Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Hampshire 2010 Election Results And A Republican, Tea Party Showdown

New Hampshire’s 2010 primary election results for the Republican Senate seat are still too close to call. With a Sarah Palin backed candidate at play, this is going to be one of those defining moments in this year’s election year.

Ovide Lamontagne is the candidate backed by Sarah Palin, and they are slightly behind Kelly Ayotte, the former state Attorney General. 

Democratic nominee Paul Hodes is waiting, along with the rest of the country, with bated breath hoping to see the Tea Party backed candidate win the Republican nomination.  The Tea Party’s momentum may not be enough to push the Republicans over the hump to take Washington in November.

Delaware, New York , and Maryland all are losing hope for a GOP victory.  With the radical Tea Party movement in play, more liberal conservatives could side with the Democrats in November.

As we wait and find out the results of the New Hampshire 2010 elections, we will be sure to keep you informed of the issues.

**UPDATE** Ovide Lamontagne has bowed to his opponent, and Kelly Ayotte will run on the November 2010 election ballot for New Hampshire. The GOP now has a pretty good chance against the Democrats in this election.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Sarah Palin endorsed Kelly Ayotte.


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