If marijuana legalization is passed in California, other states could try to pass the same measure, and throughout the country pot could become legal.
Many of the same arguments exists between legalizing marijuana today and legalizing alcohol towards the end of prohibition. Some say that abuse will become more prevalent, and children will have access to the California ballot measure.
Will California's Marijuana update Prop 19 pass or fail? Watch the video below and weigh in with your thoughts.
dude im so high right now but i jope thjat prop 199 totall passess..
ReplyDeleteLOL ^
ReplyDelete.....and you sir, are a moron!
ReplyDeleteTO: "anonymous".(one above or below me)
ReplyDeleteNo... You are not high, You are just some asshole trying to stop it from getting passed.
Grow up.
Hell I don't even live in Cali and i still say yes on prop 19!
ReplyDeleteI am really high right now, and I voted yes!
ReplyDelete"dude im so high right now but i jope thjat prop 199 totall passess.. "
ReplyDeleteYour not high. Stop being a fucking retard.
I hope this passes.
From a non-high perspective, I definitely see the benefit of legalizing pot. I will say, whether it's legal or not, wherever it is, it will not change the amount the people I know smoke. They will smoke the same amount whether it is legal or not. If California legalizes it, and opens debates open to the rest of the country, legalizing it will help boost the economy by figuring out more taxes.
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words, but I think I've gotten the general idea across. Like I said, people will still smoke, so we may as well boost our economy by taxing it.
There are also other subsequent benefits. You will have a whole generation of people that will not be racially profiled, at least in relation to marijuana. The arrests related to marijuana disproportionally favor those of minority groups, particularly latin americans and african americans. The police will have more time to target those that are actually detrimental to society (i.e. violent crimes).
ReplyDeleteIt will save taxpayers money by keeping stoners out of jail. It will allow the cops to focus energy on things other than pot.
ReplyDeleteif prop 19 passes. i can only hope california will use there abudance of hemp. to create hemp paper!!!!!! like our writing paper. trees would not be needed to be cut down. saving the world! partially... hemp can be used for 500+ textiles. THIS ISNT ABOUT THE SMOKE!! its about an oppurtunity for new companies only in cali. they will make a fortune and b saved themselves. if they think outside the box and give cali 20 percent of profits from textiles.
ReplyDeleteStoners Against the Prop. 19 Tax Cannabis Initiative
An Alternative to Prop 19: CCHHI (A Comparison)
Vote No it's a fucking scam read the ballot just another thing for the government to control
ReplyDeleteI would vote yes to P19 if it had more of an outline. Taxing or not taxing. 21yrs or older? Ya right. Growing in the backyard? It's illegal to make alcohol in bath tubs. How many people do you know growing tobacco in their backyards for cigarettes? What's the plan here? Furthermore, all of you "I'm so high right Now people", P19 will never pass unless you get off your lazy stoner asses and go vote! Clearly California won't be passing this anytime soon. The problem with weed is that it creates the most miraculous ideas, but those ideas accompany a lack of ambition to execute them. This ones for you lazy stoners!
ReplyDeleteIt's just a matter of time until this passes. Face it people!!!
ReplyDeleteit should be made just as the alcohol is made and tobacco. through companies. in cigarette form. we cant grow tobacco plants, and we cant make alcohol in a tub, so we cant grow weed plants. weed being grown through companies and only, can result in a much more sophisticated way of profit.
ReplyDeleteIf it becomes legalized i bet you anything NY will be next and then after hopefully fl will legalize it where im from ! i can just imagine smoking a spliff right in front of a police station that moment is priceless.
ReplyDeleteits like prostitution in amsterdam....they know its going to happen anyway, so just control it and benefit from it.
ReplyDeletei love weed. the only reason why i want this to not pass is to not have weed mass produced and have additives like tobacco.if i wanted low grade marijuana i would just get it from mexico. keep the government out of my kush. why cant they just tax weed from the medical dispencaries like the city of oakland does? oaklands permitted dispensaries generate at least $28 million in profits every year , the city receives 1.8 in sales tax and that helped with the layoffs of the oakland police department..come-the-fuck on!
ReplyDelete"i can just imagine smoking a spliff right in front of a police station that moment is priceless."
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that you still aren't able to smoke marijuana anywhere just as you cannot drink anywhere, don't you? It would liken to the open container law. Businesses could still fire you for showing up high like they could if you showed up drunk. You can still get a DUI if you drive high. The laws are practically the same. Be smart and if this proposition passes enjoy it responsibly.
You don't have to smoke weed to know and understand why this law has to be passed.
ReplyDeletemarijuana is a hell of a safer alternative to synthetic cannabis ("legal/fake pot"). you ban something for long enough and people are going to find clever ways around it. now, people are smoking incense like it's going out of style. legalize the herb, it hasn't killed anybody (unlike every other drug that IS legal in the states)
ReplyDeletefurther more, i dont think there has ever been a recorded incident that a person smoked too much weed, got too stoned, and went home and beat his wife. just saying
ReplyDeleteWhy should Marijuana be illegal when alcohol is? People are going to abuse it either way. Kids can get ahold of either...either way. It's not hard and it never will be.
ReplyDeleteThe country is usually selfish about taxing and money...it surprises me that they don't make it legal and put a huge tax on it's use. Save tons of time and energy on all these proposition and bills.
If you can't tell, I'm for it.
A lot of the anti prop 19 people don't know what they are talking about. Hopefully it passes, I already voted for yes. So has the rest of my family. I don't smoke weed, but if they tax it then it will help the economy. Not only that but jobs will be created, Farmers, Management.. etc.. etc.. on the pot farms growing in california. If your argument is because of "Kids" well Kids are going to get it even if its legal or not. That won't stop them. Marijuana has never directly killed anyone. Anyways, hope it passes.
ReplyDeleteI smoked a blunt on my way to the polling place, right past two cops. They didn't care. Weed is practically legal up here in Northern California already, I don't see a reason not to make it official and allow cities and counties to tax it.
ReplyDeleteI won't even get into the huge amount of subsequent benefits that this has. I just want to go outside tomorrow and see a beautiful new day and know that a different future is coming. That's what voting is all about.
Let's hope it passes.
Also, Alcohol ban made things worse. Similar situation as weed is in now.
ReplyDeleteOnce this passes, I will grow a 25 sqft pot farm in my back yard. i don't smoke weed, But I will have it as decoration.
ReplyDeleteserious, all you stoners get out and vote i live in washington hopefully were next
ReplyDeleteIts the ignorant ''Im so stoned'' people that give marijuana a horrible name and stereotype. If theres a reason it does not pass, it's because of all of you. Learn how to handle yourself while smoking, it's the only way people will start to actually take this act seriously. Until then, you're the laughing stock of America and I hope you find no pride in the fact that you brag about ''how high'' you are.
ReplyDeletei need a job haha
ReplyDeleteknow the truth http://stop19.com/hype-vs-reality/
ReplyDeleteif Prop 19 passes, it will be the greatest leap forward for mary-j since the advent of the "intellectual hippie"... it will literally cause a FLOOD of weed to disperse amongst nevada, oregan, arizona, and the other closest states; this will in turn not only force prices to drop to nothing, but temporarily jack up the number of arrests for pot... threatened by the already over-crowded prison system and a public that is less and less influenced by the so-called "truth" and "above the influence" campaigns, state governments will have no other choice but to legalize... not since my fist set of domino's have i been so in love with the ripple effect
ReplyDeleteNO on PROP 19. Tell big corporations that they can't monopolize cannabis production! Tell the greedy bastards to leave Prop 215 alone!
ReplyDeleteFree the Herb
ReplyDeleteI am so sick of feeling like I am a criminal for smoking Marijuana! I have never committed a crime or hurt anyone while using pot.In fact when I am stoned I am even more wonderful,caring,loving. Just ask my girlfriend.I adore her when I am high and she loves it! I would never force anyone to try pot.I feel either you love it or you don't but don't release a rapist in prison so you can put a pot smoker in!!! Just let us smoke in peace people.
ReplyDeleteThis shouldn't even be a issue anymore!
stoners against prop 19 can go to hell. Think about the rest of us and the door it will open for the entire country. Sick and tired of having to go through shady unreliable sources. I want to grow a few plants without the risk of jail time.
ReplyDeleteyou're not high you fuck tard. You can tell by the way you type. Drunks type like that. People who are high can actually type and make sense.
ReplyDeleteNow go drink some bleach.....and just to be safe, kill everyone in your family so your fucktardery can't be passed along.
lets admit it...prohibition does not work esp. on something that grows from mother earth...and i agree with some of the comments about the typical stonner, please 420 lovers don't allow us (motivated smokers) to categorized like that. please lets passed this thing... we making a step in the right direction, and to all you 18 and overs now is the time to let your voice be heard that is the beauty of living here... lets stop sitting around and complaining and go out there and take action.
ReplyDeletepeace,love and compassion to all
I think everyone knows a "stoner" who is just as motivated and ambitious as a "non-stoner" you know. Why is that such a stereotype? That ALL stoners are lazy coach potatoes who go no where in life. I graduated college and got my BS degree while smoking weed everyday. Some people sound so ignorant! Saying things like you have to vote no on prop 19 for the safety of our children...I wonder what that person was getting at? The law actually says that if pot is legalized people 21 and over may not smoke it in public or in front of minors and u will get a DUI while driving if you are high, just the same as with alcohol. People who have never smoked marijuana seem to have strong opinions against this proposition. Fact is alcohol inebriates a person WAY more than marijuana can, yet alcohol is legal! Why can't marijuana be? It's just a weed that grows naturally just like all other plants. We aren't free when laws dictate what we can and can't grow on our own property.I hope to be free from the feeling of getting in trouble for relaxing at the end of the day. I hope Prop 19 passes! I voted yes today! :o)
ReplyDeletemore people won't start smoking more marijuana if it becomes legal. that is like saying people who turn 18 all of the sudden start smoking cigarettes because they are available to them. either way they had some sort of transitive access to either one and it would be rare that something like that would increase/ i have never heard of that. yahhh prop 19
ReplyDeletedoes anybody know when we will find out if it passed or not???
ReplyDeleteI dont know why people here are saying no to prop 19 bcuz they will mass produce and add chemicals??? who cares!!! if it where to pass you could grow it yourself!! dummies...
ReplyDeleteShould I start packing my bags? Did it pass?
ReplyDeletegood thing all of you were supposed to vote no if you're for it. i hope all of you read that and did it. yahhh prop 19
ReplyDeleteI'm ready to move to Cali if it passes!
ReplyDeleteIt's not even about taxes it's about all the money the big medicine companies are going to lose once marijuana starts to really be studied and used against deadly diseases like cancer and so on i think this is going to be a turning point in history as we know it and it's great.