Some argue that she hasn't improved, but I can't be critical of something I couldn't do myself very well. I give her props for going on national television week after week on one of the most watched shows - and performing amid lots and lots of criticism from the audience, viewers, and the public in general.
What's keeping Bristol in the game is voting. She scores among the lowest in the pack week after week, but somehow she's managed to stay in the game until the semifinals. I'm rooting for her to make it to the finals after this week.
On November 22, the finale of the show will air, and the first season of "Skating with the Stars" will premiere.
What are your thoughts about Bristol Palin Dancing with the Stars? Are you going to watch Sarah Palin's Alaska this week?
Please vote Bristol off. It's painful watching Herman Monster in heels.
ReplyDeleteIt really amazes me just how many hateful people there are in this country. Are there any parents left who actually teach their children to be kind and follow the golden rule?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how far she would've gone if her name were Bristol Pelosi?
ReplyDeleteBristol is still on the show because her mother is Sara Palin! That is the only reason!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin? Sarah Palin?!?!?
ReplyDeleteSARAH FREAKING PALIN!??! (Frothing at mouth begins).
Sarah Palin should DIE! DIE! DIE!
Oh, by the way. Peace and love. I'm your standard hypocritical deranged moonbat liberal!
If and that's a BIG "IF" Sarah stays and
ReplyDeletegoes to the finals, I will STOP watching
DWTS for good and will lose all respect
with everything and anything Television
It's an ugly shame to keep her on when
she has neither talent nor grace! "PALIN"
is the only operative word, which is so
I watched the last episode and thought she did better then the other stars with the first dance, but the second dance was not as good as the others. I'm looking forward to see what happens.
ReplyDeleteGay,---- I like Bristol and I like the way she dances. At 19 years old, she is doing something I could never do.I admire her for that.
ReplyDeleteI have no training in dance, --- but, I have the right to vote for any one I want. I vote for Bristol..
I fucking love her, think she is adorable and her mother is a beauty... but above it all I give her total kudos for speaking out as an activist, who better to hear it from that somebody who has first hand experience. She's handled the whole levi johnston/kathry griffin bullshit with class, and thats what rings true of her every week. She carries herself likea lady and while Im sure political minded people are either for or against her mother, lasyt time i checked it was bristol, not sarah, competing. This happens every damn season on american idol (sanjaya, jasmine trias, taylor hicks, sscott savol...)... its a vvoted reality competition, thrre is never gonna be a complete system of who should outlast who because talent is only half the game...
ReplyDeleteLastly, I'm a 30 year old gay male who resents being told I voted for somebody based on politics or whatnot. I voted for Bristol Palin because I wanted to ... her famous mother had no influence whatsoever.
She's fat and lazy, a deadly combination for a dancer.
ReplyDeleteBristol is wining because of the huge Internet,email, and texting campaign on her behalf. Here are just two example websites -- there are many more. Expect her to win it all. http://www.conservatives4palin.com/2010/09/vote-for-bristol-palin.html
I think it's disgusting how many people feel entitled to rip this young woman apart because they hate her mother/idealogy. If they were objective they'd realize that Rick and Kurt were on par with Bristol in dancing skill and she therefore didn't "steal" anything from them. The one who was robbed was Audrina...she was better than all three (although rather boring to watch) Also Mark Balis shouldn't be brought back to the show next year; any professional who slams his student the way he does, even with a smile on his face, shouldn't be given the forum of national Tv.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Bristol Palin really doesn't compair to the rest of the dancers. Even if she were to practice eight hours a day and wear more revealing costumes, she still does not compare to the man or women. All the other dancers are very good. Palin is an abortion!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said....
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin does not deserve to be on the show when compared to other contestants who were voted out.If this is a show where dancing talent is taken into consideration she should not have reached this far in the show.It just goes to show how unfair the judges have been and biased in their opinion.This show is not worth watching anymore.
I just don't want Brandy or Jennifer Grey to win, because they have dance backgrounds and it is unfair to put people up against them that don't have that experience. It should be a level playing field. If Brandy or Jennifer win, I won't watch the show anymore.
ReplyDeleteAm I missing something, isnt this show dancing with the stars? why would anyone consider Bristol is a star or famous?? aside from if she has talent or not she should not be on the show because she is not famous nor a star!
ReplyDeleteThis season's DWTS is presidential politics played out on the dance floor. Bristol represents the Tea Party, Kyle represents Obama and the progressives. Surprised - and not - that more people don't get that. Should Bristol win the mirror ball trophy, I'll be giving up my favorite TV show.
ReplyDeleteI am a big fan of Sarah Palin. I do hope Kyle wins the entire competition though. He has had little previous dance experience and he is nearly flawless. I think the people backing Sarah Palin are made up of a few types....1. People who want to see her again because she is improving. 2. People who find her adorable, as the critics seem to find her charming, I think she is pretty. 3. People who were fans of her before she went on the show....which the liberals are highly annoyed by. It is no different than say, Brandy fans voting for Brandy, because they like to see her, regardless of her performances. Websites supporting different stars are around for every show, who cares? Vote for who you like.
ReplyDeleteI am shocked she made it this far. Liberals tend to be all over these sites bashing her, and the typical fan base of these shows are liberal. I think it is great that people have kept her on, she has been fun to see grow!
I think Brandy got ripped off....just look at the performances and judge them according to how good they are not by who they are....let's face it Bristol is not a dancer nor is she any kind of star. She did improve and good for her but she should have been voted off long ago...much better dancers than her were voted off. I like DWTS but something was lost with these results.
ReplyDeleteBrandy lost because she is annoying. Maks is gorgeous and he was very gracious tonight, but he is one of the more annoying personalities also.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this has become a political ploy.....are you kidding!!!!...voting in Bristol for the finals!!!!!! Come on people, are you blind??? I guess you can get whatever results you want if you use technology to your advantage. Bristol is no dancer and no star...get real.
ReplyDeleteI am a Canadian who watches DWTS faithfully. Our networks get sponsors, collect revenues and pay to show DWTS. Bristol belongs because common people are attracted to her. She has progressed significantly. Also, show me another 1 yr. old with such poise. Jennifer Grey should have come on as a professional. Complainers on all sides... there is no level playing field. Common people have identified with someone while the judges can't give her a break. So, now John Doe and Mary Smith have their say. Gotta love America! Keep at it and redefine DWTS.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Such nasty comments. Not all liberals dislike Palin, but if that is the conservatives think, I think that is because that is the way they think. This is not political, but so manu are making it political. Bristol is a sweet girl and has made progress, but she is not a good dancer when compared to the other dancers. She is not a star either. This should not be campaign;however it seems to be one. Sad, as is all the division in politics. Brandy and Jennifer Grey have juts as much right to be there as many other former contestants that have had similiat backrgound experience. It is competition: LET the BEST DANCER win and sorry as sweet Bristol is, she is not the best dancer. Things do seem a bit fishy, Brandy should not have been voted off. I wonder what lenghts people will go to make someone win. If DWTS votinh is corrupt it makes you question what lenght soem will go for politics as well. Messed up stuff
ReplyDeleteDWTS = Dancing With The Suckers
ReplyDeleteIF Bristol had danced as good if not better than Brandy, then she will be recognized as a good dancer. If anyone says that Bristol has no experience and cannot be compared then maybe Bristol should not be seen as a star because she is a NOBODY as an actress much less a singer. She should not even be allowed in the show. I don't care about liberals, democrats, or republicans. if she sucked compared to other dancers in this competition, she should be voted off. Sadly, this competition is a political joke.
This is affirmative action for Bristol Palin. She's advancing because of who she is, not because of her abilities. In fact, voters are violating a basic principle of American society - they are penalizing the other contestants, who have excelled and should be rewarded for their efforts, in favor of Briston, who's less deserving, to prove a political point.
ReplyDeleteIf we are going to run stars of dance movies against ordinary teenagers where is the fun in that? I think that if you all want stars, it should only be about professional dancers, but if you want real people, then lets keep it real.
ReplyDeleteSome people are just tired of stars making a comeback and beating out real people in the process. End of story.
I'm happy for her and love that the people voted for her. She's got guts and is a single young mother who is doing great! Makes the show more interesting to watch. You have to wonder why people cut others down?
ReplyDeleteShe may just be a kid but she’d have to be blind to see how much better the other dancers are. Her answer is always that she’s not the Hollywood type. THE NAME OF THE SHOW IS DANCING WITH THE STARS…what an idiot. It is supposed to be Hollywood stars that don’t have formal dancing experience competing NOT teenage girls who’s only claim to fame is an in ability to remain chaste despite years of having it “drilled” into her by her condescending sycophant mother.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol had any class-she would have tuned to the camera and told people to vote for her if she’s the best dancer and NOT because of her mother. Instead she says “I don’t care why they vote for me…I want to win”. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?
DWTS showcases celebrities, not necessarily stars. I am sure many people are watching who are curious about Bristol, whether they like her or not--that is the reason for having folks like her on the show. She may not be the best dancer, but there have been plenty of others in the past who also were not really dancers either, but it takes guts to get out there and do it anyway. I don't care for partisan politics, but it creates celebrities, and most people are agog over celebrities, so what's wrong with inviting Ms. Palin onto the show?
ReplyDeleteIt's not Bristols fault.
ReplyDeleteThe reason she is winning
is because the biscuit eating tea bag crowd worships mediocrity.They always have.But I guess Goobers need love too.
You people are so stinkin STUPID!! All your stipid comments against the Palin's is just plain ignorant - what are you a bunch of trailor trash idiots. There is nothing wrong with the Palins and I DID vote for Bristol - she's real, not some phoney celeb!! Brandi will live to see another day of her famous shallow life! And as far as DWTS - I LOVE the show! America voted and DWTS respected the votes. Brandi was irritating and nausiating, not sad she's gone! We all know Jennifer will win, but kuddos for Bristol for making it to the finals!! She is beautiful, humble and I've enjoyed getting to know her better. She deserves it - I doubt all you stupid idiots could perform half as well as she has so shut up! All the stupid ass comments here about her not being a star and she shouldn't have been invited to DWTS - well what about Kate plus eight and Jake the bachelor, and all the other non celebs. Duhhhhh. Bristol I glad you're here for another week, I'll be watching! Thanks DWTS for listening to your viewers, thats what makes DWTS the best show on tv!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe all these people here complaining about Brandy losing. They have had their share of blacks getting a "free ride" in this country simply because they are black and are "owed" something because of their past slave history. This is the United States of America and the individuals in this country have a right to vote. DWTS is a popularity contest and the popular dancers are in the finals and that is about as simple as it can be stated. I also predict that in 2012 the popularity contest will have us a new president in office.
ReplyDeleteI would rather see Bristol than Jennifer Grey who does nothing be allow herself to be embraced and touched by Derek who is a conceited kid.... Stop the romancing and get on with the dancing.... Be a little conservative since your daughter and husband are both watching.... change your act!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are right--- watch while they are waiting for the results---- Derek has his arms around her and she is holding his arms and they are both happy and swaying.... very irritating --- other pros do not do this to their partners--- only Derek....
ReplyDeleteDerek has done this every year and it is normal to him and he probably doesn't think it anything out of the ordinary. Anyhow, sex sells. It sounds like you are horny and jealous.
ReplyDeleteBrandy is gone as she should be. When she threw Macks under the buss a few weeks ago she lost my vote. A little too cocky and selfcentered.
ReplyDeleteIts a shame how far one can go because of your last name, and not for your talent . She sucked from the beginning and even the judges know it but they also are in this game, maybe they are getting payed by the tea party. It will be wrong if that fake pistol wins, if she does win I will never watch another DWTS.
ReplyDeleteGo bristol go.white twash need wuv too
ReplyDeleteI find watching Bristol painful. She may have improved, but they all improved. Most people voting for her are not able to judge good dancing from poor, as they have no dance experience. The other dancers move me far more than she does. She has not been able to feel the dance and bring out those emotions, except to have a pained, constipated wrinkle on her lovely face. That is just not fun to watch. Her fans are being unrealistic. IF she wins, I will NEVER watch DWTS again. It will become a true FARCE.
ReplyDeleteFrom Edward.Osler190@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteDancing With the Stars has been a staple on ABC for 11 years. It teams A,B and C-list stars with professional dancers. This was not to be a popularity contest but a dance competition. This season, Sarah Palin had more screen time than any other person not directly involved with the dancing. Bristol is not a Star, is not a good dancer, is not even a popular celebrity. She is a teen activist and Momma had no place on this show. If she wants to push Bristol, push her in a direction that will help her. Not make her a laughing stock. Return DWTS to the real voting public. This is not the right arena for political activists.
I am excited that Bristol is still on. She came on the show with no dance or acting experience but she has improved each week. Her dance in the black bat cape was very moving. I think it is totally unfair to even have Jennifer on this show when we all know she has had lots of dance experience.
ReplyDeleteGive Bristol a chance. She is doing something that most of us would be terrified to do. I am very proud of her.
Enjoyed reading the comments from decent Americans and of course, expected the vile, filthy comments from the Left.
ReplyDeleteCream rises to the top folks and hats off to those who had manners and decent comments.
The Left will never forgive Bristol for not murdering her baby. Many good and hard working Americans are also proud of her decision, we want her to shine.
SHE is doing it all on her own, I applaud her, what a brave young lady.
It is the little boys and girls on the Left that need to grow up. Stop the childish threats, silly tantrums before someone gets hurt by your lies/actions.
ITS JUST A DANCING CONTEST, not meant to be life altering for viewers.
Didn't you hear the latest plant by the Left, Willow's pregnant.
wow hot off the press, problem...they LIED.
God bless the Palin's, each and every one of you!!!
Good luck tonight Mark and Bristol!
I quit watching DWS! I have watched every season till they turned it into a joke. Why is She considered a star? Because she's a teenager who got knocked up. If it wasn't for her conservitve mom who's famous. She just be another sad statistic of a teenage single mom. From what I hear she's horrible dancer who keeps squeaking by. I think her moms some how pulling this off for her. Well if anyone can tell me why she is actually a star please tell me why? If its a good reason other than her mom & I believe it ill watch DWS again. But I'm not going to hold my breath. Because of her mom she's a star. When I was her age if you was pregnant teenager you was call the town slut & no boys mother wanted her son near the girl. She had no morals & no self respect for herself. I feel sorry she actually thinks she's a star.
ReplyDeleteWhat a stupid question. However, why is Obama president? Not because he earned it. Its because he is black. A pawn.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin will have a far better future
ReplyDeletethan all the others in the latest DWTS show.Comments about her inability to dance as well as the others are well taken. She has had no experience in show business and dancing period. She had done no dirty dancing which seems to appeal to many people. Indeed the culture enjoys it.
I could not leave this space and time without asking for people, Americans that we are, tojust pray for our country to have a moral
ReplyDeleterevival, the kind that our founding fathers
wrote about and risked their lives and fortune
to achieve. Wake up America.
GOD Bless America.