blush.

The breakdown has gone viral, and will likely cost taxpayers in her area lots of money as she has been placed under protective custody from the Department of Family Services.

Her tirade made her the center of many threatening and degrading comments on her social networking sites, and has got her many unwanted pizza deliveries, phone calls, and more.

The question is this: should taxpayers have to pay to protect this girl? Shouldn’t her parents have to re-imburse the city or county if they want their daughter protected? After all, it’s their responsibility to ensure that their daughter doesn’t do things like this. In times where municipalities are laying off workers and budgets are being cut, can they really afford this type of nonsense?

Still, the girl needs to be protected … better yet, she needs some serious help. This young little 11 year old girl is crying for help, and I hope someone out there will listen and get this “Jessi Slaughter” what she needs.


  1. There are no bad kids only bad parents

  2. Thats the stupidest things i've ever heard! There are HORRIBLE little devil kids that have horrible parents.

    Even deviled kids with ok parents...

  3. THAT IS SO NOT TRUE! PARENT CAN BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE AND THERE KIDS CAN BE BRATS AND IDIOTS LIKE JESSI. Jessi is old enough to know better. its her own fault! I can understand if you have a 5 year old doing crazy stuff because they really dont know better.

  4. She brought it upon herself

  5. Jessi's parents are to blame. Who lets their 11-year old daughter on the internet? Unsupervised? In her room?

    No way. Her parents should have to deal with this on their own. In fact, they should have to pay the local PD back for any monies used for investigation due to Jessi's behavior.


  6. She messed with powers bigger than herself and now she is getting what she deserved.

  7. Let's just hope she never reproduces, what an idiot. I hope her dad doesn't backtrace this, the consequences would never be the same.

  8. This is the worst written article I have ever read. A big breakdown? The only breakdown is your writing skills, It's like an 11 year old wrote it. You left out why she was in police protective custody, she has received death threats. They should track those people down and make them pay for it.

  9. The taxpayers of that area shouldn't have to pay for her protection, the parents should pay for it as well as therapy and mandatory parenting classes as well as "Internet 101: You DONT let your child run rampant and carefree you IDIOT!"

    Also her mom is a complete moron for not even watching her daughter's videos. Denying what her daughter did is excusing her out of being a crappy mother. The father... well we now know where Jessi got her foul mouth from.

  10. This young girl is getting more attention for her immaturity and grotesque mouth than most people do for risking their lives for others. Pathetic that we thrive off of her tears rather than heroic actions.

  11. I can't believe these people. It's her own fault? Maybe you haven't read the whole story. They've been sending Craigslist prostitutes to her house, ups boxes, pizza. Hacking her accounts. And if she commits suicide they consider it an epic win. These people are discusting. She's an 11yr old who doesn't know any better. Don't blame it all on he just because of her bad language. You're almost as bad a they are.

  12. am sary but if she did not wanet this yo happen to her then she shud have cept her mouth shut am 13 and i sersly have to sy that bitch is out of contuled and needs to be tate a lesson jest saying villens is not an opten but i wwodent fell bad if it happen to her carma bitch

  13. what jessi needs is a slap across the face multiple times, and maybe some soap to wash out her nasty mouth.
    She brought this on herself and i hope she's learned her lesson. i hope the parents learned something as well.

  14. @Anon July 21, 2010 7:54 PM

    You're implying that she doesn't know right from wrong. I knew right from wrong at age eight (at least), and I'm no child prodigy. While I agree that she doesn't deserve all this attention, none of this would have happened if she hadn't acted the way she did.

    So yes, since this all started because of her foolish behavior, it is her fault.

  15. You done goof'd, and CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!!

  16. Yeah she done goofed.

  17. She's eleven year old, she knew exactly what she was doing. I know when I was eleven, I knew better than to get on the internet, make some silly videos and tell all the 'haters to suck a dick, get AIDS, and die.' In fact, when I was eleven, I probably didn't know half the words that came out of her mouth. I have an eleven year old cousin, and I know that if she ever spoke or did something like this, my aunt and uncle would be all over her. This little girls parents SHOULD have to pay for all the wasted PD and Family Services, because she brought all this upon herself. She bit off more than she could chew, and now she's getting the consequences. And this, my friends, is why you don't give an eleven year old a camera and a computer.

  18. she brought it upon her self she needs to pay for her own cockyness

    - desu

  19. She was asking for it.

  20. This is just ridiculous. She's 11 for crying out loud! She knows what she did and we shouldn't have to pay. She brought it on herself to make that hater video. Period.

  21. She brought it upon herself.

    NO we shouldn't be paying for her protection.

    That's what her parents are for.

    Better yet, her parents should be stopping her before she does this.

    But then again... You never know what her life is like... But that still gives her no right to say the things she said.

  22. She should have been well monitored by her parents when she was online.
    Someone her age should not be allowed to post videos on Youtube in the first place. Now her actions are costing money and unnecessary attention. Her parents should take all responsibility. Taxpayers should not pay for this inappropriate girl with horrible parents.

  23. This is just stupid. Why does it matter what we do? She's gonna do it again.

    She dun goof'd

  24. Their residence should lose the privilege of having internet access.


  26. Welcome to the world of the internet. You just got yourself into a time where you're gonna be called all these names at a young age. But that's what each generation is turning too. They're just gonna get worse and worse.

  27. i bet all these comments came from people on tumblr hahaha.

  28. I'm gonna backtrace all y'all!

  29. Its funny how she is the one that brought all this to herself and she's the one breaking down in tears on camera. does she really need more attention. Plus she's going on tv to talk about cyber bullying. dumb girl dont know crap. She's too young even to hve a youtube or be on any site. she's the one that lied and posted things kids shouldn't so shut up. its your fault.

  30. note to self: NEVER LET YOUR KIDS HAVE THEIR OWN WEBCAM, and pay more attention to your kids!

  31. GUYS!!!! She posted naked pictures of herself, she will also probably be persecuted for distribution of child pornography, she knew EXACTLY what she was doing and NO we should not pay for this as tax-payers. She's a witty small girl who didn't know what this could escalate to. She broke down because she didnt expect so much hate.

  32. she is the reason why people
    hate Americans.

    she needs to be beat with a belt
    600 times and then apologize to
    youtube,4chan and tumblr

  33. (Comment removed by Cyber Police)

  34. I think everyone is overreacting? C'mon.. She's just a kid.. I'm pretty sure we all did dumb crap when we were young so Jesus Christ live a little people?

  35. She said some dumb Sh*t but come on....she's 11

  36. I think everyone here has forgotten about the pictures, too. Besides her "foul mouth", she put up pictures of herself that 11 year olds shouldn't take. I wonder if her parents have seen them. She got what was coming to her.

  37. I'm pretty sure YouTube has an age limit for a reason. The reason being this dumb sh*t =.=

  38. ...
    this is embarrassing. do her parents even know all of what she did?
    i was dumb and tried to act mature at that age, but my parents, instead of allowing it, took control and i've never had any issues with the internet yet.
    you know there's things out there for parents to keep their children FROM being cyberbullied, right?
    also, if you don't want to be cyberbullied, don't give the internet a reason to. (:

  39. I feel sorry for her. Whoever got offended by her video about, "making a brain slushy," is weak. Whoever harasses her needs to get a life. She is 11, normal people online ignore videos made by 11 year old girls. Normal people have real things to do online like play videos games, or work - etc... Stupid drama. =(

  40. Hi, I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you all have a seat right over here.

  41. -This Comment was backtraced and removed by the Cyber Police-

  42. This girl's parents should have never let her have private access to a webcam. I didn't even get a webcam until I was about seventeen years old, and even then, I was old enough to know how to NOT piss off the internet.

    I'm sorry, guys, but she brought this on herself.

  43. She deserved it.

  44. the INTRNET makes a lousy baby sitter. the blame falls on the parents, which is why it is so comical to watch the father and mother rage into the camera, when they should obviously be unplugging the computer and sending her to bed. Had they done that, this would have blown over in a few hours, now, i fear, the consequences will never be the same.

  45. Her parents should be penalized and sterilized.

  46. She's a victim? Last I checked, the word "victim" implies that they didn't do anything to warrant mockery.

    She called for the thunder and got the lightning. She and her parents are complete morons. She gets no mercy from me.

  47. Her dad already backtraced this so consequences will never be the same.

  48. Just because the kid is 11 doesn't mean she doesn't have constitutional rights.

    If her legal guardians (I hesitate to use the word "parents" as that implies they actually give a damn...) feel that it is acceptable for her to exercise her first amendment rights, who cares?

    Or does everyone feel that because they find what she said offensive that she should be censored and custody taken from her legal guardians due to their poor parenting skills? If that is the case, what is to stop people from censoring YOU (the people who feel this way) and take you or your kids away from you because someone else objects to your parenting?

    Everyone is too concerned about being offended that they end up destroying each other's constitutional rights.

    It's really pathetic.

  49. The child should be penalized and sterilized. I hope her crazy ass never gets to reproduce.

  50. lmao she's just a dumbass little girl

    she'll get over it and so will the rest of the world


  51. Anyone else find it strangely ironic that (as of right now) the ad at the top of this page reads, "Parenting a struggling teen? New home discipline methods that work!"

    She's not quite a teen, but still.

  52. To the comment at 2:06, there is a very fine line between exercising your first amendment rights and completely disrespecting people with obscene vulgarity, and threats.

    Our founding fathers did not create that amendment to encourage speeches like the one this child made in her videos. It was to protect people from prosecution due to political or religious beliefs.

    People "destroy" their constitutional rights when they ABUSE them in the way this little girl did. And you are absolutely right. Just because she's 11 does not mean she has no constitutional rights. She does, just like anyone older or younger then her. And she should be accountable for the disrespectful things she willingly said and broad casted, just like anyone older or younger than her.

  53. Um... Am I the only one who wonders why she is 11 and has access to a computer and other such things? I know its the 21st century and all but come on folks. Don't give your kids computers or access for this and many more reasons. I bid you all good day.

  54. I've backtraced it!!!!

  55. Oi!!!!!! Rules 1 & 2 guise!



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