Sanchez has apologized to Stewart, and of course Stewart has taken to his show to make fun of Sanchez. Who knows...the former CNN correspondent may even come on Stewart's show.
Still yet, I'm wondering something. What happens to a national newscaster when they are fired in such a public way? Will another network pick him up? Will he take to online blogging? Will he work for a local TV station or newspaper?
It's uncertain what Rick Sanchez's future is. Some say he shouldn't have been fired from CNN. What do you think?
Whomever hires Rick should make sure he gets a full night's sleep. Man, he's grump with less than 10 hours of shuteye ... Never know WHAT he's going to say! Aside from that he's allright ..
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing that it took so long for CNN to fire Rick Sanchez!
ReplyDeleteGetting rid of this guy can only make CNN a better network. He was so biased that it was painful to watch.
ReplyDeleteThe show was always about him. It was a difficult show to watch. He would ask looooonnnnggg winded questions....it was terribly. Hope he takes the time to regroup.
ReplyDeleteCNN really needs to bring Rick Sanchez back. So he had a little melt down . . . who hasn't once in their life . . . but firing? Really? Now the news all day is boring and monotone. Please bring him back.
ReplyDeleteRick Sanchez said aloud what alot of people were thinking. So people can make fun of Catholics and Christians but if something is said about the Jews the whole world will turn against someone, you know that in itself is biased
ReplyDeleteCNN is biased and foolish to fire Rick. he did not do any thing that other media person did not do. so bring him back.
ReplyDeleteRick Sanchez is one of the real journalists of this era. He is going to come out better and stronger and kick some ass.
ReplyDeleteI wish him all the best!
Rick Sanchez always told the truth. But it seems that the truth can not be told. How sad. You can say biased things about Christians and other groups but if something is said about Jews or John Stewart suddenly you get fired. To me that is bias.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, a tremendous number of people are biased in one sense or another and I'm sure that their isn't much difference between Rick Sanchez and John Stewart, each can say 'dumb' things at times. He should be given another chance.
ReplyDeleteRick Sanchez is a bereave man and I really respect him because he say the truth on anyone he doesn't care, but in these days no one want to hear the truth especially if its on Jews and he is right the American media now in a Jews hands
Rick Sanchez worked as a reporter in Miami for many years. I would see him on TV news on a regular basis. One day his face was no longer on the news except to report that he was arrested for DUI. His lack of judgementand disgusting behavior resulted in the deaths of innocent people and he was terminated from his position in Miami. I was surprised and shocked when one day I saw him with his own show on CNN.
ReplyDeleteI could not imagine how he was even considered for that position. Your behavior and poor decisions caught up to you for the whole country to see. Good bye Sanchez and don't come back.
ReplyDeletejon stuart leibowitz:
9/11 was an outside job
It took long enough for CNN to fire him. He should have gone logn time ago
ReplyDeleteGood ridance!!!
ReplyDeletehes an a$$ but Im so sick of people not being able to say what they thing anymore for fear of offending. I think if we got back to speaking whats on our mind the world would be a better place and people would become desensitized to it. I personally would rather know whos a racist, jerk, or a backstabber rather than have to look behind ones back all the time. The USA needs to get a grip and stop being polite and start getting real again
ReplyDeleteRick Sanchez has been a loose cannon for a long time. Jaw-droppingly offensive, his lurid, circus-style "reporting" reflected poorly on CNN's credibility. Thank you for removing this annoying, puerile and hate-mongering nuisance!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed watching Rick Sanchez. He added some much-needed spice to CNN. Yes he got pretty excited at times and was outspoken. And yes he was somewhat verbose. But so what? He was honest about his feelings and stated them openly. At least he was not a hypocrite. I also enjoy watching Jon Stewart. He had one-up on Rick Sanchez. Stewart was able to "couch" his outspokeness via the "comedic" route and his skillful use of semantics. Bill Maher is another story - love him! Please CNN, stop worrying about what sponsors you might or might not lose...........AND HIRE THIS GUY BACK! If you can contend with Anderson Cooper's "keeping them honest" monotone - then you can contend with Rick Sanchez's vitality and sometimes "irrational exuberance".
ReplyDeletehe was a jerk in Miami and he was a jerk on CNN; at least he was consistent!
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Sanchez? He's gone from CNN? Whatttttt?