The rally promises to "feature human and civil rights leaders, labor leaders, environmental and peace activists, faith leaders, celebrities and sports figures – all marching together to help Put America Back to Work and to Pull America Back Together. And to help reorder our national priorities so that investments in people come first."
The bill S 3706 - Debbie Stabenow's "Americans Want to Work Act" hasn't been progressing through Congress - it's not even been brought to the floor. We have only one week before the Senate breaks to go home and campaign for the looming election.
The focus has been on the Bush Tax Cuts and extending them - the GOP promises to do so, yet they do little to promise help for the unemployed. There are a lot of distractions from the looming mid-term elections, and unfortunately millions more unemployed will be without a lifeline starting November 30th if nothing else is done.
If you are planning on attending the rally, please let us know. The unemployment extension should be a big priority, but unfortunately the 99ers and the tier 5 movement aren't.
I am ashamed of our government. Taking their summer break was bad enough, but now to break for all the month of October so they can get re-elected.
I would love to attend. unfortunately I don't have the money to get out there.
ReplyDeleteThis is unbelievable!!! I think I'm in the wrong business. They just came back on September 13th and now 1 week away from another 1 month vacation?? Although our voices and opinions may be small and may not have a huge impact, we can still fight back. Please, I strongly urge you to get out there and vote against those who aren't helping the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteThe high unemployment rate that the US is currently experiencing has a simple fix. An 8 year old running a lemonade stand could understand and fix the problem but the obvious solution is ignored due to politics.
ReplyDeleteCommodities that in the recent past sold for a certain price and no longer do would indicate that the current price is too high. Lower the price and the commodity will sell.
Labor is a commodity. It is not selling right now (high unemployment) so lower the price (end the minimum wage law) and it will sell again for price the market deems reasonable.
Try taking any commodity that is necessary and setting a minimum price for it and you will at some point see sales for that commodity slow or stop. What if the government passed a law that the minimum price for a gallon of gasoline was $6.25? Imagine what that would do to your personal finances and those of the nation. What if you tried to sell your car for twice the blue book value? It would probably be unemployed until it rusted into the ground.
So we can see that there are cycles in any market, prices go up prices go down. Prices will go up again but they must be allowed to complete their cycle, the market will make sure of that. It is simple cause and effect, not so different than raising the price of gasoline to $6.25. Since gasoline is almost as widely used a commodity as labor the effects of forcing the price up would be disastrous to the overall economy. This is why government interference in markets throughout history has never worked in the long run. End government price controls and the people can get back to business.
In my view the employer makes an offer of a certain wage to the worker and the worker can accept or deny. Likewise if the worker did not like the working environment they are free to not take that job.
As it stands the government has said; you, the employer are not allowed to offer anything below this price. And, you the employee are not allowed to work for less than this price. That is not freedom for either party.
Further evidence of my point is the youth unemployment rate, now at over 50% in the US. This is due to more adults taking jobs that pay less. The reasonable, fair and yes compassionate thing to do is eliminate the minimum wage law.
End government price controls and the people can get back to business. This country is supposedly “By the People and for the People, so let freedom return to the market
Governments were created for and by the elite. The goal of any government is eventual dictatorship by the elites. So class warfare by the middle and poor class against the rich is good,justified and needed since they have been beating us up since we were caveman. One way to do this is to insist on a progressive tax system including social security tax.It must be at least as progressive as pre-Reagan. Since we have neither the power or will to overthrow our government we must be very careful and thoughtful who we vote for.So if we don't vote for those in favor of higher progressive taxes we will eventually be servants to the elites.
ReplyDeleteA rally for what??? The lazy. Get a job
ReplyDeleteI think they should take a big European vacation with the unemployment benefits. Our Government is great and Glenn Beck should run for office.
ReplyDeleteNot just us unemployed but ALL America needs to hold all poiticians accountable for their actions and how they represent us the people. Any one of them that leave to go home and campaign for themselves need to be voted out as they are showing us that they are looking out for themselves first and the hell with the rest of us. They have had way too many breaks and vacations and not doing any work at all. It is not a country club we voted them into it is a JOB and we need to let them know that they are not doing the job we voted them to do. How dare they just sluff us all off as if we don't exist.
ReplyDeleteToo many are really suffering and losing everything they had and it is a disgrace that we have to be put in this situation and all the politicians are worried about is whether they get to keep their cushy jobs and make more money while the majority of Americans are suffering. We are 1 step from have our country be like a third world country where people have to live in tents and beg for food and clothing. How much more can we endure? We have no credit left, are already trying to decide on food for the family or gas for the car if you still have a car. Just the mental anguish we have to endure is slowly killing us and our spirit. we are at the end of our ropes with no place to go. This rally would be great if all could actually afford to get there but who really has anything left to do that? Not many unfortunately so the rest of the country will view this as only a select few who are unemployed and it will get us nowhere. We need the Anderson Coopers and Christian Amanpours go out and do specials on us and let the country see and know exactly what is really happening out there then maybe it would help us but because we are only middle of the road joe schmoes we don't count and nobody except us unemployed really care. It is a sad time for our country. Gof help us all.
Lower the price of labor comment is a fail.
ReplyDeleteWant to lower the price of labor then lower the price of food, utilities and the cost of living in general so people making 50 cents an hour can afford $ 200 utility bills. Lower the cost of labor is more hold your nose comments from outsourcing trolls.
those of u who havent lost ur job be thankful..i would love to take a vacation but on $145 a week that isnt going to happen..so unless u have been where we are shut ur mouth..i would rather work but no jobs even min. wage is better than what in getting for unemployment..its not obama's fault that the republican president before him made such a mess..vote with ur head..
ReplyDeletehow can people afford internet on 145.00 a week? Where do you get your internet from? I want some.
ReplyDeleteAnd please tell me how this is not Obama's fault? Sure Bush was no prophet, but common...Obama is unqualified at best.
If the rich were taxed at pre-Reagan rates and higher capitat gains taxes we the little people would have are freedom and jobs back. Don't vote for anyone that doesn't support higher taxes on the rich, this is class warfare and we cannot afford to lose.
ReplyDeleteum you do realize that there is internet access probly at you local library. And that damn farkelberry BUSH is a dumbass. I think most people with a head on there shoulders and a little bit of a working brain would take Obama over bush anyday.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I read on nojobsurvivor.com it appears they are going to put S3706 on the schedule thanks to ed schults and another great guy by the name of rob . Please keep having faith and pay down any debts if possible.
ReplyDeleteFREE INTERNET: don't pay. free WIFI @ Starbucks, mcdonalds, staples, homedepot and other unsecured sites. i sit in my car w/in 150 feet of store for good signal, 300 feet low signal.RESISTANCE.DON'T BUY ANYTHING EXCEPT FOOD! your lack of consumerism is causing big repurcussions. stores in So Cal are closing in record numbers, just like 2008
ReplyDeleteThat's a real good point, internet access and how they can afford it. I'm really sure every liberal on this blog is at the library writing their little feel sorry for me, need tier 5 blogs.
ReplyDeleteThe rally, how many are going? Where do you get the time and money.
S3706, filibuster, filibuster, filibuster, filibuster, enough already. No tier 5, enough already.
ReplyDeleteif all those on unemployment refused to pay rent, mortgages, bills, credit cards etc.., it would cause HUGE UPHEAVALS. BUY ONLY FOOD! or get it from a church. that is the ONLY way to get attention. revolution is final option
ReplyDeleteNo vote if it doesnt pass. Tailspin for all.
ReplyDeleteI am a 99er. I just cannot find work!! I am not lazy, I have worked all my life and went to college in my 40s for a better life and now even with a degree I cannot get work. I send out resume after resume without even a call back, and yes, my resume was done professionally. I have never seen anything like this!!! The extension will help to carry people until this mess starts to reside and employers really hiring again. I would like to know what happened to unity. When there is a crises in the US or in the world the good ol US of A is always there to help out and I don't hear people bitching then. Now there is a crises at home with unemployment and economic issues and all I hear is bitching from my fellow americans but not even a word from our president. This country is falling apart at the seams. I got a response from an email that I sent to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi saying that there will not be an extension, period. I don't know what to think anymore. I wish I could attend the rally but with no income I cannot get there. I will surely be following it though. And oh, as far as the person who questioned another reader about their internet costs, my family helps me out to keep it so I can continue my job search and maybe that person has someone who helps them as well. So don't judge us, we have enough problems on our plate. Help us please Mr. President.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to America next stop tortureville.
ReplyDelete"if all those on unemployment refused to pay rent, mortgages, bills, credit cards etc.., it would cause HUGE UPHEAVALS. BUY ONLY FOOD! or get it from a church. that is the ONLY way to get attention. revolution is final option "
ReplyDeletewhat a stupid statement - ue does not stimulate the economy you failure and clone, it only stimulates your pocket. And thats it for you no extentions, no more freeloading or tier 5. learn to do it on your own, you'll be better of it.
no now thats a stupid statement cus anything that is put into the economy from buying grocerys paying a bill ect. helps stimulate the economy. i believe thats 7 grade economics.
ReplyDeleteThe only way you will get attention is to stop whining, crying and get off your behinds and make it happen. Go ahead, stop paying mortgage, car payments and electric bills. I would love to have the opportunity to move in on the foreclosure action. You are just all making yourselves look like the lazy 99ers you are. Fyi, I will be at your stupid rally in support of killing this bill. Look for me 99whiners.
ReplyDeleteWe should look for somebody from a major TV net work to say something about the 99ers blight.
ReplyDeleteno ill be looking for you big daddy better hope and prey i dont find you
ReplyDeleteTo those people who say to the unemployed they're lazy -just get a job, are clearly living in a bubble. I'm 55 years old. I've been unemployed for almost two years and my unemployment benefits are due to run out this November. I liquidated my assets, got rid of the fluff and learned to be frugal. I continued to pay by creditors for a year and a half on unemployment, and took pride in never being late with payments-ever! I could have filed for bankruptcy early in my unemployment experience, however, my thought was "my debt, my responsibility" and I was confident I would soon find work. I recently filed for bankruptcy, no longer able to keep up with my debt living unemployment benefits. I know this puts a further burdon on "the system".
ReplyDeleteI have always had two job searches going, the first search for immediate employment, Burger King/ hardware store-anything. The second search is my professional career search, in sales and manufacturing management. I have had no job offers in either search category. When interviewing with the Burger King jobs of the world, the manager levels with me and says " look, we're only offering part time at minimum wage and you'll be out of here as soon as a better offer comes a long. I don't want to spend the money and time in training someone who is over qualified for this type of job" , and he's right!
Financially, I need 10 of these jobs to see the light of day. It's not that my lifestyle is/was extravagant. It was normal, like those that are currently unaffected by today's economy and continue to say "we're lazy-get a job, taking advantage of the system" mentality. The system has failed, and is as such that it has made it increasingly difficult to attempt to clime back on board and be a productive contributor to society with any kind of dignity and self esteem, hell, I just want a job! The "system" has clearly broadened the gap between the haves and have not's. The haves better wake up, they could be down here with us in a New York second!
The bottom lie here is that the "employed" and "haves" always have the answers for the "unemployed" or "have not's". I wish they could spend a little time in our world like the TV series Undercover Boss. Then let us see if they continue to say "we're lazy-get a job".
The people who mock the unemployed here obviously do not know anyone in that position personally and/or have no heart. WiFi makes internet access available for anyone who can get to a library, McDonalds, etc. The point here is that most of the people who are in this position do NOT have the means to travel to this event to protest the current conditions. I had been in a position where I was hiring people who had been out of work for long periods of time due to the economic climate, and without notice was informed that I was being laid off myself. SO DON'T THINK THAT IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO YOU!
ReplyDeletehey maybe big daddy could get chris hansen to shine a little on the 99ers. he was on his show once "To catch a preditor"
ReplyDeleteI hope you do find me. One less liberal on the streets and revocation of any existing unemployment benefits. I'll make it real easy to find me. Can't wait, NOW POUND THE PAVEMENT
ReplyDeleteNo representation.
ReplyDeleteI've been a devoted Democrat all my life.
I've voted the party ticket. No More.
I've let my Senator Barbra Boxer know that if I don't see support for the 99'er before the election that I will not vote for her. Same for Zoe Lofgren. Sorry Ladies but it's time to move now!
I will never vote for the republicans. So I guess I just won't vote at all. It's a shame but I (we) don't have any other way to protest.
My letters only get form responses back telling how great a job she's doing. Or thinks she is.
My taxes entitle me to more that a standard form letter. The same one every time, pretty cheesy
The real problem with the Government today is that it is a two headed beast with one body. The heads will now devour anything in it's path to fill it's belly with large campaign donations for the corporation. Damn the people.
For many years in Silicon valley jobs were plentyful, like the reat of the country. But My senator let the jobs leave to countries who subsidize the labor force. She may not have sent them there but there was nothing done to protect the manufactuing labor force at home.
Obama is right we do need change. But from where now? If the congress doesn't make the change then we need to.
I am embarrased by these fools that call themselves leaders. They need to understand that they work for us. It seems they only understand that at election time
So don't try to scare me by saying that you're all the better of the only two choices. There is a third choice. No representation. No vote.
People beware, we are on our own now. Don't look to our elected officials. They only care about themselves.
And for those like Debbie Stabinow, Thank you. you get it and I whish I could vote for you. Maybe I'll move to Michigan
So Senators, Congress persons, start pushing the stalled bills currently collecting dust. Fight, you may go down but fight for us, the people. I can respect that. But your silence shows a lack of respect for us, your people, our country.
As our founding countrymen and women once said. Don't Shite on me!
Donald S Bernard
ReplyDeleteIf you have time to write in the comment section, you have time to find a job. To the person who said they, the 99ers, should stop paying their mortgage, please do. I will buy it at the auction for cash. See during the height of the market, we saved for a "rainy day." Bet you wish you did too. END THE HANDOUTS!!!
ReplyDeleteMe too, I want in on that auction action. The 99whiners are too busy packing for the little liberal rally. You won't miss them, look for the green hair, nose rings, benny propeller hats and violent behavior. Big daddy will be at the rally holding the big American Flag and a sign that reads, kill anymore freeloading handouts. Hope to see ya all at the rally. Love big daddy
ReplyDeletethere is alot of 99ers are lazy and only buy food with what little you have. don't you think we are doing that. not all of us can get any other assistance and have kids to care for the best the can along with applying at every job opportunity that arrives. you big mouths should put yourself in our shoes. what if one day you woke up and had no money coming in, applying everywhere possible to put food on the table for your child, nothing was working out. next you can't pay any bills, it's harder to get food. what will you do next? you will be begging for a tier 5 to get a few bills paid, little more food than what you can get we need a tier 5 in order to help out our situation while continuing to look for work. everyone knows the economy is down hill and no one can spend money that they don't have they talk about helping those in need and getting a tier 5 for people to get out of debt, spend money to help economy but they are dragging their feet. we need a tier 5 before a lot of people lose more than they already have.
ReplyDeleteIm not even a 99er, but they have my support its sad to see some of these sick fucks that come to this site just to get off on being ignorant dumbasses. I am glad though to see theres a few true americans left in AMERICA. Good luck to all the 99ers. AND to big daddy any man who thinks there better than another, is not a man. And you should probly chose another name its obvious you have little man syndrome and your trying to compinsate
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy I know your unemployed,and hustle for
ReplyDeletea living, let me help you find work. Send the
editor your real name address and phone number.
I think you are crying out for someone to help
you ! I can do a great resume and and help you
with interview skills. I know you are just angry
because no one is helping you, so why should any
one else be helped. Now that I've taken the Higher road, stay off these blogs. You don't help anyone. Your getting old! and it's time to
go away. To the 99ers the Last winter extension
was past November 6th 2009 ! Don't look to any
help before then and the Tier will not be retro
active and it will require your State to have
a unemployment rate of 10%. It looks like it will only help about 20 states. I urge everyone
to try and have all the unemployed in all States
to re-open a claim and push the numbers to the
real quotes, 15.5 % People have given up calling
in so they are not counted.
The Congress try to drive the unemployment rate
down by not passing the Tier 5 extension ! They
hoped people would either stop calling in or
go on Welfare. Its the political dirty dealings
that they use during High unemployment. They
try to make it seem better, but the Gold prices
tell the truth $1300.00 an oz. They real numbers
of the unemployed are staggering.
They want you to get off unemployment and go the
State WELFARE rolls. Don't fall for their tricks
file,file ,file for unemployment be heard.
We need to get this fixed before it's too late.
Our Government could collapse along with the
Stock Market if the Truth was Told ! 20 million
people are out of work.
Great comment Beatrix, can you do trix at the rally. don't forget your benny cap with the propeller.
ReplyDeleteThe vile responses posted to women on this blog should make your wives and mothers proud.
ReplyDelete"no now thats a stupid statement cus anything that is put into the economy from buying grocerys paying a bill ect. helps stimulate the economy. i believe thats 7 grade economics."
ReplyDeleteno thats the rhetoric the freeloaders have been buying into to justify more handouts...but the real world ain't buying it. you need to move on with your life and without govt handouts -- cuz if you don't thoos streets are going to get cold.
winter is almost here...Brrr. Tick Tick
While there are many here holding the torch high for America and fighting off the communists that just want a handout I think we can do more for our great nation.
ReplyDeleteThe founding fathers, bless their wise souls, knew that not everyone that walks on two legs is capable of making intelligent decisions. Therefore, the founders restricted voting. I recommend that we do so again. I would specifically recommend that any who receives a government check of any kind automatically waives their right to vote. In my opinion we would have most of the problems in this country solved in a few short years if we just get back to what our founders set up for us.
DON'T STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. let it crash. don't buy anything. you don't have any damn money anyway. hold onto what you have. buy food with your money. revolution final option
ReplyDeleteThere is not going to be a tier 5 or any other tier…enough already.
ReplyDeleteIt’s not going to happen. Enough said, it isn’t going to happen…enough already.
There is not going to be a tier 5 or any other tier…enough already.
It’s not going to happen. Enough said, it isn’t going to happen…enough already.
There is not going to be a tier 5 or any other tier…enough already.
It’s not going to happen. Enough said, it isn’t going to happen…enough already.
There is not going to be a tier 5 or any other tier…enough already.
It’s not going to happen. Enough said, it isn’t going to happen…enough already
We are the champions of the World. We are the independents and it's our year. Vote Independent and demand Fresh Blood.
ReplyDeleteTerm Limits, 5 years MAX! Career politicians day's have to end. See what they have done and they keep lieing and not being held accountable.
Haven't you had enough? Turn the page
All we need is the support of 5 (1 in a perfect situation) democratic senators to guarantee the passage of 3706 before the election.
ReplyDeleteIf 3 to 5 democratic senators would refuse to vote for either the continuing resolution or the war funding bill unless the unemployment extension is attached or passed as a stand alone bill the senate would be forced to extend unemployment benefits.
If the continuing resolution is not passed by September 30th the government will be shut down October 1, the Democrats will not let that happen right before an election. The republicans would love to see the government shut down by the majority right before the election which means most republicans will not vote for the continuing resolution. Three democrats refusing to vote for the continuing resolution unless a tier 5 is attached would force the government to shut down if a tier 5 is not passed.
Can we not find 3 democrats willing to help us? We only need 3 or at most 5 democrats to pass a tier 5.
If we can not find 1 democratic senator willing to help us we need to fire all of them along with the republicans
Fire them?! Shit! They fired their damn selves by not doing a damn thing! We're just going to give them that final push out the damn door! Can't wait!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can not expect the government to send you checks for the rest of your lives. When would be enough for you? Maybe if you spent less time on the internet you might have time to job search! Once you give to people, they just expect. You were lucky to get it for so long, you are not entitled to free money for the rest of time.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, This is big daddy and I'm sailing up the potomac to the rally this weekend. I've got joe the plumber and anna boo bana on board. This is going to be a real party. I've got fire hoses at the ready for all the 99whiners. I hope its a hot day for you whimpers, don't forget to wear your bathing and wetsuits for the event.
ReplyDelete****** HEY BIG DADDY *******
I say if congress leaves without passing a tier 5 vote out the democrats and Obama. They are the ones who are suppose to be working for us and they are closed mouth and doing jackshit!!At least the Republicans are taking a stand weather it for or against a tier 5. But the Democrats are doing NOTHING!!! and that is just unacceptable, the same goes for Obama. Even though I hate the Republicans at this point I have more respect for them.Obama is truly making me SICK!!! to be voted in he was all for the middle class, where is he now!!! I vote him only doing 1 term and then OUT!!! and I’m black!! I say if we are going to lose at least lets lose with some dignity.
ReplyDeletehey 6:18 post
ReplyDeletei don't care if you are black, what does that have to do with anything?
you are still wrong and seemingly uneducated at that.
get up off your ass and get a job, push a broom or something
TO ALL YOU PEOPLE WORKING.....and putting down the 99ers............keep an eye on your back, ill be the one holding your stupid ass up...give me your money bitch ,will be the last words you hear before i take your cash or rob your house....ill take everything you worked so hard for and please fight back , i like kicking ass as i rob people......ill see you soon...BUT YOU WONT SEE ME FIRST. hahahahahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteHEY keep that big daddy busy....im in his home banging his whore old lady.....boy does she stink,.but she suck nice.
ReplyDeleteim working on that ''big daddys'' IP address.I should have his address soon, ill post it.anyone in his area can visit mr big computer tough guy....i hope its my area im snapping his jaw first, then his fingers so he cant type. ill post it soon as i get it
ReplyDelete********** HEY BIG DADDY ***********
We send money to countys and make songs to help the needy. Where is the song and collection for the 99ers? It's not only washington, where are the talk shows, the media, etc....No one is power gives a s#*t. They want you to loose your home, car and get on welfare.Call the media and talk shows and ask them if they give a s#@T about the 99ers. get every one talking about it.
ReplyDeleteYou pay to go to school and get a degree then cannot find a job or a trade school yet to not find a job with good pay. Pick a talk show and all the 99ers stop watching it see what happens,
ratings will be in the trash and good bye talk show. I am a 99er and still looking for work
ReplyDeleteHey Gringo
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about it... come on over to my
Pleasure Boat. We will be drinking champange
and eating cheesy yeast caviar that came out of
Divas cunt.
"Rollin on the River".... Ha Ha
Look >>> its the 99whinners
Big Daddy
The moderators allowing the vulgar and vile trash to be posted against women on this site discredit their own efforts.
ReplyDeleteHey post at 10:39, why lie they haven't voted on shit
ReplyDeleteBecause the intention of many disgusting and abusive comments is to disrupt and mislead.
ReplyDeletePeople are posting to discourage the unemployed in an attempt to stop them from voting, no matter what happens with tier 5.
The agenda of hate and lies will fail.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hoooooooooooooooooooo
no tier 5 , no unemployment as of nov 30.there is always prostitution, or crime.GET TO IT
ReplyDeleteBIG DADDY
ID be willing to bet..BIG DADDY, is about 5'6'' about 155lbs and wears glasses. most definatly was picked on his whole life....Would ""BIG DADDY'' go to a grave site and laugh at the dead. Or would if he saw a child get ran over would he make fun at that.??? why he makes fun of unemployed people and familys just proves how sick and perverse he is. And proves he was picked on as a child...hopfuly his mother gets raped by an aids victom and his dad turns gay and a junkie.....then we will have lots to laugh at...i pray it all comes true....
ReplyDeleteI don't think any body is making fun of the unemployed. The point is that 99 weeks of unemployment is quite excessive, when there are jobs available. The longer one stays on unemployment, the longer one becomes comfortable not working. It is easier to collect free money, than go out and work 2 or 3 part-time jobs. I think more of your time on this blog should be focused on how to find that job, not on others comments. Good luck
ReplyDeletei think you sound like his bitch....you definatly need a slap..wish you were here.as far as money,bitch, i have 2 jobs AND I WON 100,0000 ON THE STATE LOTTERY, punk
ReplyDeleteProfanity is the coward's language.
ReplyDeleteThe agenda of hatred and lies will fail.
Oh wow, I have 2 jobs and won the state lottery. Did you blow it all on booze and drugs. Now your broke and need Uncle Sam to bail you out, is that it? You need your little bottom paddled and sent to the fields to pick lettuce. Anonymous 223 is another example of why there will NOT be anymore little socialist entitlements. boo hoo hoo. Now I suggest you get productive. Update that resume, shine those little interview shoes and pound the pavement. No on Stabnono S3706. Have a great day.
ReplyDelete********** HEY BIG DADDY *********
Well Gringo, you must have the IQ of a pea. The great and wise Senator from Florida quashed S.3706. Good luck in your job search, might want to try Taco Bell, since you like eating Burritos and tacos. Have a great day, Big Daddy
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy and Gringo can kiss my ass !!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe fool's agenda is seen by all except himself.
ReplyDeleteHatred and lies will fail.