Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Alaska Senate Race 2010: Joe Miller vs Lisa Murkowski = Bush vs Gore?

Alaska Senate race 2010 is just gearing up, and Joe Miller vs Lisa Murkowski appears to look like it's going to be like Bush vs. Gore. Alaskan poll workers and the election commission are frustrated, as they must go through, by hand, all of the write-in ballots from the mid-term elections.

Joe Miller won over Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska GOP primaries. This was a major upset and showed that the Tea Party does have a lot of steam, and that Sarah Palin is quite influential on the right. Her endorsement of Miller over the incumbent was said to be the reason that he won in the primary election.

It will be interesting to see how the Alaska Senate race plays out. Joe Miller is going to want the law interpreted literally, with Lisa Murkowski's name spelled exact in order to count. Lisa Murkowski is going to want the case law interpretation, which is far more subjective and seems to favor the "intent" of the voter. How do you interpret that, though?

This is a true test of how the Tea Party could affect the right-winged conservatives. Who do you think will win the Alaska Senate race 2010? Joe Miller, the Tea Party backed GOP candidate or Lisa Murkowski, the presumed write-in winner.

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